New School

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Grace was having a strange dream about being an illegal French fry. She had just somehow began driving a car when her mom yelled her name, "GRACE! GET UP YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE FOR YOUR FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!"

She blinked and stared at the ceiling, waiting for the rest of her body to wake up.

It was ten minutes before she felt awake enough to actually sit up and swing her legs over the side of the bed. This just sparked another wave of fatigue to overwhelm her being and she yawned.

It was five more minutes before she heard her mom yell again, "DON'T MAKE ME TELL YOU AGAIN! GET UP!!"

She said under her breath, "You just told me again..." she yelled her response, "I'M UP, MOM!!"

She finally stood up and stretched, her knees buckling slightly at the pleasurable feeling of her muscles tensing and relaxing from her night of slumber. She quickly got dressed in black leggings and a black t-shirt that hugged her curves. She brushed her teeth and hair, annoyed at the fact that it was a little frizzier than she would have liked. Being too lazy to deal with it she put on her big, but cute, glasses and left her room before walking downstairs to the kitchen.

Her mom was pouring her a glass of chocolate milk when she greeted, "Morning mom."

The blonde middle aged woman didn't turn around, "Morning sweetheart. Hurry up and drink your milk and take your pill. I'm taking you to school since we don't know the bus schedule yet."

The red head nodded and opened her bottle of ADD pills, pouring it out enough for three or four to fall out before grabbing one with her middle finger and tipping the rest back in the bottle. She grabbed the glass of chocolate milk and popped the small capsule into her mouth before easily gulping it down along with a swig of milk.

She and her mom exited the house and made it to the large SUV. She threw her backpack in the backseat and sat in the passenger seat.

They finally arrived to the front of the large high school, Crocus High. She blinked before opening the car door and stepping out, waving to her mom as she told her, "Have a great first day honey! Try to make some friends!!"

The red haired girl rolled her bright green eyes, Like that's gonna happen.

She was going into the school year a senior. Most everyone else in her class had time to create friendships from freshman year. She, however, was completely new. She would just go into it like she did everywhere...with her head down and minding her own business.

She pulled her schedule out of her backpack and read the little note written on it in pen, "Go to the principals office. Room 220." the second floor. She thought to herself. She found the nearest staircase, passing rushing students trying to find where their first class was, and climbed them to the second floor. She looked around for a second and saw which way she would need to go.

She finally came to Room 220 and knocked before entering. There were many closed off rooms with staff members on computers doing, whatever it is they do. She walked up to the main desk and said shyly, "Um, I'm new here and my schedule said I had to come to the principals office."

The middle aged woman with glasses and curled short hair looked up and said, "Are you Grace Geraghty?"

The red head nodded, "Alright the senior principal is in the room with the little sign shaped like a donut on the door."

She nodded and looked around before seeing the sign the lady was talking about. She walked towards it and knocked. Hearing a "come in" she opened the door and sheepishly stepped inside, "Hi...I'm Grace Geraghty, my schedule said you wanted to see me?"

The principal looked to be in his eighties and was surprisingly...short. Extremely short actually. He stated, "Ah yes. The newbie. Well I just wanted to welcome you to our wonderful school and wish you good well as have someone show you around the school. Conveniently there was a senior this year that had the exact same schedule as you, so we decided to have him tour you around."

Grace nodded, though she was kind of shy about meeting new people. Not to mention she would have been fine without the tour guide. He gestured to just behind where she was standing and said, "This is Rogue Cheney. He will be your 'tour guide' shall we say. He's already accepted showing you around so you don't have to be self conscious about it, considering I can see the hint of doubt you hold in your facial expression."

The red head stared wide eyed at the black haired male. She hadn't even noticed him there when she walked in. The emotionless male stood up and walked over to the girl. Now that he was in better light she could see that he was actually quite handsome for a high school teenage boy. His black locks perfectly framed his face, leaving only the left side exposed to the world. His piercing red eye drew her in like a fish to a shining silver lure.

She shook her brain free from the trance and said with a shy smile, "Hey, I'm Grace. Sorry you have to show me around. Honestly I could've found my way around just fine, but I guess it's better having someone show me so I don't get lost."

The male blinked slowly before nodding and stated in a deep and monotoned voice, "Let's get going. Our first class starts in ten minutes."

She nodded and followed him out of the office and down the hall. They walked in silence for a minute before he suddenly stopped in front of a classroom door. He opened it and gestured for her to go in first. She nodded in thanks with a flatlined smile and stepped inside. She saw most of the desks were already filled with students. They were pair desks; meaning it was two to a single, long, and black topped desk. She knew what class this was...Science.

She looked around for an empty desk, not an empty seat, but an empty desk. She spotted an empty one way in the back of the class. Luckily she didn't forget her glasses today so she'd be able to see the teacher, well...teach. She quickly made her way there and set her backpack down before sitting. She pulled out a notebook and pencil, jumping slightly when another backpack was harshly dropped next to her. She looked up to see a young man with blonde spikey hair and bright blue eyes.

What's with the people at this school having super bright eyes? She thought with a deadpanned look on her face. He was well toned with fairly attractive features...

She blinked before she heard the teacher begin to talk, "Hello everyone. I am Miss Porlyusica and you will address me as such."

The red head stated under her breath, not intending for anyone to hear, "Well she's got a stick up her ass."

The blonde next to her smirked and chuckled, having heard her comment, "Yeah, one that no ones removed since she was in her twenties."

The red head snickered but turned back to the front of the class so she wouldn't get called out by said stuck up teacher.

After an hour the class finally ended and she waited for all the students to pile out. As she exited the room she saw a familiar dark looking male glaring slightly behind her. She turned to see the blonde male she sat next to in class making out with an icy blue haired girl by the lockers. The red head made a gagging face and turned away thinking, Fucking disgusting. If they're gonna do that they should at least find the janitors closet and do it where the mops and brooms can watch."

She chuckled at her own joke but quickly shook her head and waltzed up to the still glaring male, "Hey what's our next class?"

The male simply replied without looking at her, "Room 302...math."

Grace groaned, "Ew. I hate math."

Rogue smirked down at the short red haired girl and suggested, "Then you can sit by me and I can help you."

The girl rolled her eyes, "I don't need help thank you very much. I'll just...figure it out I guess."

The male shrugged, "Suit yourself...but I'm still sitting next to you."

The red head rose a brow, "Why?"

He smirked, "Because the teacher can be a little...hard on new students."

Grace narrowed her eyes in hatred, "Well this should be fun."

Rogue chuckled, "Don't worry I'll have your back. I could tutor you if you'd like?"

The red head looked the male up and down, "What's with this 'helping hand' business. When I met you, you looked like you were plotting world destruction."

He blinked before clearing his throat, "Let's just get to class."

She followed him down the hall and up the stairs before turning at the top and stopping at another classroom door.

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