Chapter 32 | Truth & Betrayal

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I cracked my knuckles as I walked across the basement floorboards. Under my velvet gloves and the utter silence, the sound pieced like an arrow. Ricky trailed behind me but he doesn't ever make a sound when he walks. Though I consider him more of a human pet, I do like to refer to him as my little kitten. He's quiet, small, sweet, innocent, all like a kitten.

"Shae," I spoke as I approached the beds, "Take Ricky into the black room and wait there until I tell you otherwise. You can talk if you want. It may be awhile."

"Yes, Sir." He responded and got up from his bed.

Ricky followed him over to that small side room that was soundproof. It could be comforting at times and cold at others. For now, it served as a safe place for Ricky to be away from my anger. He and I both don't like it when he sees me get pissed. For the sake of my health, I'll try to keep myself under control. We'll see how long that lasts.

I slowly paced over to Angelo's bed, "I don't think I have to tell you how much trouble you are in. You may be able to save yourself some pain if you promise to be completely honest with me." My hand carefully wrapped around his neck, "Are we understood?"

"Yes, Sir." He murmured.

"I own you," I seethed, "You call me Master."

"Yes, Master." Angelo replied, letting out a cough when I released my grip around his neck.

Where do I even start? I can't believe my own slave, the person who's sworn to serve me, and my fiancé, the one that swore he loved me, both fucking did this to me. Don't call my a hypocrite. Yes, I slept with Ricky in our bed, but he was still getting fucked as a slave. Ghost was very well aware and okay with me fucking slaves. I never told him he could get under one himself.

"Was last night the first time this happened?" I asked.

"No, Sir," He caught himself and corrected, "Master."

Oh, of course it wasn't. He wasn't that unlucky that he'd get caught his first time around. They've had plenty of time to fuck around together while I worked my ass off to give them the fucking roof over their head.

My next question was, "How long has this been going on?"

"Since the night he threw a tantrum and bit me. When he came to apologize to me the next day, he got rather... Friendly." He explained.

Like that's a fucking surprise. Ghost is such a slut. I should've known he'd never stay faithful to me. Angelo, though I know he likes cock a lot, he would never go out of his way to get someone else's unless it was presented to him. I tightened my firsts as I thought back to the night in my head. That was back right after Nikki sold Joy and Alexander... Making that over two fucking months ago.

"Two months." I scoffed, "You two have been going around my back two fucking months? I'd bargain to guess there's been a little more than the innocent kissing I saw last night."

"Yes, Master..."

"Tell me how far it's gotten, in detail." I growled.

He hesitated. Oh, for fuck's sake. He can deep throat a cock better than Ghost can but apparently he won't admit it out loud. Funny how fast a dirty mouth can go silent. Angelo swallowed down his fear, responding, "We've had sex together, multiple times. There was oral too, for both of us."

"I'm guessing you topped?" I asked.

"Yes, Master." He muttered.

I figured as much. No matter how dominant and pushy Ghost gets in bed, he still wants cock up his ass. This entire thing left me more angered with Ghost than I ever could be with Angelo. He may have disrespected my authority, but I did instruct all my slaves to listen to Ghost. Truthfully, he does know better, and I won't let this go unpunished.

"Is there anything else you'd like to divulge?" I offered, giving him a chance to earn a little more sympathy from me.

His mouth opened to speak but for a moment nothing came out. Angelo lowered his head, "He told me he wants to leave you. Not for me. I mean, just in general. He wants to leave but he knows he can't support himself fanatically right now."

My voice lowered but not in a sad way. In a 'I'm going to break his windpipe' kind of way. "When did he say that?"

"About a week before he left for his parents." He explained.

I seeped out a very deep breath. It took everything in me not to tear about this fucking room. As calm as I could, I walked over to the black room and pulled open the door. Whatever conversation Shae and Ricky were having cut off instantly. Seeing his sweet face helped some of the rage to disappear but the majority of it was here to stay.

"Shae, I have to leave the house for a bit. I'm putting you in charge of protecting Ricky. I don't want anyone to lay a fucking finger on him, and that includes my fiancé. Understood?"

He nodded shortly, "Yes, Sir."

"Good." I turned back around, addressing my problem, "I could punish you. I could make you bleed, cry. I could hurt you so badly that you'd wish you were dead. But, I'm not going to. I've had a little issue on the side that I believe you could be a perfect solution for." I tilted his head up with my finger to force him to look at me. While he shook in place, a sinister smile spread across my lips.

| | |

My hand came down on the black oak door in front of me. This house, though much smaller than my own, looked like it belonged to the Addams Family. Some shouting could be heard behind the door moments before it was opened. A smile spread across my lips to see Friday on the other side. She got a cute little grin when she saw me. The poor thing looked so depressed.

Kuza said something from inside the house that I didn't quite catch. I believe he asked if I was the one at the door, considering he was expecting me. She turned her head to speak over her shoulder, murmuring, "Yes, Master."

He sighed, walking down from the living room, "Well, let him in." He growled.

Friday did as she was told. She held the door open for Angelo and I. He whimpered as I tugged him along by the loop on his collar. The little slut isn't used to being handled this rough. Too fucking back. It's been a long time since I was at Kuza's house. Out of respect, I took off my shoes and jacket, instructing Angelo to do the same. Friday took our coats and hung them up in the closet beside the doorway.

"Why'd you bring him?" Kuza asked, seeming a little disgusted.

Angelo, to his knowledge at least, has gotten treated better than any slave ever should. Kuza wasn't all too happy with that. He sees a slave as a slave and nothing more. He'd never fall in love with one or even make one into an assistant like I had done with Angelo.

"What I wanted to discuss involves him. It'll also involve getting a massive 'I told you so' from you, but I'll have to learn to live with my mistakes." I replied, exhausted by this situation.

That finally perked his attention. With a smirk playing at his lips, he said, "Please, come sit in the living room with me. I'm very interested to know where this is going."

Of course he is. I followed, signaling Angelo to follow me. Friday took her place on the floor as he sat down on the couch. He gestured towards the adjacent arm chair. The last time I was in this chair was several years ago. Ghost had been on that floor in front of me, crying after Kuza had broken him. The fight we had that day, over me kissing Ghost, it took us a long time to recover from. Out friendship has still been a little cat and dog since.

The couch was a tight black leather and the chair I sat in was a suede-ish material. Kuza's house made mine look like Strawberry Shortcake's place. The man has a real fucking coffin in his dinning room, for fuck's sake. The only thing that wasn't black or a similarly dark shade was his pale skin.

"I'll spare you the details, for my own sake. Talking about this makes my blood boil and you know I've been trying to watch my blood pressure lately." I said.

"You don't seem to care about it when you're railroading a slave." He responded, "Would you like a drink?"

"No, thank you. And, sex is different. It may make my blood pressure go up but it doesn't make me see spots in my vision. What happened yesterday did though." I grabbed ahold of Angelo's hair and yanked his head back. "I walked in on this little slut and Ghost fucking around together. Turns out they've been having an affair together behind my back and Ghost has been planning on leaving me. The only reason he hasn't was because of money."

Kuza slowly took a drink off of his whiskey glass. He smirked, turning his head to the side for a moment. As if he couldn't believe this day had actually come. "I should feel like a dick for saying this but I don't, because I fucking told you so. I told you that setting him free would be the biggest mistake of your life. With some slaves, you give them an inch, they will take a mile. Ghost took about a thousand miles."

"Yeah, yeah. I know." I scoffed and leaned back, "You and Nikki both told me it was a stupid idea. I was blinded by love."

"I've told you before, people constantly say religion and money cause the most issues in our world. No. Love does. Love is the only thing that causes us to make selfless and illogical decisions, but that's fucking stupid in a dog eat dog world." He threw back another strong drink off his glass, "So, what? You want me to train Angelo for you? Like I did with Ghost?"

"Not exactly. Angelo is a rather good slave and he can take a beating. Much more than sweet little Friday can, and he actually deserves it, unlike her. I want to purpose a trade. Angelo for Friday." I suggested.

He actually seemed to consider it, which shocked me. Kuza motioned his hand upward to Angelo, "Stand."

"You're welcome to try him out, if you'd like." I added.

"I was just about to ask." He mused, "Come."

I grabbed him by his belt to stop him for a second. Standing up, I growled in his year, "Let me make this clear. Nikki had traded and sold you one too many times. If he gets you back, he will get rid of you, for good. So, I suggest you give the best fucking blowjob you've ever given in your fucking life." I gave him a shove and he stumbled a bit.

Angelo caught himself before falling over Friday. He stepped over her and knelt down in front of Kuza. What I told him wasn't a lie. Nikki doesn't want to push bad product. Angelo has run down his number of chances. I was supposed to be his last chance but I'm being generous enough to give him another. Let's hope for both his and Friday's sake he doesn't fuck this up.

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