Chapter 4 - Not So Different

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Oh, River, why did you have to run like that?!

Thank goodness this man helped me.

"I never got your name," I said as we looked around the street.

"Shane Corvis. I'm new around here, recently moved in," he said.

"Oh, then, welcome to Cincinnati," I said. "I'm Jaylin."

"So, he just ran out like, nothing?" he asked.

"Yes. He usually goes anywhere, since he's really street smart, but he... I don't know, I just worry," I said, not wanting to explain what really happened.

"Relax, I'm sure he's fine," he said, gently patting my back. It hurt when he accidentally touched my bruises, which made me silently wince. I don't think he noticed.

"So, River's your son?" he asked.

"Um, yeah. Mine and Troy's," I said.

"Oh, cool. Um, if you don't mind me asking this, but, how old are you?" Shane asked.

"21 years," i said a bit shamefully. I'm probably the same age as him. He seems pretty young.

He was quiet. "Oh, wow, And River's like... 6?" he guessed.

"Just turned 6 years of age a month ago," i said, more shame in my voice.

"Look, I'm not judging you if thats what you think," he said.

"We were young, but he didn't leave my side, thankfully," i sort of kind of lied.

I wanted him to leave me and River, but we'll be nothing if we leave him.

"I know what its like," he said.

That surprised me. "You do?" i asked, scrunching my eyebrows together.

"Yeah. I had kids, but... its kind of personal, so, yeah," he said, looking ashamed.

"I'm sure they're okay," i said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

He just frowned and pulled his shoulder away. "Like I said, I don't talk about it."

I gulped. Maybe I shouldn't have asked.

"Hey, isn't that him?" he asked, pointing down the street.

I recognized the blone hair and the skateboard.

"River!" i called out as we ran towards him.

He skid to a stop as i embraced him, Shane standing nearby.

"Thank goodness you're alright, baby," i said. "Never run like that again."

"Sorry, Mom," he said as I kissed his cheek.

I look up at Shane.

"Thank you so much for helping, Mr. Corvis," i said.

"Just Shane. And no problem, Jaylin," he said, giving a friendly smile.

"Let's get back," I said nervously as I clutched to River's hand.

"I'll escort," he said.

I didn't want to argue, so I sighed and nodded.

We talked as we walked back.

Nothing personal about him, just that he's from Los Angeles and lives alone next door, has only one friend here.

I felt sorry, knowing he was pretty much alone in this city. I don't know what happened in his past to lead him here.

Soon we arrive and River goes inside. Thankfully, Troy isn't home. Must have gone to the bar.

Oh no...

"Well, I guess I'll see you around," he said. "See ya."

"Shane, wait," I said.

I wanted to help him, maybe be his friend. He needs someone. We're not as different as I would have thought, and something draws me to him.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"Umm... Maybe we can, you know, spend some time?" I asked.

He scrunched his eyebrows together in confusion. "Wouldn't your fiancé have a problem with that?" he asked.

I gulped. Unless its when Troy's not around.

"O-Only as friends. Troy wouldn't mind," i said, then lied at the end.

"Umm, sure, I guess. Just say when," he said, smiling a bit, then waved as he walked to his apartment.

"Alright, I will," i said, then walked in, seeing River unload his backpack.

"What did you get?" i asked.

"Just some pasta salad in a box with some cake," he said, pulling out a large box of pasta salad and two boxes with a  slice of buttercream cake in each.

"Alrigt, this will last us for a while," I said.

This is my life. Working for a fiancé that won't even give me money to feed our own son or even myself and eats like a prince elsewhere. My son having to run to a bakery to beg for a friend of our's to give us even the smallest bit of food, because Troy is too cruel.

He's a monster, and I hate him so much for all that he's put me through, all the shit he makes me do.

I serve the pasta salad, giving River a bigger serving since he needs it more than I do (probably why I've been getting so thin, leading to Troy's insults), and we then both have the cake before I tuck him into bed, then hearing the door slam open.

And it begins again.

>>Picture of River.

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