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Alright, final chapter of this series for now. I'll make a second part for everyone just so you don't think it's ending on this. Enjoy.

Few days after the mission, Izuku POV:

I began to wake up to the sight of a ceiling and the smell of disinfectants around me. While getting up, I felt unbearable pain in my limbs along with a throbbing pain in my stomach. "Nnngh!" "You're awake, that's good." I glanced over to see Ms. Konan and Mr. Pain sitting to the left in seats. "Where am I?" "In a hospital. You've been asleep for three days." Once it hit me that the mission was done, I practically jumped up in fear. "What about everyone else and KaachaAAAHH!" I feel back on the bed putting pressure on an arm that had a cast on it. "Do not move so quickly. You broke a few boned in your arms, your right ankle, and slipped a disk or two in your back. Recovery Girl was waiting to do any intense amounts of healing until you were conscious to help." "What about everyone else?" Ms. Konan sighed out while motioning me to get comfortable.

"Tokage had suffered a few ruptured organs with surgery and a few organs needing to be reconstructed to help her. Shinso had suffered a few broken ribs with one puncturing a lung along with a concussion. Both also obtained severe bruising from the incident. Jirou had suffered several burns and a few broken bones from a failed explosion as it seemed with her vision being now hindered due to some vision damage. Yaoyorozu had lost quite a bit of blood to have her bodily functions start to shut down due to an injury from having her forearm cut off. The wound was already healing with reattachment being impossible. Shiozaki and Kirishima obtained the least amount of injuries out of the group. However, Shiozaki completed the Curse jutsu she had to forever become immortal and walk the earth for the rest of her life with Kirishima activating the Earth Grudge Rage facing a similar situation. Todoroki had a few organs punctured with some damage to the nervous system due to him stopping the bleeding by searing the wound shut. He also obtained some damage to his hands from Shamehada piercing them. His hand functions will be diminished due to it. Asui had irreversible ligament damage on her right shoulder where she'll not be able to use it as well. Ochako had..."

Ms. Konan trailed off before walking over to pull a curtain away to show her unconscious in a bed. "During her fight, she broke the bones in her fingers and hands, slipped a few disks like you, had a lung punctured, dislocation of her left shoulder, and a mild concussion. She was healed a few hours ago by Recovery Girl, but these injuries were still rather severe." I held my head down while accepting this happened. "Why did this have to happen? How could this happen?" "Whether it had or hadn't happened is irrelevant. Now we need to take steps for where we are right now." Mr. Pain got up to walk out of the room before stopping to say one final thing. "As of now, Bakugou is deemed a rogue and will be treated as such. If you ever engage him again, be prepared to possibly end his life." He walked out of the door with his words sounding extremely wrong to me.

"Kaachan's our friend, I can't kill him." "He seemed to not have an issue trying to kill you." Ms. Konan walked over to kneel near the bed before explaining herself. "Bakugou was many things growing up, but we never planned for him to go to this extreme. He tried to kill you, the man he went with made monsters to try and kill your comrades. Ochako lays in that bed beside you from one of them that also wanted to kill you both. He went down a dark path and will not come back. It is a hard pill to swallow, but you cannot look at him as a friend anymore." "Even if it's my fault he went down this path?" She took a breath in before answering. "Do not assume that just because you had an indirect act to his choice that you are to blame. Frustration and desire for change is natural and common, but that does not mean it always ends with similar results. The paths we choose to walk are what makes us who we are. He chose to become a villain, so this is how he is going to be treated." She got up to walk to the door while glancing back at me. "I shall get Recovery Girl to heal you, it should not be long." Ms. Konan left with me glancing at Ocha again. 'I have to...not look at Kaa-Katsuki as a friend anymore.' I held my head down while this was thought of.

Meanwhile, Sasori POV:

I had walked through the hospital with a small gift for Yaoyorozu on my side while meeting Deidara in route. "What are you doing here?" "I came to give something to Jirou, what are you up to man?" I opened my cloak to show Deidara before he smirked. "I thought you'd never do this again." "Well, it was somewhat my fault for allowing her to go on a mission like this. It's only fair that I try and help her." As we came near the entrance to Yaoyorozu and Jirou's room, we noticed their parents inside while entering. Everyone looked at us with understanding we were intruding at the wrong time. "Our apologies, we'll wait." I was going to shut the door when a man with black hair stopped us. "You can come in. You're my daughter's teacher, right?" "Yes. My name is Sasori Mr. and Mrs. Yaoyorozu, a pleasure." I bowed to him and his wife while Deidara introduced himself to the Jirous.

"Deidara, it's nice to meet you as well." "So what brings the two of you here?" Mr. Jirou asks this as I pull out my gift for Yaoyorozu. "I somewhat swore off doing this again since it caused me many problems when I was in my own time, but I made an exception." I handed her a ceramic prosthetic that the Yaoyorozus looked as if it was the real hand. "It was made out of the limb you lost, so the dimensions should be on par." She put it on the part of her had that was missing to begin slowly moving it. "It will take time to use it properly, but I have faith it won't take long for you." "Thank you sir." "You have no reason to thank me. All I did was make a limb into a prosthetic, it's hardly worth mentioning." "Alright, my turn." Deidara pulled out a pair of goggles for Jirou for her to but them on. "They're made to help with the vision problem you have now and can also zoom in to see stuff 100 meters away fairly easily." He messed with a nob on the side for the goggles to extend out a bit. "These are cool, thanks sir." "They're also made for combat, so they're durable as well."

As we finished up our visit, I had glanced at the parents before asking them a question. "Might we speak to you four outside. This involves Kyoka and Momo." They agreed with us walking outside while explaining what this was about.

With Itachi and Kisame, Itachi POV:

As Kisame and myself entered the room of Asui and Todoroki, we were met by their parents with Endeavor seeming rather agitated with us. "You bastards couldn't help even a single child! How dare you put my son in this without my consent!" He began spouting flames before punching me in the face to give me a notable burn. "Itachi sir, are you alright!" Todoroki began to try and get up before I stopped him. "Your father has every right to be angry with me. I allowed you to go on a mission without consulting him about it prior. I deserved that." Kisame walked up to the parents of his student while bowing. "If you wish to do the same sir, I have no problem with it." Mr. Asui seemed to be ready to punch him, but suddenly stopped before patting his shoulder. "I want to, do not get me wrong. However, punching you will do nothing about the incident. Both me and my wife have to travel regularly for our work and aren't often there for our three kids. Am I happy my daughter is put in this situation, no. Though if it wasn't for your training with Tsuyu, she may not have survived. So thank you for what you've done for my daughter so far."

He bowed at Kisame before two children came over to my partner. "You helped sissy learn what she can do?" "Why yes little one." Kisame knelled down to the children with the young girl smiling. "So cool! I wanna be just like my big sister and you when I grow up." "Thank you for helping our sis shark man." Kisame ruffled their hair while getting up to speak to Asui herself. "You feeling alright today?" "Yeah, the doctor said I should be able to be released later today." "Good." I had walked over to Todoroki for him to say what the doctor said about him. "I should be able to leave tomorrow morning with Midoriya and Uraraka from what I was told." "That's good." "I do need to take it easy for a few days however due to concern my injuries could rip open." "At least you're able to recover." I had gotten up with Kisame understanding what was next. "Might we talk to the parents outside please." They followed us calmly with Endeavor still rather agitated with me.

With Kakuzu and Hidan, Kakuzu POV:

After speaking with the parents of both Shiozaki and Kirishima, Hidan and myself had gone back to UA to only catch a glimpse of the two students with Ashido from class A. "Hey, Shiozammmph!" "Shut up you fool and let them talk." We listened to the three speak with Ashido seeming a little worried for them. "So you're both immortal now?" "Sorta. I can still die if all the hearts in my body are stopped." "And I can die if I do not get enough nutrients in me(I don't understand how this is a thing with Hidan to be honest. it makes no sense with me since he can survive dismemberment and being crushed)." "Sorry I couldn't do anything for you though Kiri." Ashido seemed rather sad with this as Kirishima tried to lighten her burden. "It ain't your fault Ashido. I knew the risk and took it. I have only myself to blame."

The comment seemed to weigh my pupil down a bit while looking at his hands. "I wasn't strong enough, so I almost lost. There's nothing I can say other than that." "Perhaps if we dedicated ourselves more, our friends wouldn't be in the hospital." We looked at the two as reality sank in for them. "We weren't as badly hurt due to what we had done, but that does not excuse the fact we had almost died. It is infuriating, but it is reality for us." Hidan started walking away after hearing this for me to follow him. As we got some distance away, he asked me a serious question. "Hey Kakuzu, was it right for us to train the two and send them out on that mission?" "...Whether it was right or not isn't the issue right now. The real problem is how to go about it later so it doesn't happen again. They're alive, so they can fight again." While walking away, I began to question myself on my comment. 'They can keep going, but at what cost now?'

With Orochimaru and Zetsu, Orochimaru POV:

"Orochimaru, I just finished speaking to both the Tokages and the Shinsos for both families to be on board." Zetsu had come into my office with my head being mainly in my  work. "...ok." He came over to see I was mainly focusing on the screen to find ways to make sure the organs I reconstructed for Tokage would not backfire and work out the way they should. "Oi, say something. This is weird. Don't be rude, he's trying to focus." I ignored both of them as I kept my head focused on what I was doing. I was only pulled away when Zetsu pulled my chair away from the keyboard to look me in the eye. "It's not our fault." "Then who's is it? We trained them. I began the research on the Curse Mark Bakugou had. It was me that found a way to weaponize it. And more importantly, my research was what was used to make mine and your student be put in the state they are. So who's damned fault is it!?"

I was agitated. Never in my life had I been more angry than I was this moment. "Don't you think we're pissed off too!? Black! No, this has to be said!" Black Zetsu began to lace into me as I listened to what he said. "Just because someone creates something that is able to be used as a weapon does not make them responsible for how others use it! Yes, you may have found a way to create a replica to the original Curse Mark. But it is not your fault someone misused it or used it differently than you wanted without consent from you! We all had a part to play with some hell in the world, but because someone used the hell that you made long ago does not make you responsible now! Bakugou was the one who took the offer and went this route even after being told of the dangers. Do not think for a second that his betrayal, Tokage's and Shinso's injuries, along with what this strange person did are all your fault alone! Yes you had a part, but it isn't your fault." I had taken a deep breathe while accepting this. "Thank you, I needed that." "So now what?" "Now we must prepare White Zetsu." I had gone back to my computer to finish what I was doing before shutting it down to leave.

Few days later, 3rd person POV:

"Summoning Jutsu!" After being released from the hospital and given a few days to rest, Izuku and the Tailed Beasts had finished the final summoning of the ninth and final one.

"Chomei, nice to finally see you again." Kurama had spoken to the giant beetle looking Tailed Beast as it looked down at the other eight before transforming to a smaller form to speak with the others.

"It is nice to see you as well Kurama. It's good to be back in this world again." Izuku picked up the small larva creature as the rest following Izuku with Kurama jumping on his head while Shukaku and Gyuki jumped on his shoulders. When they returned to the dorms, the members of both Akatsuki generations, the staff of UA, along with the classes of 1-A and 1-B had been waiting for his arrival with the final Tailed Beast brought back. "Now that the final two have come, let us begin with what will happen." Nezu had spoken up for Pain to take the lead. "I'm sure you all are aware of what had happened with Katsuki Bakugou. I am here to clarify one thing to you all. As of the end of the failed retrieval of him, the boy has been labeled a fleeing criminal with  any and all who are working with him to be deemed accomplices."

Many were confused on this until Monoma began laughing uncontrollably at this. "AHAHAHAH! IT WOULD APPEAR THAT CLASS A ISN'T AS SUPERIOR AS THEY WOULD LIKE TO BELIE-*BOOM*!" Kuruma not wanting to deal with the blond decided to send a Tailed Beast Bomb at his face just strong enough to knock him out. "Please continue." "As I was saying. The man who seemed to give Bakugou an abnormal power is for some reason interested with the Tailed Beasts from his final words to Midoriya before leaving with Bakugou. Due to this, it is best for them to be scattered and constantly on the move. However, the members of the Akatsuki will need to get stronger, so we must train them even more fierce than they already are." Pain explained this with Nezu pointing out what he meant. "As of now, the members of the Akatsuki and their disciples will be doing an on site learning course. They will study and everything like you all, but will be predominantly on the move. All important curriculum will be touched on with them by the Akatsuki along with taking a specialized version of the provisional license exam in a few weeks. This will allow the members to do their training as pros in the making and members of the Akatsuki's next generation without the need to have a pro present."

Everyone seemed to understand this for the most part with Izuku raising his hand. "How are we going to handle the Tailed Beast situation though?" "We will separate them between the two Akatsuki teachers and their disciples. Gyuki and Kurama shall be with myself and Konan with our disciples." "Since Chomei has affiliations with my village, it will be in mine and Hidan's group." "Since both Saiken and Isobu were connected to the Mist, mine and Itachi's group will watch them." "Son Goku and Shukaku will be watched my Deidara and my group. Easier to keep the ones we know in our sets." "With that leaving Matatabi and Kokuro in mine and Zetsu's group." "This course is to do three main objectives. The first is to keep the Tailed Beasts safe from being targeted and able to be taken all at once if some are taken, the second is to help our disciples learn and grow stronger faster while in real danger, and the third to obtain any and all information on Bakugou and this Momoshiki Otsutsuki's whereabouts. Any questions?" Yaoyorozu was the next to raise her hand. "When will we return?" "At latest, when the final exams of your third year happen. Any others?" Nobody spoke. "Very well. Members of the second generation Akatsuki, pack the bare necessities and prepare to leave."

Few hours later

As the members of the Akatsuki began to leave, the members of class A, B, and E seeing their classmates off. Everyone waved goodbye before exiting the school and heading to the station. Once there, the members of the Akatsuki departed with the Tailed Beasts to where they would. As they left, each member prepared for their next step in their journey unsure what will happen next. One thing was certain in their minds however, they needed to get stronger and will by the time everything was said and done.

And that finishes this book. I will make a second one some time in the future about what happens after they return, but that wont be for a while. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading The Origami Hero.

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