Dock Side Helper

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A/n This is in Mathews perpective like i said last time

Final test runs were being conducted, "Everything seems in order!" Called a workmen "Metal brakes blocks and Brake pipe are applied!" Called another

I was revered in the works once again simmering down I looked around, The clanking of Flatbeds being shunted and the sound of a saw cutting through solid metal which produced an loud ear grating noise. I hated it But, What can an engine do?

Just then I heard a loud clang!, I yelped startled Jerry Just luaghed "That gets you every time!"

"O-Oh I do w-wish you would s-stop slamming into the t-trucks so hard" I frowned annoyed.

The tank engine just looked at me and luaghed "I could, but I won't!" He chuffed off to play with some more trucks

a little while later I was in the middle of a nap whilst I was sleeping I felt something scratching my sidetanks, I opened one eye to see a workmen with a took in his hand scraping off paint, "w-what are y-you doing?" I asked.

"Being repainted you silly engine" luaghed a workmen, I felt like a fool I looked around to see workmen scurrying around near me they had brushes in hand. I got to admit It felt nice getting pampered, Polished and repainted, They even polished my whistle had to admit it kinda tickled, I even luaghed much to the supirse of Jerry.

"I never seen you smile once since you got here" He said teasingly "so Mr. Glum and gloom does have a happy side"

"O-Oh zip it y-you" I playfully retorted "j-just ticklish th-thats all", The saddle tank engine's face was full of skepticism "I don't belive you, an steam engine ticklish thats absurd" But it-it's true I protested. "And a little shunter owning his own branchline is plausible" His driver sarcastically joked. "Oh belt up Francis, an engine can dream" Jerry huffed, I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

It was a while later when Mr. Brook strolled into the works, two Men behind him. "How are you feeling No. 185?"  "I'm feeling splendidly sir!" I call out mr. Brook smiled. "we need an temporary Dock shunter Lady Lakeshire has ruptured a clinder from over exertion, And Your the only engine available do you think you can handle it?" "Oh yes Sir!" I called out and our director chartoled "thats an good engine, now run along I'm counting on you" he had walked off as the two men climbed into my cab. Mr. Brook spun on his heel "Oh I forgot to tell you these two are your new firemen and driver" I gave hin a knowing smile "I-I can see s-sir" I called as we were steaming out of the workshop.

We picked up speed down the Surbarban line since no train's were due, The express line ran right next to the surbarban line we passed an 0-4-2 whom was waiting on his passengers to board. As we flew past him I blew my whistle "H-Hurry, Hurry Lazy wheels!" I couldn't contain my self from luaghing. The London Brighton south Coast b1 was startled "What do you think your playing at! I'm the express engine not you!" We had crept to the Junction before taking the branchline that lead to the Docks. As I came around a bend the scenery of the docks revealed to us, bustling cranes, Hustling workmen and ships at port waiting to be unloaded and stocked. Just how I remember it once before I saw an Patentee waiting in a siding, A lady of the lake class siting on a siding I had Approched the single driver and asked the obvious "a-are you La-lady Lakeshire?" The single driver looked at me.

"When your saying a name of such grace, Say it with pride don't stutter!" She vainly protested, I was taken aback. "S-sorry the s-stutter i-is a habit h-hard to brake" she had narrowed her eye's "I see..."

"So whats a la-lady of your stature working in the docks?" I asked, the lady seemed indignant "I'll have you know me and my sisters built the PineBrook Railway from the Rails up in 1860!, This dock is like our child we have to take care of it!"

"Arlight Your L-Ladyship, Are your sisters named after lakes as well?" She smiled "Thats better and yes they are named after Lakes on Sydane like me Tammytarn, and Saint polly and of course yours truly Lady lakeshire." She boasted I rolled my eyes "They mostly take care of the suburban trains and sometimes express trains if Rory is undergoing repairs" she explained. "So R-Rory is the B1 I passed?"

I asked "yes that our express engine" she responded. She was telling me how to run the docks "freight that is being exported leave the trucks on that siding" she said referring the the siding that was closest to the ship "and the fright being importorted your gonna leave on the siding which I am currently on." I smiled "T-Thanks for the information i must be o-off and w-work now" I chuffed off.

For the rest of the day I shunted Trucks That were to export and import goods, I meet a couple engines that came to collect trucks, they were nice. I got to say it ran like clockwork. Lady Lakeshire kept an eye on me "Shunting seems like it comes natural to you, Not as good as me bur decent" she commented, I gave a soft smile "I-I am mixed T-trafic after all."

she gave me a look "Why do you stutter?" I smiled unknowly "I-I always H-Had a stutter, Some joked that My boiler was dropped in the work so many times during constructicon." The lady looked at me "I see...Anyway rumor has that Pinebrook will be offering a faire service and a station would be built here." I was most suprised "Wo-would that work?, You don't want people scurrying from the station across the rails to get to their boat, Its unsafe."

The Lady chuckled "No my dear engine, if an ferire service was provided the station would be on a platform next to a boat, They won't have to scurry across the rails, And an ferire service would give us an upper hang aganist the WSER."

"WSER?" I asked "the West Sydane english railway, its an railway located on the west of Sydane" she responded."they always held the advantage because they opened 10 years before us, But this might give us a chance."

"I'm sorry to burst your bubble but thats only if an ferry service is opening" came a reply, Nelly came to a stop in front of lady lakeshire "that is only speculation, Maybe we would have an upper hand agasint the WSER if some engines actually worked instead of chatting"

"You can't talk about no. 185 like that" the lady huffed, "i'm not talking about no. 185 im talking about you Lady Lakeshire"

"Bollocks!" The lady exclaimed indignantly "I'll have you kno-" but Nelly cut her off "thats not how a lady's supposed to speak" she teased "Now come along I'm taking you to the works" as she coupled up to her as the lady followed grumbling. I got to say the docks was alot quieter without the lady boasting.

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