Chapter 26 | Tears

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Part of my heart actually hurt. I was actually feeling bad. I was actually considering stopping this. What the actual fuck is wrong with me?! Ghost is a fucking slave. I've made plenty cry in my time and not felt a fucking thing. The tears in his eyes, they were weighing down my chest for some reason.

Kuza finally let go of him. It's impressive how long he can swing a whip without his arm getting tired, to be honest. Ghost crumbled to the floor so hard, you would've thought his legs were broken. He had finally broken. I should feel satisfied, but I wasn't. I felt... I don't know? Disappointed? No, disheartened.

His torso was beat red from countless lashes of a flogger. Kuza had cut the word "SLAVE" into his stomach. I won't take a blade to my slaves skin but I didn't argue with him when he did. He was doing this for free, after all. The least I could do was respect his training methods. It was what I believe actually pushed Ghost over the edge. He was shaking and in tears, but he was finally submitting.

"Give us a moment." I somberly said.

With clenched fists, he headed out of the den. I stood up from the arm chair slowly. Standing over Ghost, I watched as his thin frame hiccupped over and over again from the stress. He's not the smallest of slaves but he is rather thin from not eating. I could see his ribs under his pale skin. He covered up his chest with his arms. Either it was for comfort or his gender dysphoria was getting to him. Maybe both. He was pretty fucking vulnerable right now.

"Get to your knees." I calmly, yet sternly told him.

Ghost rolled over onto his stomach. He fought to push himself up with his arms. They were shaking like leaves. He managed to put his knees under himself and get in a proper slave position. Slowly, he put his hands behind his back. He kept his head down as his chest continued to rake up and down with his sobs. Ghost was trying to stop crying but he just couldn't.

I kneeled down in from of him. As I reached for his face, he trembled like a small dog in the winter. "It's alright," I soothingly spoke, "I won't hurt you. You've had enough."

"Th-Tha-ank y-you, Master." He murmured, "I-I'm... I'm sorry... I-I was s-so bad..."

"So am I." I sighed.

Keeping my hand along his jawline, I leaned in and kissed his forehead. Even that I should have never done. It was out of place for an owner to do to his slave. That's why it made it so much worse that I decided to kiss him on his lips. For the slip second it lasted, I felt something different. I felt something kissing a fucking slave. What the fuck is wrong with me? That's why I don't blame Kuza for what followed.

He had been watching from the doorway without me knowing. I should've expected he wouldn't leave us alone. It was his house anyways. He had every right to keep an eye on his guests. The second my lips touched Ghost's, he was at my side. He grabbed me by my arm and pulled me back. Kuza slapped me across my face. His ring was going to leave a Hell of a bruise.

"The fuck is wrong with you?" He sneered and pointed at Ghost, "That is a fucking slave. They are less than human. You might as well put your lips on a dog. It would be a fucking improvement. Do you not understand that?"

I shrugged his hand off of my arm, "Degrade them all you want, Mike. They still have fucking emotions." I stood back up to be at his level, "I was just trying to comfort him."

"He doesn't need comforting because his emotions don't fucking matter. He's a goddamn slave and I will not stand for anyone, even you, treating a slave that way in my house. It's no wonder you needed me to train him. You've treated him as if he was your boyfriend."

"It was a one time thing," I replied, "He's fucking scared to death. I'm convinced you don't have any compassion in your body."

"Maybe you have too much. You run a slave trade, not a daycare. If you're going to act this way, I suggest you leave." He spoke with such a dead voice. The majority of the time he always sounded dead or pissed or both. He just never talked to me that way before.

"I think that's for the best." I said.


Nikki, despite raising so many gay or trans slaves, had no interest in anything with male anatomy. Yet, he still seemed to thrive off of hearing about them getting railed. With his drink in his hand, he gestured towards Ricky, "Have you broken him in yet?" He asked.

My arm rested over the side of my chair, gently petting Ricky's hair. He was sat on the floor beside me. I raised the soda in my other hand up to my lips. As I lowered it, I replied, "I took his virginity, if that's what you're wondering. There hasn't been much 'breaking' though. He's been a very good boy. I haven't had a need to break him."

"Don't tell me you're going soft on another slave." Kuza scoffed. He'll never let that one go.

"He's not a slave. He's a pet." I informed him, "I bought him as a slave, but I decided I wanted a pet. I wasn't going to spend more money on getting one when I had a slave perfectly suitable for adapting to being one."

He sighed dramatically, "It'll end up the same as last time."

"Ryan let Joy up on the couch and he kisses her on the lips. I don't see you bitching him out." I responded.

Kuza narrowed his eyes at me, "He's never set a slave free. In fact, he got rid of his last one because he got too attached. That's what you're supposed to do if you get attached to them. Ged rid of them."

"Boys," Ash interrupted us just as saw me start to get hot under the collar, "If you're going to fight, one of you has to leave."

He stood up before I could even say a word. Kuza grabbed a chunk full of Friday's hair and dragged her up to her feet. "I should be getting home anyways. Early meeting tomorrow." He grumbled as he turned for the door. We said nothing as he slammed in behind him. Fucking asshole. Sometimes he can get so fucking full of himself.

"There's something you want to say?" Ryan asked Joy and she nodded. "Go ahead."

She always got this anxious look on her face when she wanted to speak. It was one of the many distinict things I remember about her. Her emotions were and still are easy to read. "Please don't get rid of me, Master."

He gently pushed a lock of her hair behind her ear, "Oh, Sweetie, don't listen to Mike. I mean, yeah, he was telling the truth but I'm not going to do that with you. I won't ever get rid of you. I promise."

"Thank you, Master." She smiled. Hard to believe a few months ago I thought she was one of the worst slaves I've ever met. She's come a long fucking way.

"Ricky, come get in my lap." I whispered to him.

"Yes, Master." He murmured and got up.

I couldn't stand going this long without holding him. He was too precious and small to not want to hold. Kind of like a baby or a puppy. I draped his legs over mine and let him lean his back against my arm.

"How long has he been a pet?" Nikki asked.

"Oh," I sighed, "Since about ten minutes ago. I just needed to have an excuse to get Mike off my back. I have actually genuinely been considering it though. It's not the sweet intimate moment I hoped it could be, but hey, at least I finally made it happen."

It was completely true. I had been considering making him my pet for sometime now. It's actually much more extreme submission than slavery. As a pet, his thoughts will very rarely be his own. He will have to rely on me for even more than he did as a slave. It's easy to mentally lose yourself that way. I think Ricky can handle it though. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying he's mentally stable, but I know he's submissive enough to fill the roll.

Now I've got slaves, a little, and a pet. It's a lot to handle for one man... He just looks so pretty propped up in my lap. I couldn't help myself.

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