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My hands were really aching to take her in my embrace. I angled her face slowly and cupped her face with my palms. She was not even blinking her eyes.

I slowly brought her face towards mine and brushed my lips against hers. Her lips were so soft and plumpy,same as the first time I felt her lips.

We both closed our eyes as a reflex and I started to smooch her lower lip. Her grip on my collar became tight and she pulled me more closer.

I was kissing her but she was not kissing me back,she was feeling my kiss.

I nibbled her lower lip and licked her lips with my tounge. I took her whole lips in my mouth and started smooching them making sounds.

I left her lips and saw her closing her eyes shut. I kissed her cheeks,jawline and started giving wet kisses all over.

"Ahh..", she moaned when I nibbled at her ear lobe.

I gave her wet kisses all way down and reached at the crook of her neck.
I dipped my face in her neck and started giving soft feather kisses.

I felt her giggling.

"Mahirrr.....", she moaned when I bit her neck,and I kissed that spot.

"Your..your beard is tickling", she said giggling.

I looked at her,her face was now in the darkest shade of red,eyes lowered and a small smile at the corner of her lips.

"You always don't like my beard right"?I asked resting my forehead against hers.

"Yes", she replied looking every where but not me.

She was still on my lap.

"I'm sorry Bela,I don't know how to react when you told about that substance. I just poured my feelings in this kiss", I said.

"I got that", she said resting her head on my chest.

"I was aching all these years to be in your arms like this", she said and I felt my shirt getting wet.

I lifted her chin up to look at me.

"Now you are in my arms and will be forever",I said.

I wiped her tears and kissed her forehead.

"I never knew loneliness can lead to something unforgivable",I said rubbing her back.

"Mahir, can I ask you something"? she asked.

"Shoot",I said.

"What did you think about me when you got to know that I loved you"? she asked.

"I felt a new ray of hope in my life",I said.

"You dint think low of me"? she asked.

"I can never think low of you,and loving someone is not shameful",I said.

There was a thick silence between us. She was playing with my shirt button thinking something and I was stroking her hair looking at her.

"Mahir I need to tell you something", she said.

"OK. Tell",I said.

"I...I..wait a second", she said and I nodded.

"I...I.. love you Mahir", she said.

I dint knew what to answer. I have a thing for her but it's not ready to come out of my mouth. I don't know what was stopping me to tell her the same.

I don't want her to feel rejected. She was waiting for my response.

I was about to talk but we both startled hearing the door bell.

Bela got off me immediately and adjusted her hair and dress.

This door bell always disturbs my moments!

Fuck you door bells!

Bela opened the door,we saw our dad's and sleeping Mahira in Bela's dad's arms.

She took Mahira and our dad's entered.

"She is smelling like chocolate", Bela said looking at them.

"Um..we had an ice cream party before coming here",my dad said.

"Not you too dad, as if Mahir is not enough", she said looking at me.

"Did she eat anything"?I asked caressing Mahira.

"Yes Mr.Sehgal,we will not let your daughter starve",Bela's dad said and we laughed at it.

We layed Mahira on the bed securing with plenty of pillows. Bela has been hell worried after Mahira fell from the bed.

"Did she trouble you people"?Bela asked.

"Not at all. She is as naughty as Mahir",my dad said.

"Really. Bani was never a trouble kid",Bela's dad said.

"Yeah,but Bela was really naughty",he said.

"Mahir was not less, Sumi used to scold me for stopping him to behave naughty",my dad said.

And I saw Bela muffling her laugh.

"Da..dad..no need of all those details now",I said embarrassed.

"No let me tell them",my dad said and he continued.

"You know Bela? Mahir was so jealous of Yuvi because Sumi used to spend more time with Yuvi when he was just a baby",my dad said.

Bela was looking at me and was trying hard to control her laughter.

"When Mahir was eight and Yuvi was six,me and his mum left for a function leaving these two at home. We saw a WWE fight when we came back",my dad said.

Oh no. My dad's going too deep now.

"Arey dad...I thought you forgot about it",I said signalling him to stop.

But my dad being my dad dint stop.
My dad after all.

"Mahir was pulling Yuvi's hair and Yuvi dint knew what to do and he pulled Mahir's pants down", he said and my lobby was filled with their laughs now.

I'm  so embarrassed. Yuvi teases me for that even now.

"We saw them both like that and laughed our hearts out that day, Yuvi was also laughing looking at us laugh. He pulled his pants back and locked himself in his room for three hours",my dad said.

And now Bela's eyes were watering due to her laughter.

Dad enough now.

"That's enough dad, you gave a lot of information",I said and sat beside him.

"Dad please",I whispered and he wiped his tears which were result of his laughter.

"OK Bela, take care of yourself. We will leave now",Bela's dad said kissing her temple.

"Take care of her Mahir",my dad said and hugged me.

Soon they both left. Bela locked the door and came back muffling her laughter.

"There is nothing to laugh in that",I said looking away.

"I'm sorry but I can't control myself", she said and bursted out laughing.

It's been years looking at her laughing her heart out.

"I'm.. I'm..sor..sorry..but but that's so funny",she said laughing helding her stomach.

"Enough now. You will get a cramp stop laughing",I said taking my laptop to work.

She composed herself and went inside her room.

God. I'm officially a pervert in front of her.

Today I kissed her. Not just kiss but almost made out.

I don't know what's happening to my harmones when she is around. I promise to myself that, from today she will never have tears in her eyes again.

She cried for me almost three years,I can't see her crying more for me.

But I don't know what is stopping me to tell her that I too have a thing for her.

A thing? What's that thing?

Love? Maybe I'm in love again.


I sat beside sleeping Mahira and was caressing her hairs. Her hairs are like Mahir's.

I finally told him everything. I shared everything as a friend I was.

But that had affected him real bad. He expressed his love and concern in that kiss.

He kissed me ! Almost made out.

I don't know why I couldn't stop him. Cut the crap I love him, so I couldn't stop him.

And after gathering a lot of guts,I told those three  words I wanted to tell him.

Finally I told him. But I was expecting his silence as he did.

He loved di so much. He can't move on so easily in just ten months. It's really painful to move on.

But I don't know where this relationship of ours is leading to. I'm loving him, so I'm happy he kissed me.

But why did he felt like kissing me? I trust him,but with a lot of insecurities.

"Mummaaa", Mahira woke up looking at me.

"Good evening baby, let's get freshed and then we will get some food into your little tummy",I said tickling her.

She was laughing while struggling under me. I washed her face and changed her clothes. We went to lobby and saw Mahir was on a call.

"Daddaa",Mahira beemed looking at  him.

He blew a flying kiss to her and I kissed her cheek on behalf of him.

I made her sit on her chair and fed her. She was watching rhymes and having her food.

"Dadaa", now she was shouting for him.

"Coming baby",Mahir yelled from balcony.

"Daddaa come fast, Maiiaa iz waiting", she yelled.

Mahir came and sat beside her.

"Tell now. Dadda is back", he said.

"Daddaa Maiiaa wan to go to fair", she said pointing towards the ipad.

She was watching some show in which the kids go to fair together.

"Fair. That will be so crowdy", he exclaimed.

"Come on Mahir, the crowd will obviously be there. It will get completed in one month only. Let's go na",I said.

It's been years when I went to a fair. Even I wanted to go.

"OK ladies",he said surrendering.

Two days passed in a flew and today we are going to the fair. Mahira was hell excited to go.

Now we were standing in front of the fair. Mahir booked VIP tickets so that it will be easy for us with Mahira.

We were showing her around all the games and her dadda bought her many teddy's.

She loves teddy's so much.

Vish messaged me that she was here with Yuvi. But they were far away from here.


I decided to win all the games today, so that I can give Mahira her favorite teddy's.

Me,Bela and Mahira sat on a joint swing. Mahira really have an obsession of swings.

Mahira was full of energy today. She never gets exhausted playing.

"Daddaa Maiiaa is hungy", she said.

"Mahir let's go that food court, even I'm hungry",Bela said.

"Yeah me too. Let's go",I said and we went to the food court.

I ordered frankie for me and Bela, while we ordered fries and potato balls for Mahira.

Mahira shoved a fry inside her as soon as the waiter bought the order.

"Mumma its hottt", she said while opening her mouth.

"It's hot Mahira, eat slowly",Bela said shoving the cool fry into her mouth.

I was taking one fry from her plate and Mahira shoved my hand away
"Daddaa eat yous,its my", she said and Bela chuckled.

"You are eating this because of me only", I said showing her the fries.

Bela was chuckling looking at us.

"I lobe uuuu daddaaa", she said melting me.

Her puppy eyes are enough to melt me like an ice cream.

"Daddaa loves you too",I said kissing her.

I saw Bela was busy chatting in her phone.

"Bela have your food first",I said taking a bite.

"Uh..um.yeah", she said looking at her phone and then me.


"Daddaa I wan more two teddy",Mahira said looking at us.

"You already got six teddy's Mahira,enough now. Or else we have to get out of the house for your teddy's to settle in our home",Bela said giggling.

I too laughed at it.

"Mummaa plzzz...More two teddy",Mahira said showing her puppy eyes to her.

Not only me, even Bela can melt.

"Up to you my boss",Bela said surrendering.

"Bela I'm getting an important call,just don't move from here OK"?I said and went to attend the call.

This fair is more crowded today as it was the last second day. We have to be careful with our brats over here.

"Yeah..yeah..check the stock once again and mail me those accounts",I said and hanged up.

This call took too long as there was some issue in the accounting.

I turned back and saw our table empty.

Where are they?

Our stuff was there only but both of them were missing.

My body started sweating. Have someone kidnapped them?
What will I do now?

I turned around and saw Bela coming while chatting in her phone.

Now my anger reached it peaks. How can she be so irresponsible?

She was walking towards me still busy in that phone.What's wrong with her today?

"Where the fuck did you go"?I roared at her.

She flinched at my anger looking scared.

"I told you to don't move from here. Where is Mahira"?I yelled at her.

"Mahir just listen to me...", she was saying but I cut her off.

"Just shut up. How can you be so irresponsible"? I shouted gaining everyone's attention.

"Mahir just listen to me once", she said.

"What the fuck will you tell? My daughter is missing",I yelled at her and started looking around.

"Mahir please once listen to me...", she said.

"Why do you care? She is my daughter,I will know the pain",I roared in anger and saw her eyes pooling.

I don't care for anything when it comes to Mahira.

I started looking around for Mahira but Bela was still standing there like a statue.

Now my anger had no bounds. Even now she is standing still instead of searching for Mahira.

"Why are you standing here? Go and search for her",I said and slumped on the chair.

Tears pooled in my eyes. I don't know where my baby is?

What if someone kidnapped her?

I heard a pitter patter sound. I snapped head towards that source and saw Mahira walking between Yuvi and Vish catching their hands.

"Daddaa see yue and vishii",Mahira screamed looking at me.

I ran to her and took her in my arms, kissing  all over her face.

"What happened Mahir, why are you so tensed"?Vish asked looking at us.

"Why dint you guys tell me that you took Mahira with you"?I asked them.

"Bhai even we both were here,we texted Bela. We met her here in this food court. We saw you were busy with a call, so I and Vish took Mahira for a swing ride",Yuvi told.

I guess there is no one in this world as fucked up as me.

Fuck!I should have listened to her at least once.

"You dint inform Mahir about this Bela? And what happened to your eyes"?Vish asked Bela.

I looked at her feeling guilty.

"I..I something gotten into my eye", she said wiping her tears.

I'm feeling sick looking at her like this.
I'm a real dick.

I made her cry again. My fucking anger issues.

She was trying to tell me. But me being a dick,dint listen to her once also.

I've hurted her again.

"OK Mahir bhai,we will leave now",Yuvi said.

I nodded and Mahira kissed both of them.

Bela was wiping her tears again and again. I closed my eyes in guilt.

"Mummaa...",Mahira was pulling us towards Bela.

I went and stood beside her. She took Mahira and kissed her.

"Mummaa why u cying"?Mahira asked wiping her tears.

"Nothing baby. That's just dust",Bela said rubbing her eyes.

We went back to our home and Mahira was asleep by the time we reached.

I should apologize to her.

"Bela..",I called her but she cut me off.

"I'm sorry Mahir. I will be more careful from next time", she said and slammed her door shut.

Mahira flinched in my arms at that sound. I cooed her and went to my room.

I messed it again.

Hey Guys! Hope everyone is doing good. Did you people listen to the song I've mentioned in the previous chapter?

That song is very close to my heart. Wanted to share with you all.

Bela and Mahir are getting close. But still some difference between them.

What do you think?

Good news. Our story is in first place in rankings of nagin3😁😁

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