Chapter 13 | Pet Play

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With two slaves sold and another under a different job, Ricky was the only one sleeping in the cellar currently. Perhaps my heart has gone soft, but I found that fact a little unfair to him. I'm not going to do anything about it. Even if I own him, I'm not going to go light on him. He is still a slave. I just thought it was worth noting that there is a part of me that does care. Not enough, unfortunate for him.

I always wear gloves when dealing with slaves. Not because I think they're dirty or anything like that. I've found it gives them a sense that I am a higher power. The way the delicate ones like Ricky shiver when I touch them really gets me. You could tell he was a virgin in the way he was scared of everything I did.

When I'm not fucking or punishing my slaves, I give them jobs to do. Ricky was washing the old wood floors of the dungeon when I found him. His eyes met the shine of my shoes and I could visibly see him become stressed. He knew with the others gone, he was the only one I could be here for.

"On your feet." I told him, "The maids can finish this. Ghost has decided to be a little bitch, so I've decided to spend my day off with you. I'm not too fond of the smell of floor cleaner. Go take a shower and meet me in the living room in fifteen minutes at the latest."

"Yes, Sir." He murmured.

Ricky politely waited until I began to go upstairs before he moved. I heard him rush to his shower, but let it go. If I stop to punish him, I'd have no one to spend the day with. I'm not interested in spending it alone. Honestly... I still wanted to spend my time with Ghost, but I can't let him get away with what he did. I haven't gotten much time to pay attention to Ricky. Maybe this is for the best.

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An hour later, and I was finally relaxed for the day. I was treating Ricky like more of a pet, but I'm sure he didn't mind. He did seem a little awkward with it. As if, he didn't know how to act. Nikki does train all his slaves on how to act in any submissive roles. Whether that be a slave, pet, little, ect. However, it's rare that people buy pets or littles. He doesn't give them much training in those fields because of that.

Ricky is used to being such a rigged, on edge slave. He doesn't know how to just relax and let his Master coddle him. His legs rested over my lap and his head against my chest. He was rather intrigued with what was on the TV. We were watching an earlier episode of Dexter.

"You've never seen TV before, have you?" I asked him.

"I got to watch some when I was in a training course for being a little, but that was only about two weeks, Sir." He responded softly.

I laughed dryly, "I'm sure if you were in little training, Nikki didn't let you watch anything like this."

"No, Sir." He mumbled.

"If it's too much, I can change the channel." I said as blood got splattered across a wall on the TV.

Ricky jumped a bit, but recovered. "It's okay, Sir."

My phone buzzed, which made him jump again. He relaxed once he realized it wasn't even the show. I pictured up my cell, seeing a text from Nikki. He told me Ryan ended up buying Joy last night. Good. Alexander sold to Ben Bruce. I was pleased with that as well. Ben has house parties a lot, and Alexander is a good show piece. He sends me invites from time to time, but I usually decline. Perhaps I'll attend his next party to check up on my old student.

The same goes for Joy, minus the party part. I'll settle for inviting Ryan over for dinner in a few weeks to see how she's doing. I do miss her, but the carousel has to keep turning. I've got a business to continue. Nikki did mention that he was so impressed with my work with Joy, that he's going to give me more of his troubled cases. I'm not too sure how I feel about that. Joy did wear me out. It'll be interesting to see what he brings me tomorrow.

"So, tell me," I spoke as I ran my hand down a lock of Ricky's hair, "How are you still a virgin?"

"I... I don't know, Sir. I just was always obedient, so I guess Nikki never felt a need to punish me with sex. I've never done anything sex related, Sir." He replied.

"Call me Master." I mused, "And we'll have to fix that. Another time. I'm too tired today, and I can tell you haven't been getting much sleep. Take a nap while you lie here."

"You're sure you're okay with that, Master?" He asked softly.

I smiled down at him, "Yes. Just snuggle up and sleep."

As soon as he had permission, he was out like a light. Something has been keeping him up at night. I don't know what, but I will find out. Maybe he is just nervous, or it's too cold in that basement for him. It certainly isn't from a lack of exercise. He does plenty during the day.

Then, about a half hour later, I got the answer to my question. Ricky was crying in his sleep. Oh. He's got a nightmare problem. He lighted his head, not remembering fully where he was at first. I gently put my hand on his hair and guided him to rest himself against my chest again. Ricky went back to sleep with ease. This pattern repeated up until dinner time.

It was then that I told him to return to his chambers and rest for the remainder of the day. Tomorrow would be a big day for him anyways. With getting new roommates and everything. Ghost was aloud out of his room for dinner. That doesn't mean he had dropped his fucking attitude. He wouldn't speak a word and continued to push food around on his plate. Either he was faking a lack of appetite to get sympathy or he was trying to delay having to go back to his room.

"Did he apologize to you yet?" I asked Angelo.

"Yes, and his room his clean again." He replied.

Ghost wouldn't look at me. I put my finger under his chin and lifted his head. "Hey, I'm sorry I had to be so hard on you. But," I sighed, "You bit Angelo. You can't bite and hit people. Is there a reason you acted out like you did?"

"...I was upset you weren't home. I just want to spend time with you and you're always working." He murmured.

"I'm sorry, Baby, but me working is what keeps food in that pretty mouth of yours. If you stay on completely good behavior, and I mean not one single backlash at Angelo or anyone else, we'll see about shortening your grounding." I said.

He smile softly, though I could see he was still upset. "Thank you, Daddy. Is it okay if I come out of my room tomorrow to meet your new slaves?"

"I suppose, as long as you're polite." I replied.

Ghost found some comfort in my leniency. He was so beautiful, but he had to be so damn naughty. Sometimes, it can be apart of his charm. This wasn't one of those times though. I saw remorse in him and I hope he would truly turn things around this time.

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Nikki, sweet Nikki, sometimes he drives me crazy. He called me early this boring, begging for me to take a third slave. Something about a deal falling through or some other outsourcer leaving. I suppose with Angelo moved upstairs, I do have the room. The question is, do I have the patience? He sounded desperate, and promised to give me a gender fluid one to help my Ghost situation. I hesitantly agreed.

Here we are again. I have three new slaves standing in my entry way, all looking like they needed punishment. They had done nothing wrong, but I just had that itch. I wanted to hurt someone. I needed to hurt someone. Unfortunately for these sluts, one of them will pay the price tonight. After Nikki and I handled the paperwork, he introduced me to the new cuts. I was saddened by the fact that I didn't get to hand pick this batch, but he did a decent job in giving me something of my taste.

"Asher here is the definition of numb. Try as I fucking might, I can't get him to react to pleasure or pain. Have fun with that one." Nikki said as he yanked by the long, straight black hair of the first in line. He released his grip on Asher and grabbed the second one by the throat, "This little fuck is Blake. He has a really obedience issue. And finally," He sighed and pulled the last one's head back by his hair, "This is Friday. She's Joy 2.0. Enjoy your stay here, sluts. You'll miss my mercy after a week here."

I laughed casually, "Have a nice drive home."

"Goodnight and good riddance!" He chirped and almost skipped out the door.

"Well, someone was happy to make you all my problem. That means I must have a lot of work ahead of me. Take in your last breath of fresh air for the next few weeks. It's pretty stale in the basement. That, will be your new home. You will respect my staff by referring to them as sir or ma'am, and you call me Master at all times. This little fox," I gestured back to where Ghost stood beside Angelo, "Is the Mistress of the house. You only speak when spoken to, and you never disrespect anyone. Even a fellow slave. When you are spoken to, you respond.

I expect proper posture and eye line at all times. You do not hesitate and you do not disobey. I will not let any mistakes or disobedience go lightly. Pleasure is earned. Whether you are receiving reward or punishment, you thank me. You always ask permission to please me or touch me, and you always ask permission to cum. That goes without saying," I smirked as I stopped at Friday, "Do I make myself clear, Princess?"

She rolled her tongue along the inside of her cheek. Sassing me, she responded, "Yes, Master."

Oh, I'm already seeing Joy's spirit inside of her. I grabbed her by her hair and yanked her down to the ground. Friday seethed a cry of pain. She didn't want me to know I had managed to hurt her, but I knew very well that I did. I've got a long road ahead of me with these ones.

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