Chapter 1

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(3 years later from prolougue)

1st Pov

Naruto age:11

I walked to the training ground where I usually trained, well not really. I just threw shuriken and kunai at logs and recollected my thoughts. I was denied training from my father and he made sure that no one trained me either by telling all the genin, chunin, and jonin to not train me. Sadness started to overwhelm me and I started crying, knowing that my dreams of becoming Hokage will never happen. "Are you okay?" I heard a voice and looked up to see a boy, about my age with black hair and onyx eyes (No hints). I wiped my tears away and nodded a yes. "Are you sure? You dont look okay" He asked me. "Its just parents wont let me train to become a ninja and accomplish my goals of being Hokage" I said. The boy thought for a moment before saying "My brother is on a mission right now, but hes coming home tommorow. Maybe he can train both of us!" I looked up eagarly. The boy extended his hand, "My name's Sasuke, whats yours?" I took his hand and got up, "My name's Naruto, wanna be friends?" Sasuke smiled, "Sure!". The next few hours were just us talking about each other and getting to know each other. I ran home because it was close to my curfew and I opened the door just in time. "Hey Naruto!" My mom said. She was cooking something and it smelled nice. I didnt dislike her like I disliked dad. My mom once secretly taught me the clone jutsu and the transformation jutsu, but that was as far as she went. My father, however didnt teach me jackshit. "Hey mom!". I ate some food and then went to sleep. I woke up early in the morning and ran outside to the training grounds and waited for Sasuke. "Heeyy! Naruto!" I heard someone yell. I looked at the direction of the voice and saw Sasuke with a taller person that was most likely Sasuke's brother. I took a closer look at the taller person and saw that he had a pony tail, a sword strapped to his back, and ANBU clothes. He also looks a lot like Sasuke. Sasuke had a huge bag and a bow and arrows strapped to his back. I ran towards them, "Hey Sasuke", "Hey Naruto, this is my brother Itachi" Sasuke said excitedly. Itachi did a small nod at me and suddenly made a clone. "Sasuke, you will work with my clone. I will work with Naruto to test his skills". Itachi's clone went off to work with Sasuke while Itachi faced me. "Alright Naruto, come at me with everything you got". I quickly focused about 3/4's of my chakra and made a thousand clones. Itachi looked around and my clones quickly armed themselves with kunai. I jumped away and hid myself, while making another of my clone act like the real me. "GET IM!" my clone yelled and all the clones started charging. Suddenly they started dissapearing. In a matter of seconds, my army of clones were turned into smoke. All that was left was my fake me. "Its over, Naruto" I heard him say. I quickly jumped out from my hiding spot and ran at him only to find myself on the ground with a kunai pointed at my face. I pouted and looked away, accepting my defeat. Itachi got off of me and pointed out my weak spots. "You have great chakra reserves and you can make good tactics in the heat of battle but you need to work on your taijutsu and from what Sasuke told me earlier, you need to work on ninjutsu also." I nodded and Itachi took out a piece of paper. "This is a special paper. It tells you what kind of chakra affinity you have", I nodded and took the piece of paper. "So what do you have to do to find it out?" I asked. "Its simple. You focus chakra into the piece of paper". It took some time, but I eventually found out how to do it and my piece of paper split into two. "Hmm" Itachi looked intrigued, "Your affinity is wind. Its a very rare element and if used properly, it can be very deadly". I smiled at my new found power. Itachi tossed me a few scrolls. "Here. I expect you to learn this jutsu in two hours. Then we will start on some physical training. I looked at the scroll with wide eyes. It was basically a sword made of air. I can use it to defend or attack, which in my opinion, was really cool. (2 hours later) I finally mastered the jutsu and then suddenly I was grabbed and put next to Sasuke. "100 laps around the training field. GO!" Itachi said. "Itachi nii, isnt that a bit too much?" Sasuke asked. Itachi looked at Sasuke and said, "Do you want me to increase it to 150?". He really was serious about this stuff. It was nearly four oclock and we started running at 12:30. You have no idea how long this stuff can take. We spent the next three hours doing these "Warm ups" that Itachi does for breakfast. Great, if I have to do this for the next few years, I might die. 

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