Questioning truth

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"Hey Lee, that's the fourth fire nation ship passing on our right, each have been 47 minutes apart," ty Lee came up behind the captain at the steering wheel. Zuko looked to the side with narrowed eyes.

"Yea, that zhao guy didn't look convinced," Jet yawned boredly as he sat on the side curiously.

Zuko kept a calm face but he glanced at Ty Lee, he motioned to the quarters.

"Jet take the wheel, mai I need you in the quarter!" He called down to the woman as ty Lee went to the quarters with a small skip.

"You think zhao remembers you?" Ty Lee asked as Zuko went inside and they waited for mai.

"It's possible, it's my scar that I'm worried he'll remember, he was there that day," Zuko crossed his arms as mai closed the door behind her.

"Zhao could remember you both as well with you being at the palace when we were young," he told them.

"He's been in the military before we were even born, it's possible, but your family history was convincing," mai leaned against the door.

"I know to much with some though, I'm worried I'll slip and say something that only someone of the fire nation high ranks would know," Zuko explained and they nodded understanding.

"For now If someone of fire nation comes back on the ship I need you both to hide with Katara in here, I'm not risking it," he ordered.

"You got it captain, but what if there's an attack?" Ty Lee offered concerned.

"Katara stays hidden, if the ship is sinking You stay hidden," Zuko nodded, it wouldn't come to that but they got the point.

"Zuko if zhao comes back on the ship he's going to come back with violent intentions, we know how zhao is," mai raised a brow.

"Yea he's a bastard like that.. but we can't raise suspicion for other fire nation to find out who or what we are," he sighed knowing they were in a tough spot.

"How are we going to get them to get off our tail?" She asked in a low tone.

"Act normal, stay on corse, I'm going to bring Katara in here to stay till night fall," Zuko shrugged.

"Why?" They both said.

"If they see her on the ship it's over, I need her out of sight from them, when those earth kingdom soldiers found her the day long shot died they could've spread the news that she's with pirates if they believed her," Zuko went to go get food from his personal pantry for Xan and a cup of water.

"Keep your guards up, your dismissed," he went into the side room where Xan slept.

Zuko waited for the door to close when the two women left his quarters, he looked over at the sleeping man and set the plate on the table on the side.

He knelt to the ground and placed his hands on the bed, clasping them together and pressed his forehead against his thumbs, he inhaled a shaky breath.

"Please just keep him alive a little longer, we're so close to helping him, please keep him breathing and painless, I beg of you spirits please," Zuko whispered squeezing his eyes closed tightly.

"Just stay with me a little longer dad, I can't do this alone, I need you," he covered his face giving into his fears.

"Youre a natural my boy, a fine young man you'll be, a better captain than me one day," Xan boomed laughing as he taught Zuko how to steer the ship. The thirteen year old felt pride bloom through his chest with his hair down and catching the seas salty water against his skin and the sun keeping him warm above.

"I don't think I'll be the man you are, I don't know a thing of being captain," Zuko looked up at the man he began to admire more and more every day. His scar finally healed enough that the salt didn't burn.

"The first thing you need to learn is how a ship works, and how to lead her," xan put his large hand on zukos shoulder.

"And one day You won't need me to help you anymore," he smiled proudly.

"I don't want to be a captain if that means your not here anymore," zukos face dropped. The hand on his shoulder squeezed him for reassurance.

"It won't be for a long time son, and I know you'll be ready sooner than you think, your working with the best of the best," Xan chuckled.

"I need you dad," Zuko gripped his hair tightly feeling like he couldn't breathe.

"Captain?" Someone knocked on the door behind him. Zuko knew it was just Katara but he didn't move.

"Is everything okay?" Katara knelt down to him concerned.

"Its Fine," he stood up with his eyes down.

"Is Xan okay?" She gulped.

He was quiet, he didn't have an answer.

"He's resting, but he's on limited time," Zuko crossed his arms.

"You really look up to him dont you?" Katara tested to see if she could bend again. She moved the water and circled it around xans chest.

"He's a good man," he nodded.

"He mentioned your mother was murdered in front of you... what happen to your father?" Katara frowned keeping her back to the captain.

"He's the one that killed her," Zuko shrugged.

"He meant to kill me and killed her instead, if it wasn't for Xan, he would've gotten to me by now," he gulped a little as Katara stopped bending.

"I'm so sorry Lee," she turned to him eyes full of guilt and sympathy.

"Nothin i can do about it now, I was to young to really make a difference," he didn't look at her.

"Xan will be okay, he's not going anywhere," she offered to him but there was a scowl on his face.

"Katara... I'm so afraid he's not going to make it when we get the spirit water," Zuko whispered running a hand through his hair.

Kataras heart skipped a beat when he said her name, the way there was fear in his voice it made him seem genuine. She heard him before talking to no one kneeling next to his guardians bed.

"Without you i know he'll die," he covered his eyes with his head down.

"I-I won't go anywhere either, I'm going to try my best for him," Katara whispered nervously.

"I'm so sorry to put that pressure on you but I didn't think he stood a chance before you," Zuko sniffled a little rubbing his eyes.

"I wish I found a healer when I first knew he was dying," he rasped sadly.

Katara smiled sadly at him understanding the pain of losing a parent, when her grandmother was sick it would've been dire if she wasn't a healer. It's terrifying.

"I'm going to get more water captain," Katara sighed softly grabbing the bucket.

"Feel free to get yourself some lunch Katara," Zuko pursed his lips. "I need You to stay healthy and strong,"

"Thanks," she nodded leaving the room as Zuko watched her leave. His face remained calm as he leaned against the wall.

"I think I've trained You to well sometimes," Xan coughed a little looking at his son.

"It's in her head that your life is in her hands," Zuko quirked a brow. His sadness melted away with ease.

"That'll keep her from escaping for a little," he hummed.

"A damn good liar is what you are," Xan chuckled grabbing the bread for him.

"A good lie is always laced with a little truth, i give her a smig of my trust and she thinks she's success in my background, and I always change my truth," Zuko grinned.

"Tell everyone something a little different, they'll never know what's true," he hummed pouring the man some water.

"Yet You told her the real truth, why?" Xan raised a brow at him.

"Felt like she'd pity me more," Zuko shrugged at that. He didn't care much but he did question why he told her that truth...

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