Chapter 8

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I cried at Sasuke's funeral. His remains couldnt be found, and the only living reminder was the eyes that Sasuke gave me. (Flashback) "SASUKEE!!!" I screamed. He was on the ground, with needles covering every inch of his lower body. If we dont get him help he will die of blood loss. "Please dont take this personally" I heard Haku's voice behind me. He looked at Sasuke sadly and then at me and got ready to fight. I felt anger overwhelm me, hatred take over, powering me with fuel to fight. I blurred to Haku, fast, faster than ive ever been before,  and slammed my fist into his face. Then while he was flying back I blurred behind him and stabbed him through the chest, instantly killing him. I looked at Kakashi sensei, killing Zabuza with his chidori. I hurried to Sasuke and stared at him in horror, not because of the wounds but because of what I knew would come later. Death. Something that everyone would eventually go through. I kneeled over him and suddenly tears started to come out of my eyes, something that hasnt happened for years, ever since that day when Sasuke told me he would get Itachi to train me. That was the day when I met my first friend. "N-Naruto. Dont cry, its ok. Im sorry I wasnt able to help you become hokage and become your personal guard. I always thought of you as my other brother. You helped me through everything and im sorry for all the times I wanted to train with you selfishly. Because of that, I want you to have my eyes and keep it as a reminder" He said. I stared at him, still crying and my hands went together to make the clone. I layed down next to him and my clone began the operation, both of us crying the entire time. Once I was done  Sakura and Kakashi sensei were staring at us, Kakashi sensei guiltily and Sakura crying sadly. "N-Naruto. Tell Itachi and everyone...that I love them and that ill see them along with you on the other side" he drew in his last breath and he then grew still. The air around me has never been so cold. "Ah, so the stupid black haired annoyance finally died?" I heard someone say. I looked around and saw Gato and his mercenaries. "Kill them men!" He yelled. I quickly activated my Sharingan and suddenly everything was slower and I could see every detail of the landscape. I stood up, realeasing huge amounts of killing intent, stopping the enemy in their tracks. "Fire style: Illumintating Destruction!" I screamed and I shot out a fire ball the size of a mansion, instantly vaporizing the mercenaries. I released the jutsu, stopping it from damaging the rest of the land and fell down on my knees. The last thing I saw was Sasuke's body and what looked like a light coming out from his body and descending to the heavens. (Flashback end) I ran from the funeral and found myself on top of the hokage faces. I remembered every memory with him, our training, our spars, our talks. Now that it was all gone, made me depressed. "If I couldnt save one friend, how would I ever become Hokage" I thought out loud. I felt someone come up behind me and sit next to me. It was Itachi.

I walked outside of my house. From the day Sasuke died, I cut off all emotions and turned more and more serious. I discarded my feelings for Makino and stopped visiting my friends. I blurred to the Training field planning to meet my sensei and Sakura. "Here are your Chunin exam papers. You...." I ignored him and started thinking. All the details are on the paper so who cares about what hes saying. I started to walk away, not caring about Kakashi sensei's words. Sakura was in a state of depression right now so she wont care. I found myself at the grave of my best friend. I kneeled down and though about all the times we laughed. I stood up and walked away. I hated this hell, evil lurking at every corner and no peace. I shunshined to a training field, planning to train with my sharingan. "Naruto, I havent seen you in a long time" a soft voice said behind me. "And what if you have" I said impassively and coldly. "I-I was just worried" Makino said. "Oh, yeah. Im definately fine, my best friend died on me, im soo happy right now!" My voice growing louder and louder in volume. "I was just trying to be friendly, why are being so cold to me!" Makino said, angrily. I scoffed, "I dont need your friendship". I felt a pang of sadness and guilt as I said it, but what was said was said. I cannot take it back. She glared at me and then stormed off. I stared at the spot she was once standing in and then turned back to my training. "Maybe this would distract me a bit" I said outloud, but I knew that it couldnt compensate for the hole in my heart.

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