Chapter 29 | Forbidden Love

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Ricky looked so adorable tangled up in my sheets. I had planned to come play around with him, but I decided against it. Instead, I went into the bathroom and took a shower quietly. Fucking Kettil's pretty little mouth was enough for me. I didn't feel like getting rough with anyone anymore tonight. Honestly, I just wanted to fall asleep with someone in my arms.

I know I should be hoping that someone was Ghost, but I wasn't. Knowing it would be Ricky actually made me rather happy. At this point, I think we've established my heart is growing softer and softer for him. As days go by, I can't continue to try to shrug this feeling off. If I set him free, the others will never look at me the same again. Doing it for one slave was on thing, but another? I might as well quit the business all together if I do that.

As I came out of the bathroom, Ricky started to wake up. I leaned over the bed and ran my hand across his hair. "It's okay, Sweetie. Just go back to sleep." I whispered.

He didn't argue and let his eyes slip shut again. Once I had gotten some boxers on, I got in bed beside him. He naturally snuggled up to me. He's not supposed to without permission but I couldn't care less. I'm not a fucking monster, okay? I don't even think he was fully awake when he did it. I'm not going to punish him for something he did subconsciously. Besides, even if he was awake, I wouldn't have complained. I'm just happy to have him in my arms.

| | |

A week later and it was the day Ghost finally was coming home. I'm not as excited as I should be. Is that really a shock at this point? There's love loss between us and that's become crystal clear to me. I'm surprised he didn't try to move back his flight home even further. Maybe I wouldn't be so upset about the situation if it weren't for Ricky.

He and I walked down to the basement. These old floors creaked under my feet. I preferred it, actually. Aside from enjoying the age of the house, it gave the slaves a warning I was coming down. They were all settled in their proper positions by the time I got down there.

"Go sit down, Sweetie." I told Ricky as I nodded my head towards his bed.

He hadn't had to sleep here in awhile. I didn't like it just as much as him. Ricky looked so damn pathetic back on that shabby twin bed. He didn't belong here. I've gotten used to touching him barehanded, but I had put my gloves on to deal with the slaves. Starting at the opposite end of where my sweet pet rested, I stopped in front of Shae's bed first.

He was so different compared to most slaves. Not just in physical appearance, but in demeanor. Shae wasn't petrified like the others. He held a look in his eyes similar to a war vet. As if he knew he was just doing his time and he accepted that fact. There was nothing to correct on him, aside from his clothes being a little disheveled. I wasn't in the mood to overanalyze today.

Yuki seemed a little more nervous when I reached him. This past week, I haven't really touched any of them aside from Kettil. He must've known I will eventually. Luckily for him, it won't be this morning. Maybe not even today. We'll see how things go when Ghost gets home. I grabbed his chin in my hand and turned his head to the side. There was a mark on his neck of smeared makeup.

At first, I thought it was just sloppiness. Then I realized the color. Yuki tended to wear pink or orange-ish lip glosses. The mark on his neck was dark red, almost black, lipstick. I looked over at Kettil, seeing his lips lacking any color today. That only left one person to blame. Oh, c'mon. This was supposed to be the not fucked up group! Give me a fucking break!

"I'll deal with you later." I growled, whipping his head to the side.

He whimpered a little and turned forward again. I continued walking down the end of the beds. Kettil looked fine. He had kept up surprisingly well this week. For being so thin, he takes abuse well. I finally stopped in front of Ricky's bed. He sits more like a pet now, with his legs pushed off to the side of himself. I adored the way her looked like that.

For a moment, I just stared to take in every detail of him. I didn't want to do this. He looked so beautiful in the proper collar. No matter what, he looked beautiful. It's just... I don't know. I'm a man of many words and thoughts, but I lose them whenever I look into his blue eyes.

I straightened myself out and walked over to the dresser near me. Opening it, I picked up a protection collar. This was my standard for my slaves. For anyone in my position, it also would be. I sat down beside Ricky on the bed. Reaching behind his neck, I slowly began to undo his current collar.

"I want you all to understand, even though I'm doing this, it does not change a thing. I'm only changing Ricky's collar because I don't want my fiancé to know he's my pet. Not yet anyways. I still expect you treat him just as well as you have been." I said.

A sigh left my lips as I pulled his collar off. I brought the other around his neck and secured it. Since it was a basic slave collar, it wasn't as intricate as his pet collar. Standing up, I took the pet collar in my hand and put it back in the dresser. Ricky was uncomfortable this way and I couldn't blame him. He didn't feel like my Ricky without his pet collar.

Leaning over the side of his bed, I kissed the top of his head. "I'm going to deal with Yuki. Ghost should be home by the time I'm done. After I get him all settled and everything, I'll come back and see you. Okay?"

"Okay, Master." He muttered.

"Are you okay, Sweetie?" I asked.

"I miss my pet collar already. I understand why I can't have it though." He responded.

I sighed, "I'm sorry. I don't like this either. Maybe... Depending on how things go today, I might finally tell Ghost. Like I said, it all depends on how things go." I backed up from him and lost my soft demeanor. Looking over at Yuki, I said, "Follow me."

He stepped down from his bed and trailed behind me. The majority of the dungeon was open space except for two side rooms. One of which was the bathroom and the other was a private room with shackles on the wall. The second would be where I brought him. It was small in here but it was soundproof.

Pressing him between myself and the wall, I glared down at him, "I value honesty extremely. It is in your best interest if you are completely honest in answering me. Why do you have Shae's lipstick smeared on your neck?"

Yuki was exported here though human trafficking. He originally was born and raised in Japan. So, his English isn't the best. He understands it better than he can speak it. That's the only reason I allow him some leniency in hesitating to answer me.

"He and I... are in love, Sir... We have been for a long time. I am very sorry, Sir." He softly said.

In love? Two slaves, in love? It explains why Shae acts the way he does. He accepts his slavery just so long as he can be with Yuki. They definitely are an odd couple in an odd situation. So far, they have been lucky enough not to be separated. This weekend, Nikki's taking Yuki and Kettil to a private party to try to sell them.

I sighed, "Does Nikki know?"

"No, Sir." Yuki replied.

"Consider yourself lucky that you've caught me at a time where my heart has gone a little soft. If this had happened even two months ago, I probably would've made you bleed for it. I'm feeling generous these days. For punishment, I want you to clean this entire room. Don't miss a spot. Depending on how I feel later, I might give you a whipping."

"Thank you, Sir." He murmured.

Being torn away from the one you love is enough torture. I figured I'd cut him some slack, knowing those two would probably never see each other again.

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