10- Nyssa

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This chapter is dedicated to @XxJustKatiexX for guessing who the POV will be next. Were you guys surprised huh? Leave a comment and tell me how you feel about this POV. Are you excited? Nervous? Curious? Let me know!

Nyssa stormed into the forge.

"Today is the day guys!" She yelled. "The new monster-free phone 2.0 is in full effect! Shane, get the anvil! Christopher, ready the furnace! Jake Mason! You...you just sit there."

The sound of gears and the clanking of metal soon was louder than the yelling in the room, and their was a lot of yelling.

"Hey Shane!" Andy yelled. "Pass me the screwdriver!"

A screwdriver flew into the air and was caught by Andy.

"Hey Marial! Where's that monkey wrench I asked for 20 minutes ago?" Someone yelled from the far left of the forge.

"I gave it to you already!" Someone who must have been Marial yelled.

"You gave it to Patrick instead of me!"

"Well sor-ry!" Marial yelled.

Nyssa rolled my eyes. Boys are so uncivilized, and she should know, she was the only daughter of Hephaestus.

When Nyssa found out that Leo was a son of Hephaestus, she hoped that he was a girl, she was wrong. But, she warmed up to him, he was different. Yes, Nyssa was aware she warmed up to him.

"GET DOWN!" Someone yelled.

Nyssa snapped back to the present and ducked down and covered her head as a phone exploded.

"Leo," Nyssa whispered to herself. "Please not be dead so you can get your butt down here and fix this curse."

Nyssa stood up. "It's okay guys! Um...okay we are all done for the day, so now everyone can go back to the cabin and probably do things with explosives."

Normally the cabin would of cheered, but lately everyone has been really sad. The curse is really getting to everyone. Hephaestus kids can't go very long without building, so when things go wrong with their machines, well, it kind of breaks their hearts.

Nyssa tries to cheer the cabin up with jokes and encouraging words, but stuff like that doesn't come naturally to her, it doesn't come naturally to many Hephaestus children. That's why Nyssa had a strange feel towards Leo.

He came in so happy and outgoing. Nyssa found it strange, especially since most Hephaestus campers were dark and broken inside from years of heartbreak. Some of us had been through so many horrible things, they began to trust machines more than people.

Nyssa went through that stage before. She promised herself she would never let her go through that again.

Nyssa stayed behind in the forge while everyone ran to the cabin.

She gazed at the blueprints for a machine that could pin point Leo Valdez's location, she's been working on it ever since the battle of Half-Blood hill.

Finding Leo was her top priority, she had a feeling in her gut that he was the solution to fixing the curse. Maybe it was his fire-bending, or his attitude, or maybe it was his ability with machines, Nyssa didn't know, but what she did know was he would help solve the curse.

She picked up a nearby backsaw and ran her fingers along the teeth.

"Can't stay away from your work can you?" A voice said.

Nyssa turned around, setting the saw on a wooden table.

Nyssa faced a centaur, with long, brown hair and a white, stallion body: Chiron.

"The forge is where I came from," she said running her hands along the stone walls.

"I can feel that your stressed," Chiron said.

"I don't know, all I feel is I need to find Leo," Nyssa said. "I've been working on some blueprints to find him. None of them are possible."

"I see a great hero in you Nyssa," Chiron said. "Maybe not a front line combat fighter, but the ones towards the back, firing the deadly weapons."

"Thanks Chiron. But I don't need anymore wars," Nyssa said.

Chiron nodded. "Believe me, none of us do."

I stifled a laugh.

"How are you doing on building Olympus?" Chiron asked.

Nyssa's jaw instantly dropped. "I...I totally forgot...oh my god...I forgot I was building the home of the gods..." She said.

"It's not your fault," Chiron said.

"What?" Nyssa asked furrowing your eyebrows.

"How many blueprints did Annabeth give you?" Chiron said.

Nyssa furrowed her eyebrows more. "None, she gave me no plans in building Olympus."

"Annabeth has been very busy the past couple of weeks. I think you should go talk to her, figure out some plans for Olympus," Chiron said with a wink. "She's over there." Chiron pointed to the canoe lake.

When Nyssa squinted, she saw a small, blonde teenager sitting at the edge of the lake, just gazing at the water.

"Okay thanks Chiron," Nyssa said.


Nyssa took off down the hill towards the canoe lake.

She pushed passed fellow campers and kept my eyes on Annabeth.

"Whoa Nyssa," someone said. "What's going on?"

"Is something going to explode?" Another person asked.

"Should I ready the marshmallow cannon?" Someone else asked.

Nyssa just ignored them all.

When she got threw the crowd, no one was between Annabeth and her.

"Hey Annabeth," Nyssa said. "We need to talk about something."

"What is it?" Annabeth asked, still gazing out at the lake surface.

Nyssa walked over and sat down next to her.

"Olympus still isn't built yet. We need to act soon," Nyssa said.

"Nyssa," Annabeth said. "I can't jump into one project to the next."

"I know, I know," Nyssa said sighing. "Saving the world can really drain you."

"Nyssa," Annabeth said. "You don't get it. I can't even look at myself anymore without bringing back memories of Tartarus and the battles I've faced."

There was a moment of silence between them.

"Listen, your in a slump, you need to do something. Stop staring at the lake and...and we'll do something together. Let's like read literature and talk about Albert Einstein or whatever you Athena kids do," Nyssa said trying to cheer Annabeth up.

"No," Annabeth said.

"No? but Annabeth, it will be so much fun! Kind of...You need to get your mind-"

"No!" Annabeth yelled. Her breathing was heavy and she began to cry.

Tears streamed down her cheeks. "When I look at you," she said. "I see Leo."

My chest felt heavy, like it was filling up with water. "Listen, I know Leo was amazing and he's in a better place now, he's in Elysium."

"You don't get it," Annabeth said. "You spent a couple days with Leo. I spent over a week with him 24/7. He was one of the most amazing demigods I know."

Tears began to roll down Nyssa's cheeks.

"Your right," she said. "I don't get it. I'll just let you be."

Nyssa began to get up, but Annabeth grabbed her arm.

"Sit down," she said. "I need to feel comfort."

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