Intro to the main characters

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Firstly there is Jess. She is 18 years old and coven leader for the most feared witch coven. She has a black heart and a kiss of death and a manipulative stare. Shes a suspected sociopath and isnt used to any form of love or affection due to her upbringing.
-resting bitch face
-wear rings and band bracelets
-pet- cottonmouth cobra
-scar tattoo of pentagram on the inside of her arm
-book of witchcraft and dark magic (cönqüeröüs)
-silver ring with covens symbol a black widow spider
-mental illnesses- anorexic and predicted sociopath
(This is how she looks and her style of clothing)

Next up is Midnight. Midnight is the daughter of the grim reaper and 17 years old, shes a mute though she can talk she just chooses not to and opts to use sign language instead (she finds talking to people irritating) she stays out of trouble as much as she can but for a daughter of the grim reaper thats difficult. She can tell when someone is going to die and she smells like death (it smells like really strong roses so everyone thinks she just goes around wearing way to much perfume but in fact its just the smell of death clinging to her)
-shadow travel
-shadow manipulation
-weak in direct light whether it be sunlight or artificial light
-pet- black wolf
(Her hair is that colour but knee length)
-half moon necklace from her dead mother
-mental illnesses- depression and social anxiety

The last main character is Gavriel. Shapeshifter and 17 years old. The His parents where killed in an ambush. His eyes go a jade green while he is transforming. Light brown skin and an emerald earring passed down in his family for generations.
-joker of the game
-prankster but can be cruel when he wants to be
- straight
-also a smoker
-can turn into anything he wants
-mental illnesses- paranoia, depression, big self esteem issues and used to self harm
-hides his issues using humour
(His hair is the style of the boys but the colour of the girls, i couldn't find them both in the same pic whoops)

Hey i'm giving you all the information on these guys now because i couldn't be bothered describing it in the story I'm really bad at that. So heres basically all you need to know about these guys but if i think of anything else i will add it during the story, this was just to give you an idea as to what they look like and who they are soooo yeaaa ill update with an actual chapter later or tomorrow sooo yea 😅

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