The Savior

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Infern's POV

I look at everyone, then back at Mom. "...You have a paw in both worlds aswell... How?"
" I died twice ... Both times I was transported there barely able to use magic, because..." She trails off.

"It didn't matter we must speak attack plans. Let us go to the conference tent and begin plans!" I say, whisper-shouting.

Tem Skip - Night

"Hush little kit'li don't thy cry...
I shall be there to help thy...
Come little kit'li let us see...
The true hero your meant to be."
The song swirls around me as I wander through the woods.
"Infern! Come on!" I hear a voice. "Your  crowning will happen soon!"
"OK! I'm coming Ranger!" That name... Who? Crowning? For what? What are these white weight things on my back?

"All hail Queen Infern!"
"See little kit'li you are the one...
The one we choose for him to be done,
This little kit'li let us say...
What we have shown you will be day..."

Dream End

"Infern?" My mother calls out
"What was that!?" I demand. "Who-who's Ranger, why was I being crowned... And did I have angel wings?"
"What are you talking about Infern?" My mother asks. "And how do you know that name?"
"That dream that I had!"
She pales. "What happened?"
"I don't really know... But these voices sang a beautiful song that sounded similar to an Earth lullaby."
"They... the angels sent a message... Maybe they picked up on ..." She whispers and trails off.
"On what! What did they pick up on?"
She looks me in the eyes. "You're... You're..." I don't hear anymore because the world goes dark.

Alex's POV

That's what I want... What I need to save her... For just a moment of control... ... ...
What do you want BRAT?
I want to show you something...
What? I'll give you 1 minute...
That's enough time.

sent my daughter back in time with a message. I hope that will save her. Our war shall continue... But she shall be safe.

Infern's POV

  "HELLO?" I am shook awake by a familiar face. I know their face, but I can't place a name.
"Hello?" I ask confused, "Who are you?"
"I'm Ranger, who are you?"
"I'm Infern. I don't remember much else... Just my name and my Mom's name..."
"Who's your mom?"
"Her name is Cakey."
She stares at me. "No. She, no! You... Cakey is the same age as I! I'm only 20 now and you're... How old?"
"20 years old... I think?"
"What! She..." She looks down at a paper. "You're a dimension traveler... And she was too... She spent so long here and there..."
"Can I see the note?"
"Hmm? Sure."

I'm sorry.
This was for you're safety.
You'll meet Ranger, a friend of your mom. Your mom is a dimension traveler, as are you. Tell Ranger to take you to Elm, she'll ask you how, unless she knows and remembers your mom.
Once again,
I'm sorry my daughter.
-Alex, your father.
-currently being controlled-

The last part confused me but I looked back up at Ranger. "Take me to Elm.
She looks surprised for a second. "How did you know?"
"The note. I thought you read it..."
" I scaned through it.. all I saw was the 'dimension traveler' thing..."
"Oh.. well... Can you please take me there?"
"Hmm..." She looks at me for a second. "OK, follow me."
She leads me through the forest that I had woken up in.
Eventually, we ended up infront of a huge elm tree. She knocked on the trunk in some sort of pattern then a ladder came down.
"Come on, we have to have you talk to the others... Heh... We haven't been the same since your mom left so... Don't expect us to be all crazy... Except Carl she's insane, yes she, Carl is a nickname!"  I laugh at that and start to climb up.
Memory loss, meeting my mom's friends, and not to mention... I got a note saying I'm a dimension traveler from supposedly my dad! This day can't get any weirder...

I'm so sorry! I got caught up with stuff! I promised myself I'd never leave a story for more than a month without an update (that happened... Sadly)... But like I said I was busy and I also had slight writers block while working on this chapter and .... Ask anyone who writes kinda long chapters on their phone...They take forever to write!!!
Well anyways, Bai,

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