25- Frank

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To Frank, sleeping in a tent along the Texas border, was paradise. Well, until the giant scorpions showed up.

This was probably the first time in days, weeks, Frank could fully settle down. Even after the war Frank couldn't relax, his mind was still processing everything that had happened. The war, Octavian, Piper and her charmspeak, Jason flying and...Leo.

Frank heart suddenly weighed him down like an anvil. Frank didn't have the best relationship with Leo because of their "gifts."

But, over time, Leo grew on to Frank, and he was a pretty good guy to have around when something went terribly wrong.

"We should probably spend the night here," Reyna said chewing a sandwich that she found in her backpack. "Then we should head out in the morning."

Hazel bent over, her golden eyes glowed orange in front of the fire. She blew the fire out, leaving Frank shivering.

The mooned shined directly above them. It must be pretty close to midnight.

Yet, cars still whizzed by on the highway. No one paid any attention to the demigods.

Let's get to bed," Reyna said as she climbed into her tent.

Frank nodded. He found his small blue tent behind him and crawled inside. He zipped up his hatch and laid in the darkness.

The tent had only one small blanket and a lamp inside. Frank picked up the blanket and laid it on top of him. He curled up into a ball, trying to get warm.

It had to be at least -2 degrees in the camping object. Isn't Texas supposed to be warm?

Frank's eyes slowly got heavier and heavier. His vision became blurry, it became harder and harder for him to open his eyes. But, suddenly, Frank heard a slight rumbling sound.

It slowly got louder until Frank realized, something was charging towards them.

Frank bolted out of his tent and ran to Reyna's and shook the outside.

"Frank?" Reyna yelled from inside. "What's going on?"

"I don't know," Frank said quickly. "But something is coming towards us.

"Well wake Hazel up," Reyna yelled unzipping her hatch.

Frank nodded and ran past the fire pit to where Hazel's tent was.

"Hazel! Wake up!"

"What?" Hazel said sleepily.

"Wake up, something is coming!"

Hazel quickly climbed out of her tent and grabbed her black spartha that was on a nearby rock.

In the distance Frank saw it, 3 gigantic scorpions, charging towards them, with stingers dripping with poison and teeth as sharp as knifes.

"Don't hold back," Reyna said grabbing her sword from her belt. "They're coming for us and they won't stop."

"Well what are we supposed to do?" Frank said. Panic sweat beaded on his forehead and in his palms.

Reyna's eyes suddenly widened.

"What?" Hazel asked nervously.

Frank looked ahead and suddenly understood Reyna's expression. They couldn't fight these monsters, they were charging to fast, the trio would be stampeded before they could even raise a sword.

They needed to run.

The three demigods turned around and was faced with a slight problem.

If they ran, they would have to go head first into a busy highway.

Sorry I didn't update last week, I wanted to write one awesome chapter for you guys because lately my chapters have been short :). Also, follow my cosplay Instagram- @damitsnyssa my goal is 600 by the end of march.

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