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A/N: WARNING!! This chapter has some minor self harm in it!

Rogue had just gotten home and was sitting on his couch, petting Frosch's head. As the cat purred away, he thought of all the things that went on today, Maybe she hangs with me because she pities me. The fight with Sting probably made her think that I needed some pitying. Tch! I don't need that shit from anyone. I've been alone for almost all my life, what with my dad always being gone and my mom dying when I was young.

He gave a loud sigh and picked the cat up from his lap and placed her on the couch. He walked into the bathroom and rustled through his medicine cabinet.

Finding what he needed, he grabbed a small box and opened it up.

Inside was a single razor blade.

It had been a long time since he'd used it, a year in fact.

He was doing amazing with his anti-depressants and therapy sessions. To the point where he felt he didn't need the sessions anymore.

He felt like he was sending himself back now, though.

All that time and effort wasted, and for what? A girl who he just met that was giving him more attention than even his own father?


That was all he thought before the cuts started forming on his wrists, and blood began to stain the bathroom sink.

Soon the cuts began to sting from his salty tears falling onto them.

Why did I have to fall for the first person that showed me any type of attention?

He wrapped the cuts in gauze, at least not wanting them to get infected.

I'm such a fucking idiot! She'd never go for an emo freak like me.

He stripped and crawled into his bed, laying on his back and watching the ceiling fan slowly turn.

This sounds like Yukino all over again. I don't think I can handle another heart break like that...

He soon fell asleep with his face tear-stained and his form curled up into a ball.

The next morning's car ride was tensely silent, unlike the usual peaceful silence. Grace was starting to get pissed off by this boy's sudden mood change towards her. She's fine with him hating her, but she at least wants to know why he hates her.

They finally arrived at school, a little later than usual since everyone was already in their first class. Grace tried to break the horrible silence, and spoke to the male that walked a few feet in front of her, "Hey, Rogue?"

No response.

She tried again, "Rogue."

Still nothing.

She was fed up with his moody emo act and rushed after him. With one swift move she spun him to face her, grabbed him by his collar, and slammed him against the lockers.

To say he was surprised was an understatement, he was completely frozen. Grace glared harshly at him, "What the fuck is your problem with me?!"

He stayed frozen in shock. Grace growled. Then did something that he never would've imagined her to do.

The red head smashed her lips to his and hungrily attacked them. Before he could react to it she pulled away. She sucked his lips into her mouth, making a smacking sound echo across the hall as she let go.

She dropped the male and started walking away as she said, "Sit on that for a while and then come see me when you're ready to talk to me."

Grace stormed off to class. Rogue watched her hips swiftly pop side to side from her frustration until she turned a corner and disappeared from sight. It's hot when she's angry...

After realizing what he'd just thought he scolded himself, STOP BEING SUCH A WEIRDO YOU IDIOT!! She's mad at you...THAT IS NOT A GOOD THING!!

He groaned and decided to finally get to class.

Grace walked into science looking like she was done with life and everything that had to do with it. Everyone looked up at her with wide-eyes and immediately started whispering. The red head rose an eyebrow at this, but decided it didn't matter and walked to the back of the class to her seat.

Sting had his earbuds in and looked to be watching something on his phone, not that she cared. Right when she sat down he turned to her and smirked, "That was a gutsy move, Red. Very dramatic. Kinda wish it was me you did it to."

She furrowed her eyebrows at the blonde, "The hell are you talkin about, dumbass?"

He took out one earbud and placed it in her ear before turning the phone screen slightly so she could see it.

He pressed play on the video and it was Grace with Rogue slammed against the lockers. She heard herself yell, "What the fuck is your problem with me?!" Then she suddenly smashed her lips to the black haired boy's.

Whoever was recording it had gotten everything that went on.

Even Rogue's internal self-criticism.

Grace sat there frozen with her eyes wide. The door to the room suddenly opened and in walked Rogue, who got the same stares and whispers as Grace did when she walked in.

They made eye contact for a moment before looking away from each other. Sting smirked, causing the red head to glare, "Who the hell recorded this?"

The blonde smirked even more, "Only the most well-known and devious match-maker of our lovely school, Mirajane Strauss."

The girl blinked, "I have no idea who that is."

Sting shrugged and said, "Not my problem. All you need to know is that now you and Mr. Emo are gonna be gettin a lot of attention."

Grace rose a brow, "Why?"

He shrugged as if it was no big deal, "Because she sent that video to the whole school, except you two since she doesn't have your numbers."

The red head paled, "This is gonna suck ass. I hate being the center of attention."

Blondie chuckled, "Well then ya better get used to it, Red, cause you're gonna have people on your ass asking you questions. Especially the school paper, which my girlfriend happens to be the head reporter for."

The green eyed girl groaned and threw her head back against the wall, "Yay."

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