23: Sacrifice

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*Ray's pov* 

We were walking behind Egon who was looking around the area the meter lead us. Nothing was here, not a single thing. 

"There is nothing here Egon," Natalie told him. She changed into her uniform since the dress was dragging her down. Lick was close behind her looking around also. 

"I know that," he said glaring at the meter. He had been silent after he told us that Natalie had to pretty much kill herself to defeat Ligen. 

"Hey, what is that?" Peter asked pointing to a light in an apartment building. We walked towards it, then heard a laugh. Ligen appeared out of no where laughing at us. 

"I must say you mortals are clever," he told us. "I also see that you ignored my warning and freed Dr. N Spengler. Now I will have to stop you myself since my army has not." 

He was right. The demons seemed to be drawn to us more then they were before and tried to kill us more than once. Only Natalie seemed to not be touched by them. We all fired the streams, but nothing happened. 

"Now what?" I asked. "The book is inside and he is out here!" 

"We will have to lead him inside!" Egon answered. 

"Alright smart guy, how do we do that?" Venkman asked him. 

"I don't know!" Egon yelled over the roaring wind. 

"There's a first!" Winston put in. 

"What if we just run inside and see if that works?" Natalie asked, and we ran inside. We ran up the flight of stairs until we found the place the book was in. The room was deadly quite, and we had a chance to catch our breaths. 

"So what now?" I asked her. She looked around and pulled a knife out of the drow it was in. 

"You all need to go when he gets here," she answered looking at the open book. She walked over and waited for Ligen to come. I could see she was sad about what she was going to do, and she smiled at us. 

"Hey Egon," she said and he looked up at her. 

"Tell Mom I love her, okay?" she asked him, and he nodded. "I love you also. Don't you dare forget it or I will come and annoy the crap out of you." 

"You might do that anyway," he answered with a smile. She laughed, and walked over and gave him a huge hug. He hugged back, and she did the same for all of us. She walked back over, and saluted us has Ligen came out of one of the doors. We ran away before he ever saw us and we watched has the building started to shack. I don't know what happened inside. 

*Natalie's pov* 

I watched has the guys ran out of the door without Ligen noticing. I sighed knowing they would get to safety while I did this. The demon smiled at me not knowing what I was going to do. 

"Hello Dr. Spengler," he cooed. "Where are the others?" 

"Why would I tell you?" I asked him, and his smile faded. 

"Where are they?" he asked again. I held up the knife for him to see and I cut my finger to get a drop of blood on the book. More then a drop come out, but I thought it was enough. I dropped the knife and fired the blast at him. I moved across the room and he was over the book now. 

"I wouldn't tell you no matter what," I informed him, and he looked up pleading with me. 

"Don't do this Dr. Spengler!" he cried. "You'll kill yourself!" 

"Better then living in a world that is dead." 

I slammed him inside the book, and all the demons that were killing people were pulled inside the book. I didn't see Lick in the group and I smiled. He didn't deserve to be trapped inside White's book anyway. When the last of the demons were inside, I shut the book. The building was crumbling, and something hit my head. I fell with the book shut.

Tears fell from my eyes has more things fell. I closed my eyes and thought about Mom, Egon, Peter, Ray, Winston, Slimer, Lick, Janine, Louis, and all the people I held close to my heart. I fell into darkness. 

*Egon's pov* 

"No!" I yelled has the apartment fell into crumbles. Lick barked and ran inside it. I thought about Natalie that was trapped inside, and it was too much. I felt Peter grab my arm, but to steady himself. We watched has the building fell, stone for stone. She was gone. No one could live from that. I knew it, and I saw the others had tears in their eyes. I knew it wasn't like me, but I felt a few in my eyes also. Only Natalie would make me show emotions I didn't usually show, but I didn't care. 

"Poor Natalie," Ray said whipping his eyes. 

"I hope it was quick and painless for her," Peter put in letting his tears fall. "She didn't deserve pain in her death." 

"She didn't deserve to die," I told him, and he nodded. 

"She sacrificed herself to save us," Winston told me placing his hand on my shoulder. We heard a bark and saw Lick coming towards us with something in his mouth. I couldn't see what it was, but when he came closer I saw what it was. 

It wasn't a what. It was a who. It was a woman around my age. She had stone in her blond hair that was put up in a ponytail. Chalk was all over her red jumpsuit that had purple trim. Her purple glasses were broken on her face, and she looked hurt. A cut was running down her face, and she wasn't breathing. She wasn't crushed, but something large hit her, and that was what killed her. I looked down at her, and more tears fell. It was my twin sister. 

"Oh God," Winston said, and he stepped back. 

"Is she?" Peter asked, but didn't finish. 

"She is," Ray sighed. I knew that she could be brought back, but it was her lungs that weren't working. I knelled down beside her, and I thought to myself. She was going to owe me, and she didn't like to owe me. I placed my lips on hers and started to give her CPR. After minutes of doing this, she breathed out, and her chest rose up, then down again. I picked her up, and the others cheered. 

"Way to go Spengs!" Venkman cried, and then looked down at her. His smile disappeared. 

"We have to get her to a hospital," I told them, and they didn't argue. Peter and Ray sat up front, and Winston took the seat behind them. I laid Natalie on my knees in the very back, and took her proton pack off. I smiled down at her and very quietly so no one would hear, I whispered in her ear. 

"Good to have you back Natalie."  

CLIFFHANGER! Haha, so Natalie was saved by Egon, isn't that sweet. Looking back on what I wrote I'm surprised I ddin't make Peter say "Oh tinman you do have a heart." Oh well, line for another day. So I have a question for you guys and gals. Should I make a book about the more adventures that I couldn't put in this book? I might even just do a whole episode of the Real Ghostbusters and put Natalie in it, just cause. Let me know if you want that to happen, and let me know what you think of the new cover. Egon and Winston got cut out of the picture, but eh. Picture of the guys just after they bust the ghost in the theme song. This is getting too long. Peace out my Stars! 

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