Chapter 5

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I listened to Kakashi sensei talk about the excercise. "Ready. Set. Go!" all three of us, Sasuke, Sakura and me hid in the bushes or on a tree. I quickly ran to Sasuke when Kakashi sensei wasnt looking and said, "We gotta work together in order to defeat him. Teamwork is essential to survive, well at least thats what Itachi said". He nodded and we started to make a plan. (5 minutes later) We came out to find Sakura who was walking around yelling "Sasuke-kuuuuuuuuunnn!!". Who in their right mind would like to scream to let the enemy know where they are? Sakura maybe? Yeah, and she was called one of the smartest people in the academy. Sasuke facepalmed and muttered "Stupid forehead". I smirked, "Your actually gonna take that name from Ino? I sense a ship going on here" I said. He sighed, "Dont even think about it. Ino is just as worse as Sakura". When we appeared in front of Sakura she expressed signs of relief for Sasuke and then hate for me. Seriously, what have I ever done to her, besides "Accidently" pushing her into a pond, called her forehead once, and throwing one of Shino's bugs into her mouth by "Accident". "Sasuke-kun" Why add the kun part? "We could beat Kakashi sensei ourselves. We dont need Naruto! He will just be a burden!" Haha, nice joke. Makes me feel nice to know that a pink haired, forehead girl hates me. "We will need him for our plan" Sasuke said. I could sense his frustration with the pink girl growing bigger and bigger. He proceded to tell his plan to Ms. Forehead and she nodded, understanding the plan. (10 minutes later) I saw the pervy sensei STILL reading that stupid book made by my "godfather". Honestly, he doesnt do anything for me and just looks at girls all day. Stupid pervy old man. I took two demon wind shuriken out and jumped down to face the pervy sensei. "Hm?" Kakashi sensei asked, "Oh, your attacking me by yourself?". I nearly facepalmed at his stupid observation skills and laidback manner. Great, not only is our sensei pervy, BUT a lazy ass. I rushed to him and engaged in a fierce Taijutsu fight. I could tell that I was pushing him to his limits, and I quickly swiped my foot at his leg. He jumped up, just as expected. A fireball came roaring through the trees and hit Kakashi sensei. He burnt and dropped a wooden log. Stupid subsitution jutsu. Its so annoying. Suddenly a huge explosion came from the west side of the forest and some loud curses like "DAMMIT! MY BOOK IS GONE!" and "NOW I CANT FINISH THE FINAL CHAPTER! THAT WAS THE NEW BOOK TOO!". Sakura set some traps before me and Sasuke fought Kaka sensei. Sasuke and I raced to the explosion and the curses coming from the explosion. We found the bruised and battered sensei, standing in the middle of a huge crater with most of his clothes burnt off. Before he could react to us, we launched ourselves at him. We started fighting and Sasuke disarmed his kunai and then pushed him to me. I made a few clones and we kicked him to the sky. A final clone slammed his foot into his stomach. While he was hurtling to the ground a pink haired girl jumped from the trees and quickly took the bells. Kakashi sensei slammed into the ground and a huge crater appeared along with drebris and smoke. Once the smoke cleared we found Kakashi sensei, battered and his clothes were just tatters except for his face mask and pants. Sakura gave the bell to Sasuke first, obviously, and then hesitated and tried giving her bell to me. "No" I shook my head, "You two deserve it more than me. I wouldnt care if I got sent back to the academy. No one would care either". I heard some clapping behind me. I saw Kakashi sensei out of the crater clapping. "Good job, you stole my bells, but which I see one of you doesnt have one, and im sure you know what happens when you dont have a bell" he said. I stepped up foward. "Ill go instead of them" I said. Kakashi sensei leaned foward, with an evil look in his eyes. I prepared for some kind of beating or attack, but he suddenly leaned back and said "Good job! You all pass!" Wait, What?

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