Chapter 14 Information

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Over the next few days, Ye An finally had a set routine that she followed religiously. In the mornings, she woke up at six to have a quick bath before heading to the Mental Cultivation Hall (养心殿) for a two-hour morning reading session with a Confucian tutor. This reading session effectively replaced her daily morning greeting with the Empress Mother. Not to mention the legalism philosophy that had been drilled into Ye An throughout her early education under the Empress Mother's strict instructions. The elderly royal would throw a fit if she knew that Ye An had brought a Confucian tutor into the Imperial Palace.

At eight, she had breakfast which was followed by daily court meetings at eight-thirty. The meetings were held at the Throne Hall as per previous meetings and usually lasted four to five hours as the court officials from each district brought out issues that they were facing for the court to collectively decide on the best course of action.

Afterward, Ye An would have a light snack before heading back to the Mental Cultivation Hall to look at documents. These documents were usually of issues that were of lesser importance and urgency that were not presented during the morning court meetings but still needed Ye An's attention. Then at six in the evening, Ye An would return to the East Palace to have dinner and rest. Throughout her day, Xi Chen stood guard by her side or outside her room.

During the few times she had some spare time in the middle of the day, Ye An even worked with the lieutenant to track down the ministers from the northern region. Since it had already been decided that war was going to happen, Ye An thought that it was all the more reason for her to have the full picture of what had happened ten years ago. When the young lieutenant informed her of his observations on some of the ministers' behavior at court during the vote for war, she was assured that her decision to have the lieutenant as her ally was the right choice.

However, even with the lieutenant's help, every single one of the ministers whom they had managed to track down refused to give them any information. Of course, Ye An could have just released a royal decree to make things easier for her. But the only person who could exert this much power over the ministers that they wouldn't even cooperate with their emperor was the Empress Mother. Ye An knew how brutal the Empress Mother could be if she set her mind to it and could only imagine what would happen to the ministers and their families if they had decided to cooperate. For that reason, Ye An was placing all her bets on Xiao Yan's information in hopes that it was enough.

Almost a week had passed since her promised meeting date with Xiao Yan. Because of that, Ye An decided that it was time to leave the palace again to meet up with her.

In less than a week, the vibrancy of the capital seemed to hum in muted tones. Instead of the usual loud chatter, people were talking in hushed whispers, anxious about the impending war.

The only place in the entire city that still continued to pulsate vibrantly was the red light district. In fact, it had become even livelier in the wake of the war announcement as people were more desperate to escape their distress and worries.

"You don't need to follow me, you know. No one recognizes me here anyways." Ye An seemed to be talking to herself on the busy street.

"Your Imperial Majesty, that is precisely the reason why I'm by your side. There might be people who would take advantage of you because they're unaware that you're the emperor." The man who was a few steps behind her lengthened his stride until they were walking beside each other. Ye An mulled over what the lieutenant had said behind the sheet of white organza that cascaded down her hat and realized that he had a point.

It was a peculiar sight for onlookers. Ye An had on a similar scholar outfit she wore previously but it was in white this time; while Xi Chen was dressed in a grey-colored blacksmith attire which was the only outfit Ye An could find on such a sudden notice that fitted his tall frame. A scholar and a blacksmith walking together. It was a rare sight to see people of obviously different social classes socializing with each other. Not to mention the vast height difference between them. Ye An did not possess a small stature by any means. In fact, she was even slightly taller than the average woman, but her height was still considered short for a man and Xi Chen's tower-like build only served to make her look even smaller when they were standing side by side.

Ye An and Xi Chen finally arrived at the entrance of the brothel and entered together.

"He's with me." Ye An informed the madam when she saw a swarm of scantily-clad young women was getting ready to crowd the young lieutenant. The madam shook her head at the young women signaling them to stop.

Ye An nodded at the madam in appreciation before guiding Xi Chen through the labyrinth of corridors until they reached Xiao Yan's door.

"My lord, you're six days, three hours, and forty-nine seconds late!" Xiao Yan came running towards Ye An as the door opened and took Ye An into her embrace with a pout on her face before realizing that there was another person behind Ye An.

"This is?" Xiao Yan looked at Xi Chen apprehensively, the glitter of her eyeshadow glinting from the moon's reflection on the pond.

"Xiao Yan, this is Ah Chen. Ah Chen, this is Xiao Yan." Ye An introduced the both of them. On their way here, she had mentioned to the lieutenant that Xiao Yan had no knowledge of her true identity and decided that it was better that she didn't know his real identity either and he agreed.

"Xiao An, you didn't tell me that you'll be bringing a visitor." Xiao Yan peered at Ye An through her long lashes while she grabbed Ye An's hands and swayed them coyly.

"I didn't bring him. He wanted to come. He's an acquaintance whom I've just met recently." Ye An said simply.

"Hm. Come in then." Xiao Yan's eyes narrowed in suspicion at Xi Chen but allowed the both of them to enter.

Ye An and Xi Chen sat beside each other at the low table. Xi Chen looked around the room that was decked in everything yellow and blinked a few times as his eyes slowly got accustomed to the sudden brightness.

"I've received some new exotic tea leaves from the Middle East a few days after your last visit. I was so excited to try it once I got my hands on them but I wanted to wait until Xiao An is here so we can try it together. But you made me wait for so long." Xiao Yan pouted at Ye An again as she brewed a new pot of tea, obviously ignoring Xi Chen's existence.

"You could have just tried it first." Ye An smiled at her.

"I might finish the tea before you know it if I started drinking it right away. I know how you love teas. So that would have been a shame."

"Well, thank you for thinking about me. How did you know it was me when I didn't even knock at the door?"

"I've been here every day for over ten years, my lord. I recognize every single footstep that had lain on my doorstep, and could hear those that haven't. But it seems like your friend here is well-trained in qi gong. I didn't even hear his footsteps. Such a light-footed blacksmith." At this, Xiao Yan narrowed her eyes at Xi Chen again as she brought the brewed pot of tea to the table.

The tea was heavy with the scent of exotic Middle Eastern spices which made Xi Chen cough. Xiao Yan flashed a scornful look at him.

"My lord, it seems as if your friend here is a lightweight." Xiao Yan spoke to Ye An.

"I thought you like spice?" Ye An turned to Xi Chen and asked curiously.

"In food. Not teas." Xi Chen choked as he tried not to inhale too much of the air that was scented by the heavily-spiced tea.

"Well, more for us then!" Xiao Yan said, a little too chirpily as she poured only two cups of tea, one for Ye An and one for herself.

In all actuality, Ye An also found the tea a little too overpowering but she was here to gather information from Xiao Yan and she didn't want to seem crude to the infamous Yellow Canary so Ye An ended up pretending to enjoy the tea when all she wanted to do was to pour the damn thing into the nearest flower pot.

"So, Xiao Yan. What information do you have for me on the invasion at the northern border?"

"My lord, we haven't even properly started on this pot of tea yet. Let's finish this tea, or at the very least, catch up first before going into business, hmm?" Xiao Yan brusquely inserted herself in between Ye An and Xi Chen. "And besides, your friend is still here. Wouldn't want to bore him, do we? We could talk about that later when he leaves and we're left alone." Xiao Yan proceeded to wrap herself around Ye An suggestively.

"Don't worry, I trust him. You can just tell me whatever information you've gathered even with him here." A wave of warmth buzzed through Xi Chen's system at Ye An's declaration of trust in him. "But, sure. Let's catch up if that's what you want."

"I would love that, my lord." Xiao Yan replied tartly.

Ye An gave a signal to Xi Chen using her eyes, asking for his help to finish the pot of tea as quickly as possible.

"Um.. Xiao Yan? Could you pour me a cup of tea? I would like to try it. It might just be a bad first impression. Maybe it'll grow on me after a sip." Xi Chen held an empty teacup out.

"Huh. You could change your mind that easily huh? I, for one, wouldn't be able to change my mind once I had a bad first impression on anything.. Or anyone. But fine, I'll pour you a cup out of courtesy to Xiao An." Xi Chen had the impression that Xiao Yan didn't like him for some reason and what she said about first impressions was actually an insult to him.

Xiao Yan filled Xi Chen's cup to the brim and watched him like a hawk as he put the teacup to his lips.

"Mm.. That was pretty good." Xi Chen could barely stop himself from grimacing and gagging under Xiao Yan's sharp eyes.

"Hm." Xiao Yan commented halfheartedly before turning all of her focus on Ye An once again. "My lord, what made you so late? I thought you said three days? It's almost two weeks now."

"Well, I've been busy attending to some stuff." Ye An said before adding. "Confidential stuff."

"I swear, you keep too many secrets. But I like a man with secrets." As she said those words, Xiao Yan cupped Ye An's face in her hands adoringly which made Xi Chen uncomfortable and choked on the tea that he was carefully sipping.

Xiao Yan turned to look at Xi Chen condescendingly, her thin eyebrows furrowing in annoyance. "How does he even hold his liquor if he chokes on spiced teas?"

Since she entered Xiao Yan's room with the lieutenant, Ye An couldn't help but notice that Xiao Yan was uncharacteristically clingy today. There were days when Xiao Yan was all over her but it was usually intertwined with some playfulness and would stop after a while when she lost interest in Ye An's lack of response. But today, Xiao Yan was clinging to her possessively every chance that she had. Not to mention, like Xi Chen, Ye An also sensed Xiao Yan's unexplained hostility towards the young lieutenant.

Ye An thought it was time that she stepped in to mediate. "Don't be too harsh on him. He only arrived at the capital recently. You'll scare him away."

"Huh. Fine." Xiao Yan replied curtly.

"So what about you? How are you since the last time we've met?" Ye An changed the subject.

"Same old. Same old." Xiao Yan gave her usual answer and continued to sip her tea. Ye An knew that Xiao Yan would tell if she wanted her to know anything. When Xiao Yan didn't continue, Ye An didn't push her.

There was a slight pause before Ye An blurted out, "Okay. Since we've been through the "formalities", could you tell me what you've found out?"

Xiao Yan sighed before she drawled. "Fine.. You wanted information on the recent invasion right?"


"But before I tell you about that. I have to tell you about an invasion that happened ten years ago."


Xiao Yan shot Ye An an astonished look at Ye An's lukewarm response. "You don't seem surprised. I don't think this invasion was jotted down in any history book."

"I even know that there was a war after that." Ye An said in a neutral tone.

Xiao Yan raised her eyebrow at that. "How did you know about that?"

"I have my own source too."

"Impressive. It's not easy finding out what happened. Everyone involved was supposed to have sworn to secrecy."

"Yes, I've heard." Ye An nodded.

"Oh?" Xiao Yan was surprised that Ye An knew of that as well. "My lord, I don't think you even need my information."

"Of course I need it. I only know the gist of it. Not everything. And you have proven to me time and time again that the best information always comes from the Yellow Canary herself."

"You flatterer." Xiao Yan let out a flirtatious high-pitched laugh and continued. "Alright. Then, hear this. My source also said that there was suspected foul play in that invasion ten years ago."

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