Chapter 3

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5 ⓜⓞⓝⓣⓗⓢ ⓛⓐⓣⓔⓡ


I groaned as I heard my phone ringing, Good Riddance as the ringtone. I was still going to answer it though, because I knew it was Patrick, Good Riddance was his ringtone. And I knew why he was calling me. Today is my birthday, AKA, the day before Christmas Eve. I was finally turning eighteen, but the boys were all already eighteen, them being seniors even when I was a junior.

"Hello?" I asked groggily.

"Come open the door sleepy head" He sighed, hearing my tired voice.


I sighed and flung my feet off the bed onto the floor, walking out of the door and down the stairs. I took my time walking across the white carpeted living room and into the front door area. As soon as I reached the door, I saw Patrick's face peek through the window. I giggled as I reached for the door handle, turning it slowly to keep him in suspense. Once the handle stopped turning, I figured I could finally open the door. As soon as I did, Patrick, no joke, threw himself at me.

"Happy birthday Luce!" he shouted at me. I looked at him as I pulled away, laughing at his happiness. I pulled him into another hug, pretending not to notice the three wrapped presents on the porch. I eyed them suspiciously, wondering what could possibly be inside them. Two were average sized, and one was pretty big. I pulled back and looked at him.

"What the hell did you buy me" I asked him. He turned around and looked at the boxes.

"Oh, well I only bought two of them." he shrugged.

"Well then what's the other one?" I asked him. He smiled.

"It's from someone else." I shook my head. Whatever, I could wait. "Oh, and by the way, all of the boys, except for Ryan and Dallon are coming over later." I nodded as I walked toward the presents, grabbing the two smaller ones. I walked into the living room with them and sat them on the couch. He brought in the big one with no struggle. I almost screamed when he threw it across the room. He laughed.

"Chill, it's not here yet, I'll put it in there when it gets here, which it should today." he smirked. I walked over to him and wrapped him into a quick hug, being interrupted by the nine people bursting into my house belting the happy birthday song. I rolled my eyes and turned to see them come into my living room, smiling as they all sat their presents on the couches while they sang. Gee, Patrick and Pete walked over and gave me a hug, but as they pulled away, Gee checked his phone and pulled Patrick aside. I wondered what they were talking about, and almost asked them about it, but got cut off by Ray.

"Hi Princess Fro Fro" I smiled at him. He smirked at me.

"Where'd that nickname come from?" he asked me. But before I could answer him, I was being pulled out the door by Patrick. He practically dragged me to his car and shoved me in. I looked at him confused as he walked around to the other side of the car and opened it up, hopping inside and quickly starting the car. I sighed and decided I'd better not ask. He put in some music, Blink 182, and drove downtown. I smiled widely when we pulled into a mall parking lot, knowing he was taking me to Hot Topic. We ran inside the mall, quickly finding the store, and walked over to the clothing section. I turned to Patrick and frowned.

"I didn't bring my wallet." He smiled at me and pulled a small gift out of his pocket. I unwrapped it to reveal a fifty, a twenty, and a five dollar bill.

"Oh my god Patrick!" I threw my arms around his neck. "This is why I love you" I pulled away when I realized what I said. "Um, friend-wise, of course." I blushed. He smirked at me.

"Uh huh, sure." he joked. I smacked his arm and turned around to grab Disney and band T-shirts. I practically blew all my money on 3 Green Day shirts, a Little Mermaid shirt, a choker, and a bunch of nail polish (the skull bottle kind). The bags were completely full, and they were heavy. I sighed as we got back out to the parking lot, placing all of the bags into the back of his old car. I hopped into the passenger seat and Patrick started the car, pulling out of the spot and heading towards my house. Until I remembered the fact that there were nine boys at my house. Alone. Without my mom there. I just laughed and waited until we got home to chew them out for any mess that the may have made.

After a few minutes of headbanging to the music, we pulled up in the driveway. I sighed and looked at the garage, but never got out. I could feel Patrick looking at me but ignored it. I felt bad for people getting me gifts, but I was also excited to open them. I looked over to Patrick to see him looking at me in question.

"What?" I smiled at him. He shook his head and looked down.

"L-Luce?" he shook. I looked at him with concern.


"Do you... Do you really... Well, did you mean it when you said you loved me?" He finally looked up at me. I blushed furiously and looked down.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked. he tilted my chin up.

"More than friends?" He asked more confidently this time. I looked at the garage and thought about it for a moment. After about three minues of silence, I looked back to Patrick. He was still looking at me. I smiled and didn't hesitate. I grabbed his arm and pulled him to me, pressing my lips softly to his. It was a very short kiss, but it was only meant to give him an answer to his question. I promptly turned back around and opened the car door, getting out and shutting it behind me. I walked toward the front door and heard a car door slam behind me. I smirked as I knew Patrick was shocked and was wanting to demand to know what just happened. I walked up to the front porch and saw Gee, Pete, MIkey and Brendon staring at me through the window.

Suddenly Patrick spun me around and grabbed a hold of my waist, and without hesitation pulled me to his lips. I didn't hesitate either as I placed my hands on the back of his head, deepening the kiss. He kissed me with passion that I've never felt before. I had no idea he felt this way about me, but I knew I felt this way about him. I ran my fingers though his hair, noticing I needed to pull away for a breath. Patrick must had had the same thought because he pulled away, placing his forehead on mine. I laughed slightly as I tried to catch my breath.

"Finally!" Mikey shouted from behind the window, probably forgetting we could hear him with the window cracked slightly open. I then realized we were standing out in the freezing cold and I was still in my pajamas. I looked up at Patrick and grabbed his hand, pulling him into the house. Every single one of the boys where either smirking or smiling. Joe, Pete, Ray, Brendon, Andy, Mikey, Kenny, Frank and Gerard. I shook my head as I shoved past them, trying to avoid all their knowing looks. I walked with Patrick into the living room. The big present was now standing up, and it had new wrapping paper on it, so I assumed Patrick had taken me out because the present had gotten here.

I sat down on the couch, dragging Patrick down with me and cuddling into his chest. He giggled at me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. I looked up at him and smiled. He still had that red trucker hat on that he was wearing on my first day at this school. I ran my fingers through his long hair and smiled again. He grinned down at me. Pete and the other boys walked into the living room and sat on the two couches, moving the presents onto their laps. I smiled at them and sat up, Patrick's arm still around my shoulders. I could see that only six of the boys had presents in their laps, but then there was the three that Patrick brought.

"Me first!" Ray stood up and handed me a small present. "It's not much, but I think you'll like it." I unwrapped the red wrapping paper to see a small box, opening it up to see a white Christmas ornament. I looked closer and saw everyone's signature scribbled across it. I smiled widely and looked up to him.

"Thank you so much Ray." I stood up and walked towards the Christmas tree, hanging it there, then giving Ray a hug. He smiled and sat back down. Brendon stood up and handed me smaller present, but sitting back down. I opened it up and saw at least five guitar picks, all of them with my name engraved on the back. I smiled and nodded to Brendon, giving his a quick thanks before setting it down on the couch next to me. Patrick nodded at me and gestured to Gerard to get me his gift. He smiled at me and handed me a square, flat gift. I knew it was a CD, that was obvious, but what album? I quickly unwrapped the golden happy birthday wrapping paper and almost passed out.

"Oh my god, Gerard Arthur Way. You. Didn't." I stared at the album in my hands. It was the one day old, Green Day album, 21st Century Breakdown. I screamed and jumped up, throwing my arms around his shoulders. He laughed and hugged me back, but quickly sitting down and pushing Mikey up to hand me his gift. He shrugged and handed me a bag.

"It's not much at all, just a bunch of makeup." he sighed. I nodded my head and looked inside the white bag, seeing a eye shadow palette with dark colors, mascara, dark lipstick and a 50 dollar Hot Topic gift card. I looked up all of the guys and shook my head.

"Wow guys, working at the record shop sure has payed off." I chuckled. They all laughed and I looked up to Mikey. "Thanks Mikey, it's perfect." he smiled widely and sat back down on the couch. I looked at Pete. He smiled and nodded, standing up and handing me his. It was larger than the rest, and heavier. I placed it on my lap and unwrapped it from the top, slowly undoing the red ribbon that contrasted well with the white wrapping paper which was decorated with gold polka-dots. Once the ribbon was undone, I set it on the ground and unwrapped the white paper. I saw black lettering on a white box and unwrapped more. On the inside of the paper was a white box that had "Custom Vinyls" written on it in cursive. I eyed Pete suspiciously.

"Just open the box." he smiled. I nodded and pulled out the lid to the box. Inside was a mint green vinyl player with a cursive "L" engraved in baby pink. I widened my mouth and looked up at Pete in shock. I looked over to Patrick who was smiling, then back to Pete. He laughed and started to speak again. "Take it out and look underneath it." he smiled. I did as was told and lifted up the player, looking at the three vinyls underneath it. I saw the first one and smiled, seeing Frank's name written on a tag. It was 21st Century Breakdown again. I smiled at him and took it out of the box. The next one said Kenny and it was American Idiot. I smiled at him as well then took it out as well. The one on the bottom had Joe's name and it was {Green Day album}. I smiled and thanked all three of them. I knew Patrick had three presents left but I looked over to Andy, who still had a present on his lap. He brought it over to me and smiled widely.

"I hope you'll like it." he said proudly. I smiled and nodded.

"I'm sure I will." then I looked down at the small gift on my lap. It was wrapped with hot pink wrapping paper, and had "Luce" written in pretty cursive on it. I flipped it over an undid the tape, pulling off the wrapping paper. On the back it revealed to be a picture frame. I turned it over and saw a familiar picture through the glass. It was a picture that I remember being taken a few months ago. It was just a few weeks before Halloween. I was sitting next to Patrick in the middle, with Andy, Joe, Pete, Brendon and Ryan on his side, looking as natural and comfortable as possible, just hanging out. It was the same thing on the other side but with Gerard, Frank, Mikey, Ray, Kenny and Dallon. I had my head laying on Patrick's shoulder and his arm was around mine. I was starting to tear up so I quickly wiped them away and stood up, giving Frank a hug.

"Thank you Andy. It's genuinely perfect." I smiled at him. I sat back down and looked at Patrick expectantly. He chuckled and picked up one of his smaller gifts, then picked up the other one.

"Well, Luce... I know that all three of these will mean so so much to you, so take your pick." there was the big one, that was wrapped with red and green wrapping paper. A flat square one that was wrapped with mint green paper, and a rectangular one that had baby pink wrapping paper. I shrugged and pointed at the flat one. Patrick nodded and handed it to me. I carefully unwrapped it and looked inside. It was a vinyl with a blue cover. I read the top before looking at the picture. I looked up at the boys with shock.

Oh my god, you didn't..." I looked at Pete, Andy, Joe and Patrick. "Why didn't you tell me you were recording an album?" I asked them. I now held a vinyl that said "Take This To Your Grave" and underneath it it said "Peter Wentz Patrick Stump Andrew Hurley Joseph Trohman" then had a picture of all four of them. Patrick spoke up.

"Well, we've been working on it since before you came to the school. We decided we would suprise you. Not even the other boys knew about it." This was when I realized all of the other boys were either looking around in shock or confusion. I threw my arms around Patrick.

"That's amazing guys!" I cooed. Pete laughed.

"It's being released next month but we all got copies once it was produced." I smiled and nodded, pulling away from Patrick's hug. He handed me the rectangle one as I pulled away. I grabbed it form him and opened it quickly and without hesitating. Inside was a rectangle square box. I opened it up to reveal a necklace. I felt like I had seen this necklace online before. I didn't realize what it was. It was an odd shaped necklace. Patrick put his hands on mine that were around the box and tilted it towards the light. The shadow kicked in and so did my memory. It was a shadow heart necklace. I squealed and turned to Patrick to give him a hug. He pushed me away.

"Don't beat me to the good part Princess." he shook his head. "Take out the necklace and look underneath it." I looked down at the necklace and pulled it out, but put it on before looking at what was in the bottom of the box. Patrick grabbed the chains from me and clasped them. I picked up the box and took out the piece of paper that was in the bottom. I opened it up and began to read it aloud.

"Dear Lucinda Joy Jacobson, I am writing this letter to inform you that in your previous schooling you have taken enough school authorized credits for your schooling needs. This shows that you either have a choice to graduate this year, or continue school and take whichever classes you want to. Please let me know what you would like to do. Congratulations Miss Jacobson. Sincerely, Mrs. Jackson." I stared at that signature on the bottom of that paper in shock. I was graduated. I was old enough to be on my own. I could graduate. The boys where graduating this year too. We would graduate together. I could graduate. I could graduate. I could graduate. I. Could. Graduate.

"Well?" Andy asked. "Isn't that cool?" I stared at Patrick in shock. He grinned at me.

"I can graduate?" I asked him in disbelief. He laughed and nodded, pulling me into a hug. I smiled widely and hugged him back, and then pulled away. "Thank you all so much. I real-" everyone stopped me by simply pointing at the big present. I laughed. "Oh yeah, how could I forget?" Patrick laughed.

"Oh trust me, you would hate yourself if you forgot this gift." I laughed again and walked to the gift. I tore open the wrapping paper. It was a plain cardboard box so I figured I should oped it. The box was only half a foot shorter than me, confusing me as to what could possibly be inside it. I tore off the tape and oped the box. I almost screamed of fright when somebody popped out of the box. I looked at the familiar girl.

"Haley?" I asked. They girl grinned at me and tipped over the box, jumping up and wrapping me in a huge, tight hug. I felt tears form in my eyes as I hugged her back. "Oh my god Haley!" I squealed. I pulled away and looked at her. She was wearing a black crop top and dark skinny jeans, just as bad ass as ever.

You see, Haley Black and I have been best friends since freshman year, and she has always been a bad ass. She can be a huge flirt too when she wants to, but her beauty, kindness, bad ass-ness and her sudden change in personality often gets her the boy she has her eye on. I smiled at her choice in clothing for this weather and pulled her into another hug. She pulled away and smiled.

"Why are you here?" I asked her still in disbelief. She laughed.

"Long story..." she sighed. Everyone else was still there. Watching us. Sitting on the couches. Listening.

"It's okay Haley, you can tell me later." I said. She nodded. I turned to Patrick and sighed. He laughed at me.

"Good birthday?" he asked me. I looked at each and every one of the boys. They were all smiling. I looked down at my shadow heart necklace, which was sure enough showing a shadow heart. I looked at my vinyls. I looked at the boys's new album. I looked at my makeup. I looked at the bag with my new shirts. I looked at my CD. I looked at the ornament on the tree. I looked at Patrick and touched my lips. I walked to Patrick and kissed him once more. I pulled away and put my forehead and whispered;

"It's perfect."


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