Chapter 28 | Used Toys

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Though I had another week without Ghost, I did have to return to working. Taking two weeks off was quite a lot for me. What can I say? I'm a workaholic. Although they say if you love what you do, it's not work at all. We'll see about that. I do enjoy it most of the time but it can be frustrating. Rather, I should say, my students can be frustrating.

Why can't they all be sweethearts like Ricky? He had absolutely no problem becoming my pet. I bet not. He gets treated much better than he would as a slave. I've never had a human pet before. It's really nice. They listen so well and it's pleasant to always have someone at your side. Whether you need your cock sucked or just want someone to cuddle with, they're always there. They require much more attention but I'm fine with that.

Today was the day I get a new batch of slaves. Nikki seemed egger about this group when I last spoke with him. I fucking hope he doesn't give me another troubled case. He likes to because he says I can figure them out easily. That's easy for him to say because he doesn't see the work that goes into it. I would like a few slaves that are decent and I don't have to exert myself in disciplining.

I rested my arm on the end of the banister of the staircase. Ricky was sat at my feet, on his knees like a good boy. The maid held the door open while Nikki led there young men into the entryway of my house. Incase you're wondering, any of my help, like the maids, aren't directly told of what goes on. I'm sure they figure it out but I pay them enough that they shut their fucking mouths. They'll never find a boss that will pay them as well as I do.

These three were different than any previous slaves. They had been worn down much more and it was obvious. Two of them were small, almost skin and bones. The other wasn't though. He was fit, but not a twink. It's rare you ever see a slave that isn't tiny but they do exist. Some people out there actually like that.

"They seem to actually behave." I commented when I noticed all of them had eye lines pointed forward. "Although, every time you give me a tranny, they're always little bitches."

"Hm?" Nikki glanced back at the group of them, "You mean Yuki? No, he's not trans. Just very, very feminine. Thought after Friday and Joy, I'd give you a break."

I sighed out of relief, "Thank you. So, there's no catch with them?"

"Shae and Kettil can be a little obstinate but other than that, they're well trained. I'm going to try to sell them privately. Ben has a party next week that I think I'll bring Kettil and Yuki to. Shae is... going to be a little more difficult to find someone for." He said.

"You always thought Ghost was going to be difficult to sell because he was six foot, but I snatched him up pretty quickly. You just have to find the right buyer." I replied.

"Easy for you to say. You're not the one that has to do it. Each of these three have had owners before. They've been disregarded for various reasons, none that you should worry about."

I scoffed, "You say that kind of shit to me, I'm going to worry. Although I still haven't figured out what's so wrong with Angelo that he got pushed around so much."

Nikki turned his head away and muttered something I didn't catch. He pushed himself away from the wall as he responded, "I better head out. Text me if you need anything."

"Alright... Have a good evening."

"Yeah, you too." He mumbled as he headed for the door.

Well, that was... Weird. Someday I'll get it out of him what exactly is so fucking wrong with Angelo. He's done everything I've ever asked and performs like a dream. I couldn't possibly imagine what was wrong with him. As for these three, I'm sure they've been disregarded for reasons like owners losing interest or deciding to trade. Shit like that happens all the time.

"Welcome to my home." I spoke strongly, "You will refer to me as Sir or Master. You respect my staff and refer to them as Sir or Ma'am. The Mistress of the house is not home right now, but if you are to encounter him, I expect you treat him with the utmost respect." I knelt down and placed my hand along Ricky's jaw, "This is my little pet, Ricky. Though he does serve me, he means more to me than any of you ever will. You respect him just as you would me.

Nikki mentioned you're all seasoned slaves, but just incase, I will go over the rules. You will sleep, eat, shower, get punished and fucked in the basement. That will be your home. When I am not down there, you are free to roam the area but you do not leave it. When I am down there, I expect you all in a waiting position on your beds.

Do not speak unless spoken to. Your eye line is always forward and your posture is always proper. You do not hesitate when I speak to you and you do not disobey. I can be rather generous with punishment, so I advise you to stay in line. You always ask to please me and you thank me if I let you. You thank me if I please or punish you, and of course, you always ask permission to cum."

I approached Kettil. From the vibes I got from these three, he seemed to be the sluttiest. I had a feeling I would have the most issue out of him, but nothing compared to some of my past troubled cases. "Are we clear?" I asked him.

"Yes, Sir." He replied. His voice was soft, but I bet I can make it loud. I grabbed a fist full of his hair and yanked his head back. He uttered a small breath but nothing more.

I smirked, "Good boy. You know, a body like that, it's going to get you in trouble." Letting go of him, I turned my attention back to my favorite toy. I leaned over and placed a kiss on his head, "Go lay down in my bed for a bit. I'm going to get the newbies settled in."

"Yes, Master."

Ricky rose to his feet. He scurried upstairs. I couldn't help myself from smiling as I watched his cute ass. That smile quickly faded once I returned to my new slaves. Shae, I didn't care too much for. Yuki was cute, but Kettil... I couldn't wait to ruin him. He had a sexy little body that I wanted to bruise.

I grabbed him by his arm and yanked him along, "Let's go. All three of you."

Kettil stayed quiet as I pulled him towards the basement. The other two followed but I didn't care much about them right now. Once we reached the basement, I threw him into the couch that was closest to the stairs.

"The beds are at the back of the room. We'll see how well you two were listening." I looked back at Kettil, "As for you, you're going to show me what your pretty mouth can do."

Shae and Yuki calmly walked back to the four beds against the farthest wall. They sat down on them in a waiting position. Good. I didn't want to have to punish anyone right now. My cock was desperate for a hole to fuck. I don't get that rough for Ricky, but that doesn't mean I've lost my need to be rough.

I signaled Kettil to get down in front of me. He knew his hand signals too. Oh, thank fuck. Nikki actually gave me good slaves to foster for once. Kettil watched eagerly as I palmed myself through my jeans. He was a slut. I could just see it in his eyes.

"May I suck your cock, Sir?" He asked softly.

"Yes, you may." I replied.

Taking my hand away, I allowed him to undo my belt and zipper. He was rather intrigued to find how big my cock was. At first he went slow. Sometimes I like that, but not tonight. I grabbed him by his soft hair and forced him down to my base. As I pulled his head back, he gagged. Kettil wiped his mouth but it wasn't of much use. He's going to get covered in spit when I'm done with him. Oh, it's been so long since I've given a good throat fucking.

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