The Underground Hero Association(3)

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Upon seeing the elevator door slam shut, the receptionist used his quirk to hide it again. He went back to the receptionist desk before removing his quirk that covered himself.

Though he never doubts the girls words, he still asked out of curiosity, "Was it really a good idea to send him in?"

The girl replied with certainty, "Of course it was."


When the girl remained silent, the receptionist assumed that she would not answer. But after a few minutes, she said, "Although the kid has potential, he seems to be burdened. Even though the trial cannot fully resolve it, it can at least bring some solace to him. But, if he wasn't so special, I wouldn't have sent him in there."

Even after hearing her explanation, the receptionist was still confused, he could not feel anything special from the boy. Instead of thinking harder, he just chose to ask, "How is he special?"

Having expected the question, the girl nonchalantly replied, "His memory has been tampered with and not even I can revert it. If someone so powerful had tampered with his memory, it means that he holds something very important."

The receptionist, knowing how strong the girl is, was shocked. If even she could not do anything against the tampered memory, reverting it would be almost impossible, even with the help of the trial. Unable to understand why she would use the trial on a hopeless case like him, he asked,"what will happen to him?"

"The trial can remove some of the tampering and help him recall some of his memories. But with how strong the tampering is, the trial will also be equally difficult. In the worst case, the burden he is carrying will destroy his will to live."

But the girl doubts that would happen, after all, someone else will be aiding him.
For the first few minutes, nothing unusual happened. But suddenly, a thick and viscous gas started seeping in from the corners of the elevator. Startled, Izuku tried to avoid the gas, but failed as it came from every direction.

When the gas filled the elevator, Izuku was unable to see anything, even when he placed his hands in front of his eyes. Not only that, his other senses were blocked as well. He tried to clench his fists, but could not even feel his own hands, he breathed in and out, but smelt nothing. He even tried to speak, but could not hear his own voice.

This deprivation of his senses left him anxious. All he could do was try to count how long he has been in there, but without his senses helping him, his sense of time slowly left him. Seconds felt like minutes, minutes felt like hours.

After an unknown amount of time, his sight abruptly darkened. It was pitch black, until a path of light appeared in front of him. But when he turned around, he saw nothing, yet he somehow knew that a path of darkness was there. Upon laying eyes on the dark path, he felt a sense of comfort, but tensed up as he sensed danger from that path.

Looking at the path of light in front of him, he felt a sense of repulsion. Yet, his senses told him that this was a safe path. Regardless of what he felt, he knew that he had to choose one of these paths. Examining the two paths, he thought that they represented the path of heroes and the path of villains. Thinking about what All Might said to him, he was confident that was why he felt repulsed at the path of light. Ignoring the feeling of repulsion, he steeled himself and walked on the path that he deemed was the path of heroes, until he heard a familiar voice behind him.


Upon hearing the voice, his body involuntarily froze as he knew that voice. The voice he dearly wished to hear now more than ever. Slowly turning his head to face the direction of the voice, he saw the person that stood with him for 14 years. Tearing up, he wanted to run over, he wanted to jump into her embrace once again. But he knew this was just an illusion. His mother had died, she could never return.

Though he knew that this was just an illusion, he still could not resist the temptation. He was unable to choose. He wanted to return to his mother, but he knew that doing so would bring him danger.

In the end, he could not resist the temptation and turned back. Though he felt danger, he walked towards his beloved mother. However, when he took a step towards that path, a sliver of purple gas penetrated his head. A memory he never knew he had started playing. In it was a little boy that looked just like him and a young girl with hair that split into red and white.

Swinging her legs, the girl asked,"Hey, Izu-Kun, do you promise to meet with me again?"

"Sure! I promise to return and see you and uncle *********!"

The girl smiled, but wanting to make sure, she extended her pinkie, before saying, "Pinkie promise?"

His younger self extended his little finger as well, hooking it with the little girl's little finger.

"We will meet again, okay? I'll be right here waiting for you. Don't forget!"

Izuku could not recognise the girl, but he felt a sense of familiarity when he saw her. He noticed a man with a fire moustache behind the tree clenching his fists at them doing a pinkie promise, like an overprotective father. Though he looked furious, his eyes betrayed him, showing his love to the children in front of him. Behind him, Izuku could see a strange man walking out of a car. That was when the memory ended.

Looking up, he realised how close he was to the path of villains. Locking eyes with the illusion of his mother, he no longer felt the temptation he had previously.

Without the effects of the temptation, his mind was clearer and he made his decision. He looked at his mother as this might be his last meeting with her, even if it was only an illusion until he was satisfied, before he turned and went back onto the long path of light in front of him.

Without the temptation clouding his judgement, he realised that these paths were not the path of heroes and the path of villains.

In the middle of the path, another memory struck him.
"Mommy! Can I be a hero like all might in the future?"

A three-year-old Izuku asked.

"Oh, Izuku, as long as you stay safe, I don't care whether you become a hero or a villain."

Izuku seemed enraged and said, "I will never be a villain! I will be a big strong hero, to beat the bad villain and protect mommy!"

"Before you become a hero, you have to take your shower, okay?"
Izuku finally knew what the paths really signified. The dark path represented his past, while the light path represented his future. He teared up at this memory and spoke, as if speaking to his mother,

"Mom, I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, but I promise that I will make you proud."

He felt as if a burden was lifted. He knew that his mother did not want to see him like this. If he continued to be burdened by her death, she would never forgive him. As he made his way forward, the path behind him cracked, before shattering entirely. The fragments flowed into his mind, but he ignored this phenomenon and continued walking steadily on the path to his future.

His head started to get filled with memories he never knew he had. Amidst the memories, one memory featuring the little girl stood out from the rest.
The girl in this memory no longer looked happy, instead, she seemed to be in disbelief, "Izu-Kun, are you really leaving?"

Little Izuku apologised, "Sorry ******* but our promise will never be broken, I will meet you again someday!"

Though she was sad, hearing his promise made her smile.

The two children had tears in the corner of their eyes, yet they refused to cry. They made a pinkie promise, before regretfully leaving each other behind.

It was then something hit his young self's head, leaving him unconscious. Before passing out, he heard the girl shout and saw a raging fire.
From that memory and the previous one, he noticed many things he did not notice before. The first thing he realised was that the man behind the tree seemed to be the second ranked hero, Endeavour. The second thing he noticed was that the girl had heterochromia, giving her a pair of blue and red eyes. The moment he saw those eyes, his heart started aching.

When he finished analysing those memories, the path he was walking had ended. He realised that he was back in the elevator, but there was no longer gas inside it. However, the elevator was not stationary anymore, instead, it seemed to be descending.

At the receptionist's desk, both the receptionist and the girl were confused. The girl asked, "He should be out by now... why is he taking so long?"

The receptionist also found it odd, asking, "Should we check on it?"

Without waiting for an answer, he hid himself again with his quirk before releasing the quirk he had used on the elevator door. However, all that was left was an empty space. Furious that one of their trials had gone missing, the receptionist and the girl quickly ran to the computer on the desk and saw that the elevator seemed to be heading for U.A.

Upon seeing this, the girl angrily roared,"YOU F*CKING RAT! MARK MY WORDS, I WILL GET MY REVENGE!"

Thank you for sticking with me during these 5 parts and I hope that you will continue to follow me on this journey!

If you notice any mistakes or areas I can improve in, feel free to comment!  Thanks in advance!

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