Chapter 18 | New Highs

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Yeah, alright. I'll admit it: I have a little bit of a soft spot for Ricky. He has the eyes of a freaking puppy Husky. How can you ever be cruel towards something so pure? He has a body built for sin though. It was driving me crazy that I've gone this long without fucking him. He hasn't even touched my dick and that's unacceptable.

I sent Ghost out for the day. He went to go do whatever him and Vinny do together. Angelo tagged along, per Ghost's request. I think it's good to get both of them out of the house a bit. The rest of the slaves have had a rough past twenty four hours. Between me giving Blake such a tough punishment and Kuza coming to visit, they could use a break. Kuza never is very nice with my toys. He always has returned them in rough shape, since we were kids even. A teddy bear won't heal though, but a slave will, with time.

After checking on the slaves, I headed upstairs to get any work for the day out of the way. About ten minutes into responding to emails, Ricky was at my office door just as I told him to be. I glanced over at him to see he was done up well. He probably figured out he's the only one being put to work today. Meaning he's going to end up with the most important job I give my slaves.

I finished writing down the sentence I was on, then gestured him over. "Sit here," I pointed to the ground beside me, "While I finish working."

He did as he was asked. There's never been a time he's disobeyed me. He's had his times of hesitation, but he is truly a good slave. He's just scared of the unknown and I can't blame him. I returned to fishing through emails. Every now and then I wrote down things in my notepad or day planner. Despite how successful I am in my work, I've never gotten an assistant. Besides the fact I feel like I couldn't trust one, it's not exactly easy to find one. How do you post a job ad for the secretary to a slave trader? Yeah, exactly.

I broke away from the email I was on to give him a little attention. As I pet my hand across his hair, he was obviously tense. "What's making you so nervous?" I asked, though I already knew.

"Nothing, Sir." He murmured, "I'm just a nervous person, I guess."

"Ricky," I sighed as I placed my finger under his chin, guiding him to look at me, "You know I prefer honesty."

He resisted looking me directly in the eyes since he's taught not to. His eyes instead lingered at my chest as I leaned over to talk to him. Ricky swallowed a lump in his throat, then replied, "I have been your slave a long time now, Master, and you haven't had sex with me. I have a feeling that's going to change today and I'm scared."

I gently placed a kiss on his forehead, "You're very intuitive. I do have plans for us today, but I promise I will not hurt you. You've done nothing to deserve it, after all."

He managed a small smile, "Thank you, Sir."

Normally slave owners aren't supposed to kiss our slaves. It's a sign of affection that should be saved for loved ones. We're not supposed to love them at all. I wouldn't stretch it as far as love, but I do care for Ricky. The last time I've felt like this towards a slave was with Ghost. Look what happened. I used to go through slaves like a shark goes through small fish. Then I collided with Ghost and it's all become history.

Him and Ricky were the complete opposite as slaves though. Ghost was so fucking obstinate and disobedient. Normally I only ever get slaves from Nikki when it came to whom I took in myself. However, I do run the trades of several companies. I ran across Ghost in another company's roster. There was something so attractive about him. Despite the fact that he fought me constantly, I became addicted to him. Eventually every drug stops working and you have to find a new way to get high.

As I finished going through my emails, I realized I had one from Ash. She was informing me that Asher and Blake will be picked up in two days to be brought to a private auction. Then she said that someone brought her a private offer for Friday and asked how quickly she could be made available. Private offer? She hasn't been shown to anyone. At least, not as long as she's been with me. I suppose someone could have come back for her. There's always the possibility that someone bought her just off her case file but no one would be that crazy.

I told Ash she could pick Friday up tomorrow afternoon. She needs rest before she gets thrown into a new home, but I didn't tell her that part. This whole thing seemed strange and I had a feeling it was about to be a lot for Friday. She just got used to this place and got used to me. Honestly, I do feel bad, but it's the nature of the business.

Before I even finished standing up from my desk, Ash text me "Friday's new owner isn't going to be happy he has to wait twenty four hours."

I replied, "That's not my problem. Kuza beat the shit out of her last night and I'm not forcing her to go directly to a new Master after that."

"Fair enough." She said. She's got some compassion left for slaves, thankfully. Nikki just sees them as items anymore. He does have to work with them much more than her. He's probably had to force himself to become this rough boss.

"Up." I instructed Ricky. Normally I would just use hand signals but I like talking to him. He rose to his feet and I gestured for him to follow me. Once we came to the main hallway, I told him, "I want you to go down this hallway, take a left, and go wait outside my bedroom door for me. I have to run downstairs real quick. Understood?"

"Yes, Sir." He replied.

I headed off towards the basement. Ricky turned and walked down the hallway I asked him to. Hopefully Ghost won't find out I had sex with one of the slaves in our bed because he will flip the fuck out on me. I just figured it would make Ricky more comfortable. Most slaves really get no compassion in losing their virginity and I hate that. They are still human beings with delicate emotions.

Once I got down to the basement, that was a thought that continued through my head. Asher really got away with doing nothing yesterday so I did put him on cleaning duty. As for Blake and Friday though, those two were out like a light. I'll tell them later. Asher was currently sitting in front of one of the amours, reorganizing the items inside. I do tend to be bad about just throwing shit back so it wasn't exactly the cleanest in there.

Kneeling down beside him, I talked quietly as not to wake the others, "Ashley just told me that you and Blake will be put up for auction at a private event in a few days. I just wanted you to know so you can mentally prepare yourself. Please tell him when he wakes up."

"Yes, Sir." He replied. Asher took a glance back at the beds, then straight ahead again. "Sir, what about Friday?"

"She's going somewhere different, but don't tell her that. I want to be the one to tell her." I said. Then I stood up, leaving him to finish his chores. I'd surely finished my own work for the day, meaning it was time I get to play...

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