Chapter 3: This is where it begins.

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(Random Reader [RR]- .... (^))
(O.D.D.- ( ゚д))
(RR- Update your other stories or I will kill you. ( ̄ー ̄ ))
(O.D.D.- I understand. *Sobs* ( °̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ ω °̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ ; ))

"Come on, Midoriya, my boy! In order to gain my Quirk, you need to condition your body for it!"

All Might, in his muscled form, grinned down at Izuku as the teen struggled with dragging a mass of trash behind himself. Midoriya gritted his teeth as his feet dug into the sand, body slanting at an angle as he continued to push forward.

"What are you two doing?"

Izuku yelped in surprise and let go of the weight he was dragging forward while All Might shrunk into his true form and spat out blood. All Might whipped his head around at the newcomer before brightening up as Midoriya took a breather.

"Rene! It's good to see you!"

The said brunet huffed as he stood at the edge of entering the beach, expression neutral as he held a plastic bag filled with something in his right hand.

"All Might," He greeted, voice bordering on a whisper and a normal volume; he looked tired. "Hello."

Izuku seemed to notice the brunet's exhaustion and frowned from where he was on the ground, propping himself up on his elbow to look at Rene.

"Rene-san? Are you alright? Do you need coffee?"

The brunet smiled and chuckled softly.

"Ah. I already had my cup." Leon crawled along his shoulders as Rene descended the stairs that lead to the trash-ridden beach. "I wanted to see what was happening to Izuku." The brunet hummed thoughtfully for a moment. "For him to come home with a few bruises that were not caused by 'Kacchan' seemed pretty strange."

Midoriya looked down at the sand with a slightly guilty expression. Rene turned his attention to All Might; the brunet now stood on the sand, hands stuffed into his pockets.

"Toshinori." The skinny blonde perked up, sweating under Rene's unreadable gaze. "You plan on handing down your Quirk to him?"

With no respectful '-san' and his first name being used, All Might understood that Rene was either casual or deadly serious. All arrows pointed to the latter. Midoriya felt the tension that had suddenly bloomed in the air and sat up further.

"R-Rene-san!" Brown eyes connected with green ones and the teen swallowed for a moment before speaking. "I'm choosing to do this...and All Might has chosen me as his successor...!"

Rene kept his eyes on Izuku, but his next question was directed at All Might.

"Is this true, Toshinori?"

Yagi Toshinori, All Might, waited for Rene to turn to look at him instead before speaking in a sharp, serious tone.


Rene stared back a while longer before shutting his eyes, fedora shielding his gaze from view when he tilted his head down.

"I see..." He sighed before lifting his head, reaching into the plastic bag he had. "Hey, Izuku-kun. Catch."

The said teen sat up completely and frantically reached out to catch...a water bottle. The plastic bottle was cool to the touch and Izuku looked up at Rene with surprise. The brunet merely yawned.

"I can't have you throwing up and fainting because you don't rehydrate yourself." Rene walked up to Midoriya, crouching to be at eye-level with the teen, opening the plastic bag up a bit so the teen could see. "There are some energy drinks to give you back your electrolytes. The snacks will give you energy too to burn out."

Izuku rook the bag, bowing his head profusely, a nervous, thankful smile on his lips. Rene stood up, dusting his pants off to look at All Might.

"There are snacks and drinks for you too, Yagi-san." The brunet tipped his fedora at the blonde and Izuku. "Have a good day. And don't push yourselves too hard."

With that, Rene went back to the stairs, leaving the beach. Izuku positively beamed at Rene's sign of approval before uncapping the bottle he had, taking a few gulps before recapping the bottle. Midoriya looked over at All Might, a wide grin on his lips.

"Let's continue, All Might!"

Toshinori blinked in mild surprise before grinning back. A cloud of smoke surrounded him before he was back in his muscular form.

"Of course, Midoriya, my boy!"

//(3 Months Later)//

It was near nightfall at the moment as Izuku returned home, body aching. He had already said good night to All Might, so the teacher and student had gone on their separate ways. The teen smiled tiredly to himself. He could see and feel subtle changes to his body already; he was losing some of his baby fat.

Suddenly, Midoriya tripped and he winced when he saw the ground getting closer. He sighed mentally, adding his face to the list of things that needed to be iced.

However, instead on the cold and unforgiving ground meeting his face, he landed against a broad, solid back--at least it was much more comfortable and warm.

"Geez, kid. Be careful."

Izuku found himself get hoisted onto the back, the familiar voice sending vibrations against the teen's cheek, which was pressed against the back of his 'savior'.

"Rene-san..." Midoriya mumbled tiredly, a hint of surprise in his voice. "What doing here?"

Rene sighed as he stood up slowly, careful not to jostle the the other too much as he began to walk.

"I had a hunch that you'd be more tired than usual. I came looking for you."

"Ah'm sweaty though...."

"It's fine." Rene responded, voice gentle as the streetlights began to flicker on. "I bet you worked hard today."

"Mm...I moved two refrigerators, a large tire...and a washing machine today....and half a truck...I think..."

Rene hummed thoughtfully.

"Oh? You're getting stronger already."

"...Hrm...I can walk own...Rene-san..."

"Would you rather I carry you like a princess?"

"......" Midoriya sweatdropped and kept silent.

"That's what I thought," Rene chuckled. "Taking one look at you, I can tell that you've nearly torn through a muscle in your right calf. You've strained your back muscles too." His tone grew slightly admonishing. "I had told you to take care of yourself."

"'M sorry...."

"Just know when to not push yourself too hard." Rene turned a corner on the street, adjusting his grip on Izuku slightly. "...You still have dinner to eat."

Midoriya grumbled slightly. Rene let a corner of his mouth curl up at that.

" about this? You can take a bath and have a short nap before you eat. 45 minutes will be the limit." Rene glanced over his shoulder slightly. "Is that alright?"

Izuku hummed.

"...Okay. Thanks, Rene-san."

"No problem, kid."


As said before, Rene let Izuku bathe and nap before dinner. While Midoriya rested for a while, Rene lounged in the living room with Inko.

Well...Inko wasn't as relaxed as Rene.

Inko walked around the living room nervously while Rene calmly sipped a cup of coffee on the couch. The brunet finally reached behind himself and gently grasped the woman's wrist with his free hand without looking at her.

"Inko-san. You'll wear the floor down if you keep doing that."

Inko sighed and reached down to grasp Rene's hand, and the brunet returned the hold, tightening his grip just slightly to comfort her. She sighed, looking up at the ceiling.

"It's just....Rene-kun, Izuku is going to be a hero...! I'm happy that he has a Quirk. He'll be able to follow his dream now...b-but..." Her voice cracked slightly. "I...I'm scared...what if...?"

"Have more faith in your son, Inko-san. Sure, it is the job of a mother to care for their offspring, but you cannot always shield them from the world." Rene sighed softly. "It's nice that you care so much for Izuku-kun. But sometimes, you need to trust in your son's ability to take care of himself and others."

Inko swallowed shakily, squeezing her eyes shut, using Rene's hand as something to ground her to the Earth.

"...I...I'm still scared, Rene-kun."

Rene set his cup of coffee down before standing up, walking around the couch while still holding Inko's hand. He knelt to the ground on one knee to catch Inko's teary gaze, his brown eyes soft.

"It's alright to be scared. Everyone comes to a point when they're scared of something. It's what makes them human." Rene smiled gently. "Inko-san, you are a very brave woman already. You have taken care of your child by yourself for so long. Believe in Izuku-kun and in your own abilities, Inko-san."

Inko sniffles before nodding, wiping some of her tears away before giving a watery smile at Rene.

"Y-You always seem to know what to say, Rene-kun, haha."

Rene shrugged, standing up to give her a small hug and a pat on the back.

"Eh. I'm not that good in giving advice or pep talks."

Inko took another breath, lightly slapping her drying cheeks before giving a determined smile at Rene.

"Alright! No more tears for tonight." She smiled anxiously. "Erm, help me set up the food?"

"Of course."

//(7 Months Later)//

"Rene..." Toshinori murmured, the cold, morning air turning his nose, cheeks and the tips of his ears pink. "The exam is today. I don't know if Midoriya will finish his task before it. I'm worried...ow!"

The skinny blonde reached up to rub the forming lump on his head, sending an unamused glare at Rene, who was twirling a small, green hammer in his hand.

"You worry too much, Toshinori." The brunet murmured, yawning slightly. "You've spent 10 months with Izuku-kun, and you're going to doubt him now?"

(O.D.D.- Rene calls Toshinori 'All Might' when they're in public and he's in his hero form. When there is less people and All Might is either in his hero or true form, it's 'Yagi-san'. When Rene is alone with All Might and a few trusted others, it's 'Toshinori'. ( ' ' ))

All Might blinked before looking at the ground, sinking a little deeper into the coat and scarf he was currently wearing.

"...I do not want to force my will on him."


"Ow!" Toshinori winced again, rubbing the new lump. "What was that one for?"

"You blame yourself too much. Even if it were your fault, don't wallow in your sorrows." Leon transformed back into a chameleon, crawling along the brunet's wrist, arm and then Rene's shoulder as the brunet continued. "Learn to stay strong against the bad things and face it.......but," Rene moved a hand up to pat the blonde's back. "Know that you're not alone. You have people supporting you, Toshinori."

The Hero widened his eyes at Rene in surprise before shakily nodding his head. He sighed and turned his gaze forward with Rene before they both heard a loud roar of triumph.

Rene had a knowing look in his eyes and he smiled, lifting his gaze slightly. Toshinori's jaw was dropped in shock, green-blue eyes widening.

One Midoriya Izuku stood over a mini mountain of trash and scrap metal. He roared out to sky, sweat pouring down his chest and back since he was no longer wearing his shirt. Slowly, his voice died down, and he panted, shoulders slumping.

Rene tugged his fedora down, smirking while Toshinori continued to gape. The blonde took a shaky step forward, eyes scanning the clean beach. Not a single piece of trash or metal remained on the sand or near the waters.

"" He transformed into his muscular form. "...GOODNESS!"

Rene kept a casual pace in his walk as All Might darted forward, catching Izuku when the teen's legs could no longer hold himself up and he fell off the pile.

"Midoriya, my boy!" The Hero grinned down at the teen in his arms. "You've done it!"

All Might gently settled Midoriya on his feet as Rene finally caught up. The brunet chuckled as he stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"Well, sure know how to do things in the nick of time, eh?"

Izuku smiled dazedly at the brunet, shoulders still drooping, but he stood by himself. The teen now had a defined figure, not a hint of baby fat was left on him. All Might laughed brightly.

"To think this," The blonde brought out his phone to show a 'before' picture of Izuku. "Used to be you! But look at you now, my boy!"

Midoriya grinned back as All Might straightened himself.

"Now, there is one thing left that you must do." Rene looked at Izuku with slight sympathy while the teen blinked in confusion. All Might moved a hand up to his head. "You must eat this."

Midoriya blinked dumbly at the strand of blonde hair that was waved in front of his face.

"EEEEEH!?" The teen stumbled for a moment, balance wavering because of his own outburst. "Wh-Why would you...!?"

All Might huffed, giving a nervous cough before starting his explanation.

"In order to pass on One For All, you must consume some of my DNA."

Izuku slowly nodded in understanding, reaching out to grasp the piece of hair from All Might. Rene reached out to pat the teen's head.

"The exam is today, remember. Eat that quickly and wash up, get dressed, and get ready to roll." The brunet smiled lazily. "I'll take you to the exam building, 'kay?"

Midoriya nodded, gazing at the hair he had pinched between his fingers with apprehension before opening his mouth.


"Ugh...that was weird..."

Midoriya rubbed his throat, feeling the ghost of the hair that tickled the inside of his mouth. Rene merely chuckled beside him, ruffling his hair; the sun was currently higher in the sky right now.

"Well, you did it." The brunet lifted his head to study the building they were approaching; other teens were walking towards the building too. "Alright, I believe you know where to go from here, hm?"

Izuku gave a determined nod.



Midoriya flinched at the familiar voice while Rene calmly turned around, only to get blasted across the face. The brunet stood his ground though, rubbing the smudge of gunpowder on his cheek as he gave an amused smile at a certain explosive teen.

"Good morning to you too, Bomb-Boy."

Katsuki merely glared at Rene before giving the middle finger at him. The blonde then sent an even more deadly glare at Izuku when he turned to look at him.

"Don't get in my f**king way, sh**ty Deku!"

Bakugou stomped past them, shoulders hunched as he stuffed his hands into his pockets, grumbling and swearing under his breath. Rene chuckled as he watched the blonde go.

"Quite the bundle of sunshine and rainbows, isn't he?" The brunet pat Midoriya on the head one last time. "Well, I'll be off now."

Izuku smiled nervously, bowing his head respectfully at the other.

"Th-Thanks for coming with me..."

Rene merely waved a hand in the air nonchalantly before walking. However, as Midoriya watched the brunet walk away, he saw the adult pause and backtrack towards him.

Rene bent down slightly and placed his hands on the teen's shoulders, looking directly into green eyes. Brown eyes searched nervous ones before softening.

"It's okay to be afraid." Rene smiled. "...And being afraid doesn't mean that you're weak." He moved his right hand to point his index finger at Izuku's heart. "It means that you're able to become stronger than what you believe you can do."

Rene then lightly cuffed Midoriya's head, smirking slightly.

"Now, get going."

Izuku shook off his shock and nervously nodded his head, smiling brightly at Rene.

"H-Hai, Rene-san!"

Rene pat the other on the shoulder before leaving. Midoriya turned to the building ahead of him once the brunet was gone from view. The green-haired teen took a deep breath, heading towards the building.

As he got closer, he muttered to himself, worrying a bit for how the exam would go. The more he muttered, the more lost he became in his thoughts. Soon, he tripped and he face-palmed mentally, waiting for the impact on his face.

'Seriously?! Now I'm gonna--!'

Izuku noted with idle surprise as his face continued to drift a distance away from the ground. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion before a feminine and bubbly voice spoke from the side of him.

"Sorry for using my Quirk on you, but I didn't want you to fall and hurt yourself!"

Midoriya turned his head to see a brunette with wide, brown eyes, her hair cut above her shoulders. She had a bright, gentle smile on her lips, eyes filled with concern.

Izuku blinked in surprise, not knowing that he made a new friend at that moment.


'Introductions and instructions should be done by now.' Rene mused as he walked down a hall within the large building that Midoriya entered. 'I wonder if the kid's still a nervous wreck...'

The brunet sighed and shook his head, rubbing the palm of his hand over his right eye, yawning softly. Rene then blinked both eyes open to catch sight of a long-haired ravenet stepping out of a room up ahead.

The ravenet noticed the pair of eyes on him and turned his head to look in Rene's direction. He was wearing a black sweater and slightly baggy pants that were tucked into black boots. A 'scarf' was wrapped loosely around his neck as he held a mug of steaming something--coffee, it was coffee by the smell the drifted Rene's way--in his hand.

"Ah, Shouta." Rene smiled at the ravenet, waving a hand lazily in the air as he approached the other, recognizing his face. "Heya."

The said ravenet blinked his bloodshot eyes in mild surprise, adjusting the bandages surrounding his neck with his free hand.

"Rene? Back already?"

The brunet chuckled, eyes crinkling as he smiled slightly.

"Yep. Also..." The brunet rummaged through his pockets. "Looks like you need some sleep. And some," Rene tossed a small object to the other. "Eyedrops."

Aizawa Shouta caught the small bottle, looking at it with mild surprise.

"Ah. My favorite brand." He looked back up at the brunet. "Thanks."

"Eh, no problem." Rene walked up to the other and they both started to head down the halls, Aizawa flanking his left side. "...How have you been doing lately?"

Aizawa side-eyed the other before shrugging.

"I'm fine....but," His onyx eyes flickered to red for a moment. "I should be asking you that question."

Rene paused, lips quirking up into a smile before he sighed, shutting his brown eyes for a moment.

"I'm alright, Shouta. You worry too much."

The hall was filled with silence, except the rhythmic tapping of their shoes on tiles. Shouta then sighed, moving his hands.


Rene blinked and opened his eyes, mildly surprised to see the other's mug of coffee shoved in his face. The brunet reached out and wrapped his fingers around it as Shouta retracted his hand.

"Isn't this yours?"

Aizawa huffed, hands stuffed in his pockets as he walked forward.

"I already had mine. I was guessing that you didn't have your cup of coffee, so I prepared a mug."

Rene blinked before smiling softly, feeling the warmth seep through the mug and into his hands.



Rene only had time to blink before he was hugged from behind. The brunet grunted at the impact, steadying his grip on his mug of coffee so it wouldn't splash anywhere. He sighed and took a sip, using his right hand to hold up his mug as he dropped his left one to lightly pat the arms wrapped around his midsection.

"Good morning, Hizashi."

Yamada Hizashi, or Present Mic, grinned as he released the other from his grip. The blonde's spiky hair stood up like a rooster's crown-feathers. Hizashi bounced forward to flank Rene's right side. The trio began to walk again as Present Mic spoke once more.

"A goooood morning to you too, Teach! How are you doing today!?" His voice then softened slightly. "I hope you're catching up on sleep, Teach."

Rene sighed waving a hand in the air dismissively, taking another sip of coffee, closing his eyes contentedly before opening them again.

"I have had a few naps."

Hizashi seemed a little displeased at the answer, wide grin dimming slightly before it returned full force. The blonde slung an arm over the brunet's shoulders.

"Do you want me to sing ya' a lullaby, Teach!? I'm sure it'll help ya' sleep better."

Rene's gaze softened as he looked over at Present Mic, a tired, fond smile on his lips as the steam of the warm coffee brushed against his cool cheeks.

"I don't think your voice can lower that much, Hizashi."

Hizashi took the teasing without malice, merely pouting playfully at Rene.

"Aw, Teach, have a little faith in me." Rene merely smiled before turning his attention back to his coffee. Hizashi then turned his attention to his other companion, waving exuberantly at the ravenet. "HEEEEEEY, SHOUTA!"

Aizawa groaned in return, muttering something that suspiciously sounded like 'D**n it, he noticed me' and 'F**k, kill me'.

Shouta continued to ignore Yamada's voice while Rene listened with a small smile on his lips. The one-sided conversation continued for a long while before Present Mic turned his attention back to Rene.

"By the way, you're living at that Midoriya Izuku-kid's house, right?"

Rene blinked and swallowed his sip of coffee to look at the blonde.

"Oh? Did he do something?"

Hizashi grinned, lacing his fingers behind his head.

"He's a weird one! Caught him summoning a demon or something when I was giving instructions."

Rene raised an eyebrow before letting a chuckle pass his lips.

"Ah. His muttering habit." The brunet smiled. "To be honest, that's a deadly weapon of his."

Yamada raised an eyebrow in disbelief at the brunet.

"Are you serious, Teach? How can his muttering be a weapon?"

Rene chuckled.

"If you had paid attention to what he mutters about, you'd understand." The brunet returned his gaze to the front. "He's a smart one."


Rene was now in a dimly lit room with a bunch of teachers from U.A. All of them greeted the brunet with bright smiles, a slap on the back, hugs, hand waves or head nods. All Might, in his buff form, stood next to Rene, a wide grin on his lips. However, the brunet could see the tense line in the blonde's shoulders.

"...I thought I had told you not to worry so much, Toshinori."

The taller winced slightly when Rene put a hand on Leon in an almost threatening manner. Not wanting to get whacked on the head again, All Might laughed nervously and scooted a bit to the side, away from the other. Rene raised an eyebrow at that before turning his attention to a screen that flickered on inside of the room.

Rene's brown eyes darted across the different faces that were displayed--the examinees all had determined expressions as they waited at the starting line. However, among those faces, the brunet could see the nervous frown on a certain, green-haired teen's lips.

Rene sighed softly setting his empty mug of coffee on a nearby table. He crossed his arms, waiting for the exam to start; Leon settled next to his neck, attempting to be comforting. Rene smiled at the small ball of warmth pressing against his neck.

"It'll be fine, Leon," He murmured under his breath. "The kid's reckless, but he'll make it."

Leon stuck his tongue out at that.

<<(With Izuku)>>

Midoriya fidgeted nervously in his exercise jacket and jogging shorts. During the instructions, he had met a rather intimidating, glasses-wearing boy--he seemed...robotic to be honest. The girl who had helped him from falling had sat a few seats away from him.

It was rather embarrassing to be called out on his muttering by...'Glasses' and Present Mic. It was a bad habit, he knew, but he couldn't help it. Bringing his attention back to the present, Midoriya looked at the towering buildings nervously.

All of the examinees beside him looked strong and ready to go. He wasn't sure if he was quite ready for th--


No one moved for a moment, stunned by the loud voice.


Everyone except Izuku rushed forward as large, dark-green robots came lumbering out into the open. The teen blinked his eyes with shock and stumbled forward, dashing now.

'Oh no! Oh no, oh no, oh no! I started late! At this rat--!' Midoriya shook his head. 'No! I can't think like that! I need to focus!'

Examinees from left and right quickly took down the robots--a girl spat acid at one, a boy shot some sort of laser from his...pelvis, Bakugou was blasting a large portion of the robots--and Midoriya panicked slightly when he tried to take a robot down, but it was taken down by another.

Izuku furrowed his eyebrows, sweat pouring down the side of his face.

'Oh no! I'm running out of time!'

The green-haired teen saw how destroyed robots littered the area. The exam was almost ove--


Izuku felt the ground shudder and he stumbled, falling on his bottom. He saw other examinees run past him; his green eyes darted forward and up to see what they were running from.

It was a 0-point robot. And it towered over most of the buildings in the area; its red lights glinting as it looked down at everyone. Midoriya scrambled to his feet, about to run too--

He caught sight of a familiar girl with brown hair, who was just a few yards away from getting crushed by the massive robot. She looked completely exhausted, trying her best to push herself up with her shaky arms.

Just like that time in the sludge incident--his body moved towards the danger. He didn't care what would happen to him--he had to save the girl that had helped him.

He dashed towards her, and jumped. The brunette whipped her head around to watch with wide eyes.


<<(With the teachers)>>

"Holy sh**, that kid's nuts!"

"He'll get himself hurt!"

All Might merely widened his grin as he watched the screen. Shouta and Hizashi actually widened their eyes; the latter was smiling in amusement.


Rene smirked, tugging his fedora down over his eyes. He knew what would happen next.

"Go get 'em, kid."

<<(With Izuku)>>

Power pulsed through the teen's right arm as he cocked it back. Midoriya sailed through the sky, moving closer and closer to the robot's face.

'Scream the word from the bottom of your heart!'


The robot's face was instantly busted in. The entire hunk of metal creaked before leaning backwards, falling.

Izuku stared in wonder, fist still raised as he drifted through the air.


The robot fell back completely, crushing a few smaller buildings.

"Oh...?" 'This's just like the slime incident,'s different this time!' His eyes widened with excitement. "OOOOOOOH!?"

It was then that Izuku realized that gravity still existed, and he began to fall. His thoughts rushed as he watched the ground that was getting closer and closer.

'Hold on, I've got All Might's power now, right!? I clobbered that robot like nothing!' He was now parallel with the ground. 'So landing ought to be a piecE OF CAAAAAKE!?'

He then heard a strange and...sickening noise. It sounded like...cracking bones and blood sloshing around.

He spared a glance to his right arm and instantly grew sick. It flailed uselessly in the wind, bending in multiple wrong angles. Finally, finally, the pain shot through his body.

It was excruciating. It felt like a hundred nails were hammered into his right arm before it was ran over by a truck.

Midoriya cried out in a choked voice, his breakfast from that morning rushing up his throat and out of his mouth. The pain was too much to handle; his thoughts were scrambled.

'S-Stupid! All Might had already told me about this! I shouldn't have gotten so big-headed!'

He squeezed his eyes shut when he saw that he was simply getting closer and closer to the ground. It was only ten yards away!

'I failed! I failed Rene-san! I FAILED ALL MIGHT!'


He snapped his eyes open as his face whipped to the side by the force of the rather light blow to his face. He found that he was floating above the ground now, his face a mere foot away from the concrete below him. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw that the brown-haired girl that he had saved was floating beside him on some of the robot wreckage.

Slowly, she shakily pressed her fingertips together, looking exhausted.


Any floating objects within the area, including the two teens, fell to the floor. The brunette, having overused her Quirk, grew sick and threw up on the side.

Meanwhile, Izuku was curled in on himself, biting his lower lip to keep his cries of pain in. He then shifted, trying to drag himself upright to check on the brunette.

'Oh God! Is she alright!?' His eyes did a quick check up on her before he sighed mentally in relief, trying to hold back whimpers of pain. 'Sh-She doesn't look too good...but it doesn't look like she has any wounds, thank God.'

He gritted his teeth, struggling to push himself up with one arm.

"If only...I could point--!"

"THE TEST..." Present Mic sing-songed out into the open. "IS OVER~!"

Izuku felt ice get injected into his veins.



"Man, did you see that!?"

"Yeah, that guy totally decked that 0-point bot!"

"But what about that strange muttering back then?"

"Maybe it was just a misleading act?"

"I don't see how that would benefit him..."

Izuku ignored the voices buzzing around him, gritting his teeth as he pressed his tear-stained face against the ground. Then the teen heard footsteps come near him, and a hand went to his left shoulder, gripping it gently.

"C'mon, Izuku-kun, up you go."

Midoriya froze at the familiar voice. Rene was here. Why was he here? Didn't he just come to guide Izuku to the exam building for the written part? Midoriya sat up slightly, but he didn't look up; he was afraid of seeing the brunet's expression.

"Oi, kid, chin up."

Izuku shakily lifted his head, but his eyes looked to the side, avoiding Rene's gaze.

"Izuku." Rene murmured sternly. "Look at me."

The green-haired teen finally brought his gaze to brown eyes. There were no glares of disappointment or sneers of mockery. Rene's expression was neutral, but the brown eyes were kind and caring.

"There we go. Now, focus on your breathing." Rene's eyes were still connected with green ones as he gently moved his left hand to ghost his fingertips over the teen's right arm. "I know it hurts. Trust me, I have at least broken all of my bones once--of course, not all of my bones were crushed at the same time; I would be dead."

Izuku fought off tears at a simple brush of fingers on his arm. However, he suddenly felt a calming warmth spread up his arm. Were Rene's eyes glowing yellow too?

"Now, now, out of the way, kids." An elderly woman's voice murmured. "Give the poor child and the young lad some space. Shoo, shoo."

Midoriya blinked in surprise and looked past Rene, over the adult's shoulder, to see a familiar Pro-Hero there.

'Th-That's...Recovery Girl!'

"Ah, Rene, I see that you've lessened the load on my work." The short woman, gray hair tied in a bun, smiled gently at Rene when he turned to look at her. "Thank you, dear."

Rene merely gave a tired smile in response, shifting out of the way in his crouched position.

"Eh. I'm no good at healing, really." The brunet waved Recovery Girl over. "Thank you for your help."

The elderly lady adjusted her doctor coat, using a giant syringe as a cane of sorts as she moved closer. She smiled kindly at Midoriya.

"Now, hold still, dear."


The other teens in the area jolted in surprise. On the other hand, Rene calmly watched Izuku's arm heal in a soft glow of light. Midoriya's eyes fluttered and he slumped forward onto Rene's chest, exhausted. Rene sighed, moving to piggyback the unconscious teen.

"Geez," Rene stood up, a smirk on his lips as he adjusted his hold on Izuku. "What a kid."

He gave a nod of thanks to Recovery Girl before walking away, ignoring the whispers of confusion and wonder from the other teens.

"Let's get you home, kid."

//(1 Week Later)//

Inko fidgeted in her seat nervously, watching her son....stare at his food for the past five minutes with a distant smile on his face. Currently, the two were at home, eating dinner. Rene had been gone for a week now, saying he had some business to attend to.

And now...Inko was worrying over Midoriya, who had done nothing but breathe, eat, use the bathroom, sleep and stare blankly at something. She had texted Rene multiple times throughout the week, and he merely replied with: 'Don't worry.' or 'I'll deal with him once I get back'.

"U-Um, Izuku..." She murmured before frowning when her son didn't react at all. "Izuku!"

The said teen jumped and looked at her with surprise.


"You've been staring at that piece of fish for a while now." She bit her lower lip before smiling anxiously at him. "Are you...alright...?"

Izuku blinked his eyes before smiling at his mother--though it wasn't a very convincing one.

"...I'm fine."


Midoriya retreated to the safety of his room, sitting on his bed. He stared blankly at a wall for a moment before glancing to the side of himself, grabbing a dumbbell weight. Recovery Girl had healed the worst of his injured arm, but that didn't mean he was immediately fine. He had to recondition his arm a bit; it was shaky and he felt weak every time he moved it on the first day he was healed.

Izuku squeezed his eyes shut as he aimlessly did a few arm curls with the weight.

'I feel confident that I passed the written part of the exam....but the other part....' He set the weight down to the side as he ran his left hand through his hair. '...I most likely didn't make it i-in...'


Midoriya blinked, feeling a wet sensation in his ear before he jumped, screaming bloody murder as he swiped at his ear.

"Are you done moping around now?" The teen whipped his head around, eyes wide, recognizing the voice and the blur of green that darted off of his shoulder and onto an outstretched hand. "Inko-san has been telling me what had been going on with you."

Rene stood there in a navy-blue jacket and black jeans. His fedora was present, hiding his mane of brown hair from view as his brown eyes watched Izuku closely.

"Sorry for not being around for a whole entire week, but I had some business to tend to." He held out an envelope to Midoriya. "Here. This is yours."

The teen blinked in idle surprise--he hadn't heard the other enter--before reaching and grasping the envelope. It felt a little heavy, like it had some sort of object inside of it. Izuku flipped the envelope over to find that the U.A. symbol was present. He widened his eyes and looked up at Rene, who was about to leave through the door. The brunet looked at the teen calmly, hand on the door handle.

"That's for you to look at by yourself." Rene waved over his shoulder as he exited the room. "See ya', kid."

"R-Rene-san! Wait!"

The adult paused, back still facing the teen. Midoriya swallowed, looking glumly at the floor as he held the envelope in his hand.

"I-I'm sorry...for failing you--you and All Might. Both of you have been really supportive and All Might was entrusting me with his power," He squeezed his eyes shut. "A-And I let you guys down. I'm sorry! I'm so, so sorry!"

Silence filled the room for the longest time before Rene responded, back still facing the teen.

"Apology not accepted." The brunet replied coolly, and Izuku felt like he had been stabbed through the heart. However, before he could beat himself up further in his head, Rene continued. "Until you find out what I truly want you to be 'sorry' for, then I'll accept your apology."

Izuku blinked in confusion at that, but Rene left completely, shutting the door behind himself. The teen frowned in frustration before shaking his head, returning his attention back to his results.

He gazed down at the envelope before taking a seat by his desk on his computer chair. He gritted his teeth, taking a deep breath before ripping the envelope open.


The teen glanced down in surprise to see some sort of device land on his desk. Suddenly, it lit up, a hologram displayed a foot away from his wall, floating above his desk.

"HELLO! Is this working!?" All Might, in his muscular form, moved across the hologram, grinning brightly as he adjusted his tie, face up close with the camera. "Is it!?"

"Yeah, yeah, it is," Rene's voice drawled back, but he was nowhere in sight, causing Izuku to guess that he was probably the one recording or he was simply standing off to the side. "I don't understand why you would need me for this."

"Haha! I'm sure Midoriya would love to see you! Get over here, Rene!"

There was a long, drawn out sigh.

"Alright, alright." A familiar brunet in black slacks, an orange undershirt and a black suit top walked up onto the stage that All Might was on; he looked at the blonde Hero with a bland expression under his fedora. "I'm here. Happy?"

"VERY MUCH SO!" All Might replied with a small bead of sweat on the side of his face.

Izuku snapped out of his daze before widening his eyes with surprise.

"All Might and Rene-san!? Isn't this from U.A.!?"

All Might, on the hologram, bowed before the camera, coughing slightly.

"It took some time to jump through some hoops and get this done, so, for not being able to contact you sooner, that's my bad!"

Rene seemed to have rolled his eyes for a moment, shaking his head. He mouthed to the camera: 'Blaming himself again'. Izuku sweatdropped slightly as All Might straightened himself; Rene picked up from where the blonde had left off from.

"We'll be seeing each other a lot more often, Izuku-kun," Rene looked directly at the camera, raising an eyebrow at it. "Apparently it's been decided that All Might and I shall work at U.A. now."

Midoriya stared with wonder at the screen.

'All Might and Rene-san will be at U.A.?'

On the hologram, there were brief camera troubles before All Might continued.

"Well, you did fine on the written test, but..." The blonde sighed. "At a practical skills rating of 0, you, of course, failed."

Izuku lowered his head gritting his teeth as he clenched his hands on his lap.

'I knew it! Of course I'd fail! I knew it but...!' He curled in on himself further. 'D**n it!'

"Now don't go beating yourself up just yet, kid," Rene's voice spoke up, cutting through the teen's thoughts. "There's still more."

Izuku raised his head to see All Might wave dramatically to a screen, aiming a remote at it.

"I was an entertainer in a former life! Behold this screen!"

A video started to play on the screen. The brunette girl he had met before was talking to Present Mic.

"U-Um...excuse me, hi."

Midoriya blinked his eyes rapidly with surprise.

"The girl who saved me...?"

All Might continued to grin as he paused the video for a second.

"As soon as the exam ended, this little lady petitioned us directly! But what about, you ask!?"

Rene sighed on the side, looking at All Might pointedly as he adjusted the black tie around his neck.

"You are being overdramatic, All Might."

The blonde held a finger to his lips and shushed the other, pressing play for the video to continue.

"Uhh, sorry to bother you, you know the boy with the curly hair? He has freckles and he's got, uhh, a sort of 'plain' you know who I'm talking about?"

Izuku widened his eyes slightly.

'That's me...!'

"Would it be possible..." The girl continued. "To share some of my points with him?"

Midoriya stared up at the screen, his heart clenching.

"He said something like--'if only I'd gotten a single point'! So I gleaned from that--that he hadn't earned any at all!"

"What can a dweeb like you do, huh!?"

Katsuki's voice rang through Midoriya's head as the brunette continued earnestly.

"Please, at least give him the number of points he lost because of me!"

"You had absolutely no reason to rush headlong into danger!"

All Might paused the video again.

"It's your actions that have touched people," The blonde widened his grin. "More so than any 'Quirk'..."

The girl bit her lip for a moment, eyebrows furrowed as the video played again.

"That boy, saved my life!"

Rene let a smirk curve up a corner of his lips as he looked directly into the camera as Izuku shot up from his seat.

"The judges were looking at more than smashing robots for points, ya' know." Rene ran a hand over the back of his neck. "The Department of Heroes dismissing you? Just because you did the right thing?"


On the small video, Present Mic ruffled the girl's hair, voice cheery.

"Sorry, Missy, you can't share points, but I'm thinking you won't need to in the first place!"

The video stopped playing to show the girl's confused face while All Might continued.


Rene crossed his arms, the smirk on his lips widening. He almost looked like a satisfied lion that had caught his prey.

"Midoriya Izuku: 60 points." He then yawned for a moment gesturing at the screen. "And while we're at it, Uraraka Ochako: 45 points." Rene smiled, Leon crawling up on his shoulder to stick his tongue out at the camera. "You passed, kid."

Izuku felt tears blur his vision, a nervous laugh escaping his lips as he staggered slightly, a grin twitching at the corners of his mouth.

"This...this is crazy...!"

All Might grinned widely at the screen.

"Come on down, Midoriya, my boy!" He held a hand out to the camera. "U.A. IS NOW YOUR HERO ACADEMIA!"

Midoriya scrubbed an arm over his eyes, wiping the tears away as he answered the hologram.

"Yes sir!"


Rene sat on the living room couch, sipping a cup of coffee. Inko was relaxing next to the brunet--well, more like sitting down and fidgeting every five seconds.

Suddenly, Izuku came stumbling out of his room, a wide grin on his lips. Inko stared with wide eyes while Rene kept on drinking his coffee.

"I-I...! I passed! Mom, I passed!"

Inko jumped from her seat and squealed, rushing forward to hug her son. She kissed his cheeks, nose and forehead, giggling happily before she darted towards the kitchen.

"I should make a cake to celebrate!"

Midoriya was about to stop her, but it was apparent that the woman was on a mission. Izuku huffed in amusement before turning his attention to Rene, who had yet to say anything.


The brunet continued to act as if the teen wasn't there. Midoriya frowned for a moment before his eyes widened with realization. He quickly walked forward, getting closer to the adult before bowing, squeezing his eyes shut.

"I'm sorry!" He fisted his hands at his sides. "I'm sorry for being so stupid! I'm sorry for worrying mom. I'm sorry for moping like an idiot!"

Silence filled the living room. Suddenly, a hand wrapped around Izuku's wrist and he was tugged forward. The teen yelped when he was caught in a headlock, knuckles drilled into his head.

"Apology accepted, kid." Rene replied as he continued to torture the other. "I knew you'd be smart enough to figure it out on your own."

"Ow, ow! E-Eto, please let go of me...!?"

Rene let go, a lazy smile on his lips. Izuku scrambled to sit properly on the couch, pouting at the brunet as he rubbed his sore head. Suddenly, there was a wet feeling in Midoriya's ear, causing him to squeal.

Leon hopped off in time as Izuku swatted aimlessly at his ear. Rene smiled as Leon settled on his shoulder, his skin a bright green to show his happiness. Midoriya huffed, rubbing his ear. The brunet took another sip of coffee before speaking.

"Good job, kid."

It was soft, and it was only three words, but to Izuku--it was as if his entire world lit up. The teen leapt forward and unexpectedly hugged the adult.

"Thank you for always believing in me, Rene-san!"

The brunet grunted in mild surprise and patted the other on the back. Izuku beamed up at Rene before letting go, jogging towards the kitchen to help his mom.

Rene watched the teen go before sighing. His eyebrows pinched together as he grunted, shifting in his seat as he set his coffee down. He rolled his jacket up slightly before clicking his tongue under his breath.

The white t-shirt he was currently wearing was turning a dark shade of pink, bordering on red at the bottom right part of his torso. He tugged his jacket back down, breath hissing between his teeth as he tried to relax. Rene chuckled wearily under his breath, placing a hand on his throbbing side.

"That was a close one..." He murmured, head leaning back to lightly thump against the couch cushion. 'Looks like I accidentally reopened it.'

The day ended with joyful chatter in the kitchen as Rene relaxed on the couch.


Izuku sighed as he relaxed in bed, eyes falling shut. He prepared to fall asleep before he realized something. He shot up from bed with wide eyes and a shocked face.


(O.D.D.- Well now, that's it for now. Also, here's a little bonus!  I decided to draw Rene-san for you guys. I hope this will help you visualize him a bit more from what I see while writing this story.  I'm sorry, my drawing sucks. Here is our coffee-loving brunet. _(┐ε:)_)

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