Chapter 37 | Princess of Pain

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My little angel... has claws. I guess I always assumed Ghost was aggressive during sex out of defiance for me. Now, I see that's not exactly true. He just likes to be rough and abusive towards his partner. Being a dominant, I obviously wasn't too big of a fan of him calling the shots. The way he pushed me onto the bed and pulled at my shirt, it pissed me off.

I grabbed him by his wrist to get his attention. He broke out of his sex induced trance and glared at me. Ghost ripped his arm away from me. He's so adamant I don't treat him like I used to that even the slightest bit of aggressiveness on my part will royally piss him off.

"I'm still the top in this relationship, right?" I scoffed as I looked up at him sitting on my hips.

Ghost leaned forward to bring his face closer to mine. He pressed his hands down on my chest, responding, "Haven't you ever heard of a power bottom?"

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I want one. If you want to act like a shy little princess on the streets, I expect the same in the sheets." I said.

He turned his head to the side, twisting that malevolent smile, "Guess you're out of luck."

No, no, little lady. Not today. I'm still stronger than Ghost and I've got a few inches of height over him. I had the ability to flip him off of me but I probably only got away with it because I caught him off guard. I climbed on top of him, pinning his wrists near the sides of his head. He may be a princess, but I'm starting to think he's the princess of war.

Ghost lifted his knee between my legs to tease me. The little slut knows how to play the game. I loosened my grip on his wrists, thinking he was going to behave. Instead, he slipped his hands away and grabbed a fist full of my hair. With the other hand, he clawed down my cheek all while kissing me. It turned me bitter and I bit down on his lip to get him to stop.

He pulled back, glaring at me. Ghost chuckled like the crazy evil bitch he is, "You love me for everything you hate me for."

Flash forward

My chest rose and fell rapidly. I stared up at the ceiling tiredly. For the first time in a long time, my mind was clear. I wasn't lying there after sex feeling guilty. The irony of that? I felt guilty fucking my actual fiancé but I had no shame in coddling a slave. Ricky snuggled in closer to my chest. He did that cute thing where he glances up at me to make sure I wasn't mad. I could never get mad at those sweet eyes.

"Kiss me." I whispered to him.

Ricky turned around so he was in a better position for it. He rested his arm on my chest delicately while reaching up to my lips. His skin was as soft as a baby's. I could stay like this forever. Unfortunately there was a knock at the door that interrupted us. Sighing, I sat up in bed and Ricky did the same.

"Come in!" I called towards the door.

Friday shyly pushed the door open. She accidently caught my eyes and looked down. "Dinner is ready, Sir."

"Thank you. We'll be there in a minute." I responded, "Friday, do you like Ryan?"

She smiled a bit but tried to hide it. "Yes, Sir. He seems really nice."

"Good. Be on your best behavior for him tonight. Head back to him so we can get dressed." I said.

Friday closed the door softly. She was rather quiet. Most slaves are just out of habit. I still found it adorable nonetheless. Ricky and I pulled on our clothes and cleaned ourselves up. It only took about ten minutes, then we headed to the kitchen. It smelled wonderful, whatever it was. It's been awhile since I've had a really good meal. Ghost was never much of the cooking type and I never cared to keep a chef on staff. It was never worth it to me since it was just Ghost and I in the house.

"There's chicken alfredo on the stove. Help yourself." Ryan told me, "How do you usually feed your slaves?"

"Whenever I'm not around. I usually give them food in the mornings while I'm checking on them but I never stick around to watch them eat. As far as Ricky goes, he's aloud to eat like a human. The only time I make slaves eat like pets is as humiliation." I explained.

"I'm the same way. If you'd like anything to drink, just ask Joy. She knows where everything is." Ryan responded, taking a seat on the couch.

He wasn't exactly mister formal. I should've expected he wouldn't eat dinner at the table like a normal person. Joy crawled up next to him on the couch and he handed her a small bowl of food. She looked too comfortable to both. I found my way around the kitchen fine and got myself something to drink. Then I got myself and Ricky some food.

I sat down in the arm chair adjacent to the couch. Ricky got on the floor and crossed his legs. Though there was enough room on the couch for her, he did made Friday sit on the floor. Presumably because he still had to favor Joy. Like he said, that's his baby. If I ever got a second slave or pet I doubt I'd treat them as well as Ricky. It's still better than the alternative.

"How did Kuza end up getting his hands on someone like Friday? She's so sweet. She should've sold at an auction to a way better Dom." Ryan said.

"Believe it or not, she used to be one of Nikki's worst slaves. She was a major masochist and would act out just to get punishment. That night you came over and fucked her, Kuza took her afterwards. I don't know what he did to her but he fucking broke her. She no longer wanted pain. In fact she was scared of getting punished from that day on.

Kuza really enjoyed her though and he brought Ash a private offer for her. Being that she, to their knowledge, was a bad slave, they accepted a low offer. I didn't know it had happened until after the sale was complete."

"It's hard to picture a sweet face like that ever did anything bad." He replied.

"Don't let her fool you." I laughed, "She's an angel now though. And a tiny body like that, I'm sure you can imagine how nice she is to fuck."

"She'd look cute in a tiny little French maid outfit if you ask me."

"Last time I checked, she hated cleaning more than torture. That was before her little incident with Mike though. She might've changed." I said.

Ryan leaned forward and took a good look at her. He took her empty bowl and handed it to Joy. "Go put those in the sink for me, Baby." Being the good girl she was, she didn't even hesitate. I handed her mine and Ricky's bowls as she passed us on her way out of the room. Ryan played with pieces of Friday's hair in efforts to see a little more of her face. "Stand up for me. Take off your dress."

She rose to her feet. The dress she was wearing was tight and left little to the imagination. You could see her figure just fine. What it did hide was her abuse. She was scared to take off her dress but still did as she was told. Once Friday took it off, she wrapped her arms around her torso. Either she was cold or afraid. I'd bargain for the latter. Her whole body was covered in bruises, burns, cuts, and traces of welts.

"Jesus." Ryan gasped, "Mike really did a number on her." He ran his hands down her side which made her shiver. "It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm sorry this happened to you."

Joy returned from doing the dishes. As she walked in the room, she stopped dead in her tracks and covered her mouth in shock. She was the type to like pain too and never got scared out of it like Friday had. I'm sure she still loves getting hit. Seeing something like that could shock even a glutton for punishment like her.

"Why did he cut you? He only ever does that when his slaves are insanely out of line." I said.

Friday shivered again. "He made me service him all night, then he told me to clean the entire house. By the time I was done he wanted me to service him again and I passed out during it... I... I couldn't help it. I hadn't slept in... s-so long." She started to cry and covered her face with her hands, "I'm sorry."

I stood up and quickly pulled her into my chest, "Shh, it's okay. He can't hurt you anymore."

Ryan and I exchanged looks. It's hard to admit that a friend of ours could be this crude. Kuza is and will always be like a brother to me. That won't change the fact that he's evil as Hell. I used to be that way too but I've changed. I can only hope he'll find the one slave that will change him. It just takes a good one, like Ricky, to touch your heart.

"Sweetheart, you can put your dress back on." Ryan told her, "I do want to explore some of your talents later tonight but I want you to take some time to calm down."

She sniffled, "Thank you, Sir."

"Master? May I let her rest in my room for a little bit?" Joy softly asked.

He smiled, "That sounds like a wonderful idea."

"Ricky and I should get to bed ourselves." I yawned a bit, then winked at him, "So, try to keep it down."

"No promises." He replied.

I offered Ricky my hand and helped him to his feet. I'm tired enough I'd sleep through it. Friday, despite her soft nature, is a bit of a screamer. That's not something to really complain about if you ask me. I think it's sexy. Ricky can get some volume if you know how to play him right. I should stop thinking about this though. I'm turning myself on and the last thing I want is to be tired and horny.

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Of course in the middle of the night I was woken up by Friday moaning at the top of her lungs. Ricky stirred a bit in my arms. He groaned and made cute little noises like a puppy would. I forgot how sexy she could sound in bed. Combine that with the fact that he couldn't bear to leave Joy out, it was like a symphony.

This continued for a rather long time. I fell back asleep after ten minutes of it, only to wake back up later to the same sounds. I'm not sure how much time had passed but it couldn't have been short. The only thing that woke me up was the sound of Friday orgasming. She couldn't contain herself. I tried to keep myself under control but damn it was hard. After I was sure they were completely done, I decided to get up to investigate.

I walked down to his room and pushed open the door slowly. Then I leaned back on the doorframe, smirking at the scene in front of me. Ryan lit up a cigarette, sitting up in bed shirtless. He had the girls on either side of him. Two beautiful women at his mercy. I couldn't help but be a little jealous. That doesn't mean I want or need that anymore though. Ricky is all I need.

"I take it you'll be keeping her, then?" I asked.

"Oh yeah." He breathed out through a puff of smoke.

That's one less problem I have to worry about. He'll treat her like the little princess she is. And who knows. Maybe if she gets a sexy little maid outfit to clean in, she won't treat it like a prison sentence. It doesn't matter what Ryan does. I'm sure she'd be happy no matter what. She's finally got a good home.

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A/N: So, just putting this out there, my Tumblr is close to 500 followers. It's TokyoHysteria for anyone curious to know. I post live pics of the guys, transparents, mood boards, and other random edits on there.

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