going shopping with the girls

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me:heyyyyy guys im back!xD

rin:took you long enough=_=

me:immm sooo sorry for da wait guys*^*

Angel:but anyway thanks for the votes and comments! its good to know that people care about me:3

me:wasent it len that cared0.0

len:i dont care*.*

Angel:*hits him with a chair*-3-


random dude:well enjoy! XD


it was three days ago when I met master, the one who created the vocaliods. I was confused sometimes, I mean he was just  familiar everthing was, weird uh. anyway as those three days passed and I learned alittle more about the vocaliods. there really nice! IA even let me play some of her video games! everyone one has been really nice! well except for len I mean he hasn't been talking much. has the fever came back? neru hasn't been talking ethier, I wonder why........

I ran to the kitchen to get some Angel cake, I cant help it I just love Angel cake! it tastes sooo good! IA said I was crazy liking that but oh well.

I opened the capnet and pulled the cake out. I placed it on the table and grabbed a knife from the kitchen drawer and cutted the cake. I was sing insanity, the song me and IA sang. I couldn't get it out of my head ever since we sang it with master.

anyway I cutted the cake and placed it on a plate.

I was eating my cakie when miku came in the room.

"hey Angel! do you want to go to the mall with us"miku yelled in excitement

"sure! whos going to be there?"I asked eating the last part of my cake

"well its just going to be me, teto, IA, luka, gumi, rin, haku, mekio, and neru. its going to be a girls got out shopping thing"miku said taking a bit of her leek

"ok! ill go!"I said getting off the chair.

"well there already waiting do we better hurry up!"miku said grabbing my hand and running out of are big mansion.

"m-miku!"I screamed of fear that I might slip

we arrived at the mall seeing all the girls waiting for us.

when we got to them I saw that they were all wearing costumes

"well you took forever!"rin said

running towards us

"why are you wearing that?"I said looking at her little disguise.

"miku! you dident tell her!?"luka said staring at miku who was also wearing at disguise

"sorry! I forgot!"miku said dumfounded.

before I could look at her she dumped some clouse(dont now how to spell dat-.-') on my hands while I just look at her confused

"where that so fans wont know its us k!"she said gestering me to go to the bathroom to change.

I went into the bathroom and came out 2 minutes later

I was wearing a purple haired wig, a black shirt, and some blue short shorets.I looked at them seeing haku and neru laughing

"w-whats so f-funny?"I said in embarrassment.

"you look weird!"neru said still laughing as I just looked down still in embarrassed.

"ok, ok thats enough guys"mekio said grabing them by the back of there shirts

"h-hey! let go!"they both said scurming out of her tight grasp

"hahahahaha! whos the one laughing know!"we all laughted as they both turned bright red

"ok so what know?"teto asked

"WE GO SHOPPING!"gumi yelled running into a nerby store

we all just laughed and followed the shopping maniac inside.

we bought alot of shirts, dresses, skirts, jewellery,shoes, and well you can say alot more! I got alot of help by gumi to! well caz we all now she loves shopping.

we soon got tired of shopping so we just took a break by going to a small cafe thats inside the mall.

as we sat down IA spoke "sooooo you gonna wear those new clouse (agian dont know how to spell dat?*^*) for lenny"she smirked

I just looked at her confused "cant I wear this for anybody?"I said looking at her

"Angel you have now idea wjay love is dont u"she faceplamed

"love? what is that?"I said

"you dont now what that means!?"miku yelled alittle to loud getting the others attention

"what does she not know?"neru asked

"what 'love' means"rin said budging in

"ok! I get it I dont know what it is! can you tell me?"I said

"well its like when you like'like' someone"IA said as my face went completely red

"o-oh" I shuddered as rin looked at me.

"your blushing~"she said pokeing my cheeks that made me turn bright red even more.

"what does blushing mean?"I asked cooling down a bit

"it means when your embarrassment or your either thinking or near I person you like"teto said as I just nodded

so was that a fever or a blush? I asked myself remembering the time len had the so called fever.

"soooooo are you going to answer my question?"IA asked teasing me as I quickly remembered the question she asked.

I blushed bright red and shook my head fast.

"your lieing~"IA teased as I jumped of my chair and ran in circles around the table with IA following me.

"come on tell me the truth!"IA said teasing me and running faster

"no-"I stopped by tripping over a carpet and pulling IA's wig off on accident.

"HEY! isent that IA!?"some person yelled as a bunch of people ran towards us like a group of zombies

"oh crap!"IA yelled as the rest just stared at me and IA

"are you the volcaliods!?"

"can you sigh my autograph!?"

"can you sing for us!?"

who is this? is it a new vocaliod!?"

people asked us over and over agian. I managed to sneek out of the huge group of people and stood up on top of a table causing everyone to stop and look at me.

"hello my fellow fans! im Angel-chan!"I said doing a pose as everyone cheered. I glanced at the other as they got the idea and got on the other tables.

"we will be doing alittle perview concert for you guys so enjoy!"I said as as all the lights when out except for the ones shineing on all of us as we started to sing

*sry if it might sound alittle weird its just that the song popped into my head and its a 9 vocaliod group song sooo here we go!*

*secret after school*

Angel:have (you) noticed, on the morning of monday?

IA:that (i've) done my hair in a different way?

luka:(and I) cropped ten cm off (my) shirt--

rin:(I) wanna get your heart bouncin-

gumi:well thats a girl thing!

teto and miku:as soon as I heard you

haku:laughing outside the window

mekio:(ive) got this thrubbing pain deep inside--

rin:(but) I cant speak up, NO!

everyone:(ive) already known im falling for you (and I) got to feel like this--for the first time--

(I) ain't no baby anymore, so I want is all-- isnt that greedy?--

(I)want (you) to look at none but me--wanna know for sure what you can see
cant (i) say'em out loud?---(my) bold thoughts?

ah,ah, ah,-- the secret time after school.....

***they start danceing as the croud cheers******

miku:what would you be doing....on a Saturday evening?

Angel and IA:the time spent (away from you) really get (my) mind racing--

teto and haku:though (im) a girl, (im) still quite interested

neru:there are alot of things that(I) wanna do

gumi and miku:(and) it about time (too!)

mekio:what happened in that classroom that day?

luka:when the others (looked away)?

Angel:(things) that (I) cant tell, but (im) dying to let it out

mekio and luka:feels like is gonna make (me) burst--

everyone:--o bother!
(would you) stop torturing(me) with(your)(eyes?)
(I) feel so happy though (im)still shy--
(in case they found out), (i'd) feel like a grown-up--
once we get a taste of it, it would get us addicted

ah,ah,ah!----the secret after school

mekio and haku:when the lines are crossed

luka:and the buttons are undone

miku and Angel:with the hand rovin' around

rin and neru:the heart beats just run--

teto and mekio:(my) lips are shivering

haku:when the sweats dripping--

Angel:smeling a sceant so faint

miku:when (my) hair's flicking

Angel and IA:close (my) eyes-

neru:trying to keep silent

rin:leave(your) sweet words for the moment

luka:(just) hold (me) tight

gumi:and kiss-


miku, rin, luka, neru, haku:we've got more secrets to share now--
is it really ok?

Angel, IA, teto, mekio,gumi:going (where we) dont know, going deeper and madder still......

everyone:----"i love you--!"
(my) hearts burning-(i'v) got this ticklish feeling---am I weird or somthing?
-thinking about it-would make (me) blush--its just (between me and you)---

ah, ah, ah!---the secret time after school!........

*light shines on teto*

*shines on mekio*

*shines on haku*

*shines on neru*

*shines on gumi*

*shines on rin*

*shines on miku*

*shines on IA*

*shines on Angel*

*everyone does a pose*

****end of song****

"WOOOOO LETS GO VOCALIODS!"the huge crowd cheered

we all smiled and waved. while we were getting off the tables the reporters came (great*^*)

"excuse me young lady"the news reporter said puting the mic under my mouth

"but are you a new vocaliod?"she continued

"yup! im IA's sister Angel!"I said giving miku a wink that I remembered.

"and do you plan on working with the vocaliods?"she asked

"YUP!"I said jumping in the air

"well sis and I have to go know so bye"I heard IA say while grabing my hand and took off running with the others following.

we ran to the mansion trying to get away from the fans.as we entered we plopped on the couch

"well that was one long time shopping at the mall"I said sarcastic as the rest just laughed.

me:soooo did you like itxD

Angel:the song is creepy0.o

len:i love it

me and angel:*hit him with a metal bat*well he's taken care of-^-

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