Chapter 1: The Reincarnated King of Kings Part 1

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-Third Person Pov-

Noctis was now walking slowly into the stairs, leaving Prompto, Gladiolus, and Ignis behind after give him a farewell, reaching to the throne and he touch the armrest.

"I'm home. I walked tall. And though, it took me for a while. I'm ready now." Noctis said as he remember his father's word before the Insomnia falls while Noctis was on the journey with is friends. And he sit in the throne, letting out a deep breath.

"I love you all, Luna, guys, Dad." And a glimpse of Regis was on the side of him, "The time we had together, I cherished."

"Kings of Lucis..." Noctis close his eyes as a white radiance shines on the throne due to his Ring of Lucii shines.

"Come to me!" He opened his eyes and summoning his Sword of the Father, one of his 13 Royal Arms of Lucis, and plunge it on the ground, as the 12 remaining Royal Arms fall around the two side stairs, and on the ground were the Royal Arms still in their position and 12 Armored Specters rise up and one of them is The Mystic is on a mid air wielding his own Blade of the Mystic and in a short seconds he start attacking Noctis, he grunted and the soul of the Wise absorb in his Ring of Lucii, then followed, by the 10 Kings and the last is The Mystic, only noise can hear inside the throne chambers is grunting and painful groaning sound while Noctis enduring the pain as his father Regis, in the spirit form standing beside him. Noctis is now weakened and he's almost in the verge of collapse.

Noctis remembering his old friends while in their journey and even his late beloved Lunafreya.

And now he move his sword and he wants to give it to his father.

"Dad... Trust in me." This is the last words of what he wants too.

And then Regis move in front of his beloved son, and he is now in armored with an helmet wielding the Sword of the Father and ready to stab him, in the short moments... he pierce it on his chest, pinning him in the throne, letting Noctis cried a shot of pain, as results of his death.

15 seconds past, the Ring of Lucii shines again, and engulfing the whole room with white light.

Noctis was now in the Afterlife, holding the Sword of the Father and throwing down in the white swirling thing and suddenly vanished.

In the beyond. Ardyn is waiting for him, as Noctis descend where Ardyn's place in a distance.

Ardyn bowed to him in a simple manner. But their something wrong as he see Noctis has four companions now, his father Regis, his advisor Ignis, his childhood friend, Prompto, and his shield companion is Gladiolus, they are facing Ardyn. Ardyn was something wrong on himself and he turned into Daemon form.

Noctis is now ready as he extend his arms to him and Ardyn does to but Lunafreya came and touch his arm as turn lit up in a light like a sun, as Ardyn in pain on his arms.

Noctis activate the Ring of Lucii again, but the ring scared his right arm and his half of his face, on his back something came out and he yelled in pain as he released the 13 Royal Arms and catch it behind to the respective owners of the Kings of Lucis and they are now ready, awaiting their command from the 114th King of Lucis, and he commanded now to attack and the kings successfully land their attack on Ardyn as he disappeared in a white crystal fragments and Noctis lose his strength as he slump and vanish in white orb, and lastly the Ring of Lucii fall endlessly and crumble into dust.

"It's finally over." Noctis sighed out.

Fukisusabu reisu Tachimukae minds to fighter
(Noctis closing his eyes, until the light engulf in the place where Noctis is. And he opened his eyes as reborned Amaya Hikaru facing the new world)

(Showing the title 'The Reincarnated King of Kings and The Lilies' in the sky. Hikaru rushes in the train and he successfully ride on time and the train take off, and he sit on the bench of a train, he let out a relief sigh.)

Tataerareshi kokō no yūsha koko ni mebuku
(I Found susumubeki michi e to fight now)
(Hikaru arrived his school, Sakihara High School, where Makoto, Hayato, and Souta are waiting for him. Hikaru arrived in no time, he met those three and went inside the campus.)

Kurayami no usu akari ni fumīreta begin now
(I can fumetsu e no michi kara help now)
(Hikaru met Maki, Shizuka, Kouta, Ayane, and Maya chatting something and they are laughing in the hallway. In their hangout at his house, Hayato prepares some dishes to them and they amazed and they start eating in the living room.)

Yōshanaku takeru specter
Erabubeki Right choose
(Excite shitara sugu dead down)
(Until in the mall, Hikaru and his three best buddies strolling together, until someone bump on Hikaru and it was none other than Riri, his childhood friend and they look to each other's eyes.)

Chū o kiru uzu no naka de
Ugomeita sadame he to The soul which burns
[look up at the sky so don't waver
Just break, just burn, just blaze, change the world]
(Riri suddenly hug her childhood friend as she miss him for a long time and Hikaru hug her back, and his friends surprised and the Team Hitotsuyanagi: Yuyu, Tazusa, Fumi, Miriam, Shenlin, Kaede, Yujia, Mai came to her and they surprised about Riri hugged Hikaru. And she introduced to her friends and he introduced his friends with them and Hikaru got fall into the endless pitch black hole.)

Kono chikara ga kesai wo toki dare de mo nakute utsumuku saki ni
(And Hikaru fell in the water sinking deeply and he remembering of his parents death and Yami point his sword into Hikaru's neck. Until he open his eyes as he landed on the surface with no water.)

Hakidashita iki aogeba
(Until he met Noctis and Lunafreya and the 13 Kings of Lucis behind the couple, including his father Regis is now in his armor and helmet.)

Tsukanda tomoshibi wa kesasenai
[nani ga attemo kisasenai]
(kaiten kichi he to hurry up shitara madamada ikeru go way)
(Noctis bestow his power and the Kings of Lucis, including their Royal Arms and his Ultima Blade, until his surroundings change into destroyed building, and he saw a Huge and Stromburgh Army as he summon his Ultima Blade and ready to fight until Team Hitotsuyanagi came to his side and ready their CHARM.)

Go shooting out kakan ni mai odore
Kizuna ga hanatsu hitotsu no Treasure power
(The Huge march onto the enemy and start attacking, Riri slash one of the Huge's leg blades, Yuyu and Kaede slash one of the Huge. Fumi and Tazusa block the attack, Shenlin and Yujia shoot the two Huge dead. Mai and Miriam jump and dodge the incoming blades and strike them.)

Tsukinukero kibō to baibusu de
Tsumazuite kōkai nante yurusarenai
(Hikaru slash the 5 tendrils with his Ultima Blade Aerial Slash, and switch to Blade of Mystic warp through the Huge in a distance to slash the Huge on his back dead. And he enters Armiger, and he use the Royal Cleave.)

Sukū beki sekai wa place of sacredness
[sekai sukue! place of sacredness]
(Riri tapping his shoulder and he turn where the The members of Team Hitotsuyanagi is waiting for them and they run into them)

(Before the ending of the song, the Gungnir and Brionac stab on the ground cross together and the Ultima Blade in the middle of the cross CHARM surrounded by the 13 Royal Arms stuck in the ground.)

-Noctis POV-

'It was so dark... and spaceless.'

'My body is in numb... and paralyze.

'If even it is over... and here it is.'

'I managed to defeat Ardyn and erased him from this world and the light came back from Eos.'

'I don't know what will happened if they see me like this in the throne, a dead body and powerless to continue the Lucis bloodline.'

'I want to go back... but it's too late now.'

"O' Chosen One, King of Kings."

I immediately recognized that voice even the darkness. My surroundings is now change in a sudden as the dark dissipate. Recognizing the same blue hue spanning the seas of infinity... the Beyond.

A humongous figure of overwhelming authority, clad in black armor lined gold, it was surrounded by gigantic black sword known as Ultima Sword lined with the same golden gleam as it's wings...

It was none other than, the leader of the Five Astrals... Bahamut, the Draconian Astral and The God of War.

"By the power of the Providence, O' Chosen One, you managed to fulfilled the prophecy, the usurper ceases to be. The world, now bathed in the Light, sets fourth to a new era, liberated of the Starscourge." Bahamut spoke.

I remain silent, as I reflecting on the battles and hardships that my friends and I had been endured and yet, is to be strong enough to get rid of Eos of the Accursed and the Starscourge. Joy, pain, sadness and anger and everything we had experience, it came crashing to me in waves.

"The Light, was so brilliant, that it has bestowed upon your another chance to live." the Astral continued.

"A second... chance? What do you mean about that?" I asked confusingly.

"Such is the power of the Light. You have been granted life a new, unshackle from the calling of the True King." Bahamut continued, "The Ring that was passed on to you from the First King has gathered so much power than I have foreseen, that is given form once again."

I noticed something in my finger where the Ring of Lucii is, I realize that it was gone now.

"Upon your True Ascension, the Ring was now shattered, it's powers returned to this place and has assimilated upon your very soul. The Crystal that you entered upon is also the manifestation is within you. The Ring was also an artifact that I have crafted from the boundless energies of the Void, which is why it was possible to bind the souls of the Forebears and the living King together."

It was hard to believe, despite of my blood price, here I stood in here, in control of my body and thoughts. I was worry about the fate of my friends-Prompto, Gladiolus, and Ignis- who have fought the Daemons out side the Citadel, to keep them at by while I'm completing my Ascension.

"With the power than you unleashed, it has the caused of Crystal to face a new life from the next world, where the power of the Light flows more than anywhere else." Bahamut proclaimed, breaking the my trance. "Go forth, face the next world."

Wait! Do you mean next world so that means I can't go back from Eos.

"You mean I will rebirth from the next world." I asked him with frown. Worrying that I'm not going back to Insomnia.

"Yes. However, your power of the Kings of Lucis will gone in a long time. But it will return when the time has come." Bahamut continued, "Another threat would come in to the world that you will face, there is a monsters that destroy the humankind, and the empire wants to conquer the whole world."

No way! So that means I have to start again. And yet another threat came to my next world.

"Then, can you get back to me from Eos? I know my friends will be pretty mad if they heard that the king sacrifice. And also can you tell what happened to my friends."

"Unfortunately, the will of the Crystal prohibits me to do such a thing. Your life from Eos is finished. Also your comrades is still alive and they had their own ways. However, they will reincarnate in your next world, you will meet them, but in a different person." Bahamut replied.

"I see." I said in a low tone, "But I haven't my decision made my decision. I'm not sure how to handle this..." I said anxiously, I'm not liking the direction of the conversation.

"For now, I bid you farewell, King of Kings. May the Light of the Crystal, the blessing of the Six, and the blood of the Forebears serve you in earnest. Until we meet again." And Bahamut spoke with his last words fading in oblivion before I lost my sight.


And then back again.

-Third Person POV-

In the next world called planet earth similar to Eos, but no monster live here, but Huge is the real answer it appeared 50 years ago plaguing the mankind. In Japan, there are many people who in this place called Tokyo especially when it is attacked by Huge.

In this house.

There is a young boy with black hair and blue eyes sleeping in his bedroom.

The alarm clock ring and he stop it. He woke up, and stretching on the arms and rise up from the bed. He get the smartphone.

"Hikaru, time to wake up." A voice of woman came from the door.

"I am Mana baa-san." He said.

-Hikaru's Pov-

'Yep, Bahamut is right. I was reincarnated here in the modern era in Japan. Unlike Eos, there are no monarch government here or kingdom.'

I was taking a bath, brushing my teeth, then I wear my uniform and my breakfast which is bread, rice, and fried egg and also a milk. And I wear my blazer and my shoes, get my bag to school and ready to go.

"Ittekimasu." I said to her.

"Itterasshai." Mana cried out.

'My name is Amaya Hikaru. 16 years old from Sakihara High School. I am a normal high school student with an odd jobs. I can imagine that this is the new world what Bahamut said to me, when I was Noctis Lucis Caelum it was so hard task in past life before he reincarnated to me. And now I don't know what Bahamut said a threat arise in the earth.' I thought.

I made it in the train station and ride a train and it departs on. Then after the train arrives at next train station and went out to the train station, I decide to walk within a 15 minute walk and at last I made to Sakihara High School.

Then in the main gate, where my best friends waiting for them, those are my classmate Makoto Shimizu, a second year high school student Hayate Adachi, and member of the Student Council committee Souta Hashimoto.

"Good morning, Hikaru-kun." Souta greeted.

"Hello Hikaru-kun." Makoto said.

"Oh! It's been an exact time to come." Hayate greeted.

"Good morning guys. Come on let's go to the school." I said to them.

"Right." The three said to them.

"Then let's go." Hikaru said as he go to the school along with three.


-Third Person Pov-

The bell goes on as the class was starting. As the teacher Heiji Sendou came to our class came from the door. Hikaru stand up.

"Kiritsu!" He command and the students in the class including Makoto stand up to attention.


"Ohayo gozaimasu!" The students bowed down in front of the Heiji.

"Chaku seki!" He commanded to sit down also Hikaru too.

Few minutes later, while the class is ongoing, he is thinking about what happened in his past life. Since he was studying in that school.

'How I miss this since then when I met Prompto back then. It's pretty nice and it was a bring back memories.' Noctis thought in his school life in Eos.

Hikaru stand up and he answer the question then he sit down.


It was a lunch time. All things are done. The four are in the rooftop sitting and resting their back in the wall.

Hikaru was now taking a bite his sandwich and drinking a bottle of water. Along with Makoto, Hayate and Souta eating their own lunch.

"Hey, Hikaru-kun, did you finished your homework?" Souta asked.

"Yeah, not for long time." Hikaru said after he drink a water.

"Well, it could a simple, then I have to play some online mobile games." Makoto said.

"As I thought we had an opportunity to get some score from examination." Hayate said as adjusting the glass.

"I hope that there are no Huge attack on this school. I worry about my little sister if she was involved here." Souta said as he look at the sky.

"So, there your are four bros." A voice of a woman came from the door. It was Maya,along with Maki, Shizuka, Kouta, and Ayane.

"Oh, there you are Maya, what do you want?" Hikaru asked to her.

"Can we join you guys?" Shizuka asked with a pleading tone.

"Sure, why not?" Hikaru nodded.

"Thanks everything for my girlfriend." Kouta teasing Shizuka.

"Sure, why not." Shizuka said and they sit.

"Well, I wish we have a good conversation with us." Maki said.

"Hikaru-kun, how was your day?" Ayane said.

"Yes, I'm fine and not much boring." Hikaru said ended up with a deep sigh.

"It seems you are very hardworking don't you." Shizuka said but Hikaru was calm and staring in the sky smiling.

"Hikaru-kun." Shizuka snapped him.

"Oh sorry, I just remember back when I met her in a long time and I miss her so much." Hikaru said.

"Her?" Ayane asked confusingly.

"You mean your girlfriend." Shizuka teasing Hikaru.

"Not that, my childhood friend." Hikaru was blushed slightly.

"Then tell me who is your beloved girl." Souta teased him and Hikaru blushed madly.

"Her name is Riri Hitotsuyanagi, I met her when I was seven. She was so kind, gentle, cheerful, and beautiful girl. But sadly when I was eight, my family moved away in Tokyo and Riri was not happy about this. I promise her that I will meet her again. That was a best moment I've been had for so long 'Sadly, I can't met Luna's reincarnation'." Hikaru thought about her childhood friend, he reminded something that she looks like Lunafreya.

"Aww, that's too sad." Shizuka said as she put his hand into his shoulder.

"Don't worry. I'm sure that you will meet her again." Ayane said encouraging him.

"Thank you Ayane-senpai." Hikaru said.

"Hey, Hikaru-kun do you have a work after school?" Maki asked her.

"No, I'm free, so I have to enjoy this day. Either I heard the news that the Huge was attack in Saitama prefecture."

"Yeah, the Lilies had fought against them." Hayate said.

"So that means, they are possible that the Huge is in around in Tokyo." Maki said with fear.

"Don't be so sure. The Lilies are try their best to defeat the Huge that plague around in the world fifty years ago." Souta said. And they are both worry what will happen in the future.

"I think that is not time to tell that." Hikaru said as he stand up.

"Hikaru-kun." Makoto said.

"I have to go now, five minutes before the class starts. See ya specs, guys." Hikaru left in the rooftop.

"Well I have to go now." Maki said and she stand up and leave to their own classroom.


-Hikaru's Pov-

It was end of the school days. Now my three went to the mall for sightseeing, I am sipping my mango shake.

"Haa, I feel refresh now." I said to myself.

"Hey, Hikaru-kun, let's go." Hayate called me and I went to them.


"Oops!/Ow!" I bump someone in my chest.

"I'm sorry miss." I bowed slightly to a women. But there is something unexpected moment that I've been waiting. It's because...

I bump a girl pink short hair with four leaf clover hair clip, with red eyes and wearing the school uniform that I never seen it before. When we look in each other's eyes. The pink haired girl widened her eyes in surprised, even me too. The girl that I bumped earlier is none other than...

"Riri..." I muttered to the girl I missed her for a long years.

"Hi...karu..." her tears can't suppress it, with a tears of joy as she finally meet me again.

"Hikaru!" She hugged me tightly as her tears were overflow casing my blazer wet a little

-Riri's Pov-

Yokatta! Yokatta! Yokatta! I had finally see him after all this years, his promise now fulfilled, I'm so happy, then I broke the hug.

"I missed you so much, Hikaru." I asked him as I wipe away my tears.

"Me too, I didn't believe that you grown up." He take a look me.

"You too, Hikaru you've grown enough. Like these old years back when we are kids. I hope that we continue this days before." I was blushed slightly due to remembering what we've been through.

"Yep, oh you are now a lily." Hikaru asked.

"Yes, from Yurigaoka Academy." I said after I hummed in approval.

"Whoa, I can't believe by that, you are fighting against Huge." Hikaru surprised slightly.

"Hikaru-kun, come on let's go." I heard a voice from behind Hikaru. I saw a three boys coming to us.

"Riri." I heard an 8 familiar voice and they came to us.

-Hikaru's Pov-

Makoto, Hayate, and Souta came to my side and I saw 8 girls came to her and they were surprised.

"Riri, you know this guy?" A girl with a black hair asked her.

"Hikaru, do you know him?" Souta asked.

"Riri, you are first." I said to her.

"My name is Riri Hitotsuyanagi, I am his childhood friend. From left to right. Yuyu Shirai, Tazusa Andou, Fumi Futagawa, Miriam Hildegard von Gropius, Shenlin Kuo, Kaede Johan Nouvel, Yujia Wang, and Mai Thi Yoshimura. Everyone this is Amaya Hikaru, my childhood friend."
Riri introduced and her friends surprised.

"Amaya..." Yuyu began.

"Wait, are you something related to Touya and Yurika Amaya?" Tazusa asked curiously.

"He's my late dad and mom." I said.

"Late...what do you mean?" Riri asked with frown.

"My parents died while I'm escape in Stromburgh Imperial Army base. The empire captured me and use me as a bait, and my mom and dad was target. It was four years ago."

"No way..." Riri said with a sad tone.

"It's a long story to tell that." I was sad when I remember about my parents back then. Unlike my past life my mom died while I'm giving birth to me and dad died while Insomnia falls, "By the way, this is my friends, Makoto Shimizu, Hayate Adachi, and Souta Hashimoto."

"It's nice to meet you all." The three bowed.

"Us too." Riri and the others bowed.

"Anyway, what are you doing here?" Kaede asked.

"Well, we take a stroll around and Hayate wants to finds some ingredients for Italian style dish for us." Hikaru said.

"Eeehhh!" The girl shocked.

"Yes. Hayate wants to explore more about cuisines." I said, "Even for my specs."

"Specs?" Shenlin wondering.

"That's his nickname. Well we gotta go now Riri, see ya." Then we left.

-Riri's Pov-

"He's not such an arrogant person than I thought." Yujia asked.

"He is a very enigmatic person." Yuyu said wondering about him.

"You guys know about the Japanese Kingsglaives Army?" Tazusa asked.

"Yeah, I heard that army before." Mai said.

"It was a Japanese secret elite force who fought against the Stromburgh Empire." Miriam said .

"And Hikaru's parents was one of them. I wish I could join the Kingsglaives Army." Tazusa said with a hopeful tone.

"Why Tazusa-san?" Fumi asked.

"Their powers are amazing, they can use warp by throwing their weapons, drawing their weapons into thin air, and their using magic as well, this is not a fairy tale, this is true." Tazusa explained.

"Wow! I never thought that the magic would be exist here in this world." I am amazed even my friends as well, but Yuyu was amazed a little bit.

"And addition the Stromburgh Imperial Forces are powerful Russian elite forces who trying to conquer Japan in a secret, not to get attention to the media." Kaede said.

"Isn't that the Stromburgh Imperial Army who killed Hikaru-san's parents when he was 12. I wonder that the Imperial Army was targeting him as well and they want to kill him." Yuyu added.

"Oh no! 'This is bad, something will happen to Hikaru-kun'." My heart was so much in pain from worrying about Hikaru-kun.

-Third Person Pov-

Back in Hikaru's house. 4:35 P.M.

"Tadaima." Hikaru called.

"Okaeri Hikaru. Oh! Makoto-san, Hayate-san, Souta-san, good afternoon." Mana greeted.

"Good afternoon, Tsukushima-san." Hayate bowed.

"Good afternoon." Makoto and Souta bowed.

"By the way, can we stay here for a while Tsukushima-san?" Souta asked.

"Sure." Mana nodded.

Few minutes later,Hikaru was playing a online mobile games. While Hayate preparing some food with the help of Mana. Meanwhile, Makoto draw a tree in his sketch book. And Souta was waiting on the food. Until 45 minutes...

"2 Pietro's Chicken Parmesan, is served. So..." Hayate began.

"Itadikimasu." They are start eating take a slice, and drinking their glass of water.

"Gochisousama deshita."

"Wow! That was pretty nice Italian food huh, Hayate." Hikari said.

"Hmm. Nice and very exquisite dish." Hayate declared.

"You guess what, our best cook in our side." Souta said.

"Yeah, it was." Makoto said.

"Thank you for having a nice meal for us." Mana said.

"Your welcome."

-Timeskip 7:30 P.M.-

-Hikaru's Pov-

Since the others now are gone home. We eat our dinner. And I wash the dish, take a bath, brushing my teeth, and change some clothes and done. Back to room, and I sit to my bed.

I sighed for a moment, then I summon my Ultima Blade out of thin air and take a look and smiled.

"What would I expected since then, way back from Eos." I muttered myself and I made disappear from thin air.

And I lay down to my bed and fall asleep.

-In the Next Day-

It's Saturday, no classes if I say so. I woke up from bed changing my clothes to my favorite one(which is the image of the first outfit in the Hikaru Amaya's Info) and eating my breakfast and Mana left a note for me in the table.

'Hikaru I have to go in the headquarters earlier, I left some breakfast for you.'


'I see. I got it.'

Then I wear my black boots and ready to go in Kamakura for sightseeing. I go to the Tokyo station and took a train from Kamakura. The train successfully departs.

"Finally." I said before a take a breath.

Within less than an hour, I made it out to the train and I'm here in Kamakura town.

It is like very peaceful. Like Eos back in time when my friends settle in adventure to Altissia to marry Lunafreya.

My next destination is Kamakura Cherry Blossom Spots.

It was so beautiful flowers, unlike in Eos. While I was looking on the tree. Something is not good for me. Until I heard the voice of a people running crying in fear. I talk one of them.

"What happened sir?" I asked him.

"The Huge was here and they are attack?!" He said and he run away.

"Huge." Then I rush where the Huge was. And I saw an 4 assault craft in the sky, those are from the Stromburgh Imperial Force.

And the 10 Armored Assassins, 10 Armored Axemen, 10 Imperial Riflemen, 1 Magitek Bannerman, and 1 MA Velves each of the four assault craft, land on the ground, intercepting me. And 10 Huge's Omnidroid came in front of me in a distance.

'I think that it could be the best one. Since I'm alone now, I can stand against them.' I thought.

"Hikaru." I heard a voice behind me, it was Makoto, Hayate, and Souta.

"There you are guys. Look..." I point to our enemies that we want to face it.

"Huge and Stromburgh Imperial Force?!" Makoto surprised.

"Not a chance for this situation. Prompto, Hikaru or we should say Noct, you must be focus, even if the empire had a Huge." Hayate said.

"Yeah. Same as our former life in Eos, Ignis, Gladio, Prompto. I miss this so much." I said to them, remembering since our last battles in Eos.

"Right." Makoto, Hayate, and Souta nodded.

"Wait!" I heard a familiar female voice and a multiple footsteps on the side when we take a look on it, it was Riri, Yuyu, Tazusa, Fumi, Miriam, Shenlin, Kaede, Yujia, and Mai. Carrying their own CHARM.

"Riri, it is you." Hikaru said.

"You must get out of here quickly, it is too dangerous." Riri cried.

"Not just Huge is your enemy that you face but this..." I said to them and I point to the Magitek Infantry, Imperial Infantry, and Magitek Armor. "This things that you saw it before than Huge, that belongs to the Stromburgh Imperial Force."

"What did you just say?" Tazusa was shocked and Riri and the others too.

"You mean that cyborg thing and it's machinery, belongs to the Stromburgh Imperial Army." Riri said.

"Just like I said before." I confirmed to them.

"So this is true at all, not rumors." Miriam confirmed.

"So that means there are now two enemies that we face." Yuyu said.

"We must be careful, their armored machinery is too stronger. " Kaede said as she turn Joyeuse into blade mode.

"More than that, they had a powerful firepower." Yujia added preparing her Asterion.

-Third Person Pov-

The Imperial Rifleman aim the rifle to Hikaru.

"Hikaru, get out of her!" Riri yelled in fear, wanting to get him out of Imperial Rifleman range, he didn't listen, one step forward, then the other Imperial Riflemen starting to aim their weapons to them.

"Don't tell me, that he want to die!" Shenlin exclaimed in fear.

"He's not gonna die. Trust in him." Souta reassured.

"Yeah, he's right Trust in him." Makoto said.

"Better not to worry about that, girls." Hayate said while clicking his glasses.

Then Hikaru take a one more step, then...

The Imperial Riflemen start to firing...

"HIKARU!!!" Riri yelled in fear bursting her tears. Her friends t
The bullet still continue to travel towards Hikaru until it was close to him...but...

A sound of the breaking glass resounded to the area, that the bullets blocking by something as one of the crystalline weapons make out an appearance, orbiting him slowly with a crystal dust floating on the air.

By that phenomenon, Riri, Yuyu, Tazusa, Fumi, Miriam, Shenlin, Kaede, Yujia, and Mai were shocked about what they saw. When they all shoot him, the bullets were block as the total 14 crystalline weapons appear in the same strange phenomenon.

Hikaru flick his right arm and...

(Imagine the weapons in this gif is his Royal Arms of Lucis and his Ultima Blade)

The 14 different crystalline weapons in his Armiger appeared in a solid appearance from crystalline form.

The Sword of the Wise.

The Axe of the Conqueror.

The Bow of the Clever.

The Sword of the Wanderer.

The Blade of the Mystic.

The Star of the Rogue.

The Sword of the Tall.

The Shield of the Just.

The Mace of the Fierce.

The Scepter of the Pious.

The Trident of the Oracle.

The Katana of the Warrior.

The Sword of the Father.

And the Ultima Blade that he still wield in his former life. The girls were shock again as Hikaru's had a hidden potential of his power. Riri didn't know that he had an ability like this.

"No way! 14 crystalline weapons in his possession! There is no way that he could master all of this weapons!" Yuyu said.

"So that means, Amaya-san is a member Japanese Kingsglaives Army? Even in his younger age." Fumi wondering.

"No, he is a student." Mai said.

'Hikaru-kun why don't you tell us about this' Riri thought with worry.

"However, his ordinary weapons can't stand against Huge." Miriam said.

"You right." Shenlin answered.

"So we must aid him." Yujia suggested.

And his weapons starting to orbiting him faster and turn back into crystalline form and it disappear, Hikaru suddenly released a burst of light and showing the 14 weapons spinning around him in crystalline form, then he summon his Ultima Blade out of thin air.

"He can summon it out of thin air! That is awesome!" Miriam exclaimed.

"Guys! Ready?" Hikaru said to them.

Makoto summon his Mythril Pistol out of thin air.

Hayate summon his Avengers Daggers from thin air.

And lastly Souta summon War Sword from thin air.

"We're Ready!" The three boys said to him.

"Even his friends too." Fumi said unbelievable.

"No way! Could it be those guys are members of the Japanese Kingsglaives Army." Yujia said with shocked.

"Riri, take the Huge. We take the Stromburgh Imperial Force also you can take one of them too." Hikaru said to the girls.

"Hai!" Riri nodded.

"Let's go!" I commanded.

And Hikaru and his friends charge to them to be followed by Riri and the others. First is Hikaru throw his Ultima Blade one of the Armored Axeman, then he warp as it pierce directly to the cyborg and jump into the midair and summon the Axe of the Conqueror, then he smash the Imperial Rifleman.

'Good, I try to use an all-out attack, if it possible.' Hikaru thought.

"Amazing! he can warp like the Kingsglaives Army!" Tazusa amazed.

Souta slice the 5 Armored Assasin with a full force. Hayate throw his Avengers to the one of the Armored Axeman. Makoto fire his pistol at the assassin's core and it destroyed and shoot the other in the axemen.

Riri blocked the Omnidroid blade with her Gungnir, via momentum of strike, she manage to slash it and dead. While Yuyu was shooting the 5 Imperial Riflemen with her Brionac's gun mode.

Tazusa slash the Armored Axeman with her Tyrfing, and she is clashing their blade and she manage to push him off and slash it. Meanwhile Fumi slash the Armored Assasin with his Gungnir and turn it into Machine Gun mode and shoot the Imperial Rifleman down.

"Sugoi! This is the first time I've been fight alongside with the Kingsglaives Army." Fumi amazed.

"Not time for a chit-chat." Miriam said to Fumi and she cried in a battle roar and Kaede block the attack with his Joyeuse and Miriam pound her Njölnir dead.

Kaede slashed the Imperial Riflemen. And four MA Velves start to fire the railguns and missiles to them, Riri and her team cover themselves behind the wall. While Hikaru let vanished the Royal Arm and his friends run in a different directions avoiding the bullets and missiles. But something's not wrong.

"Where's Tazusa-san?" Riri asked with anxious.

"She's with Amaya-san and the other boys." Yujia answered.

"What!" Riri said with shock and they watch Tazusa ran in the side of the battlefield along with Hikaru swiftly, manage themselves to avoid the bullets and missiles blow up and they stop and rush to one of the Magitek Armor.

"Not on our watch." Hikaru summon the Sword of the Tall, and they jump up in the midair and Hikaru activate chainsaw blades to his one of the Royal Arms slash it in the legs with the blade grinding and it felt down and he throw the Sword and into the other Magitek Armor and Warp and activate the chainsaw blades and and Souta came and slash it on the legs and collapse.

Tazusa rush to the Magitek Armor, the claws slice to Tazusa but she dodge, via its momentum and slash it on the legs of its machine.

And Hayate slash the one of leg of the machine and Makoto shoot on the other leg and it collapse.

"Get out of here, they will explode in few seconds!" Hikaru cried as he dematerialize his Sword of the Tall into thin air.

And they run away then it blows. Then then Riri and the others went back to fight, Then the 2 Armored Assasin and 2 Armored Axeman rush them behind Hikaru and ready to slash him behind while he's not knowing.

"Hikaru watch out!" Riri yelled.

Then he waiting to the chance to get hit but Hikaru glow in blue aura and he dodge the attacks, the glow was gone and summoning the Blade of the Mystic, slash the blade into the Magitek soldiers.

Riri and her friend were shock that he can phase through attacks.

"Awesome!" Mai amazed.

"What is that aura that he can dodge so quickly?" Shenlin asked.

"Hey, no time for that, help us now." Souta said while clashing their blades to the Armored Assasin and he slash it.

"Right, Let's help them." Riri commanded them and they charge to the Magitek soldiers.

And Makoto reload his pistol quickly and shoot the 6 Imperial Riflemen.

Hikaru manage slash the three Magitek Bannerman, and throw it to the Imperial Rifleman and warp as the blade poke into his chest and he step to its head, and jump up to mid air, let him summon the Star of the Rogue.

"Okay, here I go!" Hikaru cried as he throw the weapon and slicing through 10 Imperial Riflemen, then in unexpected the throwing star it will go to the Omnidroid.

"Wait, it will go the Huge." Yuyu said.

"His weapons is no effect against Huge-" Kaede was cut off as the Star of the Rogue made a direct contact on it and...

It slice off through the Huge with a burst of blue secretion of the Huge and it disappear and fall down dead, Riri and the others were surprised of what Hikaru did to the Huge. His weapons that he wield is powerful and different than Charm.

The 13 Royal Arms and his Ultima Blade are enhanced and more powerful enough to kill Huge.

'Whoa! I can believe that my weapons is enough to kill Huge.' Hikaru thought as he summon the Star of the Rogue and take a look.

"Amazing..." Riri said leaving her mouth wide open.

"Impossible..." Kaede said and her tone was that she can't believe it.

"His weapons are effective against Huge!" Yuyu said with a shocking tone.

"Guys! Let's finish this!" Hikaru said as he vanish the throwing star and pull the Sword of the Wanderer out of thin air and split it into two like dual sword.

"Hai!" They answered and they ready their weapons and CHARM for Lilies.

Hikaru, Makoto, Hayate and Souta rush to the remaining Armored Assasins and Armored Axemen, then Hikaru teleport between left to right and slash the four Armored Assasin.

Makoto switch to the Noiseblaster from thin air...

And shoot some powerful shockwaves that blown away the Armored soldiers and the Lilies turn their CHARMs into gun mode and shoot the remaining Imperial Riflemens.

And the remaining is two Omnidroids.

"Okay, we take one. You girls take the other Huge."

"Hai!" Riri then I take Makoto, Hayate, and Souta.

The Omnidroid attack Riri and Kaede but block by Yujia and Shelin. Then Riri and Yuyu slash it, the Huge screaming in pain and finish it with Fumi and Miriam, then dead.

In the other side Hikaru summon his Mace of the Fierce. And its legs turn to whip and spin it Hikaru block it, and Makoto shoot the Huge, leaving a big crater with spurt of its blood. And Hayate pull his Drain Lance...

He jump at it and pierce it into Omnidroid with a burst of its blue blood, and it cried out of pain and Souta cried out and

"Try this on for size!" Souta slash it in a half.

"Dead Meat!" Hikaru jump in the high air and finished it with a heavy smash that gave a massive shockwave that blows everyone nearby including Lilies. Until the smoke is cleared...

"Noct, that was reckless stunt that you pulled." Hayate scolded.

"You must be careful when you use that Mace." Souta scolded.

"Sorry." Hikaru apologize.

-Hikaru's Pov-

"Amaya-san." I heard a killing intent voice and suddenly I felt some shivering in my body. When I turn my back.

"THAT WAS A MOST INSANE ATTACK WHAT YOU DID AND WE ALMOST DIED BY THAT BLOW!!!" Kaede yelled at me, she was so angry and I cover my ears.

"SORRY! I CAN'T STOP!" I yelled her back, then she calmed down, "I'm sorry girls if I hurt you with that impact. I know you girls can forgive me at this." Then I bowed deeply for that.

" are amazing Amaya-san. There is no need for apologize." Kaede said with a smile and I held up high.

"I didn't know that you are a member of the Japanese Kingsglaives Army." Yuyu said.

"No, even for my friends were not." I retorted and I look my friends and nodded to Lilies.

"But how did pull your weapons out of thin air. You are guys supposed to be a member of Japanese Kingsglaives Army." Tazusa said.

"We are still train by our homeroom teacher that he was a member of Japanese Kingsglaives Army and Mana Baa-san was a member of the army too. I got my weapons back when I was 15 and mastering on it in a month." I answered to them.

"A month?! You are kidding me!" Tazusa said.

"Yeah, really." I answer it.

"Hikaru-kun!" Riri run into me and embrace me in a tight hug and crying on my coat.

"EEEEEEEEHHH!!!" The Lilies were shocked and blushed, but Yuyu was slightly blushed.

"Riri." I wonder what she would cry about.

"I was so worried! I thought that you died when those cyborgs shot you. So please don't scare me again like that!" Her tears was uncontrollable and she got worry back when the Riflemen firing on me.

"Sorry Riri, my bad."This is the first time I ever seen a childhood friend got crying when she was worry about me. Makoto look at the sky and...

"Guys Look!" Makoto pointing something in the sky and we take a look. We shocked when we saw a large number of Stromburgh Empire's Assault Crafts there are 5 of them.

"Looks like the empire is headed in northwest and try to conquer that building."

"It's heading to Yurigaoka Girls Academy!" Riri said fearing that there are many students here in this academy and they didn't know about what enemy that would face.

"Come on, let's go to the school. Amaya-san you guys come with us for our aid." Yuyu suggested.

"My pleasure. Come on guys let's go." I said to them.

"Right." They agreed and were on our way into the school as fast as we can.

-To be continued-

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