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Zuko held a long match to twirl in his fingers while he focused looking at a map, finding their next target as ty Lee looked over his shoulder curiously.

"Whatcha doing?" She smiled sweetly.

"Finding ozais hide outs," Zuko put his hand on his chin and rubbing his stubble a little under his jaw.

"To do what?" She tilted her head to the side.

"Commit arson and possible murder," he shrugged.

"Sounds interesting," Mai sat on the table as ty Lee hugged Zuko around the shoulders, she kicked her legs up as Zuko stood straight as she hung on happily.

"Next one is towards east, let it him burn, make sure there's no children inside and let them all burn for all I care," Zuko looked at the girls who smiled a little excited to have some action again.

"Do we tell the others?" Ty Lee asked.

"Don't bother, we'll go after dark," Zuko told them quietly and they nodded understanding.

"So what's going on between you and Katara? Ever since you came back last time you've been mad at her," ty Lee rested her chin on his shoulder as Mai crossed her arms nodding.

"Dont get comfortable with her ty, she's not one of us," Zuko warned softly.

"She doesn't know what we are or what we do, keep that in mind, she isn't one of us," he looked at them seriously and the girls were silent for a moment seeing how serious he was.

"Yea, I know," ty Lee nodded softly.

The crew celebrated that night with drinking while the captain was gone and they didn't have to worry about the sea. Katara was handcuffed to the railing looking bored since Zuko was gone and ty Lee and Mai were with him.

They seemed to be his most trusted, it was somehow impressive that the captain of a feared pirate crew had two second in commands that were women. And yet they were successful and feared still. Maybe theyve known each other before the world had hurt them, that they've seen each other in another light and into this one of piracy.

She rubbed her cheek where the captain hit her, it didn't hurt much it just surprised her, he said women wouldn't get hit on his ship, did she step out of line that much?

That's a stupid question, she killed his crew member, his friend even.. a little slap is generous of him instead of what her could do to her if he knew...

There was an explosion on the land near by making her gasp spinning around. Flames spreading across tops of trees in the distance as everyone watched shocked.

"What could it be?" Smeller bee asked standing on the side of the ship wide eyes.

"Probably the captain," jet said flatly.

"He's not that stupid,"

Everyone was silent for a moment. Jet noticed Mai and ty Lee were gone as well.

"It's definitely the captain," jet nodded.

"Holy shit go go go!" Zuko yelled as ty Lee laughed wildly running the fastest. He punched a blast of fire behind him as Mai ran ahead and threw a few knifes at the guards that chased after them.

"Ty Lee you don't set off explosives when we're still two feet away from it!" Mai yelled.

"I thought you said too!" She laughed as Zuko smiled shaking his head.

"I said don't!" Mais jaw dropped.

"Where's the fun in that?" Zuko chuckled as they reached the ship.

"Hoist the anchors we gotta go!" Zuko leaped on the ship and immediately pulled up the bridge as ty Lee grabbed a rope to pull the sail open as Mai collapsed on her knees.

"What did you do?!" Katara cried out as she saw people chasing after them.

"Fuck you phoenix!" A man from the woods screamed as Zuko stood on the rail hanging on a rope.

"Fuck you and your mother!" Zuko called back. He jumped down avoiding an arrow that almost hit him.

"Ozai?" Jet asked as they started to sail away.

"Yep, the bastard has a few less men," Zuko panted nodding.

"Good, they need to be killed off," he agreed as Zuko went over to Katara and unlocked her handcuffs.

"Youre hurt?" Katara frowned seeing the burn on his arm.

He dragged her up the stairs ignoring Katara and brought him into his quarters.

"Xan wake up," Zuko slammed the door close behind him and shoved Katara ahead so he could lock it.

"Oh the light of my life thank you for the wake up call," Xan grunted from his room.

"Katara darling so nice to see someone that's not rude to the sleeping elderly," he smiled at the young girl.

"You know what to do," Zuko glared at her and went to his desk as Katara rolled her eyes at him.

"Gee thanks," Katara huffed rubbing her arm and grabbed the water bucket.

"Ignore him he's crabby," Xan waved him off as Katara sat next to him in the side room.

"Wasnt crabby before," Katara mumbled.

Zuko grabbed the alcohol and poured some on a rag to press against his wound, he growled at the pain but inspected the burn, cleaning the dirt and grim off it from the explosion.

"Boy get in here!" Xan barked. Zuko frowned but did so as he joined the room confused.

"Katara dear may you please heal my ignorant boy?" He smiled sweetly before Katara started on him.

"It's fine, I already disinfected it," Zuko glared.

"What did I say?" Xan narrowed his eyes.

Katara gulped a little not sure what was going to happen. Zuko sighed sitting on the bed and held his arm out not looking at her.

"You already have to many damn scars, let her get rid of one," he scoffed as Katara bended the water around his arm and began healing.

Zuko stayed silent. His hair covered his eyes as Katara healed him just as quietly. Xan looked between the two and sighed crossing his arms.

"You're done," Katara mumbled taking the water away and Zuko checked out his healed injury.

"What do you say?" Xan raised a brow.

"Thank you," Zuko huffed immediately leaving the room.

"I apologize for his behalf, Lee is a stubborn child, doesn't like asking for help," Xan shuffled in bed to sit up more.

"I deserve it, I'm sure he told you," Katara gulped.

"He did, and he's right about not trusting you as much no offense darling but we're all human, and everyone on this ship is a killer, your just another one now," Xan sighed softly. Katara looked at him disturbed.

"I-I'm not one, it was an accident, I would never..." Katara inhaled a deep breath.

"We all say that till we do, I was probably the your age too when I killed for the first time," Xan nodded slowly. "Self defense but it still happened, when our life is on the line we do stupid things,"

Katara looked down ashamed. He was right, she was a killer, if she denied it then she'll never move on, it just made it worst with how Lee was treating her.

"Captain can I talk to you?" Katara got up.

"Are you done already?" Zuko was putting his books back to try organizing his desk.

"N-no but I have something to say," Katara built up her strength as she curled her fists, holding her breath without realizing it. Zuko turned to her and nodded for her to continue.

"I understand there's no longer trust between us, as much as a captor and captive could have.. but I truly apologize for getting long shot captured and killed, I never had anything against him and he didn't deserve that, pirate or not he was still a kid like us," Katara gulped with her hands behind her back.

Zuko looked at her with no emotions behind his eyes, he looked her up and down reading her like an open book.

"I apologize for laying a hand on you like that," Zuko nodded firmly turning back.

"You get one more chance, you break it again and you'll be in the cell full time and only fed three times a day for each meal, only ty Lee and I will be with you at a time, got it?" He huffed a little shaking his head.

"Fool my once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, and I won't be a fool for you Katara," Zuko narrowed his eyes.

"So I get to stay above deck?" She smiled hopeful. She'll take being handcuffed to the railing if that means free ish range.

"Yes, don't make me regret it, okay?" He sighed going back to his desk.

"I won't, I promise," Katara smiled nodding.

"I-uh captain before I go back, why don't you treat me like any other prisoner? Giving me any trust?" She asked taking a step forward.

"I've made stupid promises, that's all you need to know," he crossed his arms.

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