Chapter 12

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Avu: but di how did you find this locket?

Vaish: to be honest it was one of my ofiice employ's child. I saw him playing in the lounge with this locket. I thought I was just seeing things but no the locket really had your picture.

Avu: it's totally weird how that child even has our pic in his locket?

Vaish: don't you think it could be your locket I mean siddharth's locket as well.

Avu: but how... he was in border when.... Wait do you mean it could be that he is here somewhere near?

Vaish: may be my thinking can be wrong as well I just think if he really is alive he could have been somewhere near or probably in India somewhere and accidentally lost it. But the real question is why has not he contacted you.

Avu: I am literally confused di..

Saying this Avneet who was in a daze sighed even Vaishnavi, the only believer of Siddharth's existence beside Avneet felt really confused it's not their blind beliefs that Siddharth is alive. They have been finding clues since they got a little hold on the situation of the sudden incident that had them in depression for over an year. And now this . If this doesn't prove his existence then what does. And even if he is alive why is he tormenting his family like this ? This questions bothered them. They just don't understand why would he do that . Maybe there is some reason but can't he just tell his family about his problem.

At a private helipad..

A man and a woman got down in full black clothes . The time is 2 at midnight while almost whole country is sleeping. They got down safely and bade the helicopter goodbye ...

Woman: So we are finally here ha . I have missed this I guess ..

Man: You guess I have definitely missed this though I would have liked if we were landed near a place where human lives..

Woman: Gosh you must be kidding for god's sake we are not here for vacation you know that and you already have been here some days ago were you not?

She said rolling her eyes. He chuckled.

Man: Yeah yeah I know you don't have to worry and it was just a small errand for the boss you know. Btw they said we have a base here right?

Woman: yeah gosh ouch what's this damn..

Man: Seriously Silvia you just tripped in a stone...

*the woman is Silvia*

Silv: yeah like it's my fault I am used to the cement and steel made bases you know Ray I have never actually experience this muddy place first hand( though I have experienced it in training )

She mumbled the last sentence..

*The man's name is Ray*

Ray : yeah yeah like I remember doing it myself.

Silvia just groaned and followed his lead to basement they were allotted for the night. It sure is going to be exhausting starting from morning she thought ..

On the other side at Sharma's place

Abhi who was busy doing his office work on his laptop frowned.

A ping came from his phone  indicating someone other than his family has disturbed him on his working time . He checked his phone and made a confused face.

"Huh do we have some executive named Rayansh " he muttered and got up from his sit to go to his wife .

Abhi: Vaishu , Vaish ....

Vaishnavi came from the kid's room hushing him .

Vaish: What is it Abhi why are you screaming you know it's there bedtime it takes a lot of effort to put them in sleep .

Abhi stich our his tounge and muttered a sorry quickly. Vaish sighed

Vaish: so what's the urgent matter

Abhi: oh yeah I just got a message from the headquarters I think you got one also. Well leave it check that later. They say we are expecting some head executive from the main branch from overseas named Rayansh do you know him.

Vaish looked him trying to remember if she have heard of this name before..

Vaish:  I suppose not. I have never I mean it's clearly a Indian name I would have remember it clearly if I have ever ... Is it someone new..

Abhi:  I don't know .. maybe . But suddenly why would they send him it's not even has been three months since the yearly inspection.

Vaish: maybe some urgent work who knows.

Abhi: it definitely doesn't look like that it's clearly stated that we have to take care of him and do what we are asked to do . Damn this higher post old man . Who are we some kind of personal guide...

He said clearly resenting whoever is coming to order him around. Vaish sighed.

Vaish: so what can we do let's just do what we are asked to . Its not like we have never done this

Abhi: but vaishhhh *he whined* how can they you are also in a higher position and everyone obeys you in the office. It hurts my heart. You will have the toughest time when they come.

[* Oh did I forget yes vaish is in more higher position in the office than abhi . And they work for a very big international tech company. And basically their romance started in the office. In simple word they had a office romance*]

Vaish: we can't say that yet ...

She said with a chuckle seeing her dear husband whining about this cause she clearly know why this grown ass man is complaining so much cause once they come she will probably be  busier than him and they can't spend their precious time together as they always do.

She awed at her husband and squeezed his cheeks, pulling him in a passionate kiss. Gosh the night is going to be long for them and she has to work hard to make her husband's mood happy.

"Let's just spend the night accompanying each other rather than whining about some other man"
She whispered in his ear pulling away from the kiss. He smiled at his wife and carried her in their room again pulling her in a deep kiss...

It's clearly going to be hectic from morning....


Gosh the chapter sure is big . And well hello there again missed me ? Hehe I know I was in a veryyyy long break. Well I was having a writer's block for a very long time. Time sure has passed isn't it. To be honest I tried writing a chapter before but I just couldn't make myself to do it. And I finally have the idea how my story should go.

So I actually didn't plan to but I changed the story plot very much. I thought I could write with the previous plot but damn when I saw the notes I just felt *CRINGE* . Gosh I sure was writing some crigiest shit ever with no connection and realistic things. Its not like the new plot is not cliche but it's a lot better. And well did you feel my writing style has changed it surely has changed for better.

I will probably edit some part in the story and when I do I will let you guys know

Well I have ranted enough things now see you guys in next chapter and well I am surely going to finish this story before the plot leave mind  no matter what. And I will try to post frequently atleast once in a week.

Adios 👋🏻

Stay tuned...

Jai hind 🇮🇳🇮🇳

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