Chapter 9

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Hey guys whats up? So me and my friend have been making a youtube channel and we want you guys to go check it out(if you want to)! We make songs for people to listen to. Link: Anyway, enough talking about my channel. Time to get to the chapter!

(The video I posted was one of our songs in the channel)


"The custom of wearing out ones life and fighting to balance, that is how we keep a good relationship in the world of ninja." the third hokage said. 

The first and second exam was a breeze. The only thing that was a nuisance was Orochimaru. He tried and failed miserably at getting my sharingan. 

The first one up was a rain nin and another guy named Yoroi. The rain nin passed barely. The rest went up as I sat there thinking. Was fate cruel enough to do this to me? Not a day goes by without me thinking of Sasuke. No homo though.

"Naruto Uzumaki vs Kiba Inuzaka" The board read.

 Kiba jumped down, facing me cockily. I walked down leisurely as I activated my Sharingan. I still dont know how I can activate it, but I have a lead. Ive heard that the Uzumaki clan is related to the Uchiha along with the Senju. 

"Me and Akamaru have been training hard. We wont lose to some dead last!" He yelled. I grimaced. 

"Me? Dead last? Take that nickname of your mind because Naruto Uzumaki is the only thing that your gonna be thinking of as I completely destroy you" I said coldly.

 He flinched, but quickly regained his composure. He scoffed as I slowly took out a kunai from my hoslter.

"Start!" Kiba ran at me, thinking he was able to beat me with his regular taijutsu alone. Too bad he fails to realize that I was better at him in taijutsu. I blurred behind him, slammed my elbow into his back, blurred in front of him, and kept hitting him. 

He stumbled back and roared, "Stop this!". I smirked at him and asked, "And why should I do that?". I blurred behind him and slammed my fist into his head effectively knocking the boy out. 

"Naruto Uzumaki wins!" The procter yelled.

 I deactivated my sharingan and shunshined up to the stands. 

"Good job" Kakashi sensei said. I grunted in response and leaned back on the wall. This was a boring test.


The final part of the exams were coming up soon, but I didn't need a sensei. I knew enough about my opponent and his abilities. His name was Neji Hyuga and he was supposedly a prodigy. I knew enough about his dojutsu and I knew the perfect counterattack to it. 

I kneeled at Sasuke's grave and started to talk. 

"Oi teme. I finally finished the second exams and im moving onto the third. I wish you were here...." I started to break up, my calm and collected mask broke and went to waste as I started to cry. Sasuke's death was something I might never get over. The only thing I can do now is carry on his final will, to keep his eye as a reminder of him. My best friend. 

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