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(chapter nine.) you ready sis?

POET STOOD ON THE OFFICE OF HER PARENTS, AWAITING FOR THEIR ARRIVAL and her twin brother. She felt her hair swish to one side, papers scattered on the floor due to the person that sped by.

"Mother and Father are coming," her twin brother, Julian, said before looking down at the pieces of paper he dropped on the floor. Poet sighed, picking each up and putting them in their place. Julian thanked his younger sister, both 15-year-olds waiting for those familiar heavy footsteps of their parents.

"They're coming," Poet mumbled to him, hearing the loud thoughts of the people that were silently talking amongst each other.

"You ready sis?" Julian smirked, fixing his suit. Poet shrugged, as usual, Julian passing her red jacket that she wore. "Oh, come on, you know you are."

"Fine," Poet rolled her eyes as she smiled. "Of course I am. We get to just leave this hell hole for once without them always electrocuting us when we do so."

"You're right about that."

The door opened and a man and a woman came in, other doctors behind them looking at the twins with a fearful look. Poet had her normal straight face and Julian as well. They both stood next to each other, glaring at the doctors.

"E1," their father greeted with a nod, turning to look at his daughter. "E2."

"Father," the twins greeted, nodding their heads back in respect as their mother gave them files of some sorts.

"The men you are instructed to kill live in the same place and building," their mother started, "they all stole from us, even killed our dog when they were stealing the money. They took our car later on that we had put more money in."

"How much did they steal?" Poet asked, her eyes glowing red when her eyes scanned through every picture and were embedded in her head.



"Their names are Carlos," their father pointed at the man's picture, then pointed to another man. "Christian." He pointed to the last one. "And Dominic."


"Torture them," their mother instructed. "Take back the money they stole from us. And if they don't have it, make them see their worst fear and kill them."

"Yes, mother."

Lance was rummaging through files, nervous under the gazes of Klaus, Five, and Poet as he tried to find whatever the trio asked him for.

He found the file, the papers shaking in his hold as Poet stood next to him with arms crossed, hoping to get a closer look to what he was looking at. He glanced at her as she raised her eyebrows at him. He then glanced at Klaus, who was already staring right back at him, blood still on the corner of his forehead.

"Oh, that's strange," he let out, eyes running through the information he found. Poet furrowed her eyebrows.


"Uh, they eye," he replied. "It hasn't been purchased by a client yet."

Klaus got down of the desk he was sitting on, looking at the man as intensely as Poet. Lance looked in between them back and forth, nervous of what else they were going to do.

"What? What do you mean?" Klaus asked, walking from behind him, standing next to Poet. The girl was still bleeding from her lip and she somehow formed a bruise on her cheek.

"Well, uh," the man said, getting more nervous when Poet and Klaus got closer, "our logs say that the eye with that serial number... This can't be right. It hasn't even been manufactured yet. Where did you get that eye?"

The trio stared at Five. Poet looked at him, eyes glowing as she rummaged through his brain and tried to find anything that would give anything away. She saw the same scene of what she saw when she first met Five. The scene where she was dead and the world around her was ruined with fire lighting up in some places.

Five just walked away and Klaus made a face, following after the boy. Poet patted Lance's back, thanking him. She immediately caught on to the boys, immediately heading out of the building to go outside.

"Well, this is not good," Five said as soon as they walked out into the fresh air.

"I was pretty good, though, right?" Klaus looked at Poet who gave him a thumbs up. ""Yeah. What about my consent, bitch?""

Klaus giggled at his own words. Poet sighed, standing next to Give as she tried to understand what just happened. Her lip, which ended up split opened, was having its own pulse and she had to be careful with smiling because as her lips spread, the wound opened and blood would come out.

"Klaus, it doesn't matter," Five said with an angry look on his face.

"What? What? What's the big deal with this eye, anyway?" Klaus questioned, interested on why Five was interested in something so weird. Poet looked back and forth, clearing her throat so she won't feel awkward.

"There is something out there who's going to lose an eye in the next seven days," Five angrily said, getting closer to Klaus. "They're gonna bring about the end of life on this Earth as we know it."

"Yeah," Klaus waved off his answer as Five passed by him and walked away. "Can I get that 20 bucks, like, now, or what?"

"Klaus, I don't really think it's a good time to ask him about money," Poet told him and Five for once was grateful that someone had enough patience to handle the man.

"Your 20 bucks?" Five glared at him, his eyes squinting in irritation. Poet facepalmed, shaking her head at the man.

"Yeah, my 20 bucks."

"The apocalypse is coming," Poet furrowed her eyebrows even more at what the kid said, "and all you can think about is getting high?"

"Well, I'm also quite hungry," Poet checked the pockets of her jackets, checking to see if she had any money to give to Klaus. There was nothing. "Tummy's a-rumblin'."

Poet looked at him weirdly as he made noises that was for his stomach.

"You're useless," Five let out. "You're all useless! Except you, Poet."

"Oh, come on," Klaus groaned, Five walking past him to sit on the stairs. "You need to lighten up, old man."

"Oh, I can't wait until Diego beats your ass for hitting Poet," Five let out in between gritted teeth. "He's gonna beat your ass."

Klaus ignored him.

"Hey, you know," Klaus got closer. "I've just now realized why you're so uptight."

"Oh, no," Poet let out, reading his thoughts.

"You must be horny as hell!" Klaus sat next to him. "All these years by yourself. It's gotta screw with your head, being alone."

"Well..." Five started. "I wasn't alone."

"Oh?" Klaus stared up at Poet, who was just as interest as him. "Pray tell."

"Her name was Delores," Five answered. "We were together for over 30 years."

"Wow!" Poet gaped at him as Klaus said, "Thirty years? Oh, wow!" They were both surprised.

"I've never dated anyone so, can't relate," Poet chuckled just as Five smiled at her.

"God, the longest I've been with someone was..." Klaus thought about it. "I don't know, three weeks. And that's only because I was so tired of looking for a place to sleep." Poet kept her laughter in when she saw Five leave and Klaus was talking to himself. "He did make the most fantastic osso buco, though. It was..."

Poet laughed breathlessly, watching as Klaus just took notice that his brother was nowhere in sight. He called out for him. They both turned to look at a cab passing by and saw Five inside, looking at them both.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey," Klaus called out. "What about my money?"

Klaus sighed in defeat before he turned to look at Poet, who was watching the situation with amusement.

"Come on," Klaus grabbed her arm. "Let's take you back to your baby Diego."

"He's not my baby."

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