Infern's Mom

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???'s POV - 19 Years Ago

"Caki, find a way, get this to my daughter! Find her and save her. Bring her here." I cried to my old friend.
"No I'm not leaving you Cak-" I cut her off.
"Run! If I die someone has to take her to Flame! Someone has to save her from that corrupted maniac!"
"But I-"
"GO!" I scream, "for me." The last thing I see is her running, then I can't feel anything. I'm dead a burning village lies around me.

Caki's POV

I miss you Cakey.... but I will do what you told me, I'll find her and take her home.
"Are you OK?" Infern asked, pulling me from my thoughts.
"Just thinking of a friend... She was a kit'li."
"I see, but why did you call me a princess last night?" (The last chapter was messed up and the last thing said was Infern asking herself 'Princess?'and then going to bed.)
"Your father may be evil but he still is a king you know!" I laugh, but when I do I black out.

"Astalex don't hurt Caki!"
I hear Cakey pleading while I
was in chains.
"But darling... That's no fun!"
She hissed at him.
"How's Infern? Our daughter?"
"...don't touch her... don't
hurt her.... and don't you
DARE corrupt her!"
She hissed at him again, louder
this time.
*flashback end*

"Your who I'm looking for..." I mumbled at Infern.
"The promise... To your mother..." I mumble a bit louder.
"My mother?"

Infern's POV

"You know my mother?" I ask, shocked.
"Yes and before you ask, your REAL mom not your adopted mom." My mom... I ...
"She was who I was thinking of earlier... Her name was Cakey."
"She died... 19 years ago... After she and your father created you out of magic... He killed her."
"I'm made of magic?" But that's not possible I'm just any 19 year old who happened to be 1/4 human... And 3/4 other abnormal stuff... Right?
"Magic. Your father is half divine and your mother could travel through dimensions... So..." I just stared at her.
"Earth or here, and our home Crystalias. Recently earth has changed and more magical energy has come here, when you were created she teleported you here, to Earth."
"Crystalias... How do we get there?"
"Transom into a phoenix!" She orders me.
"But what about-" She transforms into a phoenix. "Your 1/2 kit'li 1/2 pheniox too?"
"Yes, now come on!" I transform into my phenoix form.

Caki's POV

"Ok." She transforms.
"Follow me." I fly up high into the sky, searching for the portal.

Infern's POV

She's searching for something. I can tell, but i dont know what.
"What are you-"
"SHH! I found it come on!" She flies through a cloud and disappears. I follow her, unsure.
I close my eyes, because I feel nauseous. When I open them, I see a village that looks burned down.
"Cinder... Or Whyvner." She whispers.

"Where it all started... We... We met Astalex here. He had the name.... Alex. He was head guard here. I grew up here! Got my ears with no pain thanks to Flame." She walks up to a house, "This is Whyvner! This house is where I was told about your mother... come on we need to get to Flame!"
"Um... Ok?" I blindly follow as she leads me to a camp.
"Who goes there!" Calls out a voice.
"A friend."
"Prove it!"
"Cakey died in my arms! I had to find her daughter and bring her to Flame! I-I-I am Caki! I was captured, but I have returned! If you want to challenge me then go ahead!"
"What is Cakey's daughter's name?"
"Infern! My name is Infern!" I call out to the voice.
"Infern?" A woman steps out, "Oh my Pyro.... You're here."

Lord Madison's POV

Where is Infern? Did she leave our village already? But why? I could tell something was up with her, but she was quiet in our meeting...
"Una! Have you seen her?"
"No and she isn't at her house either!"
If that girl was kidnapped... We need to find her! If we don't... Astalex will not forgive me for losing another half kit'li!

Plot twist! =) So sorry about the last chapter messing up! Like seriously who designed the Wattpad app? (I use the app BTW) Who puts a publish button RIGHT NEXT TO SAVE?
Random Wattpad Person 1: STOP COMPLAINING! *holds knife to Cakey's neck*
Cakey: help meh! I mean... I didn't say anything!
Well anyways,
Hope you enjoyed!
(Seriously help, they are still holding the knife to meh neck...)

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