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Katara glared when her handcuff was connected to jet at a short distance as ty Lee and Zuko were in dark green and black clothes.

"You try anything your dead, got it?" Jet sneered down at her as she rolled her eyes.

"Why couldn't I have been connected to ty Lee?" Katara sighed as others were anchoring the ship to stay at shore for them.

"This shouldn't take long, your just getting what you need at the market, just don't say more than you need too, this place is dark but will hang you for anything since were all pirates," Zuko explained taking his captains hat off and setting it on the side.

"I'm not a pirate," Katara defended.

"They don't care," ty Lee shrugged.

Jet had a cloak on to hide their chained wrists as Katara was forced to hold his hand with hate.

"Your hands are sweaty," Katara gagged a little and ty Lee giggled at them as she was side by side with Zuko.

"Let's go I didn't even want you leaving the ship," Zuko looked at the two behind them as they walked onto land from the wooden bridge that was connected to the ship.

Katara gulped a little as her boots touched the grass, it felt weird being on land again, to not fight the sway of the waters that bumped against the ship or for the ground to creak when they walked. She never noticed how much it would be a difference, more different than flying on appa.

Ty Lee hung onto Zuko so men would leave her alone walking through the market, she glanced behind her to check on Katara, this market was different than others.

Kataras eyes were wide seeing people missing multiple body parts, men that looked terrifying and women that look like they could claw an eye out with ease. She was shocked seeing children and the elderly. It was like the black market she's always been warned about.

"It's not so scary when you talk to people here," ty Lee waved back at her and Zuko looked for the stands that had more medicine then weapons and blood.

"What specifics do you think you'll need?" Zuko asked as the four stopped.

"Do they have anything more spiritual here?" Katara asked a little fearful.

"Oh yea I know a guy that's stolen from a spirit or two! He lost both his legs but he got the real deal!" Ty Lee clapped happily as Jet and Katara looked horrified.

"He's a nice guy," Zuko nodded.

"A guy with two legs missing from pissing off spirits!" Jet squealed.

"Can you really trust what he has if he's stole? From spirits too not knowing what they've could've done to the items," Katara agreed nodding frantically.

"Fair point but it's worth looking at, I bought some crystals from him and they've totally brightened up my aura," ty Lee smiled at her motioning to the crystal on her necklace.

"A rock?"

Ty Lee giggled a little but went ahead of the group as Zuko raised a brow at her but shook his head.

"He's probably closer to the center, more valuable you are more people are going to steal," Zuko told them as they saw the building on the side with soldiers that didn't seem anywhere close to pirates leading three people to a stand.

"What's going on?" Katara asked innocently as Zuko stopped to watch. He saw the ropes.

They joined to group of thieves and other criminal as a soldier read from a book in another language, a prayer.

"It's an execution," Jet didn't look as his back was to it.

"What?" She breathed.

Katara watched the three people walk onto a square, one of them looked younger than her. Her heart sunk seeing the blood on the two men and a woman, they've been beaten before their death, no emotions in their eyes, no fear of death.

Katara looked at the captain as he held both of his hands behind his back and kept his face calm.

"Lee why.. everyone here is a pirate," she whispered confused but covered her mouth seeing the rope going around each of their necks and tightening it.

"They were caught, soldiers don't care, not here," he whispered back.

Zuko made eye contact with the child that stood still on the stage as everyone had their hands behind their back, the opposite of those who would be hung with their hands chained in front of them.

"Don't look," he breathed and Katara immediately closed her eyes as the wood under the three dropped and the sound of fellow pirates getting their breath stolen echoed the silent air.

"Never shall we die," an old man wiped her tears walking away. She looked at the captain recognizing the scar, he nodded softly at her.

"My condolences to your lost," Zuko bowed softly.

"Stay safe boy," she smiled sadly and nodded back to Katara and Jet.

"We should find ty Lee," Jet coughed into his hand.

"She'll be fine, we've waisted enough time standing, she'll find us, let's get going," Zuko nodded as they walked away from the stage as the three corpses would stay there till night fall as a reminder to the other pirates.

"I had this spiritual water from the north poles oasis but since someone decided to kidnap me and we're probably not going back to the northern water tribe I need something similar here then, it's the closest thing I could think of to heal your friend," Katara explained trying to get the image from minutes ago out of her head and to stop the sick feeling in her stomach.

"Spirit water?" Zuko raised his brow at her.

"It has healing abilities more than my own bending could have, I could only use it once so I've been waiting to use it for something special," she nodded confidently.

"Then ty Lee's friend will be our guy, he'll have something I think," the captain agreed.

They found a stand closer to the center as Katara saw a man in a rocking chair with no legs as he was smoking something in a pipe, he saw the three young adults and laughed shaking his head.

"Captain Lee, long time no see kid," the man waved at them as Zuko waved back kindly.

"Hey oak," Zuko smirked at him.

"Oak?" Katara frowned.

"What you think this eye is real?" Oak pointed to the white painted eye on his right and she gulped.

"Have you seen ty Lee? She went ahead to find you," Jet looked over zukos shoulder a little nervous of the legless man.

"Haven't seen pinky yet, might've gotten distracted by something sparkly," oak smiled at them calmly as he inhaled his pipe.

"That's how we found you, but you have the sparkles here so I doubt it," Zuko crossed his arms.

"This is kat, she's an old friend of June's, she's helping us out with Xan," he motioned to his prisoner as Katara pursed her lips scooting a little behind Jet so he would he sacrificed first.

"Whatcha need miss?" Oak asked as a little girl popped up behind the table curious of the new people.

"I-I uh heard you have more spiritual products?" Katara blushed red embarrassed.

"Aye," oak nodded unamused with the girl.

"Do you have any spirit water?" She asked glancing at the kid.

"Maple, what's closest to spirit water back there?" Oak asked the child.

"We got that syrup from that spirit tree?" The little girl held up a jar of a green substance.

"What does it do?" Katara asked.

"Papa?" She looked at her grandfather.

"The tree had these blue fruits that suppose to give you strength," oak shrugged.

"Anything for healing?" Zukos eye twitched in annoyance.

"Maple?" Oak looked at his granddaughter again.

"Mushrooms!" The girl showed them black mushrooms that had glowing purple spots.

"Looks like death," Jet whispered and Katara nodded wide eyes.

"Healing?" Zuko asked again.

"Healing? Oh I thought you said pealing, yea don't give that to your friends, it made the last guys skin fall off," maple put it away slowly and the three teens jaws dropped.

"Oak come on, it's Xan, he made sure you didn't loose your ear," Zuko sighed shaking his head and the old man chuckled nodding.

"I'll get ya some spirit water, like the one at the water tribe?" Oak smiled at them as maple sat on the table with one eye that was sage green and the other was grey.

"Yes please," Katara squeaked.

"Hm, I know a guy that's from the tribe, I'll see if he can get some, might take a month or so," oak shrugged a little.

"A month?!" Zuko and Katara yelled.

"Or so," maple nodded.

"Fine, fine," Zuko covered his face frustrated.

"You know how strict the northern water tribe is? Your lucky I can do it in a month," oak pointed at them.

"Yea I know how they are," Katara tried to cross her arms but jet yanked his hand back that was connected.

"Fine, I'll be back in a month with the usual amount, but every week it's not here I'm cutting two silver pieces," Zuko warned.

"Deal," oak smiled nodding.

"Anything else I can get ya captain?" He asked leaning back as maple came up and sat in her grandfathers lap with a book.

"Just looking around otherwise," Jet offered.

Zuko let the two look as he looking around to find ty Lee, she would've been here by now?

"I'm going to go have a smoke, don't go to far from here," Zuko told them sternly as he looked at her seriously.

He walked off on the dirt trail that was between the sets of merchants and their stands. Zuko kept an eye out looking for his friend confused where she could've gone.

But then he heard a scream.

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