9. A Mere Coincidence

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"Who was Y/N L/N?" I questioned Draco, as the two of us were alone in the Slytherin Common Room. I had so many questions, it could've been a coincidence or it could've meant something and if Draco wasn't going to give me answers, I would have to get them myself.

"He was Gryffindor in our year. He died whilst participating in the Triwizard Tournament." Draco replied simply.

"Kind of weird how he had the same name as me..." I said, thinking.

"It's just a coincidence F/N." Draco said, he never referred to me as Y/N during school, probably because other people were around.

"Is that why I can't tell people I'm called Y/N?" I asked. "Is it why I have to go by F/N?"

Draco nodded. "Y/N L/N had potential to be a great wizard, he just associated with the wrong sorts of people, like Mudbloods and Blood-traitors."

"Were you friends?" I asked.

Draco shook his head. "No, he spent too much time around bad people, I couldn't be associated with him."

"How'd he die?" I knew I was asking a lot of questions but I was curious.

"I don't know, he never survived the final task." Draco shrugged, he seemed like he didn't want me to ask any more questions so I stayed silent. There was something about that name that stuck to my mind, I had to find out more. There was something that Draco knew that he was keeping from me, and if he wouldn't tell me I would have to find out myself.

"I'm going to the library." I said suddenly, breaking the awkward silence.

"Do you want me to come with?" asked Draco.

"No Draco, I don't need you to be my bodyguard and be around me every living second." I said with a laugh.

"Alright then, I'll see you later." Draco said whilst making his way up to our dormitory as I left the Common Room.

I made my way to the library, since lessons were over I felt no need to keep my robes on so I was dressed in my Slytherin jumper, the green Slytherin tie along with grey trousers and a white shirt. Once I got to the library, I sat down and started doing some of my homework, I wanted to learn more about this other Y/N but I didn't know where to start, so I just decided to finish up on some of my homework. Once I was done, I relaxed on the cushion that I was sitting on, I felt my eyes droop slightly and I could feel myself dozing off...

"Uh...hello?" a voice said above me, I jolted away to realise that I had fallen asleep.

I rubbed my eyes. "Oh sorry, do you need anything?"

My eyes focused to reveal none other than the girl, Hermione Granger standing sheepishly in front of me, books in her hand.

"Oh yeah uh...I just need this book behind you."

Embarrassed, I laughed slightly. "Oh I'm sorry, which book do you want?"

Hermione pointed to the book and I reached out and grabbed it, before passing it to her.

"Thanks." she mumbled quietly. "I should get going now. Sorry for waking you up."

"It's fine," I smiled, "you can sit here if you want." I pointed to a seat opposite me.

I thought she was going to reject my offer but she nodded and took the seat next to me.

"So you're Hermione Granger." I said.

"And you're F/N Malfoy." she replied.

I nodded. "Draco's brother."

"I'm surprised you offered to let me sit here." she said.

I cocked my eyebrow. "How come?"

She seemed a bit taken aback. "Well I suppose Slytherin and Gryffindor's aren't exactly the best of friends. Plus...I'm pretty sure the Malfoys don't like...Muggle-borns."

I was surprised, I thought the Malfoys had a good reputation, obviously, that wasn't the case. "Well, maybe it's time to break that cliche. I know Draco can be...difficult at times but he's nice. And for the record, I have nothing against Muggle-borns. I know you're one but you're ridiculously smart so blood status really means nothing."

"You're the first Slytherin I've actually spoken to." Hermione said, sounding relieved that I wasn't against Muggle-borns.

"I guess I'm special then. If it makes you feel special, you're the first Gryffindor I've spoken to. I don't think Gryffindors really like me, especially your ginger boyfriend Weasley." I said, with a chuckle.

Hermione was shocked. "B-boyfriend? Ron's not my boyfriend."

"Oh..." I was at lost for words, "I just assumed he was, he seemed quite protective of you. Who's your boyfriend then? Harry?"

"What makes you think I have a boyfriend?" Hermione questioned.

"You're pretty," I shrugged, "pretty girls normally have boyfriends."

Hermione blushed. "T-thanks, I guess."

"So do you have a boyfriend or not?" I asked again.

"I-it's uh...complicated." Hermione said quietly.

"Why?" I asked, laughing. "Is it like a Romeo Juliet kind of relationship?"

"H-he's dead." Hermione murmered, it sounded like she was about to cry.

I internally cursed at myself. "Oh crap...I'm so sorry."

"I-it's fine, you're new, I didn't really think you would know."

I was conflicted, her boyfriend was dead, so they weren't really dating, so could I try win her over? Or would that be too disrespectful to her dead boyfriend's memory?

"What was his name?" I asked.


I choked on my words. "Y/N? You don't mean Y/N L/N?"

Hermione nodded, she now looked very sad. If Draco wasn't going to tell me more, I would have to get the information off Hermione. I knew it wasn't my business to find out about this random dead kid but the name felt so familiar and it couldn't be just a coincidence.

"Do...do you reckon you could tell me more about him?" I asked hopefully.

Hermione looked at me. "Why do you want to know?"

"H-he just seems interesting." I lied, well it wasn't really a lie. He did sound interesting.

Hermione seemed suspicious but she told me about him anyways. "He was this really talented wizard. He was my first friend, first kiss, first boyfriend and first love. He was best friends with me, Harry and Ron and he was a very talented Quidditch player. He made the Gryffindor Quidditch team as the seeker in his first year. He had the most adorable smile and everything felt so much better when he was around, he made me feel safe and he made me feel loved. He would always stand up for me and he put me first. He had H/C hair and E/C eyes that sparkled every time he was happy, whenever I was around him I felt like he was the one. The one I was meant to have a future with..." she stopped, she was crying softly now. Feeling bad for asking, I made my way over to her and wrapped her in a hug.

"So he was a good guy." I said with a smile.

Hermione nodded. "The best."

We stayed hugging for a while before she stopped crying and she broke off the hug to wipe her eyes with the sleeves of her cardigan.

"I'm sorry." she said, obviously embarrassed.

"It's fine, I'm sorry for asking." I replied.

"Why are you being nice to me?" she asked suddenly.

"Because I think you seem like a very interesting person, plus you're also stunningly beautiful." I replied, almost forgetting that minutes ago she was crying over her dead boyfriend.

"I-" she paused, I thought she was going to tell me to stop complimenting her, "thank you."

"For what?" I asked, confused.

"For being a different Slytherin, you're not like the others." She said. "You're not like Draco either."

I shrugged. "We have our similarities and differences."

She smiled and I smiled back. "We're friends right?" I asked.

She nodded and I grinned. "Great, it's time to break that Slytherin and Gryffindor rivalry."

Hermione laughed. "Just because you're friends with one Gryffindor doesn't mean the majority of Gryffindors and Slytherins will become friends stupid."

I raised my hands in defence. "It's a start though."

She laughed an adorable laugh, I brushed back my grown out hair, my parents had told me to grow out my hair over summer. My hair would normally cover up my eyes but since I brushed it back, my eyes met hers. We were staring for a while before she broke it off.

"I-I'm sorry." she said quickly.

"What's up? Did I do something?" I asked, concerned. My hair falling back into place and covering the majority of my eyes again.

She shook her head. "Don't worry, it's just a coincidence."

Wow, the coincidences just keep on coming.

"What is it?" I asked her.

She sighed and looked at me. "You have his eyes."

"Who's eyes?" I asked, confused.

"Y/N's eyes."

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