Chapter 2

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(1 year later)

Age: 12

"When will you ever show what you can do to your parents?" Sasuke asked me, one day when we were on out break. I thought for a moment. "I dont know. Maybe on a mission or in the graduation exams. I just have to show enough to where I can actually pass". Sasuke nodded, "We shouldnt hold back during the graduation exams", he said briefly before biting into his tomato. I swear, he always brings at least one tomato everywhere. When he gets hungry, he magically makes it pop out of his pocket. Its really wierd. "Okay break times over! Time to do 150 laps with 10 more pounds on your weights!" Over the past year, me and Sasuke have progressed well. The graduation exams were in a week and me and Sasuke were more than prepared. Today my mother said that I could stay up a bit because of my increased grades. Me and Sasuke walked to the BBQ resturant. Even though it wasnt as good as Ramen, BBQ is still really good. We ussually found Choji there with Shikamaru and thats what happened today. "Hey Choji, Shikamaru!" I said to the duo. "Hey Naruto! Hey Sasuke!" Choji said with BBQ stuffed in his mouth. I sweatdropped along with Sasuke. We sat down in the booth next to them and ordered some BBQ. Suddenly, Sakura, Ino, and Hinata walked in, Sakura and Ino argueing about who knows what and Hinata standing there staying quiet. I didnt like Sakura and Ino because they were WAAAYY too loud and were always stalking Sasuke, trying to rape him. I wouldnt be suprised if they had pictures of Sasuke in his sleep. Hinata was a nice and kind person unlike some others. Sakura and Ino instantly swarmed Sasuke while Hinata just stood in the back, quietly. "Oi Sasuke, im gonna go see Hinata" I said. He gave me a look that said "Thanks for leaving me back here with these crazy bastards (hint: sarcasm)" I walked up to the quiet, purple haired girl and said "Hi". She instantly grew red and managed to squeek out a "H-hi". For some reason she always grows red around others and becomes super shy. I dont know why and dont ask me. Girls are wierd creatures. "Come on, eat with us!" I said. She grew as red as Mom's hair and squeeked as I grabbed her hand to bring her over with Sasuke and the others. I sat down next in the seat opposite of Sasuke, brining Hinata next to me. By then her face was about the color of a tomato times 12 multiplied by Moms hair. Sasuke smirked over Sakura's and Ino's annoying bodies and said, "I think you both like sitting next to each other. You know where else you would like to sit? On Naruto's la-" I glared at Sasuke, "You better shut the hell up, or I will rip out your scrotum!". I only like her as a friend and not like that. He laughed and then returned to his annoyed expression because of the girls. The waiter brought us the BBQ and I started to eat along with Sasuke. Sakura and Ino just stared at him like a stalker while Hinata just nibbled at her piece, still red. "Hey Hinata?" I tapped her. Suddenly it looked like she exploded and then she fainted. I stared at her before panicking. "SHIT! WHAT DID I DO!". Sasuke started laughing, "Looks like its your responsibility to take care of her". That stupid, arrogant prick. I carried her bridal style home because I dont know where she lived. I walked inside and put her on the couch. Then I quickly brought mom to her. "What happened to her? I tapped her on the shoulder and all of a sudden she just fainted!" I asked. She smiled, "Maybe...she likes you?" I instantly blushed and then face palmed. "Everyone says that now!" I said. "Thats because thats probably a fact" Mom said. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Hinata open her eyes. I leaned in close to see if she was really awake. "Hey Hinata! Your finally awake!" Suddenly she grew red again and fainted. "See!" I faced mom. She picked her up and said "Dont worry. Ill take her the Hyuuga compound" She walked out the door, but right before she left she said, "you would make a good couple, if you liked her". I facepalmed hard again. 

Dat Naruhina moment doe! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! 

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