Chapter 2 (flashback)

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I hid behind a tree in the forest that surrounded my coven, my family, home. The tall grey house stood tall, 3 stories high and with black covering the windows it seemed almost peaceful.
That is, until you saw the warm orange glow start to grow behind the trees. I was only out here to play but when i started to see the glow i ran behind the closest tree and watched as the light glow became closer. Harsher. I started to feel the horrible sensation of fear crawl from within, sprout in my heart and grow, flowing through my veins till it became overwhelming and i became as useful as a marble statue. Stuck to the spot and not able to do anything but stand and watch.
My mom had warned me, she had warned me countless times that humans where not to be taken as a joke. They where weak by themselves but strong when in groups and especially if they where scared.
And right now they are very scared and in a very large group.
The windows in the house where painted thick black so no one in the house could see the oncoming threat and that is definitely being used to the humans advantage. They soon had the house surrounded in a tight circle.
No escape.
As they raised there torches, burning a raging red with heat so intense i could feel it from the 20 meter difference between me and them. I watched in horror as they threw the torches into the dead, dry grass and into buckets of oil that i had only noticed where there.
It happened so fast.
The buckets of oil exploded on the first touch of fire, making the oil splash against the walls of my only home. The dry grass caught fire easily, forming an impenetrable ring of fire around the house as the fire on the walls spread up and into broken windows. I heard my family screaming in pain and anguish. I heard them screaming for people already dead or dying and i heard the yells of outrage.
I watched as the humans gathered around and smirked proudly as they watched everything i had burn to the ground. I watched as they laughed and cheered in awe of my covens death.
I watched, long after the humans left. I watched the flames die and i watched as some unknown force made me walk towards crumbling shell of my home and the ashes of my sisters.
I felt myself fall to my knees, but i didn't cry. I wouldn't give those monsters the satisfaction. Instead, i collected anything that was salvageable, including my mothers book of spells.
I made myself a promise that day. That every single one of those people and there families would suffer in the same way mine did. And i would watch them beg for there lives while i just smirked at them and show them the same mercy they showed my coven.
They. Would. Pay.

Edited and proof read by the fabulous Aimee_TDW_riggsxxx because im too lazy to do it myself plus i suck at it 😅😅😅(shes also the one who came up with Jess and helped with ideas for this story so shes the co-writer i guess lol)

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