Chapter 23 | An Empty House

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Stress. I fucking hate stress. That's why I need so many holes to fuck because it's the only way I can relax. Ghost left to see his parents today. He'll be gone for two weeks. I'm not worried about that at all though. That actually takes a little stress off of me. I'm worried about Friday getting her ass beat by Kuza... or worse. I'm worried about Blake and Asher going to good owners. Though I couldn't bother myself to go to the auction this time. I just wasn't in the mood.

Most of all, I'm worried about where my heart is wondering off to in concerns to Ricky. I find myself appreciating the little things about him. Things I shouldn't even notice because he's just a slave. He's not my boyfriend or fiancé or even in the running to be either. He's just a slave. At some point, Ghost was just a slave. We all know how that ended up. It's hard to believe where we were just two years ago.


I flinched back as Ghost attempted to spit in my face for the hundredth time. With his hands and feet bound, he couldn't kick or hit me. It was his only way of being a little bitch. I guess he could always bite me but even he knows better than that. I would have to give his bitch ass to Kuza if he ever did that shit.

It amazes me how he can still keep that vicious bitchy look on his face even after I glare at him with the anger of a bull. I wiped his spit off of my face slowly. Then forced my fingers down his throat. He tried to get away by moving his head back but he had nowhere to go. I grabbed the back of his hair and forced him to gag on my fingers. There were tears forming in his eyes. I turned him towards the side, over the sink, and pulled my hand away a second before he vomited.

I pulled his head up by his hair and clutched my hand around his jaw. "You want to fucking spit on me, you little bitch? I'll make you fucking throw up. Cunts like you don't deserve food in their fucking stomach." I sneered, "Spit on me again, I will back you puke again. Every single fucking time until you're dry heaving. I'll fucking force you to eat just so you have something to throw up if I have to."

Ghost didn't say anything. He just tried to fight away from me more. Where the Hell does he think he's going to go? Even if he wasn't bound and he managed to run away from me, I would find him. It would take a goddamn chainsaw to get his collar off. There's a tracking chip in it. He's not getting away anytime soon.

"Sit still!" I yelled at him, but he wouldn't, "You fucking cunt! That's it. That's fucking it."

I threw him down on the dirty tile of the bathroom. Stepping over him, I went over to the tub. It's rarely ever used because I force the slaves to shower whenever they do get to bathe themselves. The only reason I haven't pulled it out of here is because it has a good use. I turned on the water and let it fill up the tub. While I waited on it to get full, I picked the whip back off the floor.

With my foot, I pushed Ghost over onto his back. Little fuck couldn't sit still to save his fucking life. I struck him against his stomach as hard as I fucking could. This cunt has been the bane of my existence for way too long. I'm convinced there's no way to train him. I refuse to believe I can't get a slave to behave. The red marks on his stomach were rising but he wasn't calming down. He still screamed with each hit, yet he wouldn't learn his fucking lesson.

The water in the tub was full enough. I threw aside the flogger and turned off the faucet. Ghost was trying his best to at least get up. He wasn't too fond of that dirty floor. Somehow he managed to get up on his knees. That's just a little less moving I have to do, so he did me a favor. I made the signal for him to kneel in front of the tub. He saw it but blatantly ignored me.

"Get your fucking ass over here, right now!" I shouted at him.

"Bite me." He snarled.

I grabbed him by the ropes tying up his arms and dragged him over to the tub. "You fucking bitch." I grumbled, "You don't deserve the air you breathe."

Throwing him over the edge of the tub, he groaned when his hips collided with the edge. I forced his head below the water. He managed to hold his breath for a good amount of time but eventually started to kick. I waited until I knew he was on the verge of having his lungs fill up to pull his head back up. Ghost coughed and sputtered.

"If you apologize right now, I can stop and you can choke on cock instead of water." I informed him.

He just glared at me out of the corner of his eye. Some days he actually does behave. Today was not that day. I forced him back under the water, this time pulling him up quicker. However, I didn't give him nearly as much breathing time and forced him back under almost immediately. I repeated this over and over again, still not feeling like I had gotten all my anger out.

"Please!" I heard him finally plea after about ten rounds of this, "Master!"

I pulled him back until his neck was bent all the way back. "Speak."

"I..." He gasped for air, his chest falling and rising rapidly, "I'm sorry, Master. Please... I can't take anymore."

I'll give him this; He knows his limits. Some slaves have too much pride to ask for me to stop. Ghost had never gotten this bad before. He's never known a punishment this strict. A part of me actually felt bad for him. There were tears streaming down his face and his makeup was smeared all over his face. He had had enough.

"What are you sorry for?" I asked.

"I'm sorry I disobeyed you, spit on you, hit you, kicked you, and I'm sorry I tried to run away." He murmured. Ghost still wasn't happy that he had to give into me.

I let go of his head and instead wrapped my hand around his neck. "Who fucking owns you?"

After taking in a few more breaths, he said, "You own me, Master."

"That's fucking right." I mused. Then I shoved him down to the floor and let him just lay there. He needs to sit in the dark and just think about what he did. I don't think he's fully grasped the concept of submission. I'll make that bitch understand.


Ghost did eventually learn to submit to me, but only when I started to treat him more lovingly. Even then, he would fight me. I don't think there ever was a time when Ghost fully submitted to me. He was a horrid slave. How I ended up falling in love with him, fuck only knows. Maybe I secretly crave mental agony. That would explain why I'm putting myself in this situation.

Blake and Asher were already gone for their auction. The only people in the house were Angelo and Ricky. Right now, I fear seeing Ricky's face because every moment I do, my heart grows more fond of him. I fucking hate it. How am I supposed to stay dedicated to Ghost this way? Without even trying, I'm pulling away from one and getting pushed towards another. Fuck.

I sat in my arm chair in the living room. It looked like something straight out of Addam's Family. This was my place to sit and think. The problem was I was done thinking. I think too fucking much. That's how I end up making bad decisions is because I overthink.

"Angelo!" I yelled for him.

Moments later, he rushed in. He slowed down to a proper speed when he reached the doorway to the living room. I still knew he ran because he didn't want to keep me waiting. He'll still always be a good slave, even if I don't see him as one. I do still actually own him but I don't make him wear a collar.

"Yes, Sir?" He asked softly.

I sighed, "Look, um, Blake and Asher are gone now. It's just you and Ricky in the house. Ricky, as you know, is actually pretty inexperienced and I need a fix... A good fix. I know I normally don't make you do anything sexual but would you mind servicing me? Just this once?"

He seemed a little taken back that I asked. Not in a bad way, but still shocked. "Of course, Sir."

Angelo knelt down in front of me. I unbuckled my belt, then let him take over. He went slower than most slaves. Most just want to get to aggressively sucking you off. Angelo took his time to lick up and down my shaft. He teased me but I didn't mind. It got my mind off of everything. And fuck, he knew what he was doing. I ran my hand through his long hair and enjoyed the feeling of him swallowing my cock.

Not only does he obey well, he's amazing at blowjobs. He's a perfect slave. If I ever decided to sell him, he'd go for a lot. I shouldn't need a reason to get rid of him as so long as he needs to take care of Ghost. Who fucking knows how the next two weeks are going to go though.

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Hey babes! I have a new story over on ScrantondailKittens called "The Devil's Men". It's Sitkolson/Angeless and a collab with the awesome dxvilsnight :)

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