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"You can't remember? Any of it?" Elena said as she slipped out of the vampire's arms.

"Unfortunately I do not. Klaus told me you aŕe one as well" Elijah said again.

"I am." Elena confirmed nodding.

"I do not know what had happened. I died at the ritual or whatever it was." Elijah said."Sophie, the witch, thinks that the magic cast on me blanked everything." Elijah said.

Elena turned to Klaus but said nothing. She sighed silently. And loiked back at Elijah. Her emotions were all over the place.

There he was, Elijah, looking like himself and yet he appeared different. It was like she looked at Elijah's doppelgänger. His heart beat regular. There was no special excitement when he looked or talked to her. She could feel him being interested in her, even eager to talk her. But he kept a distance. Looking at her intrigued, but calm. And it was clear to her that Klaus and Rebekah have told him something about her. But it was obvious they have not told him about him and her being together. Well, Klaus couldn't, as he wouldn't know. And Rebekah hated her, and would keept it all she knows about them to herself.

"I am - it's good that you are alive" Elena twisted her lips, and motioned to the door. "Yeah - ok. I - have to go. I need to go check on Bonnie. I - will see you later?"

"Yes. There is - I've got questions regarding - you." Elijah said.

"Yeah. Ahm- sure- later." Elena said and walked out of the room.

Seeing her exit, Rebekah smirked happily.

Back in the Bennett House, Sophie successfully did the sun protection spell on one of Sheila Bennett's rings that Bonnie chose to wear.

"Ok. You got the ring," Damon said, "now let's get lesson two done properly. Feeding from human."

"I don't really want to do that again. I was thinking of asking one of the Originals to compel me not to do it." Bonnie said.

"What? Why would you want to do that?" Damon protested.

"You saw what I was like ladt night. I nearly killed that man." Bonnie said.

"That's because you are a newbie. Elena learned to control herself, " Damon continued, "and you Miss Collected will do it, too."

"I don't think I will." Bonnie gasped as Sophie's human scent was provocing her to drink."I am using all my strength not to bite Sophie. Everything inside of me is bubbling like I am going to explode."

Sophie took a small knife out of her bag and cut into her palm.

Bonnie swished and bit into the witch's hand, but then jerked her head back making a face like she had the worst tasting blood ever.

Both Stefan and Damon looked stunned. They could smell Sophie's blood, which stank like it was rancid. They were even more stunned to see the witch's wound heal up quickly, as if she had had a vampire bloid herself.

"How is this possible?" Damon's eyes widened astonished. "What is in your blood?"

"Hawthorn." Sophie replied."And not just any. I will give you some of it. I will make an extract. Only a drop will kill her cravings."

"How did we not know about this?" Stefan wondered.

"Because my coven knows about it. And only we grow the hawthorn bush. We have offered it to other covens, but they refused it."

"How come you help an Original?" Damon asked.

"We are indebted to Elijah. He saved our coven back in 18th century." Sophie said.

"What is going to happen next. I mean, the ritual went through. We haven't really stopped him." Stefan said.

"No." Sophie said as she toik her phone out if her back pocket."From what I read, he wants to open the veil to the other side, which can open on Imbolc."

"More mumbo-jumbo" Damon rolled his eyes narkily.

"On the 2nd of February." Bonnie said having recovered from the effects of Sophie's hawthorn infused blood.

"Right. What happens then?" Damon inquired.

"Well, Tristan wants to awaken his dead witch lover. Or bring her back from the other side."

"And who is she?" Damon asked further.

"That I don't know yet. Strangely that part of the saga on her is missing." Sophie said.

"I think that not strangely someone has missed it on purpose." Damon concluded.

"It all kind of makes sense. Atticus wanted to revive his wife. So he was write about the magic." Bonnie said.

"I have to go back to the Mikaelson Mansion." Sophie said as she read her messages."Have you heard anything from your friend Caroline?"

"No." Stefan replied, but having heard Elena get out of the car, he gestured to the door.

Elena entered the house and put Caroline on speaker. "Hey you guys. I am on my way back and I've found a name of a huntress, who had once apparently hunted the types of Silas vampire-witch kind. Apparently, the line of this huntress exists today, but- what if she wants to kill us, too."

"Did you find the books I asked for?" Sophie said.

"Only one book." Caroline replied."And it is all in this weird language."'

"All right. Thanks. It's something. Ok. Later" Sophie said before she exited.

Elena passed the phone to Bonnie as Caroline wanted to talk to the vampire in private. Bonnie went to the bedroom she had spelled to talk to her other bestie, leaving Elena with both Stefan and Damon in the room. And they were all quite for a second till Stefan asked how Elijah was.

"He is fine." Elena said not giving them any other information. She left the room.

"Things are not peachy." Damon remarked.

Stefan stood up and then shooting a I-really-don't-care look at his brother, he walked out. Unlike Damon, Stefan read Elena's heart and it was clear that it was very much involved with Elijah still. Every time he was around her, he could not get this one picture out of his head, and it was from the night Elena was with Elijah in the Dead Witch's House. Stefan swished to the house wanting to check on Elena, and to his dismay, he saw the brunette wrapped up in the Original's arms, kissing him fervidly.

And though Elena had been with his brother, this was something entirely different. There was no sire bond. And her heart was always racing strangely when she was around Damon even before. He was no fool. He knew way before she kissed Damon, that she felt something for him. But this was different. The way her heart hummed love's turmoil when Elijah was concerned was about being deeply in love. He, himself felt this kind of love once a long time ago, when he first fell in love.

Heart beats like the lightest spring breeze and there is this feeling like it is falling through time and space and stars and sky and everything in between. And you fall for days and weeks and what felt like lifetime across lifetimes.

Hours later, as they all ended up in the Grill, Elena felt all of that falling flow right through her as she was standing in front of Elijah.

_to be continued

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