Chapter 11 | Forever Home

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Joy ^^

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After a long day, I was happy to get to meet my sheets. Ghost was already in an oversized sweater, snuggled up in the blankets, waiting on me. I could tell by the way his timid eyes watched me, he was in little space. My sweet angel had the color of the moon in his irises. He snuggled his favorite blanket up to his face and I softly smiled. Ghost was so precious.

I took a quick shower while he watched Beetlejuice. After throwing on some pajama pants and drying my hair, I was thoroughly worn the fuck out. I shut off the bathroom light and crawled into bed with my baby. He cuddled up to me in an instant. I reached over him and grabbed the remote from the nightstand.

"Time for bed." I said, turning off the TV.

"Nooo." He whined sleepily.

"You need your rest." I replied and kissed his head. "I'm sorry I had to get after you today, but you can't do that to people. And you don't want that to be the way Joy remembers you when she leaves."

He stared up to me, and much to my surprise, sounded upset when he asked, "She's going to leave?"

"Yes, tomorrow. Nikki and I are going to show her at a slave party and she's going to be sold."

"But, I don't want her to go." Ghost whimpered, "She's like me. She's not just one gender, and I like having someone like me like that around. You aren't making her leave because I hurt her, are you?"

I gently ran my fingers down his cheek, "No, Sweetie. Alexander has to go too. It's just because they've finished their training with me and they're going to find a permanent home. If it makes you feel better, I can ask Nikki if he has anymore gender fluid slaves I can take in for training."

"I would really like that, Daddy." He barely broke a shy smile, then muttered, "You're going to make sure they go to good homes, right?"

"I'll try my best. On the bright side, I will have a day off once they're sold. If you're a good boy until then, I'll spend that day with you. I'm sure Angelo could use a day off too. If you're a bad boy, though, I'll spend it with Ricky instead. Are we understood?"

"Yes, Daddy." He barely managed to say before yawning.

I pat my chest with my hand to signal him to lay down. "Time for bed, Baby."

Ghost laid down and snuggled into me. He felt so nice in my arms. I reached over and turned off the lamp that remained on. Rested against the bed, my body relaxed. I held on tight to my sweet baby. Ghost already slipped into sleep, having the cutest little snore when he did. I delicately kissed his forehead again and allowed slumber to take me.

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The smell of sex is actually rarely ever pleasant. When it's mixed with smoke and whiskey, you can imagine the result it's fun. On top of it, not every slave was as well taken care of as mine were. I'm not saying the Top Floor smelled bad, but it didn't smell good either. At least it looked good.

Being a BDSM building, almost every floor was decorated in shades of deep red. It had a very Victorian fashion, much like how I kept my own home. Being at the Top Floor was almost like being at my own house. Minus the smell. There were some good slaves here too, but not as good as my beauties. Everyone was fighting over getting to try them out.

Alexander was naturally a multiple man type of slave. The more cocks that surrounded him, the happier he was. He was rather enjoying his time. Joy, however, was a little overwhelmed. She enjoys serving one person at a time and very rarely actually likes penetration. Most these Doms didn't seem to see, she didn't want her ass fucked. She wanted her throat fucked. It's not like she can argue though. She is a slave, after all.

I saw a few familiar faces here. Not everyone took a massive break from the community like I did. The majority of Doms here already had slaves and do just come for the sex. They're the type that rotate slaves, only buying them just to sell them. That's not what I want for Joy. There are a few genuinely interested in buying long term slaves, and that's who I have to sweet talk. I did promise Ghost I would find them a good home.

As I sat back against the back wall, I scanned the room. I was surprised to see Kuza here, but he's a rotator with his slaves. He's also unnecessarily rough with them. Despite the fact that Joy loves to be punished, she doesn't want the kind of punishments he deals out. Finally, I found the person I knew would be perfect to take her. Let's just hope I can not only convince him of it, but he has enough money. There were a lot of high rollers interested in her tonight.

"Long time, no see." I spoke to Ryan as I approached him.

He looked up my stature, earning a smile, "S'up?" He laughed and stood up to hug me. As we sat back down, he asked, "What are you doing here? I thought you stopped buying the product you pushed."

"I did, but I've started training a few for Nikki. I put a lot of effort into them, so I'd like to make sure they go to good homes." I replied, "What happened to..." I stretched my words, hoping he wouldn't make me say his name because I couldn't remember it.

"I sold him about a month ago. I was getting too attached and wasn't willing to set him free." He responded.

I nodded casually, "I see. Well, if I might make a suggestion," I pointed through the crowd to where Joy was getting fucked over a table. "She is one of the ones I trained. Her name is Joy. She's a sassy little bitch, but if you know how to handle her right, she's an angel."

His eyes gleamed as he looked at her. Oh, this won't be difficult. With a smirk, he asked me, "And how exactly do you have to handle her?"

"She loves pain and gets off on it. So, normal punishment doesn't work on her. The only way to punish her is to ignore her. It drives her crazy to not have attention, especially physical. Most these Doms here won't be able to figure that out and they'd just mark her as a bad slave. If you manage to break her in, she's an amazing slave. She doesn't even want to be fucked that much; She just wants to give head constantly."

Ryan was definitely interested in her. I could see it in his eyes. His last slave he had for years, and he treated him extremely well. I know Joy would be in good hands with him. The Dom that was fucking Joy finally let go of her. She stumbled a bit from getting shoved off of him, then corrected her posture. I quickly stood up before anyone else could sweep her away.

Joy, as beautiful and sweet as she can be, she still struggles with her eye line. She glanced at me when I walked up and smiled. Quickly, she remembered her line of sight and looked forward. Her arms were tied behind her back. I wrapped my fingers around the ropes and gently tugged her.

"Come on, Sweetie. I've got someone I want to introduce you to." I whispered in her ear.

She was happy in my handling, even though she was worn out. I walked her over to the couch Ryan was sitting on and gestured for her to sit down. She got on her knees, right where she was happy.

"I know what you want." I mused to her, "So why don't you tell Ryan what you told me the first day we met."

She smirked to one side, running her tongue along the inside of her cheek. "I want to suck your cock, Sir."

"Well," He leaned forward to get a closer look at her, "How can I say no to that?"

My work here is done. Once her lips are on his cock, he won't be able to get her out of his head. I left them be and walked through the crowd of moans and cries until I found Nikki. He and Ashley were sitting on the couch against the back wall, watching the members of their organization enjoy their time. Ashley must've been the only woman here, yet she was more dominant than most these men.

"Enjoying your first private party in a few years?" Ashley addressed me.

"Hm, not as fun when you've got a wifey back home, honestly. I feel guilty being here." I snickered, "I've got to get home to him. Will you let me know who ends up winning Joy and Alexander?"

Nikki raised his eyebrow at me, "Why do you care?"

"I just want to know." I replied, "Also, if it's not too much trouble, Ghost asked if you can give me another gender fluid slave to train. He says they make him more comfortable."

"I won't be able to this time around because I've already picked out two for you, but I'll keep it in mind when I pick the next set. You did such a good job with Joy, I'm going to have to start giving you a lot of my trouble cases. I still don't know how you managed to train her so well."

"I didn't train her more than you did. I just took the time to understand her. Not all slaves are straight forward." I said.

I glanced back to see Ryan had pulled her into his lap and he was talking to her. She had him wrapped around her finger. I was happy though, because that means she has a high chance of going home with someone I trust. Speaking of going home, it's time I do just that.

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