|||Aaron's Ending|||

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Aaron's POV~
My heart was racing as her sweet, soft, luscious lips were pressed on mine. I broke the kiss and she fluttered her gorgeous (E/C) eyes and she smiled; I love her, she knows this but I really do. I couldn't live without her, she the candle that was lit in my darkness. Her face turned a light shade of pink and it was absolutely adorable.
"A..Aaron..?" She stuttered,
"(Y/N)... I loved you since the beginning, You are the love of my life and I want to spend each and every day with you. I loved seeing your beautiful smile but it tore me when you were with the others, I would have been happy for you either way; W..when I'm around you I see a different person in me.... I'm socially awkward, or very blunt in what u say, I'm very Quiet; but when I'm with you, you bring out the best in me. I just love being with you.."
"What I was trying to get to is.... (Y..Y/n) will you be my girlfriend?"
"A..Aaron, Yes! Of course I--" I cut her off with a smooth kiss, She was stunned but smile while I kissed her. She pulled away with a bright blush across her cheeks,
"What will the others say?" She said
"Don't worry about what they say, they'll understand it was your decision. They want you to be happy too not just them, now want to head back?"
"O..okay, and yeah sure let's head back." I swiftly grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to me, we walked back and sat down with everyone; I pulled (Y/N) closer to me. She laid her head on my shoulder and looked up at the fire works, she has an incredible way of making my heart skip a' beat. It was getting quite cold and she started shivering so I took off my jacket and placed it on her shoulders, She blushed more and snuggled close to me. I smiled at the thought of the girl I love is the one I can finally call mine, The fireworks ended and everyone Started to leave. We all started walking back to the cars when (Y/N) jumped on my back, I held her as she laughed so much and smiled so big that it made me laugh and smile too. I carried her back to the car with her on my back and we headed back to the hotel; Once we got there everyone settled down in the room,
"Hey Guys... I have something to tell you all.." (Y/N) began, Everyone seemed confused but they all listened.
"(Y/N) and I are together." I said bluntly, "Aaron!" She gave me an annoyed look.
"What!" The guys shouted,
"Uh Yeah... Aaron and I are together.." She blushed.
"Heh Were happy for you two..." Garroth Smiled, "yeah we just want to to be happy (Y/N), we can't just force things on you." Laurance said,
"Hey but you know (Y/N) if you two don't work out... We still have out ending together-GAH!" Travis said flirty till he was plummeted to the ground by Laurance and Garroth,
"Leave her Alone Travis!" They growled,
"Right..." Travis Huffed,
"You cute idiot.." Katelyn mumbled,
"Hey Why don't we head to bed guys, it's late" Aph said.
Your POV:
I walked to the bathroom and changed into my (F/C) Pjs and headed to bed, I laid down and pulled the blankets up to me I then felt two Strong arms wrap around me, I felt the warmth of him come closer as I was pulled to his chest.
"I love you" he said kissing my forehead,
"I love you too....ZzZzZ..." I doze off....
Time skip~1 year later~
Aaron had gone to work this morning soooo I was bored to death..... He told me that he was working little later today and that he wouldn't be home till late, I was extremely bored so I headed to Aphmau's house. It was raining so I took and umbrella(you don't live that far from her house) and walked over,
•Knock knock Knock•
I waited till someone opened the door,
"Oh Hello (Y/N)~Senpai!" Kawaii~Chan squeaked,
"Hia Kawaii~Chan, is it okay for me to hang out here today?"
"Oh of course (Y/N)~Senpai your welcome here all the time! Ah come in its raining!" She pulled me inside and I left my umbrella at the door,
"So (Y/N)~Senpai, Where Aaron~Kun?"
"He told me that he had to work late, soo he won't be home for a while."
"Awe Kawaii~Chan's sorry, (Y/N)~Senpai wanna make cookies?"
"It's okay Kawaii~Chan, and sounds great I'd love to make cookies!" We went to the kitchen and Kawaii~Chan grabbed out all of the stuff to make cookies,
"Hey Kawaii~Chan, Where Aph?"
"Oh Aphmau~Senpai's in her room, she's been in there for a while now... (y/n)~Senpai should go check to see if Aphmau~Senpia's okay"
"Okay I will" I headed upstairs and walked towards Aph's room, I went to knock on the door but I heard a familiar voice talk... Not Aphmau's.... I know I shouldn't listen but it sounds like Aaron...
"I love you.." He said....
I felt tears build up in my eyes, that was Aaron.. I tried to not let the tears flow but I couldn't, I felt tears streaming down my cheeks..
"A...Aaron.... Why?...." I barley said, I ran down stairs.
"(Y/N)~Senpai... Are you okay?"
"No!" I yelled.... I ran outside
Aaron's POV:
(Before You came)
I was heading home from Work when I stopped at Aphmau's House, I knocked on the door and She Answered.
"Uh Hey Aph, Could I talk to you?"
"Uh Sure come inside.." I walked inside and Asked if we could go somewhere nobody would hear.... She took me to her room.
"Aphmau... I wanna Ask (Y/N) to marry me.."
"OMI really!! Eekk!" She squealed,
"Shhh Aph, I need your help. What do you think about this; Of what I want to say.... (Y/N) The day I met you, my life changed... The way you make me feel is hard to explain. You make me smile in a special kind of way.. You make me fall in love with you deeper everyday, I love you. (Y/N) (L/n) will you marry me?"
"EKK! Aaron she's going to love it! When are you going to ask her?"
"Uh... Well I was planing on asking her soon... I just don't know when the perfect time was.."
"Well when ever that time is she's going to--"
"No!" Someone shouted from downstairs, Aph and I ran down to see Kawaii~Chan standing shocked,
"What happened?" Aph asked,
"Uh (Y/N)~Senpai ran outside crying, Kawaii~Chan tried asking her what's wrong..."
Wait (Y/N) was here? I ran out side to find She running down the street to her house..
"(Y/N)!" I yelled,
She turned around and froze in place, I ran to her and saw tears pouring out of her eyes,
"Honey what's wrong?"
"You Jerk! I heard what you said...."
"What did I say?"
"T..that.... You love Aphmau..."
"What? I don't love her (Y/N)... I love you I was just... Uh practicing.."
"Practicing? What Loving Aphmau!"
"No not at all... I was practicing.... What I wanted to say to you"
"(Y/N), this is not how u wanted to ask you this..." I got down on one knee and pulled out the ring.. "But...the Day I Met you my life changed, the way you make me feel is hard to explain. Y..you make me smile in ways I can not explain.... We fell in love, despite our differences, and once we did, something rare and beautiful was created. For me, Love happened and I cherish ever single moment we had together and for more to come. (Y/N) (L/N) will you marry me?"
(Y/N) covered her face with her hands, I went to her and gently pulled her hands away from her face.
"(Y/N) I love you more than anything in this world..."
"Yes, I will marry you."
I pulled her and planted a kiss to her lips, I don't think she know how much I truly love her and that I would never do that to her.

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