Chapter 1

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Yunlan is angry, why can't he choose what he wants to do, it's his own life after all!

But his father thinks differently, and as weird as it may seem to Yunlan the old man has been able to maintain a strong friendship with Zhu Shang throughout his life and now he wants him to marry his friend's daughter.

Yunlan is still young, he should be having fun first, he doesn't want to get married at all.

He has met the girl only once, when the two old men informed them both of their decision.

She's beautiful indeed, nothing wrong with her. Pitch black hair, cherry red lips and a perfect body, Yunlan would have nothing against the idea of going out with her for a week or two, but getting married?

He doesn't know what she thinks about the whole marriage plan. In front of her father she appeared obedient, but Yunlan secretly hopes that she might rebel and refuse the idea, making his life easier... that way he could get out of it and his father wouldn't be able to blame him.

He grunts at his own thought, it's worthy of a coward and he isn't one, but with his father everything gets complicated.

As if that wasn't enough already, now his friends are constantly teasing him, calling him 'married man' and reminding him of all the things he won't be allowed to do anymore after the marriage.

Like, for example, go clubbing.

Which is exactly what they are doing tonight.

Actually Yunlan doesn't really like to go clubbing, he's secretly a quiet guy who would like nothing more than to be left in peace, but he often does things like this just to piss off his father when he inevitably learns about it.

Also, tonight his friends teased him and insisted so much that he simply hadn't known how to get out of it.

So that's where he is now, sitting on a stool by the bar with a beer in his hand, looking around and wishing he was home alone.

His friends are all dancing and trying to approach some girls, but he doesn't like the flashing lights above the dance floor, he doesn't like the horrible noise all around, he's definitely not in the mood.

He looks around carelessly, not really watching, only letting his eyes wander.

He sees a couple of guys dressed to impress, three girls giggling together with a drink in their hands, an old guy shouting at the barman about his missing whisky, a man with his head down, a young man who looks a bit lost, a man in his thirties chatting up a girl who doesn't really look interested at all...

Yunlan drinks his beer, wondering how long he has to stay there before being able to sneak out without his friends noticing.

If they see him go out alone, they'll tease him to eternity, he can already hear them: "He's already tied up, ball and chain waiting for him at home, poor guy".

But if they don't see him, then he will simply tell them that he hooked up and went away with some hot girl...

The beer bottle is now empty and he looks towards his friends. They are laughing, entertaining some girls, this is his chance, so he gets up and moves towards the exit.

He's at the door and sighing with relief when he bumps into a man.

He starts apologising but the man is stumbling and not listening.

Yunlan looks at him and can tell that the guy is drunk.

Like, completely wasted, like, who-am-I-and-what-planet-is-this-drunk.

Yunlan moves aside and thinks of going home and forget about it, but there's something that holds him still.

The guy's face.

He looks so lost, so innocent, so vulnerable... he doesn't look like the usual drunks you see coming out of clubs like that and Yunlan thinks, what is he doing here? Is he alone? A handsome guy like him can't be alone, why is nobody helping him home?

He looks like he can't even walk, what will happen to him if I just walk away?

So he doesn't. He says instead, "Are you ok? Do you need help?"

The guy looks at him, slowly his eyes try to focus on Yunlan's face, staring at him intensely. Yunlan raises a hand to touch his arm. "Ehi, are you alright?"

The guy shudders and stumbles again, so Yunlan grabs him by the shoulders and keeps him up. The guy leans on him and Yunlan carries his weight a few steps along the sidewalk, so not to block the club exit.

The guy seems to... smell him? Just how much did he drink? Yunlan wonders, and tries to steady him, still holding him by the shoulders. "Look, I'd like to help you, can you tell me where you live?"

The least he could do is to put him in a taxi, making sure that he won't drive in that condition.

The guy stares at him, but doesn't answer. Yunlan grips his shoulders strongly. "Where. Do. You. Live?"

The guy looks at his left, then at his right, and seems to reach a conclusion.

"That way," he murmurs, pointing at his right with his face.

Yunlan sighs. He puts one arm around his waist and moves the guy's arm over his shoulders to help him walk, and moves in that direction.

It doesn't take long before the guy stops, almost falling forward if Yunlan wasn't holding him firmly, and says, "Home!"

'Finally, I can go home' Yunlan thinks, and lets go of him, but the guy grabs his arm. "Where are you going?"

"This is your home, right? Now you can go in, and I can go away knowing that you're home safe and sound."

The guy keeps staring at him so intensely that Yunlan shivers, not knowing why.

"Don't leave."


"Don't leave me..."

"Listen..." but the guy doesn't, instead he pulls Yunlan's arm.

Yunlan is pulled forward and against the other's body.

"Ehi..." He starts, but again the guy doesn't listen, instead he puts a hand at the back of Yunlan's head and smashes their lips together.

'What's happening?' Yunlan thinks but he can't say it out loud because the guy keeps kissing him.

Yunlan is surprised by how soft his lips are, and for a moment he doesn't move.

When the other breaks the kiss for air but remains close, their noses touching, a confused Yunlan remains still, wide eyes on him, trying to cope with what happened, one question above everything: why the hell isn't he beating the shit out of this guy?

Is he... disappointed that the kiss ended? What is going on?

Suddenly they turn and he's pushed against the door. Even drunk, the guy makes sure not to hurt him, one hand behind his back and the other against the door to slow them down.

Yunlan remains still, expectantly, but when he sees him leaning towards his mouth again he suddenly panics and screams, "WAIT!"

For what, he's not even sure.

He sees him stopping and feels once again that sense of disappointment. Doesn't he want him to stop?

Yunlan has never kissed a guy before, but it wasn't bad at all. He stares at those lips, so pink and thin and so soft, it actually felt so good to feel them against his own.

He's still staring when he sees them moving to form the words: "I... I want... let me kiss you..."

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