My OC's for this RP

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Name Endurance-of-the-Moon

age 1205

species Forerunner

Gender formerly male

personality calm sometimes cold Robotic AI like

likes being alone fighting sometimes

dislikes Humans the facility 


weapons/abilities able to use and interface with virtually any sort of technology able to use ANY Forerunner weapons a blade made up of Hardened light can Teleport considerable distances can deploy a "Promethean" "Watcher"which is a small little drone which he can use to resurrect himself plus it can attack and defend him by making up a shield of Hardened light and has super advanced sensors and is basically made up of an Organic metal similar to that made up of those on Abyssal Destroyers.

weakness large target sometimes rather top-heavy at times

no sexuality 

backstory An ancient Alien AI which was captured by human forces 50 years prior to the events of this rp.

theme song-N/A for now


Name Victor Ramirez

age 23

Gender Male

sexuality straight


weapons/Abilities one TAC 12 shotgun that fires Armor piercing Slug rounds which deal super heavy damage and two USP.45 pistols with laser dots (that help with aiming and don't actually do damage XD)and sometimes suppressors but he often takes them off.

Likes Guarding shooting his shotgun or his Pistols talking to Endurance (As he is his main Guard and in a sense"Caretaker"

dislikes not being able to do anything Country music

Personality often calm stern and serious at first but he often becomes very loud and Cocky in the middle of a fight and whatnot

backstory N/A

theme song N/A


(I'm just gonna use these ones for now since Im becoming to lazy to do them and I really wanna get this thing started okay? I'll add the rest of them later okie?)

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