10. Slytherin Quidditch Tryouts

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After my encounter with Hermione, I made my way back to the Slytherin Common Room. First we had the same name and now we had the same eyes and it just so happened that when I've come to this school he's conveniently passed away. Everything was just so confusing but I had to get answers.

"You ready for tryouts tomorrow?" asked Draco as I got into my bed.

I nodded, my parents had gotten me a Firebolt, I seemed used but it still worked either way. I was sure my parents were going to get me a new broom but they insisted on giving me this Firebolt, maybe it had a special meaning.

The next morning came quickly and I found myself getting up and getting ready. It was a weekend so I didn't have any lessons. Me, Draco and the others made our way down for breakfast. I was dressed in basic, Muggle clothes and was to change into Quidditch robes later for the tryouts.

"So obviously me, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle are going to try out. What about you F/N?" asked Blaise as our group of Slytherin's started helping ourselves to breakfast.

"I want to go for seeker, but that's Draco's position apparently." I said.

"You better not go for seeker." Draco said, looking at me sternly.

"No promises, Draco." I smirked. "We all know I would be better than you."

"I want to see this happen." Blaise said with a laugh.

"See Blaise wants me to tryout." I said triumphantly.

"Fine," Draco said with a sigh, "we'll see who's better."

After breakfast, I separated with the group the head to the library before tryouts, I was still trying to find out more about this L/N boy and I supposed either the library would have a book or Hermione Granger would be there to tell me more.

It was no surprise when I saw Hermione, reading a book, in the corner of the library. Mustering all the confidence I had, I made my way over and greeted her.

"Hello 'Mione."

She blushed. "Hey F/N, what brings you here?"

"Just thought I'd come pay you visit, plus the last time we spoke you left on a pretty ominous statement." I said.

"Oh yeah..." Hermione said, looking down on the ground, "I'm sorry I said that, I just realised."

I shrugged. "It's fine, you could tell me more about him if you want."

"Why are you so interested?" asked Hermione suspiciously.

I laughed it off. "Just want to see what expectations I have to live up to."

"I'd never thought I'd see the day a Malfoy would try to flirt with me." Hermione chuckled.

"Who says I'm trying to flirt with you Granger?" I said. There was silence as I looked at her for a while and I felt a sudden urge to lean forward and kiss her. What stopped me was not wanting to disrespect Y/N L/N's memory.

I pulled myself back and sat down, clearing my throat. "So, uh, about this Y/N..."

Our conversation lasted a while and surprisingly Hermione told me quite a lot. I was considering telling her why I wanted to know so much and to tell her what my real first name was. However, it seemed too soon and I knew Draco didn't want me to be associated with Gryffindors.

Hermione looked at my face, examining the scar. "Where did you get that from?"

"Quidditch incident," I chuckled, "speaking of Quidditch, I have to go for tryouts. I'll see you later."

"What position are you trying out for?" asked Hermione.

"Well seeker but Draco wants to be seeker too." I said with a shrug.

Hermione paused for a second. "Y/N used to play seeker."

"Oh...that's weird. I'll see you around Hermione." and with that, I disappeared.

When I arrived at the Quidditch pitch, Draco was already there in his robes. I had made a quick pitstop to change into my robes and get my broom and arrived slightly late.

"Who's this?" the captain, Montague asked.

"My brother." Draco said, beckoning me over to where he, Crabbe, Goyle and Blaise were standing.

Montague nodded and began to tell us how it worked. Me and Draco were the only two trying out for seeker so Montague would release the Snitch and the first one who found it would be seeker. The chasers would take turns shooting against the potential keepers and there was no trial for the beaters since Crabbe and Goyle were the only ones.

"Three...two...one..." Montague counted down before he released the Snitch.

"It's on Draco." I said before pushing off the ground and rushing off to find the Snitch. The weather conditions were perfect and I could easily see my surroundings, me and Draco split off in separate directions to find the Snitch. Around thirty minutes later, I saw something glimmer on my right and Draco had seen it too. At this point, everyone else had seemed to of finished their trial so all eyes were on me and Draco. Deciding that I wanted to really impress Montague, I wanted to pull off a trick that I had heard about, the Wronski Feint. When Draco caught up with me, I dived downwards, him following. I was going a such a high speed that I was scared that I had messed the feint up. Luckily for me, this Firebolt listened to me and I pulled the handle of the broom up, directing it upwards just before I could hit the ground. It was too late when Draco realised what I had done, he crashed on the ground and I felt horrible as I raced upwards and went forward, continuing my hunt for the Snitch. Not long after, I saw the golden ball flying around the air and started flying in its direction, quickly and efficiently, I clasped my hand around the fluttering, Golden Snitch.

Once I had reached the ground I made my way over to Draco who was lying on the ground. "Draco, I'm so sorry, you alright?"

"I-I'm fine, congrats." Draco said, a bitter tone in his voice.

"Don't be sorry!" Montague said, placing a hand on my back. "That was a professional Quidditch player move, you're definitely our seeker."

"I think you should let Draco be seeker." I said, guilt rushing through me.

"It's fine F/N." Draco said, groaning as he sat upright. "You are better than me, I can play chaser."

"We do have a space for chaser if Draco wants it." Montague stated and Draco nodded.

"That's settled, I'll let everyone know when the first match is. Well done to all of you." Montague continued before walking off, leaving me, Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and Blaise on our own.

"Do you need to go to the Hospital Wing?" asked Blaise.

Draco shook his head. "I'm fine, the initial shock just hurt a bit."

"I'm sorry Draco, it was stupid of me to perform that feint." I said, looking at my brother.

"It's fine F/N, it was very impressive."

I smiled and helped him up as the five of us made our way back to our Common Room. As I passed the stands, I caught a glimpse of someone in the corner of the stands. I couldn't make out the face by I could recognise that bushy brown hair from anywhere.

I smirked to myself, Hermione Granger had come to watch me play.

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