CH. 40: The White Tiger's Den (PT. 1)

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Kohana: Hello, fellow readers! And welcome back to The New B-Shot: Chapter Recap!

Kohana: As always, my name is Kohana Mai!

Aries: And this is Ember Aries, checking in for the segment!

Kohana: So it took a while for Chapter 39 to come out like that. The author was having a bit of a writer's block on this story as she was working on the other stories that she really needs to catch up on, like The Hero of the Fenrir Shadows, The Fool & The Aeon, etc.

Kohana: But with that being said! Let's get to this Chapter Recap, everyone!

Aries: So Chapter 39 entitled The Angels & Beasts' Connection? was a pretty good one.

Kohana: You could say that again. After the author broke through her writer's block, the chapter was written quite well. So starting off with the chapter, Kamon-kun and Riki were having a B-Daman battle on the Meteor Bomber table with Misuru, Ken, Aona-san, and Himiko-san watching and supporting both of them during their battle.

Kohana: Meanwhile in the air, myself and Shiro-chan were doing our training duel against each other with my Mom supporting us during our duel. But she was also supporting Kamon-kun and Riki during their B-Daman Battle as well.

Kohana: Me and Shiro-chan were giving our all against each other in the duel. But then, that was when I was able to perform my first move from the 3rd Generation: the Flare Punch. And with that being said, I am also able to perform Flare Kick too, but I didn't use it in the chapter.

Aries: And Shiro was still learning and getting used to her abilities. But we'll have to go through the chapter a bit more.

Kohana: After our training and Riki winning the battle against Kamon, it was time from my Mom and Himiko-san to head back to work in looking through the ruins that they were investigating through. With that being said, me and Shiro went through another phase of training with Kamon-kun and the other guys shooting marbles at us in the air and defending ourselves from them.

Aries: Just like your training in the past with Alba Cocodoro and Snapping Diles.

Kohana: That's right. *sigh* That brings back a lot of memories right there, Aries.

Aries: Really Kohana?

Kohana: It does, Aries. I have been keeping up with Alba and Diles since I haven't seen him in a long time.

Aries: But after that, it cuts through a part where the Darkalia Twins and Neptune Hama were inside the Dark Crystal Caves, planning their next attack on Crestland and to stop Kohana and Shiro again with their dark powers.

Kohana: But then, the Twins finished their training earlier and Neptune was working on the potions needed for future battles. With that being said, the Princess of Darkalias, Lilith, was bored and throwing a tantrum while the Prince of Darkalias, Hannibal, was sharpening his dual blades for his future battles.

Aries: And with that, Lilith leaves the area and goes back to her room to read through every single spell book she has in her bookshelf, which are 10 spell books in total. Then we get a part of Neptune, working through the new potion in his potion laboratory.

Kohana: After those parts inside the Dark Crystal Caves, it goes back to myself and Shiro-chan with Kamon-kun and the other guys. We were all hanging out at Greg-san's B-Club Store, and the guys were playing Super Break Bomber against each other; Kamon-kun vs. Ken and Misuru vs. Riki.

Kohana: But then, Misuru wins the second round against Riki and cheers victoriously. Eventually, Kamon-kun and Ken were concerned and asked Riki what was going on.

Aries: And then, Misuru tries to stop Kamon from worrying. But he admitted that he was concerned for Riki that his head wasn't in the game during the two matches against Riki.

Aries: You thought that's weird too, Kohana?

Kohana: Yeah. It was a bit strange for me to the Crossfire Champion and the East Area B-Master to be acting like that. And he was against Misuru too. Of course, me and Shiro were concerned ourselves.

Aries: It is strange for me to see that. But then, Riki told us about the Phoenix B-Daman that Himiko-san and Sayuri were mentioning during our conversation when they were both back from work as archaeologists.

Kohana: He was curious about it, along the theory connection of the Angel Goddesses and the Mystical Beasts.

Aries: Your mother was still looking through that part of her theory through the investigations of the ruins by the Phoenix B-Daman.

Kohana: He was asking about that, but then both the Ruby of Flames and Sapphire of Aqua Pura were emitting a bright glow. It was so sudden, even you nor Gorgon can't sense our powers the same way as Garuburn and Dracyan.

Kohana: So we placed Aries and Gorgon on the table with Garuburn and Dracyan next to them, we activated our powers and suddenly, they were both able to sense the power properly and knew what it was already. That was the first part to figuring out the theory of the connection with the Angel Goddesses and the Mystical Beasts is coming through.

Aries: After that, Riki and Kohana were sent a text message from the WBMA about the Phoenix B-Daman being in Crestland. Kamon was excited and wanted to do their own investigation, making Riki excited about it as well. Same goes for Shiro and Gorgon.

Kohana: But then, a Darkalia had to ruin our mood of excitement and adventure while Lilith was having the feeling of joy and excitement within herself as she watches her own creature destroying one part of the city and the citizens were running away from the area to avoid getting themselves hurt.

Kohana: Of course, we had to act fast. Me and Shiro-chan transformed into Blazing Ruby and Surfing Sapphire, along with our first and new catchphrase after our transformation, which is amazing since the author was getting back into an anime series named "Healin' Good Precure" so yeah... She got that inspiration from.

Aries: Shout out to Healin' Good Precure and the previous Precure Seasons of the series!

Kohana: And with that being said, we both fought the Darkalia. But then Hannibal has to strike in and attacks Sapphire to distract her away from the Darkalia and myself.

Kohana: Luckily enough, Kamon-kun and the guys were in the area and deals with exposing the weak spot on the Darkalia.

Aries: Sapphire finally learns a new move and attacks Hannibal with her Aqua Kick, a move created from the 3rd Generation. Whatever Kohana learns, Shiro will learn to the same move as well.

Kohana: And then, Neptune joins into the scene and attacks Sapphire with his sword, but Sapphire does the same and attacks him back with her sword and her elemental powers while I was still taking care of the Darkalia with Kamon-kun and the guys exposing that weak spot.

Aries: With that, Sapphire attacks Neptune away with her Aqua Kick and binds him and Hannibal together with her water chains, then throwing them away with Tsunami Crusher!

Kohana: #WaterAmazing!!

Kohana: After that, Kamon-kun, Riki, Misuru, and Ken launches their Special Moves and fully exposes the Darkalia's weak spot. That means it was my time and Sapphire's time to finish off the Darkalia via shattering the weak spot on its chest. We both used our Convergence move, Special Move Showtime!, to finish off the Darkalia and ending the battle.

Kohana: Also, from the same inspiration of Healin' Good Precure, we have an ending sentence after our finishing attack. It is always exciting for the author to be adding these things in the series.

Aries: You can say that again, Kohana. And after the battle, Samuru, Asahi, and Akira were in the area, feeling worried but were in relief that the Darkalia has been taken care of. But then, the gemstones emit a bright glow again, and in this chapter, Kohana is going to explain what is going on to Samuru, Asahi, and Akira.

Kohana: And that is the end of this Chapter Recap! It is now time for Chapter 40: The White Tiger's Den, to finally begin! Start the call!

Kohana: B-Shots!

Aries: Ready!

Kohana: Aim!

Kohana & Aries: Fireblast!

Kohana: And Action to Chapter 40!!


~Location: AONA, South Area of Crestland

Everyone has gathered in the restaurant with Kohana standing up at the table while Shiro was sitting next to Akira.

"So here's the deal, Samuru-kun. Akira-chan. And Asahi." Kohana starts. "The reason behind our gemstones glowing, all of a sudden, is because Aries and Gorgon can't sense the energy properly. So we had to use Garuburn and Dracyan to sense and feel this different but similar energy within our powers."

Shiro followed up with the explanation, "We activated our powers and eventually, Garuburn and Dracyan were able to sense the similarities to this different kind of power inside these stones. They might think it was the Mystical Beasts within our powers and themselves as well."

Samuru was thinking and analyzing everything that Kohana and Shiro were explaining. Riki and Kamon were both doing the same, along with their B-Daman partners as well.

A few moments later, Samuru brought up a question and ask, "Are you sure it is something different but similar to your normal powers?"

"That's right, Samuru-kun. We were also feeling our powers normally, but it was different than normal. Garuburn and Dracyan were both able to sense our powers properly." Kohana responds in a short explanation to her boyfriend.

And with that, Asahi and Akira were left in utter confusion. Shiro looked at her friends and slightly chuckles at their confused looks on their faces. "You guys are really expressing that much through those expressions right there..." Shiro states playfully in her thoughts.

With that being said, they continued through their explanation and showing a bit of Kohana and Shiro activating their powers with Garuburn, Dracyan, Aries, and Gorgon feeling it at the same time.

Everyone was curious and they need to know why its happening so suddenly to the Angel Goddesses. "I don't know" Samuru spoke up.

"Does the book state anything about the Mystical Beasts from the previous generations?" Samuru asked.

Kohana looks down, "Unfortunately," she sighed, "there was no mention or any kind of information about the Mystical Beasts in the book of the Angel Goddesses, Samuru-kun." She replies.

"So... We're currently hitting a dead end if Sayuri-san gets more intel on the connection with the Angel Goddesses and the Mystical Beasts, Samuru-san." Shiro adds.

"Be patient, Shiro and Kohana." Gorgon calmly states to the girls. "You girls are still learning about this, so we have to wait for the right intel from Himiko-san and Sayuri-san."

"I agree with Gorgon too." Aries responds. Same goes with Dracyan and Garuburn as well.

So they continued through their discussions on the theory and trying to figure out its origins before jumping into conclusions of their statements. Kohana and Shiro were getting wrapped up in the situation and are both in desperate need of figuring out the mystery behind the theory themselves.

"This is going to be a lot more harder than normal..." Kohana and Shiro said in unison, in their thoughts.

~~~Time Skip~~~

And after all of that ruckus, everyone went on separately to catch up things that they need to work on, like school work or watching the house. That leaves with Kohana, Shiro, Kamon, Riki, Misuru, and Ken.

"Now then, let's go and try to find the monument of the Mystical Beasts, you guys. Starting off here in the South Area, which has the Fire Bird of the South monument." Riki says to the group with an adventurous tone.

"You got it, Riki!" Shiro holds up her fists on the sides, feeling pumped for exploration.

"Oh! By the way, Shiro-chan. You haven't talked to your family, haven't you?" Kohana asks, curiously.

"Don't worry about it, Kohana-san." She shrugged it off, "My sister, Akane, is keeping tabs on me through messages and sending photos to her as evidence of what I'm doing." Shiro answered.

Kohana then ruffles the top of her head playfully, "You're always the hardworking one, Shiro-chan." She compliments Shiro and giggled.

"Hey! Riki!" A familiar female voice was heard in the distance. They all turned to the direction of the voice and saw Sumi running towards the group while waving her hand at them.

"Sumi-chan! It's been a while!" Kohana exclaimed in surprise.

Sumi stops running and nods, "Same here, Kohana-chan! It's been a while since we last saw each other!" She replies with an energetic tone.

"So what are you guys up to, anyways?" Sumi asked.

"Well, we're trying to find the monuments of the Mystical Beasts and trying to get more information on them." Riki answers.

"And try to figure out if the Angel Goddesses are truly connected with the Mystical Beasts." Kohana answers her part of the question.

"Well, if you guys want help, then I'm all for it!" Sumi shouts.

"Really? You'll help us out, Sumi-san?" Shiro asks, once more.

"Of course! I'm a blogger, so I have to find some good stuff to blog about!" Sumi replied with a determined tone in her voice.

Kohana giggles at Sumi's expression, "Thanks for the help, Sumi-chan." She thanks Sumi.


~Location: Central Tower, Crestland

The Grand B-Master along with his new allies, Novu Moru and Force Dragren with Derek Watari, and Bakuga Shira with Kreis Raydra were all looking at the lit up screens of some images and other footage.

Bakuga states, "This surveillance video is from in front of the Blue Dragon and Fire Bird monument," to the Grand B-Master in a serious tone.

"Fire Bird... Blue Dragon..." Novu was slightly curious. "Two of the Mystical Beasts from the legend..." He looked at the video in from the Fire Bird monument. "And who's that snooping around there?" He asked.

"Riki Ryugasaki, Kamon Day, and Kohana A. Mai. They've been investigating the sites lately." Raydra answered with a good reason behind them being at the monument.

"And where are they now?" The Grand B-Master asked, serious and curious.

Bakuga turns to him and kneeled down. "They're in the West Area, B-Master. My territory." He replied with formality.

Novu and Derek glances over to the other screen, where he notices Sumi and Misuru's group were hanging around in the area in the surveillance footage. In the video, Shiro was there with them too.

After that, he turns to the Grand B-Master with a smirk. "Riki is so predictable. He's always unable to resist anything he thinks might uncover a mystery." Said Novu to the Grand B-Master. "Sooner or later, he's bound to seek out the West Monument."

"Ah..." He turns to Novu, slightly, "Unfortunately, the site of the White Tiger is in an inconvenient location. Our cameras can only monitor the outside." He said.

"Then allow me to be your eyes and ears." Novu bends down formally. "It would a great honor, sir." Said Novu to the Grand B-Master. Bakuga got up on his other foot and looks up at Novu with a straight expression on his face.


Riki and Kamon were sitting around and taking a break from looking through the monuments to gather more information in finding the Phoenix B-Daman.

"I try to look up more info on this stone monument stuff..." Riki starts.

"But still no sign of the Phoenix, huh?" Dracyan questions it.

"Hey guys, sorry it took a while." Kohana walked up to the guys holding a plastic bag and giving them bottles filled with water.

"Thanks, Kohana." Kamon opens up his bottle and drank the water to hydrate himself.

Kohana finishes her water bottle first and throws it away in the trash bin. "When we went the stone monument of the Fire Bird, I can't help but feel this powerful energy emitting from the monument, even Aries couldn't identity what it is." She said to Riki and Kamon.

"Well, there might be some helpful clues if we just go check out the area. Or Misuru and Ken might find something in the North!" Kamon sounded like he was excited to know more about the legend.

"You seem pretty fired up, Kamon." Said Garuburn in amazement.

"True that, Kamon-kun is always the one who gets excited and fired up for anything possible." Kohana states.

Riki looks at Kamon, "I'm so pumped you got into this whole mystery thing too!" He was happy about it. "Riki's enthusiasm must be rubbing off on you." Stated Dracyan to Kamon.

"Nah, I don't think I'd go that far, you guys. I'm just kind of curious, whether or not Phoenix exists. And I guess I..." Kamon stopped mid-sentence.

"Kamon?" Garuburn questioned him.

"I was thinking that if there really is a B-Daman with that much power... Then I don't know!" He looked up with a sense of hope in his voice. "Maybe it would help make my brother snap out of it."

"Kamon-kun..." Kohana was surprised.

"Mmhmm..." Riki nodded. "We'll make sure of that, Kamon-kun. We will bring Roma again." Said Kohana to Kamon with a positive tone.

*Ring! Ring!* *Ring! Ring!*

Riki brought his ringing phone out and noticed someone was calling him. "It's Sumi." He said. He quickly accepted the call and held the phone up to his ear. "Hello?" He answers first.

"Hey Riki! Guess what?" Sumi tries to rope him into a guessing game, but Riki didn't answer. "Oh, I'll just tell you, we're over in the West Area!" She answered with joy.

"Oh, you serious?" Riki asked.

"What coincidence. So are we." Dracyan answered back.

"And you'll never guess who we ran into!" Sumi calls out.

Kohana crosses her arms, "I wonder who it is." She said.

"Well, it must be someone that we must know too." Aries stated.


"You ready? I'll put him on!" Sumi pulls the phone away from her ear and holds it up to Novu, so he can speak.

"It's been a while, Riki. How are you?" He spoke to Riki through the call. Beside Sumi was the pink-haired girl Shiro, who was watching 


"Hmm... Is that you Novu?" Riki's tone changed. Kohana and Aries were a bit surprised after hearing Riki mentioning Novu in the call.

"Sure is! And get this, he's taking us to this sweet cave to go exploring!" Sumi sounded excited during the call.


"It's a place called the White Tiger Den. I'll text you a map, come with us! We'll go on ahead." Said Novu to Riki on the call and Sumi smiled with excitement at Novu. "Meet us there if you want, it'll be fun." After that, Novu ends the call and looks over to Derek and a hooded person behind his back. Derek showed a cheeky smile at Novu.

He lifted his face up to look and it was Bakuga himself, hiding under the hood.


"Did he say the White Tiger Den?" Garuburn asks.

"All right! That was easier than I thought!" Kamon cheered with excitement.

Kohana felt something off about the situation. "Kohana?" Aries looked at his partner.

"What do you think? I heard that Novu..." Riki says to Dracyan. "Yes. Novu had betrayed the WBMA once again." He continued his statement.

"And with that being said, Novu might be scheming something to lure us into his trap." Said Kohana to Riki with an unsure tone.

Riki then says, "We should see for ourselves and check out the monument too," in a curious yet exciting tone in his voice. Kohana sighed, "Sounds like a good plan to me. I might be able to sense the power of the stone monument myself as well."

"I can agree on that, Kohana." Aries agreed.


In the outskirts of the West Area, Novu and the others were walking through the caves and finding the stone monument of the White Tiger. With Derek, he was carrying around a giant bag and the members of Misuru's group were looking at him, curious.

"What you carrying in that ginormous bag, dude?" The tall guy with a low ponytail and glasses asked Derek.

"Here, let me carry it for you." The chubby one with a striped beanie offered to help. But Derek refused to and just said, "Ugh...! If I wanted your help, I'd ask!" He starts growling at the three of them.

"What's his problem?" The short guy with blue hair confusingly asked.

While walking, Sumi looked over her shoulder and noticed the hooded guy, Bakuga, way in the back. "Hey Novu, what's with your friend over there?" She asked, curiously.

"He's actually a good guy. Just a little bit shy is all." Novu replied with a casual smile on his face and Sumi looked back at him with a calm smile on her face.

Bakuga, with his head down, was not liking the situation he's in but he knew that he's trying to get evidence for him to return with. "So it seems that girl knows Riki as well..."

"What troubled you, Young Master?" Raydra, who was hiding inside the hood's pocket, asked with curiosity.

"I'm just collecting evidence... In case we need it against Novu..." Bakuga replied in a cold tone.

With Shiro, the Sapphire of Aqua Pura was reacting and lighting up some part of the cave. The wearer of the silver ring takes notice and looks at the glowing stone. "Hmm? Why is it glowing this time, Shiro?" Asked Gorgon with curiosity.

"Well... Considering were literally venturing down a stone monument of one of the Mystical Beasts, then I think the Sapphire is reacting with a bright light, like it knows it's connected or something like that." Shiro briefly explained in respond. From behind, Bakuga looks at Shiro as he noticed the stone on her ring was glowing. "Do you feel something coming off that girl with the ring?" Bakuga asks his partner.

"Hmm... It is certain that this power I'm feeling is definitely coming from that girl over there... She must be one of the Angel Goddesses in that legend, Young Master." Raydra stated in reply.

"The Angel Goddesses Legend? No wonder... She must be one of them of this generation..." Bakuga said curiously in his thoughts.


Outside of the cave, Riki, Kamon, and Kohana were all standing outside the cave's entrance and getting the feeling of excitement and fuel for exploration.

"I think this is the place..." Kamon said in amazement.

"Yes... there's a strange energy coming from it." Garuburn said.

All of a sudden, the Ruby of Flames lights up and Kohana looks down, noticing the bright light on her necklace. "Well, look what we have here." Said Kohana with amusement. "The Ruby of Flames is reacting, which means it can sense the power of the White Tiger monument inside that cave."

"Not to mention, Shiro is also there with Sumi and the others." Said Aries in realization. "So I guess she's also feeling the same kind of energy as you are, Kohana."

His partner nods her head and the three of them made their way into the entrance of the cave to find the others inside.


They made it through the end of the cave and Sumi was amazed as she runs a bit farther ahead inside. "Wow! This place is amazing!" Sumi exclaims with full excitement. "It's like a movie! Hello~!"

Her voice was echoing inside the cave, very loudly. Shiro looked around the cave too, and she was holding Gorgon up. "Do you feel any different, Gorgon?" Shiro asks her partner and moves her arm from one side to the other, making sure her B-Daman can feel the energy inside the cave.

"Whoa whoa! A tiger discovery! What's over there?" Derek shouts in surprise while pointing his finger at something on the other side of the water. Sumi turns around and noticed a tiger engraving on the stone within the wall.

"Interesting..." Novu approached closer to the water to get a closer look at the tiger engraving on the other side. "That must be the White Tiger monument.  I wonder why it's hidden all the way down here..." He was intrigued and Bakuga was staying quiet throughout this entire situation happening.

Sumi then brings up the question, "What's it for? I don't get it..." She was confused about the monument.

"It just looks like a big rock." The tall guy comments. "Yeah... there are tons around here." The fat guy agreed.

Eventually, the light emitting from the Sapphire of Aqua Pura was getting even brighter than before. "Whoa! Gorgon, is it...!" Shiro was surprise.

"Yes... I can sense the power emitting from the engraving on the monument over there. It's getting stronger..." Gorgon replied. "Then that must mean one thing or another..." Shiro was sensing a bit of hope about this theory on the connection with the Angel Goddesses and the Mystical Beasts.

"Hey! I found them!" Kamon's voice echoed through the caves. "Shiro-chan! Hey!!" Kohana's voice also echoed as well.

"Riki, is that the friend you were telling us about?" The sound of Garuburn's voice was heard in the distance. Sumi and the others turned around, spotting Riki, Kamon, and Kohana in the distance.

Sumi and the guys were shouting and calling out to the three of them in the distance, waving their hands in the air to call them over.

"And now the fun begins..." Novu whispered with a scheming tone in his voice, then he turns to Bakuga.

"Emblem Charge!" "Shining Giga Slash!" "Shatter the Entire Galaxy! Go, Kreis Raydra!"

Bakuga fires his Special Move and hitting the entrance of the cave. Riki and Kohana were running to the other side while Kohana quickly activates her powers, flying her way into the other side to avoid the rocks from hitting her. "What in the world!?" Kohana was shocked.

"What's happening?!" Aries questioned.

"Mode Change! Force Dragren!" "Change! Ignition Mode!"

Novu aims his B-Daman at the ceiling and starts firing multiple marbles at some of the rock spikes, making them drop down and trapping Sumi and the three guys with her inside the rock spike cage. Shiro was on the other side of  the rock spikes, but there were three spikes dropping above her head.

"Emblem Charge!" "Tidal Voltage Ignition!" "Electrocute the Bodies of Water! Sting Gorgon!" Shiro fires her Special Move at the three rock spikes from dropping on her head.

"Sapphire of Aqua Pura! Ocean floors Rise!" Shiro quickly activated her powers and flies away from the spot she was standing on. "Kohana-san! Riki-san! Kamon-san!" Shiro shouts out their names.

"Shiro-chan!" Kohana looks at her. "We're so glad! Are you okay?" Aries asks Shiro.

She nods, "Yeah! I'm fine, Aries!" "But what the heck just happened?" Gorgon asked in surprise.

"Umm... A little help here!?" Sumi shouts in question to the guys and girls outside of their cage.

"Yeah! Just what are you trying to do?" Kamon questions Novu in a serious tone.

"Flame Storm!" "Wave Burst!" Kohana and Shiro used their powers on the blocked pathway to get them out of the cave, but it didn't work nor the rocks were budging at all. "Great... We're stuck in this mess." Kohana was annoyed.

Shiro growls in annoyance, "This is really bad!!" She shouts in anger. They both turned back to the situation going on with their B-Daman in hand.

"You must be Kamon Day. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Novu Moru." Novu makes his introduction to Kamon. "And I'm the great, the magnificent, the amazing--" "Force Dragren!"

Derek was annoyed. "Lousy Force Dragren!" He exclaimed in an annoyed tone and growls at Dragren.

"And of course," Novu holds his hand out to the hooded figure next to him, "my friend here needs no introduction."

Bakuga brings his hood from above his head and revealed himself to everyone while holding Raydra to his chest. "Bakuga? What are you doing here?" Kamon questions the boy, but he didn't respond.

Kohana and Shiro were a bit worried. "This is not going to be good at all..." Aries said in worry.

"Novu, be honest with me. Is it really true that you betrayed the WBMA?" "And join forces with the Grand B-Master?" Riki and Dracyan asked the formal boy in front of them.

However, Novu avoids the question and holds Dragren at them. "I challenge you to a Road Fight!" He yelled.

Riki was showing a bit of tense in his expression.

"Is Novu really that serious? Challenging Riki and Dracyan to a Road Fight?" Kohana questioned in confusion. "I have a bad feeling about this..." Shiro trembled in fear.

"You can always refuse, I would strongly advice against it." Dragren provokes Riki and Dracyan in a taunting tone.

Kamon stepped in, "It's obvious you brought a game with you," he holds Garuburn up in front of Novu and Derek. "So just set it up and we can get it on already." He said in a serious tone.

Derek stepped back form the surprise demand. 

"I can't believe this guy calls himself Riki's friend." Dragren was surprised about Kamon's strong attitude.

But then, Kamon holds up his fist and shouts, "I'm not gonna let you get away with this!"

"Kamon-kun.../Kamon-san..." Kohana and Shiro felt worried. But then, a smirk came on Novu's face, "Now that's the spirit." He turns to Derek, as he was going through his giant backpack and trying to set up the new game that they are going to be playing and have a Road Fight with.

"Kohana, are you okay?" Aries asks. "Yeah... I'm fine, but we gotta keep an eye on those three guys..." She replied.

"You're right... Who knows what those guys could be doing..." Shiro agreed.

Eventually, the table has been set up and Derek runs away to the other side as the table was forming on its own. Riki and Kamon were surprised to see the new game in front of them, so were Kohana and Shiro as well.

"This is Power Push. I believe you are aware of the rules of the game. Are there any questions?" Novu asks Kamon and Riki with a smirk on his face. "Not here!" Kamon replied.

"We'll play three rounds. The first team to get two wins is the victor. If you beat us, we'll let your little friends go out of that stone cage over there." Novu states the objective of the game. "But... if you lose..."

"We have to give up our titles as East and South Area B-Masters." Riki states the losing mark of the objective. Surprising Kohana and Shiro.

Kamon growls in anger and clenches his hand into a fist, "All right, bring it on!"

Novu then walks up to the table. "I'll be the first to play." He states with confidence.

"Kamon, let me fight him. I got this." Riki says to Kamon with the determination to face against Novu. "You sure?" Kamon asked.

"I do have a score to settle." Said Dracyan in reply. Kohana smiled at Riki and Dracyan, "That's right... He did told me that he used to battle Novu before with Samuru-kun..." She said in her thoughts.

"He's all yours." "Just make sure you two win!" Garuburn yells at them. Riki nods in agreement and walks over to the other side of the table.

"Okay, you know what we need to do, right Dracyan?" Riki asks. "We must determine Novu's intentions for challenging us." Dracyan answered in reply to his question.

"And Mai-san," Novu calls her out and caught her by surprise. "You will be the one to start the matches for us, if you will." He said, smirking at her.

"All right fine, but with that smirk of yours, it's never going to get to me at all." Kohana agreed and stands on the right side of the table as the starting call for the match. She plants her feet on the ground and cancelled out her powers, afterwards. "Shiro-chan, you should also cancel out your powers as well." Said Kohana to Shiro.

"R-right!" Shiro quickly deactivates her powers and hits her feet on the ground. "I hope Riki and Dracyan wins this match." Gorgon says.

"I know they will Gorgon. They got that powerful special move and a Double Emblem Charge, after all." Shiro replied with confidence in her sentence.

On the other side of the table, Derek was handling a different kind of gadget that caught Kamon's eyes. "What's that thing for?" He asked. Derek activates the gadget and Novu replied, "You'll see soon enough. Let's begin."

Kohana raises her hand and shouts, "B-Shots! Ready! Aim, Fireblast!" She brings it down and swings it to the side. Riki and Novu let out their cries and fired their first few marbles at two of the five bars on the table.

"Let's finish this with one shot!" Dracyan suggests, "Yeah!" Riki immediately agreed and switches Dracyan's arms with their new arm that Rory gave to him from the WBMA.

"Let's go!" Riki fires a single marble and pushes one of the bars through, gaining the first point to his score. "All right!"

But then, there was something happening on the opposite. The machine that Derek activated went off firing a laser, shooting up at the ceiling and hitting one of the rock spikes as it drops down in front of Sumi and the guys.

Riki was surprised that he didn't see it coming. He then turns back to Novu as he states, "An interesting twist, don't you think? Once the bar is pushed all the way in, it triggers the laser to fire."

Kohana and Shiro were both surprised that happened. "They're tricking us the entire time, only for someone to get literally hurt!" Shiro shouts in her thoughts while glaring deadly at Novu and Dragren.

"The guy's crazy...!" Kamon was left in shock of seeing that happened.

"You won't get away with this, you freak!" Said Garuburn to Novu and Dragren.

"Some people just don't know how to have fun." Dragren states playfully in reply.

"Change! Stabilizer Mode!" Dragren quickly changes his mode as the emblem tabs were moved behind his feet parts. Kohana takes notice. "What an impressive move..." Aries muttered.

"You could say that again. Novu and Dragren changed... very differently than normal..." Kohana responds with an unsure tone in her voice.

"He transformed! I think he managed to upgrade his stability!" Said Dracyan to inform Riki.

Kohana turns to Shiro and nods her head. The pink-haired girl knew exactly what she meant and waited for the right moment to come through.

"Hmph... Pretty observant for a Power Type. Now I'm even stronger than before." Dragren respond to Dracyan's statement. With that being said, Novu fires off a single marble from his B-Daman and pushes a bar to the other side, gaining him the first point out of the five bars. But then, it also triggered the machine to fire a laser.

"Shiro-chan!" Kohana shouts.

"Wave Burst!" Shiro launches a water ball at the spike, exploding it into pieces and not letting anyone get hurt, which would have been pretty close considering there was someone standing near its landing point. Novu clicks his tongue and looks at Shiro, who activated her powers to protect Sumi and the others inside the cage.

"Hey! That was literally too close to getting himself hurt!" Shouted Shiro angrily at Derek.

"Oops... Tiger my bad..." Derek apologizes, but Shiro was still mad about the situation.

All of a sudden... "Change! Sight Mode!" The same pieces moved and attached itself to the back of its head, surprising Riki and Dracyan as they witnessed it.

"Face it, you're no match for me." Novu admits his will and starts firing multiple marbles at the middle bar.

"But... It doesn't add up..." Riki was confused. "Is Novu really doing this...?"

"I don't think so, Riki. Watch Derek's left hand." Dracyan said and Riki then looks at Derek.

The bar reaches through, gaining Novu the second point, and then Derek looks down at the remote and triggers the machine to fire another laser at the spikes.

One started dropping down, but Shiro was there to stop it. "Don't think so! Ripple Blow!" Shiro holds her left hand out and emits a stream of water with rings around it, then hits the spike and explodes into pieces.

"Mystery!" Riki exclaimed with a smile. "Indeed, I believe we know his true objective." Dracyan agreed and Riki nods his head. "Let's test it!"

"Double Emblem Charge!" Riki quickly activates Charge 1 and Charge 2, simultaneously, and charges Dracyan up for his Special Move.

"Excellent. We finally get to see the Double Emblem Charge I've heard so much about. But we're not done either." Said Novu and smirked.

"Change! Emblem Charge Mode!" The pieces were moved from the back of Dragren's head and placed the pieces back onto its original place, which are Dragren's arm pieces.

"He's changing again!" Dracyan shouted. "With all of his transformations, it's going to be difficult to keep up with him." Said Riki, feeling a bit tense.

"Emblem Charge!" Novu then activates his Emblem Charge onto Dragren. Suddenly, the marble inside Dragren's core was glowing red and Riki growled in slight anger.

"Crushing Tidal Burst!" Riki spins around in the air, "Let the Waves Crash Down! Rising Dracyan!" He aims his B-Daman at the table and launches his Special Move. The marble goes up in the air, forming the blue dragon emblem before Dracyan manifests and comes out of the emblem, flying towards the remaining three bars. The marble hits one of them and slowly pushes it to the other side. "Maximum Ballistic Blast!" Dragren shouts his Special Move and Novu holds him to the right side as Dragren was caught on fire.

Kohana was amazed. "So much bright flames..." She was stunned.

"Melt away with Scorching Flames, Force Dragren!" Novu then takes aim and fires his Special Move away, with Dragren's B-Animal manifesting and flying towards the same bar that Dracyan was going for. However, Dragren pushed it through first, Derek shooting another laser at the ceiling and letting another spike drop. Shiro didn't have enough time to fire another magical spell as the spike hits the ground, surprising Sumi and the guys inside the stone cage.

Kohana looks at Riki, who had a smile on his face. "Wait... What is Riki-kun trying to tell me? Is it something about Novu and Dragren??" Kohana was confused in her thoughts. "The winner of that match is..." Kohana raises her hand and brings it down to Novu, "Novu Moru and Force Dragren!" She announces the winner of the match.

"Well, I'm curious to know what B-Masters, like you, think about our Special Move."  Novu says to Kamon and Riki.

So then, Kamon approached Riki and asked, "Hey! What happened out there?" "They were tough, but still..." Garuburn was confused too.

"Yeah, sorry about that." Riki apologized and looks at Novu and Derek. They both looked at each other with smiles on their faces while Bakuga was standing idly by a straight and cold look on his face. "I think I get it..." Said Riki in his thoughts.

Shiro quickly approached Kohana by hovering in the air, and she gives her a pat on the shoulder and ruffles her hair messy. "You did well in protecting our friends from danger right then and there, Shiro-chan." Kohana praises Shiro.

"Thanks, Kohana-san." Shiro thanked her. "You just made Shiro's day even more positive for her." Said Gorgon to Kohana and Aries.

"Me and Kohana are doing our best to keep everything around us feel happy and protected from anything bad or dangerous." Aries replied.

"You said your name was Dragren, right?" Garuburn asked. "I'm surprised you were able to defeat Dracyan and Riki."

"You guys got skills." Kamon stated to Novu and Dragren.

"Hmm..." Novu turns to Bakuga, "All right, Bakuga. The stage is all yours." He said to the West B-Master.

"How about I turn up the power on the lasers, you guys? You know, just to mix things up a little." Derek asks Bakuga and the others while holding the remote in his hands.

Kohana and Shiro were looking at Bakuga as Shiro deactivates her powers. "Something's up with Bakuga-san..." Shiro felt concerned.

"Don't worry Shiro-chan, he just looks like a normal guy with a cold expression always shown on his face, but hiding his true nature underneath that cold layer." Kohana ruffles the top of her head.

Bakuga then approached Derek and he noticed. Suddenly, Bakuga slaps the remote out of Derek's left hand and fell into the water. "Hey!" Derek shouted.

The guys and girls were confused on what happened, including Novu.

"What's your problem?! Why you--!" Derek was quite angry at Bakuga.

"What was that for?" Novu questioned the B-Master in anger.

Finally, after standing idly and not talking, Bakuga spoke up, saying "Raydra and I don't need to resort to underhanded tactics, unlike you, apparently."

"Careful, Young Master." Raydra says to Bakuga.

"I got mad! Tiger rage! Right now!" Derek shouts at the top of his lungs before looking at Novu, "He's not the boss around here." He said, but Novu held his hand up to keep him quiet.

"So be it! If that is how you wish to play." Said Novu to Bakuga with a loud tone as he descends his hand back down. "But allow me to remind you that the Grand B-Master put me in charge of this operation."

Bakuga was silent and didn't take his words for granted.

"Your Bakuga Shira, right?" Riki asks. "Great to finally meet you! Kamon's told me all about you and Raydra."

Bakuga then turns to Riki with a blank expression. "Take a good look." Dracyan said and Riki looks at his friends trapped in the stone cage. "This is what you've been doing to people, putting them through hardship, forcing them to obey you."

Riki looked back at Bakuga, "You just don't get it. You can't keep on fighting for the Grand B-Master." He said to West B-Master in front of him.

But then, Bakuga holds up a spare part for Raydra and said, "He's the one who gave me a purpose, after I'd lost everything I had. He took me in when no one else would, and he's done everything in his power to help me improve my skills."

"After you lost everything...?" Kamon questioned at that part.

"That's right... We owe the Grand B-Master far too much to turn our backs on him now." Raydra spoke up and respond to Kamon's question.

"Kamon and Garuburn! I'm gonna beat you here and now!" Bakuga shouts and changes the leg parts of Raydra with the other piece, making its shots more powerful and faster.

"Bring it on! And thanks, I feel way better after hearing your story!" Kamon felt confident to face Bakuga, which surprised him and only giving a few blinks at him. "I'm surprised, and glad to hear that my trouble, older brother actually found it in his heart to help someone in need."

After that, Kamon switches Garuburn's arm and leg parts with the Blast Arm.

"And FYI, we're not planning on losing this one!" Reminded Kamon to Bakuga with a smirk. "You're going down."

He holds Garuburn up in front, "And we're gonna convince you that what you're doing is wrong!" Shouted Garuburn out loud.

Kohana places her left fist onto her chest and felt the Ruby of Flames activating on its own. "Kohana-san...!" Shiro points out. "I know, I can feel its energy emitting from the stone."

"Hmm..." Bakuga raises Raydra at them. "Show us what you can do." Said Raydra in a cocky tone.

Riki smiles and asks, "Are you okay with this Novu?"

But then, a smirk came on his face, "What do you mean? As usual, you're talking nothing but pure nonsense." Said Novu.

"Yeah, th-that's right...! We don't have any secret plans or anything... Don't be tiger ridiculous..." Derek replied with an unsure tone.

"Wait, does that mean... Novu is...!" Sumi was shocked until she realized what was going on.

"Hey! We got rights you know!" The tall boy shouted.

"Yeah! Let us out of here!" The other two shouted as well.

Everything was all set. Kamon and Bakuga were standing on both sides of the table with their serious and determined looks on their faces.

"It's time to begin round two of the Power Push Showdown!" Novu shouted and then he turns to Kohana. She nods and raises her hand in the air, "B-Shots! Ready! Aim! Fireblast!" Kohana shouts and swings her hand out to the side, fully starting the match.

"We've totally got this! It's in the bag!" Kamon yells with confidence. "I'm on it!!" Garuburn shouts.

He then shoots five marbles and pushing five bars by a little. "Whoa! That was so cool!" Shiro cheered with excitement. "I believe the same thing too." Gorgon agreed.

"He hit all five bars in one go." Dracyan states. "Pushing them all in at the same time!" Riki exclaimed.

Bakuga clicks his tongue and starts firing marbles at the bars, doing the same thing that Kamon and Garuburn; firing five marbles at all five bars in one go.

"He's overpowered our Blast Rapid-Fire!" Yelled Garuburn.

"I know, right? And his control shots are even more accurate than ours too!" Kamon shouts too.

Bakuga fires a single marble at the center bar and pushing it all the way through, earning the first point. "That's one for me." Said Bakuga.

"Nice shot, Bakuga." Kamon praises him. "Quantum Drive!" He fires five marbles at the table, rolling non-stop. "Let's go!" He swings his hand to the side and launched the marbles, all hitting the bar on the far right and pushing it all the way through, gaining the first point. "Sweet!" He cheered.

"It's one all, he's even the score." Said Raydra.

Bakuga replies, "Well, he won't get another one."

"Bakuga! Why don't you use it now?" Novu asked. Kohana and Shiro turned to him with confused expressions on their faces.

"Back off! I didn't ask for your help!" Bakuga shouted at Novu.

"Listen up! I don't know what's going on, but don't you dare hold back on me!" Kamon yells at Bakuga and Raydra with a tense tone. "Yeah! Give us your worst." Said Garuburn and Bakuga was shocked to hear that.

Shiro was trying to keep in her laughter at Bakuga's face, "Keep it in! Keep it in! Keep it in!" Shiro shouts at herself in her thoughts. Kohana looks at Shiro, who was struggling to keep in her laughter and sighed.

"Someone is really struggling, Shiro-chan..." Said Kohana in her thoughts.

"We're bringing a hundred percent to this fight! So quit messing around and you do the same. That's the honorable thing to do." Said Kamon in a serious tone. After that, Bakuga went silent and holds out another B-Daman, which is Derek's B-Daman.

"Check it out! Is that..." "It's Supreme Tigare!" Said Riki and Dracyan.

Bakuga holds up Raydra, "Let's go, Raydra!"

"As you wish, Young Master." Raydra replied as his eyes were glowing red.

All of a sudden, Tigare's pieces have been broken apart and attaching themselves to Raydra. Kohana and Shiro were both surprised. "One tiger unification! Perfect Raydra!" Bakuga shouts.

Kamon and Garuburn were in utter shock, but so were Kohana and Shiro. "Whoa! He just took another B-Daman..." "And combined them!"

"That's the first time I have ever seen something like that..." Kohana said. "You said it, Kohana. Same here." Aries agreed.

"What do you think is going to happen next?" Shiro asked.

"I don't know, but I think Kamon and Garuburn need to brace themselves for the impact on Bakuga's next move." Gorgon said in reply.

"Indeed. Allow me to explain, both Raydra and Tigare are both Tiger-Type B-Daman." Novu starts, "And together, they are a Control Type that rivals even my skills." Dragren finishes.

"By mixing the best features of both B-Daman, they can improve on aiming, shooting, and stability. Basically eliminating any weaknesses." Novu finishes his explanation.

"Emblem Charge!" Bakuga shouts as the tiger emblem appears in his eye. The red emblem on Raydra lights up and sending electric charges out. Bakuga presses it down and activates his Special Move.

"Shining Combo Slash!" "Shatter the Entire Galaxy! Perfect Raydra!" Bakuga launches his Special Move and lightning bolts were emitting out of the marble, then moves it way around in the air before the B-Animal manifests through the air.

"I'm all fired up! Emblem Charge!" Kamon activates Garuburn's emblem and the wings were moving out to the side. "Quantum Blast Drive!" "Light the Blaze! Drive Garuburn!" He fires his Special Move by launching ten marbles at the same time and both shots were hitting the same bar.

Kamon and Bakuga were shouting at the top of their lungs. All of a sudden, the white tiger monument was lighting up behind them, and so are the Ruby of Flames and Sapphire of Aqua Pura were emitting a bright glow, letting Kohana and Shiro notice the light.

"The monument and the stones...!" Kohana and Shiro shouts in surprise.

"This doesn't look good..." Riki was worried. "They're in trouble!" Dracyan shouts.

"And go!" Bakuga shouts and the marble pushes the bar through, and gains him the second point. Kamon was sweating and panting from firing his Special Move. "That was... amazing, Bakuga..." Kamon praises the boy, as he was panting for air, too.

"Now we know how tough you can be when you get serious!" Garuburn exclaims and Kamon holds up his right thumb at him, "It's just no if you don't go all out, you know?" He questions him. But he doesn't answer and gives him a smile.

"It's two to one." Said Novu.  "Hmm... Novu, the force of that combo was--" "Yes, it seems as if the were somehow able to tap into the White Tiger's power." He looks at the stone monument. "And triggering something for the Angel Goddesses of this generation." Novu looks over to Kohana and Shiro as their gemstones were glowing brightly. Suddenly, an aura were surrounding the girls.

"What the heck's going on?" Shiro asked.

"Calm down, Shiro-chan. When Bakuga and Kamon-kun fired their Special Moves, it seems that the monument of the White Tiger is reacting with the stones. I still have no idea  what happens next, though..." Kohana explained in reply.


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