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AN: I should explain a few things that I will not get to show in the story; first is that Inko is dead she died a few months after Izuku was revealed to be quirkless, second is that his father still cares for him but got his job much earlier and is now unable to leave said job, third is that Katsuki is noticeably nicer and doesn't care at all that Izuku is quirkless this will cause some things to happen in the future, finally Izuku is just extremely smart a fact that leads him to pretty complex thinking that he shouldn't be able to do but it's not a quirk like one would assume it is something that will be revealed much much later.

"Useless Deku your the reason your mother's dead!" Izuku cowered and whined pitifully at the bully's harsh words. It was only a few days after his mother's death and it seems the entire block suddenly all knew the quirkless boy's mother was dead.

"You should just die in A ditch somewhere Deku at least you won't be A useless waste of space anymore." With those words the bully left him to his thoughts not touching him in fear of Katsuki, Izuku's only friend somehow knowing. As he sat there a part of Izuku wondered why someone hadn't taken him away, such as social services or his father, at least he wouldn't have to deal with this everyday, but no social services pretty much ignores his existence they came over once and did nothing, while his father seems to be chained to his job sure he talks to him every week on the phone and sends him everything he needs to stay in the house but he can't come take care of him, and Izuku is fairly sure his job is something less than legal. And while Mitsuki makes sure he's fed she never really pays attention to him or Katsuki, her own son.

Katsuki's really the only thing in his life that is stable and even then he has to attend things his mother forces him into so he's not around as often as they both would like. So Izuku often spends time wandering anytime he's not in school. Today he ended up at a beach filled with trash someplace he ends up in often cause he's built up a fondness for tinkering with things an now has a collection of random gadgets in his house.

But today he found a strange golden plushie in a broken safe. It looked like a simple bear Plushie with big eyes and a hat with a bowtie but there was something strange about it Izuku just couldn't put his finger on just yet, other than the fact it was somehow spotless. Practically bursting with curiosity he tucked it in his backpack and continued scavenging.

After few minutes and finding about five old phones he started heading back home due to his insatiable curiosity starting to nag him. He of course ended up running into a few bullies this time getting beat up as they were the few that didn't worry about Katsuki other than the fact he will 100% go after him later.

"What's with this creepy bear, Deku trying to replace real people with stuffed animals, tch weakling." A sudden protective urge caused him to glare up at the bully from his face planted him the floor but the bully wasn't paying attention too busy trying to tear apart the Plushie that wouldn't rip. The other two bullies were also staring at this strange phenomenon.

"What is this thing made out of?" The bully then threw the Plushie down on the concrete with a metallic clang. The bullies stare blankly at something that is clearly fabric making an metallic clang. The bullies become uneasy and start to leave without so much a word. Izuku gets up wobbly and cuddles the Plushie to his chest. He felt only softness and none of the metallic-ness the sound the Plushie made would suggest.

His curiosity had only grew and he started rushing the last few blocks home. With excitement he rushed into the room he started calling his lab without so much a glance at his thankfully minor injuries. He set the Plushie down on a table and observed it for a few minutes.

He noticed it actually had teeth something he didn't notice earlier so no wonder the bullies found it creepy, though it still looked cute to him despite the sharp set of fangs it had. It also had deep purple eyes that Izuku thought were rather pretty and also seemed to stare into his soul but he ignored that fact due to curiosity. He turned around the Plushie in his hands to find anything else that was strange but didn't find anything of interest.

So he grabbed one of his tools and pried the mouth open. It soon became clear this was actually a small robot rather than a Plushie and his excitement went through the roof already thinking of robot hero sidekicks to his hopeful hero career based off of this.

He then notices a small blinking device inside and carefully takes it out. Right before his eyes the Plushie turned metallic and he stares at both the device and the small device in his hand. He decides to look at the device first and puts it under a microscope to find only a trademark labelled Afton Robotics.

Izuku had never heard of Afton in his life and he should know given how many support and electronic related stuff he reads in addition to everything hero related, which is to say he very much knows every big company specializing in robotics currently and he has certainly not seen anything like the robot bear that was currently on his table. With that in mind he decides to leave pretty much dissecting the robot later and start researching Afton.

AN: I'll end it here for today before this chapter causes me to stay up all night but I wanted to post something today so that's why I'm posting this now. Also my cat scared me while writing this lol clearly I've been watching too much about FNAF on YouTube. Anyways hope you enjoy and maybe some people will leave some theories in the comments about how this will go... Also clearly watching too much Game Theory heh. I kinda wanted to have the story pretty vague but we'll see how that goes.

AN2: The picture I used for the fic is making me have a specific thought let me know what you think that is.

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