4- Annabeth

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Annabeth was hurt.

She had a broken ankle. Turns out, the ankle she broke when battling Arachne never fully healed. The brake turned into an infection and so here she was at the infirmary. Getting her ankle fixed.

She was glad Will was her medical help. She was still pretty beat up from the fight with Gaea, and when Percy wasn't with her, Will knew how to make her feel better.

"Make sure you keep holding that ice pack down on the red spot ok? I'll be right back, I just need to get some bandages," Will said. Then he left the room.

Annabeth rested the ice pack on her foot and laid down on her mattress. She chewed on a bit of ambrosia and sipped some nectar. A sweet taste filled her mouth of food that reminded her of home.

Will soon returned back into the room and removed the ice pack from Annabeth's foot.

"How is your ankle feeling?" He asked as he bent down and wrapped the bandages around her the ankle.

Annabeth shrugged.

"So it's ok?" Will said.

"Yes. Thank you Will," Annabeth said.

"Your welcome," he said. Then he cleared his throat.

"Well you should be walking again in about a week," Will said.

Annabeth nodded.

Will looked at his watch. He frowned. "Hey Annabeth?"

"Yes?" Annabeth answered.

"I need to go somewhere now. Are you okay with staying here without a doctor?"

"I should be fine," Annabeth said.

"Great," Will replied with a thumbs up. Will tied a knot in the bandages and grabbed the icepack.

He stood up and walked out the door once again. Annabeth was alone for the second time.

She lied down and rested her head on a pillow. Then closed her eyes and fell into a nice, peaceful deep sleep. Of course she was wrong.

Annabeth woke up on a cold, stone floor. Walls crowded her, she could barely move around.

The ground she was sitting on was damp. Water dripped down the walls.

She looked up. The stone walls towered over her. The bright sunlight that shone above barely got to the bottom.

Annabeth suddenly realized she was at the bottom of a well.

A spider crawled over her hand, Annabeth shrieked and swatted at it. She stomped on the spider with the bottom of her shoe.

Unfortunately, the spider was on top of her hand. She just stomped on her hand. It was red and throbbed with pain.

Annabeth rested her head and back on the cold wall. She needed to relax. Her heart was pounding so fast she couldn't even hear the pause between beats.

Then Annabeth heard scraping sounds.

Scrape, scrape, scrape. Scrape, scrape, scrape.

The sound echoed through the well. The noise sounded like nails on a chalkboard, but less irritating.

"Hello?" Annabeth called out.

Oh great thinking Annabeth, the thing who put her down here is just going to pop out with lollipops in it's hands yelling "here I am! And take some lollipops too!"

The scraping noise started up again. Scrape, scrape, scrape. Scrape, scrape, scrape.

Annabeth wobbly stood up, a sharp pain shoot up her leg and she collapsed to the ground. Her leg must have still been infected. All she could do was sit down like a helpless little creature.

Every part of Annabeth ached, especially her ankle and hand.

Daughter of Athena a voice boomed. You have done well.

That voice, Annabeth thought. It seemed so familiar to her.

I may have been defeated but you haven't seen the last of me.

Who was this voice? It sounded female and raspy. Annabeth's heart beated even faster than before.

Dreams will haunt you, terror will eat you in the night.You will experience the same pain you have caused us.

Annabeth felt like curling up into a ball. She was shaking all over. That voice made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.

Annabeth was getting afraid. What pain has she caused? Who was this voice talking to her? She knew she had heard it before, but she couldn't figure out who it was.

Forever and ever Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena.

Then the floor of the well opened up and Annabeth was swallowed by the earth.

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