Chapter 5

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Clarke's Pov

I let out a sigh. "Clarke why do we need this many bombs?" Raven asks me. I look at her and I let out another sigh.

"Because the commander is coming and I want to make sure that we're ready if they decide to attack us."

"Well I'm just gonna say that I don't think they're going to attack." She says with her famous smirk.

"And what makes you think that?"

She let's out a sigh. "It just doesn't seem like they would try. I mean the commander is asking for your help I don't think she would try to hurt you." She says and I let out another sigh.

"You make a great point Raven but still I'm not gonna take any chances." I tell her.

"Is that why you haven't talk to Octavia?"

"I don't know what your talking about Raven."

She rolls her eyes. "Your so full of shit Griffin, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Ever since Octavia said her loyalty was to trikru you have been staying clear of her."

"What would you expect me to do she could become the enemy!." I scream at her and sge looks shocked and kinda hurt.

"Clarke she's our friend." She tells me in Octavia defence.

"You don't think I know that? But she is trikru and trikru killed Nia. They are not on the good side of the ice nation right now and they are most certainly not on mine!" I yell at feeling tears falling down my cheeks and Raven lets out a sigh. "I know that your upset about Nia's death and so am I....I mean she took care of us when we needed help and she was like a mother to me but she's gone and what she would want would be peace between the ice nation and trikru." She says putting her hand on my shoulder. I look up at her and I smile.

"Thank you." I tell her and She smiles. "Your welcome, now I'm gonna try to make a few more bombs but I don't have much of anything." She says with a sigh.

"Well if things work out then you could be getting a whole lot of shit tomorrow when the commander arrives." I tell her. Her eyes sparkle. "Oh now I'm getting excided." She says and I smile.

"I'll be back to see what you got later I'm gonna go see Echo for a bit."

She nods her head and I give her a hug before I make my way to Echo's room.

As I make my way down the hallway I begin to think about what Raven said.

It's been two days since we arrived in the ice nation. I'm sitting next to Raven's bed at the moment. As soon as we got here queen Nia fetched a few hearlers to help Raven. They patched her up and said she would be ok in time.

I'm surprised that they even helped us to begin with but I'm grateful for it none the less. I look over at Raven to see that she is still asleep. That's all she's been doing for the past two days.

"She still sleeping?" I turn around to see Nia. "Yes....She is." I say. Nia chuckles. "Well at least she'll be alright." She says sitting in the chair next to me. "Yeah that's good news." I say looking down.

"What's wrong Clarke?"

I let out a sigh. "It's just all of my freinds besides Raven are dead and we've been fighting ever since we got here and it's just getting to much for me." I say.

Nia lets out a sigh of her own but then smiles. "I've always wanted peace. I wanted it since I was a little girl and when I became queen I started my work to make peace but the other clans at the time didn't want peace they wanted war. People believe that the ice nation people are cold as ice and are ruthless but that's only in war time. I don't want war.......I never have but that is sometimes the only thing that keeps our people alive....well most of them anyways but what I'm trying to say is that your not alone on that and maybe one day this nation will have peace." She tells me and I smile.

"Maybe they will and I can see who will bring that peace." I tell her. She smiles.

"As can I."

End of flashback

I knock on Echo's door but I get no answer. Just as I'm about to open the door I hear someone moving behind me. I grab the dagger at my hip and whip my body around until I'm holding the dagger to octavia's neck.

"Shit." Octavia says and I let out a sigh as I lower the knife.

"Sorry octavia I didn't know that it was you."

After a few moments of silence I finally speak up again.

"Look octavia I would love to talk but I don't have time." I say walking around her.

"Come on Clarke we need to talk." She says.

I shake my head. "I can't right now I have things I need to attend to." I say with a sigh.

"Please Clarke just talk to me!" She asks.

"I can't." I scream at her as I turn around to look at her. "You are part of an enemy clan and I can't trust you because that clan killed my queen!" I say.

That's when I hear running and I turn around to see two guards running up to me. "Kwin is everything ok we herd shouting." I let out a sigh but I nod my head.

"Yes everything is fine."

I then look back at Octavia. "I have to go." I say walkig away. I try to keep my emotions in check as I walk out of the palace. The two guards from before still following me. I look around and I see tents everywhere with men and woman everywhere.....My warriors.

As I walk past them they bow their heads in respect. After ten minutes of searching for Echo I finally find her at the training grounds.


Nia left twenty minutes ago said she had things she had to attend to. I keep my eyes on the floor.

Well that is until I hear a groan.

I then quickly look up to see Raven slowly open her eyes. "Raven." I say grabbing her hand. "Clarke?" She says squeezing my hand. "Yeah it's me." I say with tears running down my cheeks. She let's out another groan then laughs. I begin to laugh along with her.

"Your ok.....they removed the bullet.....They say you should be good to go in a few days." I say smiling. That's when I hear the tent flap open and I look behind me to see Nia.

"Oh good your awake." Nia says.

"What's up." Raven says and I hit her arm. "Raven that's no way to talk to a queen." I say and Nia chuckles. "It's ok Clarke. I do however need you to come with me." She says.

I nod my head then look back at Raven. "I'll be back in a bit." I tell her and She nods her head. I stand up and follow her out of the tent.

"So where are we going?" I ask.

"Well you told me you wanted to be a warrior and a healer so while you were with Raven I was trying to decide who your menter would be." She says.

I smile. "Really?" I ask her and she nods her head. That's when we stop. "This is the training fields." I look around impressed. That's when the warrior from two days ago walk over to us. "Clarke you remember Echo?" Nia asks and I nod my head. "She will be your menter as well as Raven's when she is better." I nod my head.

I can't help but stare at Echo. She's kinda cute. Did I really just say that?

End of flashback

I roll my eyes. I should have known this is where she would be. There's about ten other warriors training. "Echo!" I scream and she quickly turns around to see me and then she smiles at me.

I smile back already feeling a bit better. She makes her way towards me. I laugh as she stops. "My queen." She says. "What are you doing out here?" I ask her.

"I'm getting ready for the commander's are many." She tells me and I smile. "Well I was was hoping we could spend some time together before the commander gets here." I say to her.

She lets out a sigh. "Look I want to but I have to be ready for anything." She says.

Before I can sat anything I her someone screaming.


I turn around to see Amy running towards me. "What is it Amy?" I ask her. "Tom's party was seen about a mile from the capitol." She says.

"What, The commander wasn't suppose to be here until tomorrow." She says. I look at Echo to see her looking shocked.

I then look back at Amy. "Gather the generals tell them to meet me in the throne room." I say. She nods her head then runs off.

"Echo follow me." I say.

"We have to go to Raven's workshop first." I tell her as we're running back to the Palace. When we finally get there we bust through the door

"Clarke what are you doing here?" She asks.

"It's Tom.....his party was seen just a mile from here." Echo says for me since I'm still trying to catch my breath from running

"I thought they were suppose to be here tomorrow?" She asks us and I let out a sigh.

"I thought that to but I guess they road all night." I say.

"What do you need?"She asks me. "I need you to come with me and bring as many of the bombs as you can." I say.

"I was only able to make three." She tells me.

"That's ok...that should be enough."

After Raven collects her bombs we make our way to my room.

As soon as I walk through the door I make my way to my armor. It takes about five minutes to do that and then I clip my mini axe holders under my arms then strap my sword to my back. I then look back at Echo and Raven. "Let's go." I say to them.

As soon as the throne room doors open I see three of my generals. Lilly, Mike, and Moko. The only other general. That likes me besides Tom is Lilly. I take my seat on my throne then I look at my generals.

"As you well know the commander has arrived earlier than expected......never the less we will continue as planned. If the commander should try to make a move we wipe her out....are we clear?" I ask. My generals and my warriors nods their heads. That's when Amy bust through the doors.

"My kwin they're here." She says. I let out a sigh but nod my head. "Send them in." I say.

Amy nods her head then disappears. I then nod my head for my generals and my three dozen warriors to spread about the room.

I then look at Echo to see her hand on her sword. I grab her hand and she looks down at me. "Echo everything is going to be ok." I say with a small smile. She nods her head then returns her gaze back to the doors. I then let out a sigh. Raven puts her hand on my shoulder and I release another sigh. "I must stay strong.....for Azgada." I say.

That's when the doors are pushed open and Tom and Amy lead the trikru in. As soon as Tom and Amy reach me they kneel. "My kwin." Tom says. "Rise." I say and they both stand up and that's when I see her. Lexa comander of the 11 clans...and behind her I see Gustus and a few other warriors and behind them I mother.

I keep my feelings hidden behind my mask. I let my eyes travel back to Lexa.

I let out a small chuckle.

"Commander lexa finally honors us with her presence." I sat with a smirk on my face.

I'm so sorry....I know this is very late but I'm thankful for the readers who have stuck by this story.

The next chapter should be out soon.

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