Ten Months (2)

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Surprisingly the Alpha enjoyed his time with the children.
He listened as they talked about what games they wanted to play and laughed as he helped them make the beds.
Alpha Zane knew that they had done the same number of rooms as the girls, but kept that bit of information to himself.
Just as they were finishing a knock came on the door.
"Alpha, Airini has asked me to inform you that the first Alpha has arrived with his females."
Zane bit back a groan and turned to the boys "Sorry guys i have to do something. Can you go find the girls please."
Wanting to please their Alpha the boys nodded their heads before running out of the room.
Standing the other side of the door was his Beta.
"Alpha." His Beta bowed slightly. Both men walked together down the hallway. "Which Alpha and how many?" He asked. "Alpha Tony and three females." The Beta replied. Zane noticed a hint of emotion in his voice.
"What is it Dean?" He asked. "Forgive me Alpha, but one of the females might not be suitable." Zane frowned "She wears next to nothing and has no respect at all for any one lower than Gammas." Zane sighed, what the hell was a female like that doing presenting herself and what was her Alpha thinking?
"Well one less to worry about. I wonder how Airini will react to her." He replied, though it didn't take long to find out.
As they exited the house, it was to see Airini slap a female. Looking at what she was wearing it was safe to assume this was who his Beta was talking about. "Who the hell do you think you are? How dare you touch me." Zane watched in interest. "I should ask you the same when you slapped a pack member." Zanes ears perked at this. "The stupid Omega dropped my bag, it's very expensive, it should have been more careful."  The words angered Zane, his whole pack believed the Omegas were the most precious gift to them. They cooked, cleaned and cared for the pack, whilst the pack trained hard and protected them. Without Omegas there would be no time to train, no time to patrol.
Each member had their part to play, so all were important.
He was brought back from his musing when he heard Airini laughing.
"So you honestly believed that you could be chosen by coming here with an ugly attitude and attacking a pack member?" She asked. "Their just useless Omegas." The woman yelled back. "Useless? In that case." She turned around. "Since this female does not need use of Omegas then none shall help her. She will be shown her room. If she is hungry she can cook, if her clothes get dirty she can wash them. No Omega shall work for her." She declared.
The woman screeched "You can't do that, i will tell your Alpha. See what he says." Zane decided it was time to join in.
"He would say that as peacekeeper, she definitely has the right. He would say that he is disappointed that you are here. As far as i am concerned you have two choices. One put up with it and return to your pack when the month is over or two make arrangements to return now. You have already proven to be unworthy of being chosen."
With that said he arranged for her bags to be taken to her room.
Once they were out of sight he turned to the females Alpha." Alpha Zane." The slim male looked ashamed. His eyes downcast." Forgive me for bringing Zena, she is my cousin and our parents pestered me into bringing her even though i said she would never be chosen. My aunt believes herself superior because of being the Alphas sister and has passed that onto her daughter." Zanes resentment of the Alpha cooled slightly.
" Then your cousin is in for a rude awakening, Omegas are the beating heart of the pack. We will not tolerate any abuse towards them." Alpha Tony nodded."I intend on informing her parents of her refusal due to attacking a host pack member." Zane had a feeling that this Alpha would take a small amount of pleasure of the information. "Would that be a problem?" He asked. "Not at all, i just find her mother exhausting to argue with." Zane turned to see Airini walking towards them. "Then we use an alternative." She spoke. "Tell them of what happened and of what her punishment was. Sadly that means she can still present. Happily Alpha Zane doesn't have to choose her."
"Seriously?" Zane asked. "To be honest, i do not think she will be the only one. If not they will get the same treatment. I think at dinner we will tell them the rules of the presentation." Zane frowned, he had no idea there was any rules. "Well then, if you don't mind i shall go to my room." Alpha Tony retired.
Left alone Zane turned to Airini. "Rules?" He asked amused.
"Yes rules, unless you want Zena hanging on to you like a leach?" She raised her eyebrow with a smile. "Goddess no." The thought horrified him.
Laughing Airini wrapped her arm around his. "Let's go to your office and draw up the rules."

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