22| Nobody's Home

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The house smelled like garlic and parsley, with a hint of something sweet, cherry, or possibly strawberry. Ray walked behind Sam as they moved through the doorway. They took off their shoes and placed them on the wooden floor. Samantha hung her backpack on the rack, which was attached to the right side of the entrance.

Sam looked around and a long corridor appeared in front of her. The left side of the house had the living room. With a dining area in the back of the quarters. On the right side held a door leading to a garage and white stairs leading to the second floor. The interior, just like the exterior of the house, appeared bright, neutral, white, sand, and brown colors tastefully harmonized.

A guy climbed down the stairs as they walked further into the house. He looked lean but had a muscular appearance, his tight black shirt showed his build very well. He appeared taller than Samantha, but lower in height than Ray. He had similar facial features to his brother's, but his face stayed fuller, and his nose was shaped differently. Logan's black hair was tied up in a man bun. His bright blue eyes flickered when he noticed Ray and Sam standing near the living room.

"Hi, I'm Logan," he said, a smile played on his face.

"Hi, I am—"

"Samantha," Logan cut her off. "Yes, we know all about you," he added with a smile on his face. "And you are." He scanned Sam from top to bottom. "Different." Logan finished his sentence, raising his eyebrow, and looking toward his brother.

Sam started to feel uncomfortable because she didn't dress up for the evening. Logan, with the smooth-out shirt and black jeans, looked ready for some fancy event.

And there she stood with ripped black jeans, a Nirvana T-shirt, and an unzipped black jumper. Ray told her to dress comfortably since after this dinner they will spend the next eleven hours on the plane. At that moment, Samantha regretted her decision to listen to him.

Sam looked at Ray. "Different?" she asked in a trembling voice.

Just then, a tiny woman came toward them from the corridor. Her appearance calmed down Sam since the woman wore yoga pants and a loose shirt. Her long blond hair hung loose on her shoulders. She went past her sons and straight to Samantha.

"Hello, Samantha," Nora said with a wide smile on her face. The woman opened her arms. "I'm Nora," she said and hugged Sam tightly, making Samantha lose her balance for a moment and gasp for air.

Nora seemed more durable than she looked. Nora held small in every way possible; the top of her head reached Sam's shoulder. She appeared skinny, which made Sam wonder. How the fuck did she carry those two giants in her tiny body?

Nora pulled out from the hug. "Boys get the food, we're going to go to the living room," she demanded.

"Why are we eating there?" Logan asked, furrowing his forehead.

"Because we have a guest," Nora replied and motioned toward Sam with her head.

"I will take this," Ray said and took a box with a cake, kissing Sam on the cheek. His act made her shrink her shoulders by an inch.

"Thanks," Sam said, smiling awkwardly.

The boys went into the corridor, leaving Samantha alone with Nora. Ray turned his head and smiled at her. Nora went toward the living room and Sam followed her.

"What's in the box?" Nora asked.

"It's a Napoleon cake for dessert," Sam replied.

"Oh, how nice? I hope it's good," Nora said and rubbed her hands.

"Me too," Samantha smiled. It's so weird. Meeting them, it's something really new.

They reached the living room, and the space remained enormous. It had a big arch for the entrance, there stood two windows on the left side of the room, and in the corner remained a tv and a corner sofa in front of it. A big round rug in the middle of the room; in front of the couch. The right side of the place had a dining table with six chairs. There stood a corner shelf against the wall. And the door leading to the kitchen.

They sat down on the couch. Nora rested on the right side, and Sam stayed more on the left side where the sofa made a corner. The woman continued the small talk.

"It's hard to find an excellent Napoleon cake. They tend to be dry and greasy at the same time. Do you know what I mean?" Nora asked.

"Yes," she replied. Where are those boys? Sam studied the room.

"So," Nora said, raising her eyebrow. "Tell me about yourself."

"Maybe, I should go help them," Sam said and tried to rise from the couch, but Nora stopped her.

"Look, I understand that meeting me it's hard. I've been there. I will not bite," Nora explained and chuckled.

Her words made Sam more comfortable. "I've never been in this situation before. So everything is new to me," Sam pointed out and rubbed her hands on her jeans.

"I will not lie, Ray told me a little about you. Since he's been so happy lately, I asked him why. Then he told me about you," Nora said and tilted her head.

Samantha felt blood rushing to her cheeks. "What you want to know?" she asked.

"Okay, then I can ask you some questions if that would be easier for you," Nora suggested, and Sam nodded in agreement. "What is your favorite color?" That reminded Sam of the evening at Molly's house. She never discovered Ray's answer to this question.

"Black and red. I like darker shades," Sam replied.

"Next question?" Nora asked and raised her eyebrow, Sam approved. "What is your favorite band?"

"It's hard to choose," Sam laughed, leaning back on the sofa. "You probably know I am a big fan of Purple Rain."

"You are?" Nora questioned, raising her eyebrows.

"Why are you so surprised?" Sam asked.

"Well, you know, Courtney didn't like Ray's music," Nora explained. "I shouldn't talk about her when the conversation turned so nice." She smiled.

What the fuck did Ray's ex do? Nora seems to loathe her. Sam intended to ask that question, but the guys walked in with dishes and food. They placed everything on the table. Nora and Samantha went to help them out.

After the meal stood ready, the four of them sat down to eat. Nora and Logan rested closer to the shelves; they continued talking about luggage for the trip. Ray and Sam sat in front of them.

Ray leaned toward Sam. "Are you okay?" he whispered. "You looked confused before," he added.

"We will talk later," Sam said and raised her eyebrow. Her tone wasn't as discreet as she hoped.

"Someone is in trouble," Logan said with a smirk. "Ouch." He stared at Ray.

"I'm going to start with dessert," Nora said while reaching for the cake.

"No sweets before dinner," Ray scolded his mother in a mocking tone.

Nora scoffed. "For you, boys. I can eat whatever I want, and that cake looks delicious."

Nora started on the cake and the rest of them on lasagna. Logan brought the wine, and the time progressed quickly. Samantha wasn't talking much, because she felt out of place. Conversation with Nora made her realize there remained a lot Sam didn't know about Ray. And her self-defense instinct kicked in.

I'm running away from one of my best friends because it turns out he's a stalker. And I was going to another continent with a guy who I actually barely know. There is something clearly wrong with me.

After dinner, they sat down on the couch again. Nora went to the kitchen and left Logan, Ray, and Sam to drink the rest of the wine. Logan rolled the weed. And he went toward the front door. He stopped and gaped at them.

"Do you guys want some?" Logan asked and twirled a spliff between his fingers.

"No," Sam replied.

"Go with him," Ray said, standing up. "I have to finish packing, anyway."

Sam glanced at her watch. "We leave in half an hour." She gave him a disapproving gaze.

"That's why I need to pack," Ray chuckled. "Go, keep him company, and I will be right back."

Ray went upstairs, as Logan and Sam proceeded outside. They stopped at the living room window; there stood an ashtray on the ground, Logan picked it up after lighting his roll. He leaned with his right shoulder against the wall and peered at her. Samantha stood on the pathway, her arms intertwined on her chest as a light wind brushed against her hair.

"I think you got the wrong impression of me," Logan said, inhaling and exhaling a puff. "When I said you are different, I meant pleasantly." He tried to assure her.

Sam raised her eyebrow. "Different from what? Or should I say who?" she asked in a snarky tone.

"As you probably know, Ray and I are close," Logan said, Sam agreed with a nod. "So I know much more than Mom does. The way he described you sounded a bit made up." He laughed, his tight shirt barely moving with his body.

"Why?" Sam asked, forming a line on her forehead.

"That would be an endless list," Logan said and smirked. "I judged you before I actually met you. And I apologize for that," he added. Logan put his hand on his chest while holding a cigarette between his fingers. "As you know, the last girl my brother brought home turned out to be a nightmare." He exhaled. "So, I naturally compared you with Courtney, and that's not fair."

"Actually, I don't know," Sam replied and glanced down at the path walkway.

"He didn't tell." Logan nodded. "Do you want me to tell you?" he asked, squinting his eyes.

That sounded like a tempting suggestion, and Sam wanted to know about Cortney. But at the last minute, she decided Ray should be the one who tells this story.

"No. Ray will tell me eventually," Samantha replied.

Logan glanced at her. "That is one difference I talked about, Courtney grilled me about my brother from day one," he said. "One thing you should know is Ray falls in love fast and strong, and I hope you can handle that. My brother has been through too much shit with Courtney, and it took him a while to recover from her," he added, as a new sound interrupted Logan's speech.

At that moment, Nora opened the front door. "Seriously? First wine and now weed?" She scolded.

Logan shrank his shoulders. "What?" he asked.

She came closer, leaving the open door. "They won't let you on the plane, stupid." Nora looked at Sam.

"She just kept me company," Logan explained.

"Give me that," Nora said. She took the cigarette from Logan's fingers, inhaled one puff, and extinguished the roll. "Go get suitcases. We need to leave," she demanded as the last smoke left her mouth.

At that moment Raymond walked through the door, carrying his duffel bag. He went to the silver car, and after, he reloaded Sam's suitcase from his car to Nora's vehicle. Nora and Logan went inside as soon as Ray showed up, leaving the pair alone outside.

"Are you ready?" Ray asked and smiled, placing his palm on her cheek.

"Yeah," she said, her voice betraying her doubts.

"What's wrong, love?" A line formed between his temples.

She gazed into his eyes. They seemed black. "The awareness that I don't know you hit me after meeting them." She motioned toward the house with her hand.

"You know me," Ray said, Sam shook her head in disbelief. "You do. Everything will be fine." He lifted her chin with his fingers and kissed her.

When his lips touched hers, she relaxed, and all the evil thoughts evaporated from her mind. Soon a manly cough interrupted their tongue dance.

"Come on, lovebirds, we have to go," Logan said, carrying bags toward the car.

Nora walked out of the house. "Here is your backpack, dear," she said, giving Sam her bag.

"Thank you," Sam said with a smile.

Ray took Sam's hand, and they went to the car. Nora sat in the driver's seat, Logan climbed into the passenger's seat. Ray and Sam rested in the back seat. The drive to the airport remained informative since Nora talked about the previous tours and what boys should remember not to do this time. Soon they reached their destination. Nora left them there, hugging everyone before she drove back home. And there was time to meet the rest of the band. 

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